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1、現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)一、概念現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)表示現(xiàn)在或現(xiàn)階段正在進行的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。二、基本構成be(am/is/are)v.ing I am reading a book now. 現(xiàn)在我正在讀一本書。1否定形式:be(am/is/are)notv.ingShe is not watching TV. 她沒在看電視。2一般疑問形式:Be(Am/Is/Are)主語v.ing?肯定回答:Yes, 主語be(am/is/are)否定回答:No, 主語am not/isn't/aren't.Are you playing soccer now? 現(xiàn)在你正在踢足球嗎? Yes, I am. 是

2、的,我在踢足球。三、動詞現(xiàn)在分詞的構成1直接在詞尾加ing。gogoing; dodoing; cookcooking; looklooking 2以不發(fā)音的字母e結尾的單詞,去掉e,再加ing。writewriting; drivedriving; skateskating; havehaving; rideriding; dancedancing 3以重讀閉音節(jié)結尾,且末尾只有一個輔音字母的單詞,先雙寫末尾的輔音字母,再加ing。swimswimming; runrunning; getgetting; putputting; sitsitting; setsetting4以ie結尾的詞,

3、變ie為y,再加ing。diedying; lielying; tietying 練習 一單項填空( )1.What _ Jim and Mike doing now?A. am B. is C. are D. /( )2.2016·永州What are you doing now? I _ to the music. Ais listening Bam listening Cwas listening ( )3.Who's your friend_? Her mother. Atalk Btalk to with Ctalking Dtalking with( )4.Lis

4、ten! A girl_ an English song. Asings Bis singing Csing Dto sing( )5.Is he_ a movie on TV? No,he's _ an email.Areading; writing Bseeing; writing Cseeing; watching Dlooking; reading( )6.What_ he_ now? He's reading. Adoes; do Bis; doing Chas; to do Dwas; do( )7.What is he doing? He _ his MP4. A

5、is listening Bis listening to Clistening Dlistening to( )8.Look at the photo. The boy _. Aswimming Bdoesn't swim Cswims Dis swimming( )9.It's seven o'clock. My father is _ a newspaper. Areading Blooking Creads Dlooks( )10. Is David playing computer games? _AYes, he is BNo, he is CYes, he

6、 does DNo, he doesn't( )11.What are your parents talking_? Ato Bat Cabout Dwith( )12.Wang Bin is _ a book. Li Tao is _ the blackboard.Areading; seeing Breading; looking at Cseeing; seeing Dseeing; looking at( )13.Mike and his classmates_ over there. Ais play Bis playing Care playing Dare play( )

7、14.Look! She is _ a book under the tree. Alooking Bwatching Cseeing Dreading( )15.Bill is talking _ the phone now.Aon Bin Cat Dto( )16.I want _ this novel now.Areading Bto reading Cread Dto read( )17.The boy isn't_ the teacher in class.Alisten Blistens Clistening Dlistening to ( )18.It's 8 o

8、'clock. Jim's family _ TV.Ais watching Bare watching Cwatch Dto watch( )19.Let me _ these books into the box.Aputs Bput Cto put Dputting( )20._ you _ the window? Yes, I am. ADo; clean BIs; cleaning CAre; cleaning DDo; cleaning( )21. My grandma isn't here now. She is _ a storybook in her

9、room. A. looking B. reading C. seeing D. watching ( )22.Where is Rose? She _ at the mall. Ashopping Bis shopping Cshops Dare shopping( )23.There is a _ pool near here. I often go there_. Aswim; swim Bswimming; swim Cswimming; to swim Dswimming; swimming( )24.Let's go swimming. _. I like swimming

10、 very much. ASounds good BSure, I'd love to CSorry DNo( )25.Keep quiet, children. Dad _ in the bedroom. OK, Mom. Asleep Bsleeps Cis sleeping Dis sleeps ( )26. Listen! My sister _ on the phone. A. talks B. to talk C. is talking D. talk ( )27._ the first photo, I _ at the mall.AOn; do shop BOn; sh

11、opping CIn; am do shop DIn; am shopping( )28. The girl wishes _ icecream, but her mother doesn't want her _ it. A. eating; to eat B. to eat; eating C. eating; eating D. to eat; to eat ( )29.Danny is living _ his grandmother. Afor Bto Cwith Din ( )30.Mary is playing with her cat and her brother _

12、 at the pool.Ais swimming Bswims Cswim Dto swim( )31.What _ Mary and Sara _? They are playing the guitar. Ado; do Bare; do Care; doing Ddoes; do( )32.Here _ two _ of my family. Ais; photo Bare; photos Care; photos Dis; photos( )33.2016·昆明Each couple in China can have two _ from January 1st, 201

13、6.Aboy Bgirl Cchildren Dchild( )34.My parents are _ races on TV in the living room.Awatching Bseeing Creading Dlooking at( )35. Her _ are watching TV now. A. house B. home C. family D. school( )36.2015·菏澤Hi, Wang Ning! How's the weather in Heze now? It is terrible. It _ all the morning. Ara

14、ins Bis raining Crained ( )37.2015·安徽 Cathy, can you answer the door? I _ the room. I'm coming, Mom.Aclean Bcleaned Chave cleaned Dam cleaning( )38.2015·威海 Listen! Someone _ the violin in the music room.Aplays Bplayed Cis playing( )93.Mom, someone _. Please pick up the phone.Ahas calle

15、d Bis calling Cwill call Dwas calling( )40.2015·蘇州Where is Joan? She _ a novel in her study.Ahas read Breads Cwill read Dis reading( )41.Look! Simon _ in the playground. Arun Bruns Cis running Drunning( )42. Hello, Betty! What are you doing now? I _ on the Great Wall of China. I'll send the

16、m to you later. A. will take pictures B. am taking pictures C. was taking pictures D. take pictures( )43. _English every morning? Yes, but now I _ Chinese.AAre you reading; read BDo you read; read CDo you read; is reading DDo you read; am reading( )44.Look! That's my younger brother, Mike. He _

17、with his dog. Aplays Bplay Cis playing Dto play( )45.Look! Jack and his monkey _ in the garden.Ais playing Bplaying Care playing Dplay( )46.My father is _ a newspaper under a tree. Areading Bwatching Clooking Dseeing( )47.Who is talking _ Mr. Green? Ato Bat Cfor Don( )48.Today Wang Meimei is _ a bea

18、utiful skirt. Aputting on Bwear Cwearing Dwears( )49.You can't use the bathroom now. Robbie _ a shower.Atake Bwill take Cis taking Dare taking( )50.Tom _ a big family. Now his family _ at home.Ahas; are eating Bhas; is eating Chave; are eating Dhave; is eating( )51._ they playing games over ther

19、e? Yes, they _ADo; do BAre; are CDo; are DAre; do( )52. Listen! The bird _ in the tree. A. sing B. sings C. singing D. is singing( )53.He is studying _ a test.Awith Bfor Con Dof( )54._ are they doing? They are talking about a new film(電影). AWhere BWhat CWhy DWho( )55.Where is your mother? She _ zong

20、zi for us in the kitchen. A. makes B. make C. to make D. is making ( )56. Look! It _ outside. A. rains B. rain C. is raining D. to rain( )57._ it going? Very good. AWhat's BWhat does CWhere's DHow's( )58.Mary is studying _ her friend's home. Awith Bfor Cto Dat( )59.My mother often te

21、lls me _ at school. A. not fight B. not fighting C. to fight D. not to fight ( )60.( )61.Li Ming _ music in the living room now. Alistening Blisten Clistens to Dis listening to( )62.I'm watching TV in the living room and my mother is _ in the kitchen.Ashopping Bcooking Csleeping Dexercising( )63

22、.What are you doing _?Aagain Bright now Cright Dsoon ( )64.It's ten o'clock. The students _ a Chinese class. Ahave Bhaving Cis having Dare having( )65. Everyone in my class _ a good time. A. are having B. have C. is having D. to have ( )66.It's _. Let's play volleyball.Awindy Bcloud

23、Csunny Drainy ( )67.Hi, Mary _ Hello, _ Steve.Aspeaks; this is Bspeaking; this is Cspeaking; I'm Dam speaking; I'm ( )68.Where's Linda? She _ in the classroom.Astudying Bstudies Cstudy Dis studying ( )69.Some people _ in the river now. Aswim Bswam Cis swimming Dare swimming 二. 寫出下列動詞的現(xiàn)在分

24、詞和第三人稱單數(shù)形式1swim _ _ 2take _ _3run _ _ 4go _ _5buy _ _ 6help _ _7listen _ _8dance _ _9clean _ _ 10. talk_ _11do_ _ 12.watch _ _13clean _ _14.read _ _15talk _ _16.eat _ _17write _ _18.play _ _ 三.根據(jù)句意及漢語提示完成句子1Who is _(使用) the computer? Mrs. Smith.2Look at the photo. Are they _ (看) TV? 3. What is she d

25、oing? She is _(讀) a book.4I'd like some coffee to _ (喝). 5Are you _(做) soup at home? 四.用括號內所給詞的適當形式填空1One of them _ (take) photos for us now. 2The man _ (not sing). He's_(talk) now. 3It's eight o'clock now. The students _(have) an English class. 4Look! The little boy _ (play) with a

26、cat. 5What _ your mother _ (do) now? She _ (watch) TV. 6Mary _ (read) books in the library now. 7We are_(play) basketball now. 8Where is Tom? He _ (play) basketball on the playground. 9The teacher is _(have) a class. 10. Is your father at home? Yes, he is. He _ (drink) tea with my grandfather.11Look

27、! Who's _ (clean) the classroom? 12What are they doing? Are they _(take) photos?13My brother likes _(read) magazines before going to bed.14Kate and Jim want _(swim) this afternoon.15_ they _(wait) for us? Yes. Let's hurry. 16. My parents _ (watch) TV now. 17. Look! The boy _ (play) computer

28、games. 18. Listen! The birds _ (sing) in the tree happily. 19. There are some boys _ (swim) in the river. 20. Where is your mother? She _ (cook) in the kitchen. 21. Where _ he _ (come) from? 22. His sister wants _ (go) shopping. 23The boy _ (miss) his family very much and wants to have dinner with t

29、hem.24. Look! They _ (play) soccer happily. 25. This idea sounds _ (good). 26. Thank you for _ (tell) me the story. 27. Let's _ (begin) our class. 28. Bob can _ (speak) Chinese very well. 29. They like _ (see) action movies. 30. Do you enjoy _ (watch) TV? 31. It's _(snow) outside. You'd

30、better wear warm clothes.32.What are you doing, Ben? I _ _ (listen)to the radio. I often _(listen) to the radio in the evening. 33._ Ella _ (make)the bed? Yes, she is. She _(make) her bed every day. 34.What's Danny doing right now? He _ _ (play)basketball with his friends. He always _ (play)bask

31、etball after school. 35._ you _ (study)Chinese now? No, I _ (study)English. I _ (study)English for one hour every day. 36What is Julia doing now? She _(wash) her clothes. She _ (wash)her clothes on weekends. 37. Li Mei is _ (have) fun in Shanghai. 38They are _ (take) photos in the park.39The girl _

32、(skate) on the river now.40. Everyone _ (have) a computer in our class. 五.根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞1“他正在做什么?”“他正在做作業(yè)。” _ he _? He _ _ his homework. 2我媽媽現(xiàn)在沒有看電視。 My mother _ _ TV now. 3“他們正在吃午飯嗎?”“不, 沒有。” _ they _ lunch? No, they _. 4你想去看電影嗎? _ you want _ _ to the movies? 5“誰正在做湯?”“我媽媽。” Who is _ soup? My moth

33、er.6我叔叔現(xiàn)在正在美國學習。 My uncle is now _ in the _ _. 7他正在電視上看龍舟比賽。 He is _ dragon boat _ _ TV. 8“他們在干什么?”“他們在聽光碟?!?_ 9“你在做家庭作業(yè)嗎?”“是的。/不,我在打掃我的房間?!盻10“他們在使用電腦嗎?”“是的。/不,他們在鍛煉?!盻 11.你哥哥/弟弟在干什么? _ _ 12.你在聽音樂嗎? _ _ 13.他正在游泳池里游泳。 _ _ 14他正在美國學習。 _ _ 15他爸爸和叔叔在電視上看劃船比賽。 _ _ 16. “你姐姐正在干什么?” “她正在寫作業(yè)?!盻 _ your sister

34、 _ _? She _ _her homework. 17. 王林正在打籃球嗎? _ Wang Lin _ basketball?18. 我爺爺沒在讀報紙。 My grandpa _ _ a newspaper. 19. “你媽媽正在購物嗎?”“不,她沒有?!盻 your mother _? No, she _. 20他經常晚上做作業(yè)。 He often _ _ _ in the evening. 21莉薩正在通電話嗎? _ Lisa _ on the phone? 22邁克正在房間里學習。 Mike _ _ in the room. 23你怎么樣? _ it _ with you? 24.“

35、你在干什么?”“我在做飯?!?_ 25“約翰現(xiàn)在在干什么?”“他在踢足球。 _ _ 26. “多倫多正在下雪嗎?” “不,正在下雨。”_ it _ in Toronto? No, it is _27. 現(xiàn)在沈陽正在下大雨。 It is _ _ in Shenyang now. 六.按要求完成下列各題1Jim is talking with his grandfather.(改為否定句) Jim _ _ with his grandfather.2Jack is getting_up(就畫線部分提問) _ _ Jack doing?3I'm doing my homework.(改為一般

36、疑問句) _ _doing your homework?4Ben is playing soccer at school.(用every day改為一般現(xiàn)在時) Ben _ _ at school every day. 5He has lunch at school.(用now改寫句子) He _ _ lunch at school now.6We want to go to the movies tonight. (改為一般疑問句) _ you_ to go to the movies tonight? 7David often wears a white Tshirt. (用today改為

37、現(xiàn)在進行時) David_ _ a white T-shirt today. 8They are talking about an exciting TV play. (改為否定句) They_ _ about an exciting TV play. 9We want to go at_6_o'clock. (對畫線部分提問) _ do you_ to go? 10Are you talking on the phone now? (作否定回答) _, _ _. 11I'm dancing with my sister in the photo. (改為同義句) My sis

38、ter_ I are dancing in the photo. 12They are playing_computer_games in the living room. (對畫線部分提問)_ they_in the living room? 13My brother plays the piano in the evening.(用now改寫句子) My brother _ _ the piano now.14.Linda, are you reading a book?(作否定回答) No, _ _. 15The children are swimming in the river.(對

39、畫線部分提問) _ are the children _?16Betty is reading an English book. (對畫線部分提問) _ _ reading an English book? 17She eats breakfast at home. (用now改寫句子) She _ _ breakfast at home now. 18boy, pool, the, swimming, the, is, in, now (.) (連詞成句) _ 19Is her daughter playing with a toy bear? (作肯定回答) _, _ _. 20Mary

40、is writing a letter to her mother. (改為否定句) Mary _ _ a letter to her mother. 21They are looking_at_the_bird_in_the_tree. (對畫線部分提問) _ _ they _? 22Mary often reads newspapers in the evening. (用now改寫句子) Mary _ _ newspapers now. 23Do you have any flowers in your room? (改為同義句) _ _ any flowers in your room

41、? 24樹下有一些女孩。 她們正在玩游戲。(漢譯英) _ the tree, there are some girls. They are _ games. 25now, is, dinner, your, making, mother(?) (連詞成句) _26What are Lucy and Lily doing? (用watch TV回答問題) _ are _ TV. 27He is playing_computer_games. (對畫線部分提問) _ he _? 28They play soccer every day. (用now改寫句子) They _ _ soccer now

42、. 29 . They are eating in_a_restaurant _ _ they eating? 七. 完形填空 (A)Today is Saturday. It's nine o'clock pm. The Smiths are all at home. Mrs. Smith is watching TV. _1_ watching TV Shopping. She wants to buy a _2_ on TV, because she wants to ride it to work. Mr. Smith is _3_ a newspaper. He is reading some news(新聞) about Liu Huan, because his favorite _4_ is Liu Huan. He sings very well. Their son, Jim, is talking _5_ the phone. He is _6_ one of his friends.He wants to go to the _7_ to see animals with his friend. Their daughter, Lily is playing with her small dog. Sh


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