



1、 第一單元達(dá)標(biāo)練習(xí)題(一)1、 根據(jù)漢意或首字母完成單詞:1. I dont know the right p_of the word.2. Have you made c_with your partner?3. Please speak a_. I cant hear clearly.4. Lucy pays more _(關(guān)注)to the news.5. _(知識(shí))comes from questioning.6. Mothers are always_(耐心) with children.7. Do you know the _(秘訣)of success?8. I never st

2、udy g_. Its too boring.9. I like c_. Because I can be in the lab.10. Lucy studies hard and always take n_in class.11. I dont have a p_to practice with.12. She learns new words by r_them again and again.二、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:1.Do you learn English by _(watch)movies?2.Its too hard _(understand)the voice.3.Wh

3、at about _(read)the text aloud?4.They are studying the _(pronounce)of English.5.Never stop smiling, someone might _(愛上)your smile.6.Tom usually _(查閱)new words in a dictionary.7.She _(害怕)speak in the front of the class.8.You and your team can _(發(fā)現(xiàn))the answer to problems together.9.Her daughter learne

4、d English _(通過觀看)English videos.10.After _(have)dinner.Mr.Wang went out for a walk.11. Thank you for _(send)me a post card.12.It took me an hour _(finish) the work.13. Liu Mei learned English from an America teacher, So she has good _(pronounce)14. She looks _(worry),She cant get the pronunciation r

5、ight.15. You need to practice_(say)”th” in front of a mirror.16. Why dont you _(listen)to English songs and repeat the difficult words.17. I often make _(mistake)in grammar.18.This _film makes me feel _(枯燥的)。19.I _(記筆記)in my English class,but my brother doesnt.20.We should practice _(speak)English a

6、loud every morning.21.A good language _(learn)should have lots of practice.22. I think _(speak)English is more difficult than written English.23.Dont be afraid of _(make)mistakes when you speak English. 1 第一單元達(dá)標(biāo)練習(xí)題(二)一、根據(jù)句意及所給首字母提示,補(bǔ)全句中所缺單詞。1. Its better to read a _  than to read in s

7、ilence.2. This t  _has twenty lessons, and well finish learning them in two months.3. The teacher asked Mary to make up a s _ with the word “discover”.4. Is a mans normal walking s _ 4 miles an hour?5. The population of this town has i _  a lot in the past few

8、 years.6.Can you speak a_? I cant hear clearly.7.The nurse is very p_ to the people.8.Do you have a partner to practice c_ with?9.It improves my speaking s_. So I can speak much better now.10.Can you understand the e_ on his face ?11.I dont know the correct _發(fā)音of the world.12.Mr.Black is a teacher w

9、ith rich _知識(shí)。13.There are two_化學(xué) labs in my school.14.Research shows that _成功的 learners have some good habits in common.15.I learn Chinese by reading the_教材。16.Do you learn English by_(watch) English-language videos?17.Its too hard _(understand) the voice.18.What about _(read) the text aloud ?19.Hav

10、e you ever_(study) with a group ?20.I never study g_. Its too boring.22.He put on his coat and went away q_ _as soon as he heard the ring.23.I dont have a p_ to practice with.24.He doesnt know how to increase his reading s_.25.You need to practice_(say) “th” in front of a mirror.用所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:1.Why d

11、ont you _(listen) to English songs and repeat the difficult words.2.He has no a_in that kind of work.3.The population人口 of the world is i_ very fast.4.Lucy pays more _(關(guān)注) to the news.5.Do you know the s_(秘訣)of success ?6.A good language _(learn) should have lots of practice.7I'm so lucky to hav

12、e James as my _ _(搭檔)8John kept the _ _(秘密) from his parents.9You're sure to do better in the exam if you start to _(復(fù)習(xí)) the important points earlier.10Many of the students don't have much _(知識(shí)) of American history.11It's not polite to cut in others' _ _(談話)12.What about _ _(go) to t

13、he movies this evening? That's a good idea.13My brother learns English by _ _(read) English books.14Take risks,learn from mistakes,keep _ _(create),and never give up.15Can you get the _ (pronounce) right?16.The more you use your brain,the _ _(clever) you'll be.六. 完成句子(每小題1分,共5分) 根據(jù)漢語意思完成英語句子

14、,每空詞數(shù)不限。 1. 幾個(gè)月后,我愛上了這座城市。A few months later, I _ the city.2. 王明習(xí)慣看書時(shí)記筆記。Wang Ming is used to _ when reading.3. 如果你匆忙做事,你就會(huì)出錯(cuò)。Youll _ if you do things in a hurry.4. 要贏這場(chǎng)籃球比賽太難了。Its too hard _ the basketball match.5. 你在學(xué)習(xí)上花的時(shí)間越多,你的成績(jī)就會(huì)越好。_ you spend on your studies, the better grades you will get. 第二

15、單元達(dá)標(biāo)練習(xí)題(一)一、根據(jù)句意及所給首字母提示,補(bǔ)全句中所缺單詞。1. Look! What beautiful flowers in the g_!2. People celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival by _(欣賞)the moon.3.Mid-Autumn Festival is one of Chinese t_festivals.4.Jim is sad because his pet dog is d_.5.It was cold. They went out of room to enjoy the w_of the sun.6.Santa Claus

16、 _(播撒)love and joy everywhere he goes.7.I have a friend _(name)Jack.8.He decides _(change)his life.9. The old man treats everyone with_(kind)and _(warm).10.Scrooge only thinks about _(he).11.Mr.Brown has a small house with a beautiful g_.12. His uncle is a b_man. He has made much money.13. Dont spea

17、k to the s_on the way.14. -How heavy is this bag? -Its about 25p_.15. The thief was caught while he was s_.16. Im going to Jinan to visit my _(親戚)2、 用動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空: There are many traditional folk stories about Mid-Autumn festival. However,most people think that the story of Change is the most touching.

18、 Change was HouYis beautiful wife. After HouYi _(shoot)down the nine the nine suns, a goddess _(give)it to him magic medicine to thank him. And HouYi _(plan) to drink it with Change. Pangmeng _(try)to steal the medicine when HouYI was not home. Change _(refuse) to give it to him and _(drink) it all.

19、She _(become)very light and _(fly) up to the moon every night. One night ,he _(find)that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there . He quickly _(lay) out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. After this, people started the tradition of _(admire)the moon and sharing

20、 mooncakes with their families. 第二單元達(dá)標(biāo)練習(xí)題(二)一、根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示完成句子1. There are a lot of traditional f_ stories about this festival. 2. Do you want to have a look at the beautiful flowers in the g_? 3. The thief tried to s_ some things in the store.4. I want a beautiful t_ for my boyfriend.5. The girl&#

21、39;s favorite food is the _ (甜點(diǎn)). 6. Journey to the West is a famous n_.7. She works in the computer b_.8. You shouldn't p_ the boy, because he is a good student in our class. 9. I don't want to get a p_ from you, so you neednt buy me anything.10. They _ me not to arrive late.11. He never ta

22、lks to s_.12. Mary likes to eat fruits and _(甜點(diǎn))after lunch. 13. C_ is the day when people celebrate the birth of Christ. 14. She felt the _(溫暖)of his arms around her.【 :21·世紀(jì)·教育·網(wǎng)】15. What can I get him for a birthday p_?16. Tom often reads n_ at night. 17. My aunt is my closest r_. 18.She planted


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