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1、英文信件格式英文信件格式英語信件的種類比較多,有一般信件,邀請 信,推薦信等。但幾乎所有信件的格式都大同小 異。書寫英語信件要注意下面幾點:(一) 英語書信結構、書寫款式及要求:1.書信結構英語書信結構一般有以下幾個部分組成:1)信圭寸(en velope)英語的信封和中文的一樣,有三部分組成, 即發(fā)信人地址、收信人地址和郵票。只不過英語 信封的格式除了郵票所貼的位置(信封的右上 角)和中文的一樣外,英語信圭寸上要寫的發(fā)信人 和收信人的地址和中文的大不一樣。發(fā)信人的地 址應寫在信封的左上角,收信人的地址應寫在信 封偏中右偏下處,如下:Liu 丫如st amp掘oom 3C2, Nq. 4Sj

2、Yaitan 己曲)ShaiLghai “ 20040F. R. CkinaProf. John Hill507 Her th Tfill ingtn Avenuezt Palm Jeaelt, Florida 334Q4li. G. Jl2)信頭(heading)即寫發(fā)信人的地址和日期(右 上角)。3)信內(nèi)姓名地址(inside address)即寫收信人 的姓名和地址(左上角)。4)稱呼(salutation)即寫對收信人的尊稱(一般用 Dear Mr.Dear Mada m Helen,; Dear Miss,;Dear John,;Dear Professor Smith,等)。稱呼直

3、接寫在收信人 地址的正下方,中間空一至二行。稱呼后面的標 點一般只能用逗號。以上信頭、信內(nèi)姓名和地址 三部分的結構如下:Li uRo pra 3心乙 Ko 4Sj Y an&iL Ko&d ) Sh.angh.ai 200040F. . ChiikaJune 爍 2002frof. Jolrn Mill 607HortlL IVilli nton AvtuusXE Film Beach, Florida 33404U S XUmar Frofessav Hill,注:如果是相當熟悉和隨便的朋友之間,因為彼此都知道對方的地址,故信頭和信內(nèi)的地址常常 省略。5) 正文(body),即信件內(nèi)的主要內(nèi)

4、容。正文第 一句句子一般和稱呼之間空一至二行。6) 信尾客套語 (complimentary close)即寫信人在信的右(或左)下角,寫上表示 自己對收信人一種禮貌客氣的謙稱。一般有Sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours sincerely,; Friendly yours,; Truly yours,; Yours truly,; Cordially yours,; Yours cordially, 等。7) 信尾簽名(signature)即親筆簽上寫信人自己的姓名。如果是用打 字機或電腦寫的信,在寫信人簽名的上方,同樣 應該打上寫信人的姓名。除以上七個部分

5、外,有時一些英語書信還包 括:(1)附件(Enclosure),以Enc.表示,女口附 有。證明應寫為 Enc-Certificate ; (2) 再啟(Postscript),以P.S.表示;(3)抄送件 (Carbon Copy to,以c.c.表示,說明一式多份抄送其他有關人員。這些都是次要的補充部 分。P.S.主要在私人信件中使用,事務信件中應 避免使用,以免造成寫信人粗心大意的印象。Enc.和c.c.大都用在商貿(mào)信函中。2 書寫款式英語書信的款式一般有兩種:齊頭式(Block Style)和折衷式(Semi-Block Style)。齊頭式常 常在商貿(mào)、官方以及一些正式的信件中使用,

6、以 顯示信件內(nèi)容的嚴肅性,真實性,可靠性。而折 衷式則顯的比較隨便,主要用于家人、朋友、私 人之間來往的信件。如果兩人之間不是第一次通 信,相互比較了解,可以省略信內(nèi)的雙方地址。 以下分別介紹齊頭式和折衷式信件兩種款式。A:齊頭式信件款式:(范文1.)L1U PingBok 40BE eii ng Um we rs l tyBeijitg 100371P. R Chg0July ID, 2002DirectorTep t. o f GeologyColurabi a l_fn.i ver si tyYork, in, 1002&It ix FrSuLlivThi z i $ request f

7、or admittancs to your Uni versi ty as &. viii ting scholar. I itbs pftsiblt f&r it電 fa tikeaIes 也&w&rk initpar+iETkt Our Gvrrunint will pravii;站色 tk alltrtv*Ling uid living ensts.EncloEe J please i.n4 ry appl i ci tzoii and tlr & t Le tier e of r & onwn an J Atirfhi ck I hop you will ind s ati sfact

8、ory. TharJc you for your kindcoilsjderti Is hi looking frwurd to y&ur e茁liwm: reply,FgtrZy yprsjLin注:用齊頭式信件寫信,其正文與稱呼之間空一 至二行。每段的第一句句子不需要空格,但段與 段之間需要空一至二行。齊頭式信件的信尾客套 話和簽名可以有兩種款式。第一種寫在左下方, 這是最常用也是最正式的。另外也可以寫在右下 方,這種形式則表示寫信人與收信人之間的關系 比較熟悉隨便。下面是另一種齊頭式信件的格 式。齊頭式信件款式:(范文2.)Dear Mr. Ken,I iired it Skanghai

9、 ye st er day afternoon- My wi e g 直 ny daughter met me at th# iirport. Thyvery much glad that I coulJ. come b*.ek just beforeChristmas ud ihtai? s day. Oxl our wa.y hm也 I told theiri a lot about的尸 stay in Anber ica,. until, n艸 they are always erLCuraiag 他魯 to t11 thei* son mt erasll me x dgii空 d e

10、鼻 ui ti事 tkat I eowter e d m+he State. You know 七h色尹 Have nevei T-een. .bro(3, =an(l therefcpre evefytlLing may seem str sing:e to tKem. It 1 三 even extremely i ncr e di bl e for them to know lha.t erery dy we took hL an hour drive or otir luTtchf whi ck i s qui te iLaliursl for ordinary peojle.dr y

11、our fts io thm Myshe always hoi ds i t 呂丁電it when shee &Zs 呂乜 proud. o owning i 打Ny wit wd daughter 囂妙it to thmik yam daughter loves the toy do耳 very much and z s; sleeping:. Mjr wl e loves the fujrse. She spe akz so highly o 1 iLs qual i ty that stie shows a七七o 11 ter fir 1 eitd.E.Anywiyj I? m much

12、 dtli.g*d t& you f*r your hosj-i tali ly during my stay ther er *nA to your ME% CatbierineA esp*ci ally. She is really & nice young 1 ad. who is kind Er uik uid gnar ous. With her gui danc uid i nstrueti ons I Qonld visit some places iKait I had been iQJLgiagFim日 sme important 皿甘上eri als盤nd Tearii s

13、ometliirig in detaiZ aboiit Amer i can icul tre. He axvwKile 工 肯ould thank your coll egue s for th ei r trem endous kelpj wi the口七 whi ch i t woiald have Leen lmpossibl_e for me to cope witK everyth.!nig.T wojpl, t e&flis to my oi ee until Jiimary 6. 年唱 will iinforrft you & our 4cisin about th contr

14、 act ak seen &s pcssibla.FLe asg remeimBer m令 t q jromr w i fe and two dwq或terjs.S iitc erely yoiurs2bou aiL_w en.B:折衷式信件款式:用折衷式書寫信件,其正文與稱呼之間空一 至二行。第一段第一句的第一個單詞必須在Dear稱呼的直接下面。以后每段開頭都要與第 一段第一個字對齊。信尾的客套話和簽名都寫在 右下方。朋友之間寫信一般都使用折衷式,而且 稱呼與正文之間一般不空行。具體款式和要求參 見后面的一些信件。以下是一封折衷式信件。Li Xi曲耳Commercial eitd Trade

15、 LMTR.oom SOS Park Hotel Ko. 16 Hanjir 氐胡(W) Shingjtai. 20001P R. Chi riftJuly d 2002珈g Smith脈砧7Qf Import PivisionVictcri a Industries Co.?lem mgt on 3032VIC, Aus traliaJe*r Mr. HtrikeL,牡 acknowld the receipt of your lttar and its anclaur cf Fbruiry ID atoyt the supply of vrshing Jnichi neffe regret

16、 th st i t i e di f fi ciilt for us to consider th,egw ourcomponp do亡e not need thg i tm for the timm bci-ng- He have recorded your qufitati on of cur fuzthoF use.Thank /on Eor youif kind att&nti on to thi a replj/.T ours fai thfiLllyjLi Hi ang3.信件書寫要求:寫英語信件一般可以使用打字機、電腦,朋 友之間比較隨便的信件也可以用鋼筆、 圓珠筆甚 至彩色筆

17、,但不宜用鉛筆。不管你用什么形式書 寫,一些重要的信件,簽名處必須用深藍色或黑 色墨水筆簽名。(二)各類常用信件1)感謝信ctcber 5, 20U2 Dear Mi ke;Tour leU r an J. package ireaclted Bie yester day. Y on re ally gi ve me a 尹皀電七 surprise. I was wondering ffkat as itl such 宜 m ce package until I careEully cpn*d itthat ysu t me an *ttr*ctive jir#E*Tit for my bir

18、thday.ThuJ; ycm irery rnxick for your kindDss uid I likt ih prwhich wi 11 give me pleasure fw a long tivme to come.Agaiii 1.1 i s tb.oufcitfTil o you to send me the pre sent on. my birthdajF.TestEfd斗y avening my colleagues Jield. a birt-hlaj psrty for m勺 inclad.mg JoJul thixJc yoTi caii remeniber-a

19、nice tailwho invited and I tolis lirtlidiy la on er r ltlI in Ameri ca next year we cait pay a vi sit to y ctur mi ly. Then 宙電 are: sure to Kave a 111 ce gtkeriitg.Thi s morningj, P* ter and I wen+ to an ear a l&bcrl giving:The output of the battery its month and yar o manufacture, your own company5

20、 s nanie and countryz a product code number and a unique unii numberQuaivti ty:4, 800 -uni t sDgligry:by 15 September 2002I3 d appreciate it if you could uote us your best CIF pric giving afull specx 1 cat i qfl o fpToducttechrLical Aepartment would need to XU TTfir m or dwirMe usually d電al vrith a自

21、藺 aupjpli era oxi the bawis of payment in c?u currexky by confirmed irrevocable Letter of Credit.AssujiiitE the lab or at ory t ests go tfelL aisd you can luote u 音 a compti tive pri cer E d car tairily b電 abl t& plac mor substanti al orders on a regular ba.iisV 11 b電 out of th? offi ce for a couple

22、 sf weks from t(morrw- In the meotineA io get in touch with oite of mytwt弓 Mr. Cloud and Mrs. Lewijf yciu need, any more information.Loaking forward to hewing from yon.Gitring myrgjrds to SMkfi arL.l thfe kLAs.Best wi雲(yún)h色巧FredFrei A. Northv Buying6)求學信Lin Cheng-weiDepartment o f orei gn Languages Eas

23、 t-China ilorn al Uniwersi ty Na. 3&63 Zhong Shan Road CH) Shanghai 2000&2People Republic of China May 18, 2003ChairDeparts ent of LinguisticsBri gham Young ITmversi ty2129 JKHBPro Utah 84602U. S. k.Dear Sir,I am an ass is tant teacher o English at Eas tChina Norrrial Uni ver si ty. Now I writ in名 t

24、o you to apply for alni ssion to your department maj orirtg in TESL.From 1996 to 2000 I studiei in Foreign Languages Departments East-China Formal Universi ty. After gradua-tion. I stayed in my department as an ass is tteaching the courses c English Grajnfnar aztd Intensive Reading. Xsa young tea-cher, I am looki ng forward to get ting a chance to have a furt


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