已閱讀5頁,還剩24頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、1、At the information Desk 在問訊處 Check-in (C= Clerk of the Airline 航空公司辦事人員 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王領(lǐng)隊)  C: Good morning, Miss. Can I help you? 早上好,小姐。我能幫你嗎?Q: Yes, I want to know where I can check in for flights to America? 是的,我想知道我在哪里可以辦理飛美國的航班嗎?C: You j

2、ust go this way, straight ahead. Area G is the place for flights to America. 你沿著這條路直走。G區(qū)是辦理美國航班的地方。Q: I see. 我看到。C: And if you dont have luggage to check in, you can only find Common-use Self-service check-in Kiosks for International Passengers which can Save you much time and is also very convenien

3、t. 如果你沒有行李要托運,你可以直接去國際自助值機停(這樣可以為你節(jié)省很多時間,也很方便。)Q: Thank you. But Im the tour leader. You know 謝謝你。但我是領(lǐng)隊。你知道的C: Oh, in that case, you can go to group check-in counter with your group. Usually it is the first counter in the row. By the way, can I know Your flight No.? 哦,那樣的話,你可以去與你的團隊柜臺辦理登機手續(xù)。通常是在該行的第

4、一個柜臺。順便問一下,我可以知道你的航班號嗎?Q: Its MU571 to Hawaii. 這是中國東方航空公司571飛往夏威夷。C: Oh, its almost time. Have a nice trip! 哦,時間差不多了。祝你有一個愉快的旅行!Q: Thank you very much. 非常感謝你。C: You are welcome. 不用謝!2、 Boarding Gate 登記口 (C= Clerk of the Airline 航空公司辦事人員Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小

5、王領(lǐng)隊)  Q: Excuse me. Can you help me? 打擾您了,您能幫我一個忙嗎?C: Yes, Miss. 可以,小姐。Q: Im Xiao Wang, a tour leader from Zhejiang China Youth Traval Service. Can you tell me the boarding gate for UA 896 to Chicago? 我是小王,是一名來自浙江中青旅的領(lǐng)隊。您能告訴我美國聯(lián)合航空公司896航班飛往芝加哥的登機口嗎?C: Could you show me your boarding pass, pleas

6、e? 您能出示您的登機牌嗎?Q: Here you are. 給您。C: UA 896 takes off from Singapore Changi International Airprot and will land at OHare international Airprot. The boarding gate is 61. Just go along this way,please.美國聯(lián)合航空公司896航班從新加坡樟宜國際機場起飛,將在奧黑爾國際機場的降落。您的登機口是61。請沿著這條路走。Q: Thank you. Do you know when well arrive in

7、 Chicago? 謝謝。那你知道我們什么時候能到達(dá)芝加哥?C: It is 12:45. Est is 12:35. 這是12:45分,美國東部標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時間是12:35分。Q: Thank you. 謝謝!C: You are welcome 不用謝!3、 Group Check-in 團隊辦理 (C= Clerk of the Airline 航空公司辦事人員Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王領(lǐng)隊)  Q: Excuse me. Is this the counter for group

8、check-in to Canada? 對不起,請問這個柜臺是團隊辦理飛往加拿大的嗎?C: Yes. Are you a tour leader? 是的,您是領(lǐng)隊嗎?Q: Year, Im tour leader Xiao Wang from Zhejiang China Youth Traval Service. We are a group of 32 people. Our Flight No. is AC026 to Vancouver. 是的,我是來自浙江中青旅的領(lǐng)隊小王。我們團隊總共32人,我們的航班號是加拿大航空公司026飛往溫哥華。C: OK. Can I have your

9、tickets and passports, please? 好的,我可以看一下您的機票和護照嗎?Q: Sure. Here you are. 當(dāng)然可以。給你。C: How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in? 您有多少件行李要辦理托運?Q: Twenty five pieces all together. 總共25件。C: Here are your tickets, passports and boarding passes. Your luggage claim tags are Attached to tickets. Y

10、our plane will take off at 15:55 pm and it will land in Vancouver the next day at 11:55 am local time. 這是您的機票,護照和登機牌;您的行李標(biāo)簽都貼在機票上了,您乘坐的飛機將在15點55分起飛,然后在第二天的上午11點55分抵達(dá)溫哥華。Q: Thank you. 謝謝!C: Youre welcome. 不用謝。4、Luggage Check-in 行李辦理 (C= Clerk of the Airline 航空公司辦事人員 Q=Xiao wang,th

11、e tour Leader 小王領(lǐng)隊)  C: Good afternoon, Miss. Can I help you? 中午好,小姐,我能幫你忙嗎?Q: Good afternoon. We are a tour group heading to Melbourne. Our Flight No. is QF342 departing at 20:15. Can we check in nou? 中午好。我們是一個旅游團前往墨爾本。我們乘坐的是澳洲航空342航班將在20:15分離開,我們能辦理了嗎?C: Yes. Its 18:00 now. Can

12、 I have your tickets and passports please? 是的?,F(xiàn)在是18:00。請您出示一下您的機票和護照可以嗎?Q: Here you are. 給。C: Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in? 您有行李要辦理托運嗎?Q: Yes, Here are 6 bags. Hope they are not overweight. Bay the way, whats the free baggage allowance to Australia? 是的,這里是6個包。希望它們不要超重。順便問一下,澳大利亞的免費行

13、李限額是多少?C: Its 23 kilos at the most. Is this brown suitcase yours? Its kilos over. 最多23公斤。這個棕色的箱子是你的嗎?已經(jīng)超重了。Q: Yes, its mine. What shall I do then? 是的,這是我的。那我該怎么做呢?C: You have to pay the money for the extra weight or you can take some items out from the bag. 你可以為超重行李付錢或者從你的包里拿一些東西出來。Q: OK。 Ill choose

14、 the latter. Anyway, I only have one small shoulder bag. I can take one more handbag on board, cant I? 好的。我選擇后者。這樣的話,我只有一個小肩包。我可以帶一個手提包上飛機,可以嗎?C: Yes, Miss. And do you have any special requirement for seats? Do you want window seats or aisle seats? 好的,小姐。那你對座位有特殊要求嗎?您想要靠窗的座位還是過道的座位?Q: Two windows se

15、ats for children to enjoy the view. 2個靠窗的座位可以讓小孩看到風(fēng)景。C: Alright. Here are your baggage claim tags, boarding passes and passports. 好的。這是您的行李領(lǐng)取證,登機牌和護照。Q: Thank you. What is the boarding time? And what is the boarding gate? 謝謝。登機時間是什么時候?還有登機口在幾號?C: Usually 30 minutes before the plane takes off. The Bo

16、arding Gate is B12. 通常是在起飛前的30分鐘。登機口在B12.Q: I see. Thank you very much. 我看到了。謝謝。C: Have a good trip! 祝您有個愉快的旅途!5、Transfer 轉(zhuǎn)機 (C= Clerk of the Airline 航空公司辦事人員 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王領(lǐng)隊)  Q: Excuse me. We are to transfer to Flight KLM791 to Sao Paulo. Ca

17、n you help me?打擾一下。我們將乘坐荷蘭皇家航空公司的791航班轉(zhuǎn)機去圣保羅。你能幫我嗎?C: Yes. May I have your tickets? 是的。請給我您的機票。Q: Here are 10 tickets for me and three families. Can we have our seats as close to each other as possible? Or can a family have their seats together at least? You know kids should be taken care of by thei

18、r parents.這是我和3個家庭的10張機票??梢园盐覀兊淖槐M可能的靠在一起嗎?或者至少有一個家庭的座位在一起。你知道這樣孩子可以被父母照看好。C: Ill try my best, but I cannot promise anything because this is a connecting flight and the aircrafe is quiet full now. I can only give you seats which are available.我會盡力,但我不能保證因為這是個轉(zhuǎn)機航班,飛機座位已經(jīng)滿了,我只能給你安排空的座位。Q: OK. Its acce

19、pted. 好的,我接受。C: Here are you tickets and boarding passes. I have given you seats as close together As possible. The departure time is 09:55, Gate E3. 給你機票和登機牌。我已經(jīng)給你的座位盡可能的靠近。您的起飛時間是09:55,登機口E3。Q: Could you tell me the way to Departure Gate E3? 您能告訴我哪條路是通往登機口E3的?C: Take the escalator down to the next

20、 floor, get on the travelator to the departure area, and then you will easily find Gate E3. You may wait in the departure lounge for boarding as there is not much time left.乘自動扶梯到下一層,上自動人行道到出發(fā)廳,然后你會很容易找到登機口E3。你可以在候機廳等待,因為沒有多少時間就要登機了。Q: Thank you. 謝謝!C: Not at all. Goodbye. 不用謝,再見。Q: Bye.再見。6、Immigra

21、tion Formalities 辦理入境手續(xù) (I= Immigration officer 移民官   Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王領(lǐng)隊) Q: Hi,ereryone. Were now at LAX. Please be gathered together to see if the family members have all arrived. Let me check the number of people. One, two, three OK, Everyone is here. Let go

22、. We shall go non-resident channel. Please follow me. Only those who have immigration visa or PR Card go citizen channel. 嗨,大家好。我們現(xiàn)在在洛杉磯國際機場。請大家聚集在一起看看家庭成員是否都到了嗎?讓我清單人數(shù)。1,2,3,好,每個人都在這里。我們出發(fā),我們要去非移民通道。請跟我來,只有那些一名簽證和綠卡才可以走居民通道。I: Welcome to America. Good afternoon, Miss. May I see your passport, pleas

23、e? 中午好,女士,歡迎來到美國。請讓我看一下您的護照?Q: Sure. We are a group of 20 people and here are our passports. 好的。我們是一個20人的團隊,這是我們的護照。I: OK. Whats the purpose of your visit? On business or for pleasure? 好的。你們來訪的目的是什么?是商務(wù)呢還是觀光?Q: For pleasure. We are a tour group. Im the tour leader, Xiao Wang. 觀光。我們是旅游團,我是領(lǐng)隊,小王。I: Ho

24、w long will you stay in this country? 你在這個城市呆多久呢?Q: 14 days. 14天。I: What your schedule for the trip? 你們的行程安排是怎樣的?Q: Well visit the cities on west coast first such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and Las Vegas including Grand Canyon Colorado. Then we will fly to Niagara Falls Buffalo in the

25、east. Well stay there for one night. The next morning weve going to Washington,and New York by coach. 我們參觀的城市是第一西部海岸,如:洛杉磯,三藩市,圣地亞哥和拉斯維加斯還包括科羅拉多大峽谷。然后我們將飛往東部的尼亞加拉大瀑布。我們將在那里逗留一晚,第二天早上我們將去華盛頓和紐約訓(xùn)練。I: OK. Do you have return tickets to China? 好的。你有去中國的回程票嗎?Q: Yes, we have. Well go back to China from New

26、 York. 是的,我有。我們將從紐約回中國。I: Where do you intend to stay while in America? 那你打算住在美國嗎?Q: Hotels. Weve booked in advance. 酒店。我預(yù)先訂好了。I: How much currency does everyone have? 是否每個人都有貨幣呢?Q: We havent exceeded the limit which is 10000US dollars. 我們還沒有超過10000美元的限額。I: Everything is alright. Now please let your

27、 passengers take care of their passports and go through one by one according to the order of the name list. 一切都好了?,F(xiàn)在請讓你的客人拿著他們的護照根據(jù)名單順序一個一個的通過。Q: Yes. Shall I be the last one to pass? 好的,我可以最好一個通過嗎?I: As you like. 只要你喜歡。7、Luggage Claiming 提取行李 (C= Clerk of the Airline 航空公司辦事人員 Q=

28、Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王領(lǐng)隊) Q: Excuse me,sir. We are a tour group from Shanghai, China by AA182. Imthe tour leader, Xiao Wang. Could you please tell me where we can getour luggage? 先生,打擾一下。我們是來自中國上海的旅游團,乘坐美國航空公司182航班。我是領(lǐng)隊小王,你能告訴我哪里可以提取我們的行李?C: The luggage claim area is on the

29、 first floor. Please go downstairs by the escalator over there. 行李提取在一樓。您可以乘坐自動扶梯往下走。Q: Which carousel is for the luggage from Shanghai? 哪個轉(zhuǎn)盤是從上海來的行李?C: No.53. 第53。After Claiming Luggage 行李拿到后Q: Excuse me. Can you help me? 打擾一下,您能幫我忙嗎?C: Yes. Whats the problem? 可以。您有什么問題?Q: The suitcase of one of my

30、 group members is broken. A wheel is lost. Who should be responsible for this? Where can I go to report it? 我團隊中有位客人的行李箱破掉了,有個輪子弄丟了。誰可以為此事負(fù)責(zé)?我可以去哪里報告。C: Im sorry to hear that. You can go to the Luggage Inquiry for hele. 聽到這個消息我很難過。你可以去行李問訊處得到幫助。Q: Can they repair it right away? 他們能馬上修好它嗎?C: Yes, if

31、it is not a big problem. If the suitcase is irreparable, well either buy A new one to him or pay him cash with 10% annual depreciation. 是的。如果不是大問題,如果箱子不能修理的話,我們要么買個新的要么支付10%的年折舊費。Q: Thanks for your information. 謝謝您的信息。C: You are welcome. 不用謝。 8、Lost and Found 失物招領(lǐng)(C= Clerk at the lost and found失物招領(lǐng)員

32、 Q=Xiao wang ,the tour Leader 小王領(lǐng)隊 A=Xiao liu, a tourist 小劉,團友) Q: Excuse me. Is this Lost and Found? 打擾了,請問這里是失物招領(lǐng)處嗎?C: Yes. What can I do for you? 是的,請問我能為您做什么?Q: One of my tourists couldnt find his luggage. His name is Xiao Liu. 我的一個游客的行李找不到了,她的名字叫小劉。C: Im sorry to hear that.

33、Mr. Liu, please show me your ticket and luggage check. Then here are some pictures of different suitcases. Would you please indicate the one which is similar to yours? 聽到這個消息我很難過。劉先生,請出示您的機票和行李托運單。然后這邊有一些不同箱子的照片,您能指出一個和你相似的嗎?A: Let me have a look. My suitcase is a big black one made of leather just

34、like this. 讓我看一下。我的手提箱是一個皮革制成的大的黑箱子就像這個。C: Fine. What articles are in your suitcase? 好的。您的行李有哪些物品?A: A Video camera, two shirts, two pairs of trousers, a shaver kite and so on. 一個照相機,兩件衣服,兩套褲子,一把剃須刀等等。C: Yes, I see. As soon as I find your luggage, Ill contact you. May I have your address and telepho

35、ne number? 是的,我看到了。我一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)您的行李,我會通知您。您可以要你的地址和電話號碼嗎?A: Here are my cell phone number and the address of the hotel. 這是我的電話號碼和酒店地址。C: OK. Well notify you as soon as we have any progress. 好的。我們會盡快通知您如果我們有任何進(jìn)展。A: Sorry for giving you so much trouble. 很抱歉給你帶來這么多麻煩。C: Not trouble at all. By the way, its bet

36、ter not to put valuable things in the checked Baggage next time. 一點兒也不麻煩,順便說一下,下次不要把貴重物品辦理行李托運。A: I see. Thanks for your reminding. 我看到了,謝謝您的提醒。C: Keep in touch. 保持聯(lián)系。 9、Cosmetic Clearance 化妝品報關(guān) (C=Customs Inspector 海關(guān)檢查員 P=Passenger 乘客)P: Excuse me. Here is my Customs Declaration Form and heres my

37、passport. 打擾了。這是我的海關(guān)申報表和護照。C: Thank you. Do you have anything to declare? 謝謝。您有什么東西要申報的嗎?P: Im afraid not. 我恐怕不。C: Could you open your bag, please? What about this laptop? Is this for your own use or as a gift for your friend?請打開你的包可以嗎?這臺筆記本電腦呢?這是你自己使用呢還是作為禮物送給朋友呢?P: Its my. It is not gift. 這是我的,它不是

38、禮物。C: You have a bottle of perfume over 60ml and a bottle of cologne over 250ml in the bag.They are prohibited. Ill take them out.你有一瓶超過60毫升的香水和一瓶250毫升的古龍香水,他們是被禁止的。我把他們拿出了。P: What a pity. They are for me and my husband. 太可惜了。他們是我的和我老公的。C: You can have so much Tobacco and Alcohol in your bag. Let me

39、 count. Three cartons Of cigarettes and two bottles of liquor. Dont you know the duty-free allowance in Britain? 你的包里有那么多的煙草和酒精。讓我數(shù)一下。三條香煙和二瓶烈酒。你知道英國的免稅限額嗎?P: Im not so clear. 我不太清楚。C: The duty-free allowance in Britain is 200 cigarettes, one bottle of liquor and two bottles of wine. 在英國的免稅額度是200只香煙

40、,一瓶烈酒和二瓶葡萄酒。P: But these are only presents for my friends, not for business. 但這些都是我給朋友的禮物,不是用于商業(yè)。C: No difference. Please fill in the Customs Declaration Form truthfully and go to the Red Channel. 沒有什么區(qū)別。請如實填寫海關(guān)申報單和走紅色通道。P: Thank you. 謝謝! 10、Security Check 安檢 (S=Security Inspector 安全檢查員 T=Tourist 領(lǐng)隊

41、)S: Good morning. Welcome to Amsterdam Airport Schipol. This is for security check. Would you please put your watch, keys, mobile and all other metal articles into this tray? And if you have a laptop in your bag, would you please take it out and put it in another tray?早上好。歡迎來到阿姆斯特丹史基浦機場。這里是安檢。你愿意把你的

42、手表,鑰匙,手機和所有帶金屬的物品拿出來放到這個籃子里?如果你有一臺筆記本電腦在你的包里,請把它拿出來并放到另外一個籃子里。T: Sure. Shall I do this way? 可以。是這樣做嗎?S: Yes. Thatright. Then go into body scanner and stand still for 3 seconds, please. 是的,對的。然后請你走到人體掃描儀,站立3分鐘。T: Why do I have to do this? 為什么要這樣做呢?S: So make sure that no one takes any contraband such

43、 as drugs, arms and ammunitions. 這樣可以確保沒有人帶任何違禁物品,比如說:藥、武器和彈藥。T: I see. 我明白了。S: Sir. Please come over here. From the scanner, we find you have a bottle of facial cleanser over 100 ml in your bag, which is not allowed, Ill confiscate it. 先生,請過來這邊。我們從掃描儀里發(fā)現(xiàn)你的包里有一瓶超過100毫升的洗面奶,這是不允許帶的,我沒收了。T: What a pit

44、y. 太可惜了。S: Well, you can are in the clear now. Sorry to have bothered you. Please take your bag And other personal belongings at the other side. 好的,你現(xiàn)在可以過關(guān)了。很抱歉打擾你了。請拿走放在那邊的你的袋子和其他個人物品。T: Thank you. 謝謝。 11、Global Refund Cheque 退稅單 (S=Salesgirl Chanel shop 香奈兒店銷售員 T=Tourist 旅游者)S: Good morning. Miss.

45、 Welcome to Chanel. Can I help you? 早上好,女士,歡迎光臨香奈兒點,我能為您效勞嗎?T: Yes, I want to buy a Lasy Bag. Are you a tax free shop? 是的。我想買一個女士包。請問這里是免稅店嗎?S: Yes. What kind of bag do you want? 是的。您想買哪種款式的包?T: A bag for my mom who is over 50 years old. It should be bright color, middle-sized and fashionable. 這個包是給

46、我的媽媽,年齡超過50歲的,此包要求是顏色鮮艷,中型的和時尚的。S: Come this way, please. How about this one? Its one of the best sellers this year. The price is 2600 Euros. 請往這邊。這款包如何?這是今年最暢銷的包,價格是2600歐元。T: Very nice. Ill take it. Can I have a Global Refund Cheque, please? Im a tourist from China. 很漂亮。我要了。請給我一張退稅單,我是來自中國的旅游者。S: C

47、ertainly, Miss. May I have your passport, please? Ill write the Global Refund Cheque for you. 當(dāng)然可以,女士。請給我您的護照,我為你填寫退稅單。T: Thank you. Here you are. Bay the way, whats the tax refund rate in France? 謝謝。給你,順便問一下,法國的退稅額度是多少?S: Its 12%. 12%。T: Where can I get tax refund? 我在哪里可以退稅?S: When arriving at Pari

48、s Charles de Gaulle Airport, you can go to the Customs to have your receipt stamped or find a Pablo to do it yourself. But remember you have to do it on Pablo One, the blue one and Pablo Two, the red one. 當(dāng)?shù)竭_(dá)巴黎戴高樂國際機場,你可以去海關(guān)憑發(fā)票蓋章然后找到自助服務(wù)退稅機。但你要記住1號藍(lán)色自助退稅機和2號紅色自助退稅機。T: I see. Thanks for your detailed

49、 information. 我看到了,感謝你給我提供詳細(xì)的信息S: My pleasure. 這是我應(yīng)該的。 12、Cash Refund Counter 現(xiàn)金退稅柜臺 (C=Customs Official海關(guān)官員 T=Tourist 旅游者 O=Official at the Cash Refund 退稅官員)T: Excuse me. Id like to claim a tax refund. 打擾了,我想申請退稅。C: Certainly, Miss. May I have your passport, boarding pass and Global Refund Cheque,

50、please? 當(dāng)然可以,女士。請出示您的護照,登機牌和退稅單好?T: Yes. Here you are. 好的,給你。C: Would you please show me all goods youve bought? 請把你所有的物品出示一下。T: Sure. Its a mess. You can verify them with the receipt. 好的。這是一個爛攤子。你可以核實他們的發(fā)票。C: OK. Everything is fine. Its stamped Now please go to the Cash Refund Counter with the word

51、 “Travelex” to get your VAT back either in Euro or in other currency. 好的,一切都很好。這是蓋章請你現(xiàn)在去退稅柜臺與外匯兌換機構(gòu)換回的歐元或者其他貨幣得到你的增值稅T: I see. Thank you, sir. 我明白了,謝謝你,先生。 ( At the Cash Refund Counter) 在現(xiàn)在退稅柜臺T: Excuse me, sir. May I get the tax refund here, please? 打擾了,先生。請問這里可以辦退稅嗎?O: Certainly, Miss. Just show m

52、e your passport and the stamped Global Refund Cheque, please? 當(dāng)然可以,先生。請出示您的護照和蓋過章的退稅單。T: Sure. Here you are. 好的,給你。O: The total price is 4500 euros with 12% VAT. So youll get the refund of 540 Euros. How would you like to have it? Do you want to get it in cash now or would you like us to send it to

53、your credit account? 總價格是4500歐元,12%的增值稅,因此你可以得到540歐元的退款。你想怎么得到退款,是現(xiàn)在給你現(xiàn)金呢還是把它直接退到你的信用卡里。T: Cash, please. 現(xiàn)金,謝謝。O: Yes, Miss. And you have to pay 3 euros as commission. 好的,女士。然后你還要支付3歐元的手續(xù)費。T: No problem. 沒問題。O: Miss, here are your passport and 540 euros tax refund. Have a nice trip! 女士,這是你的護照和540歐元的

54、退稅金。祝您旅途愉快!T: Thank you very much. 非常感謝! 13、Flight Being Delayed 航班延誤(C=Clerk at the Airline Counter 航空公司柜臺職員 Q= The tour leader 領(lǐng)隊)Airport announcer: 機場廣播 Your attention, please. Flight JQ281 to Wellington will be delayed on account of big storm. 請注意了,飛往惠靈頓的捷星航空公司281航班由于大霧原因?qū)⒈谎诱`。Q: Excuse me. I jus

55、t heard the cnnouncement that our flight has been delayed. 打擾了,我剛聽到通知說我們的航班延誤了。C: May I have your flight number? 你能告訴我你的航班號嗎?Q: Flight JQ281 bound for Wellington. 飛往惠靈頓的捷星航空公司281航班。C: Yes. Because of the bad weather, the flight has to be postponed to take off for safety. 好的。但是由于惡劣的天氣,該航班不得不被推遲,要安全了才能起飛。Q: But when can we board on the plane? 那我們什么時候才能登機?C: We have no ideas now. 我們現(xiàn)在沒有想法。Q: My name is Xiao Wng from Zhejiang China Youth Travel Service. Im the tour leader of 15 members. 我是來自浙江中青旅的領(lǐng)隊小王,我們團隊總共15人。C: Oh, sorry for the inconvenience. With your boarding passes, ple


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