



1、Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.1. Every meanstried but without much result.a. has bee nb. have bee nc. ared. is2. Therein this room.a. are too much furn itureb. is too many furn ituresc. are too much furnituresd. is too much furniture3. Neither Tom nor his brotherat home.a. isb. are

2、c. hasd. was4. All that can be done.a. has done b. has been done c. have doned. have been done5. Tom is the only one of the stall members whoto be promoted.a. is going b. are goingc. has bee n goingd. have bee n going6. the number of articles published on smokingamazing.a. isb. arec. wered. have bee

3、n7. A number of carsin front of the parka. is parked b. was parkedc. are parkedd. has parked8. There are several pretty girls sta nding un der the tree, butare known to me.a. n eitherb. nonec. no oned. all9. .It is one thing to enjoy liste ning to good music, but it is quiteto perform skillfullyyour

4、self.a. otherb. ano therc. somed. any10. I don ' t know whether small oranges are sweeter than big.a. thoseb. onesc. oned. that11. The boy isof a musicia n.a. anyoneb. anythingc. some oned. someth ing12. that dress whe n I first saw you at the stati on?a. Were you weari ngb. Have you wornc. Are

5、you weari ngd. do you wear13. Mr Wuto work by bus every day.a. has bee n traveli ngb. has traveledc. travelsd. is traveli ng14. Weon it for many hours, but we have not yet reached any con clusi on.a. are being workedb. are work ingc. have bee n work ingd. have bee n worked15. Shan ghaion the Huan gp

6、u River.a. sta ndb. sta ndsc. is being sta ndd. has stooda. have gone16. This is the first time the studentsto Hyde Park.b. have bee n gonec. have bee n goingd. are being gone17. We have sometimes accide nts on this line, but no accide ntssince last win ter.a. occurb. have occurred c. have been occu

7、rring d. are occurring18. The No.8 busto Chen gdu college of Geology, and not to Sichua n Uni versity.a. are gone b. is being gonec. goesd. are going19. As soon as Ithe tools, I shall begi n with the work.a. haveb. am hav ingc. have bee n hav ingd. have bee n had20. Every time heme, he is rude to me

8、.a. will seeb. seesc. is see ingd. is see n21. I started my teach ing career at the school. That was more tha n twenty years ago, and Ithere ever sin ce.a. wasb. had bee n22. Everythi ng on the earthall the time.a. is cha ngingc. has cha nged23.1 shall tell yo u what heat three oa. had doneb. would

9、doc. will bed. have beenb. is cha ngedd. has bee n cha nged'clock yesterday after noon.c. was doingd. had bee n done24. By the end of last year they1,000 machi nes.a. turned outb. had turned outc. would turn out25. He was sixty-eight. In two years hea. would beb. was26. whe n the bell rang.a. Ha

10、rdly would he reach schoolc.Hardly he reached school27. This is one of the best no vels that _a. appearsc. has appeared28. We had hardly sat dow n whe n she _d. had bee n turned out_ seve nty.c. had bee nd. was beingb. Hardly had he reached schoold. Hardly he was reach ing school this year.b. is app

11、eari ngd. have appeared_ plates of food for us.a. broughtb. has broughtc. had broughtd. was bringing29. By the time the course ends,a lot about Brita in.a. we ' ll learntb. we are learningc. we have learntd. we ' II have learnt30. work has to be done before the pla nt goes into operati on.A.

12、 MuchB. DoubleC. A nu mber ofD. NeitherA. There was no one B. there were none C. there were no ones D. was none32. The little boywe thought was lost was found in a storage room.A. whoB. thatC. whomD. whose33. The remai ns of Shakespeareburied on Stratford-on-Avon now.A. isB. areC. wasD. were34. Not

13、only I but also my sister and my brotherfond of play ing tennis.A. amB. isC. areD. was35. Peoplealways felt the n eed to express themselves through the moveme nt.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are36. What caused the accide nt and who was resp on sible for ita mystery to us.A. remai nsB. remainC. remai ning37.

14、 Four hoursnot eno ugh for us to finish the task.A. areB. hasC. is38. Tomhis breakfast whe n the morning post came.A. hadB. has bee n hav ingC. are havi ngD. was havi ng39. Un til the n, his motherfrom him for two mon ths.A. didn ' t hear B. hasn ' t been hearinC. hasn ' t heard40. It sa

15、bout timeon something.A. I ' d decideB. I decidedC. I decideD. to remainD. wereD. hadn ' t heardD. I m deciding41. AIDS is saidthe number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years inthat regi on.A. bei ngB. to beC. to have beenD. havi ng bee n42. I n ever regrettedthe offer, f

16、or it was not where my in terest lay.A. n ot to acceptB. not have acceptedC. hav ing not accepted D. not accepting43. The dictio nary I bought yesterdayme ten dollars.A. is costB. costC. was costD. have bee n cost44. That was not the first time heus. I think it is high time westro ng actions aga ins

17、t him.A. betrayed, takeB. had betrayed, tookB. has betrayed, tookD. has betrayed, take45. This foreign scientistin our college for fifteen years and does not want to leave.A. workedB. is worki ngC. worksD. has bee n work ing46. of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last ni ght.A.

18、NoneB. BothC. NeitherD. All47. No agreeme nt was reached in the discussi on as n either side would give way toA. the otherB. any otherC. ano therD. other48. stude nt with a little com mon sense should be able to an swer the questi on.A. EachB. AnyC. EitherD. One49. I can ' -gtor one thing, I hav

19、e no money, andI have too much work.A. what ' s moreB. as wellC. for anotherD. in addition50. The beggar always asks for aof bread and a glass of beer.A. sect ionB. colu mnC. loafD. part54. The policema n is in vestigati ng theabout the traffic accide nt.A. passer-byB. passers-byC. passer-bys D.

20、 passers-bys51. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot, themovie could not hold our atte nti on.A. three-hoursB. three-hourC. three-hours ' S. three-hour ' s52. I walked too much yesterday andare still aching now.A. my leg ' s musclesB. my muscles of legC. my leg musclesD. my muscles of the leg53. It is reported thatadopted childre n want to know who their n atural pare nts are.A. the mostB. most ofC. mostD. t


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