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1、abound within 富于、充滿absolve sbfrom 赦免某人的abstain from 避開(免)accommodate sbwith 向某人提供accommodate oneself to 使自己適應(yīng)于account for 說出(明)原因accuse sbof 指責(zé)、控告某人acquaintwith/of 把通知某人act for 代理act on 對起作用;按照行動add up to 合計(jì)達(dá)到adjust oneself to 使自己適應(yīng)于admit of 容許有advertise for 登廣告尋求、尋找advise sbof sth 把某事通知某人advise wit

2、h sbon sth 同某人商量某事agree with sbto sth 同意某人、某事aim at 瞄準(zhǔn)、針對allow for 考慮到,體諒allow of 容許,容得amount to 相當(dāng)于、等于answer for 負(fù)責(zé)、保證appeal to sbfor sth 為某事向某人提出呼吁apply to sbfor sth 請求某人appoint sbto 任命、委任某人為approach sbonabout sth.為某事同某人打交道approve of 對滿意argue with/against sbabouton sth與某人辯論某事argue sbintoout of doi

3、ng sth 說服某人做或不做某事arise from 由而產(chǎn)生、而引起arrange with sbforabout sth 與某人商定某事ask for 請求;向要;通過詢問找assess onupon 向征稅、罰款assignto 把分配給assist sbwith sthin doing sth 幫助某人做某事assure sbof 使某人確信某事attend to 專心于,注意attributeto 把歸因(咎)于avail oneself of 利用awake to 認(rèn)識到awardto 把授予(判給)bang sthinto sb 硬把某事灌輸給某人bargain on doin

4、g sth 商定做某事beg of sb 請求某人beg for 乞求believe in 信任belong to 屬于belong inwith 應(yīng)歸于某類別、派別等bidto sb 向某人表示blame sthon sb 把歸咎于某人blaze with sth 燃燒;閃耀著;激發(fā)blow off 吹掉;將熱水、蒸氣等放掉boil over 發(fā)怒、激動borrow sthfromof sb 向某人借botherabout sb 為煩擾bother about doing sthto do sth 為做某事操心、煩惱break in 闖入,打斷break in on 打擾、打斷break o

5、ff 折斷;突然停止講話;斷絕break out 戰(zhàn)爭、火災(zāi)等突然發(fā)生break up 打碎,破碎;分裂;學(xué)校期末分散bring about 造成、帶來bring sbback to 使某人恢復(fù)到bring in 生產(chǎn),產(chǎn)出;引進(jìn)風(fēng)尚等bring off 使成功;完成bring out 使呈現(xiàn)出;說出bring through 救活,使渡過難關(guān)bring to 使恢復(fù)知覺build on 依賴、依靠;把建立于build up 樹立、逐步建立burst into 闖入;突然發(fā)作burst onupon 突然來到calculate on/upon 指望著,期待著call for 需求、需要;為爭取

6、而叫喊call off 叫走,把叫開去call on 約請、指派;號召、呼吁call up 召喚、傳訊;使人想起care forabout 關(guān)心、擔(dān)心、介意、計(jì)較carry away 運(yùn)走、拿走carry on 把進(jìn)行下去;堅(jiān)持下去carry out 突現(xiàn)、開展;執(zhí)行、貫徹cast about for 尋覓,想方設(shè)法cast away 丟掉、拋棄cast down 使沮喪;使下降cast off 拋棄;使自由catch at 死命抓住 ;渴望取得catch up with 趕上、追上caution sbagainst doing sth 警告某人不要做某事cease from doing st

7、h 停止做某事centre() onupon (把)集中于challenge sbto 向某人提出挑戰(zhàn)changefor 用去換;換車、船到changeinto 把變成charge sbwith sth 與某人交換、調(diào)換charge sthupon sb 把歸咎于某人cheat sbof sth 騙取某人的cheat sbinto 哄騙某人check up 核對,檢驗(yàn);檢查check up with 與相符合chew overupon 深思,細(xì)想choosefromamongout of 從中挑選claim sthfromof sb 要求某人clash into 猛撞在clean out (把

8、)打掃干凈、清除出去clean up (把)收拾整潔,打掃干凈clean up on 擊敗,勝過clear off 清除;擺脫煩惱等;走開clear up 整理、清除;解除誤會等climb down 從爬下;退讓,服輸、屈服close down 工廠等關(guān)閉;(電臺)停止播音close in 包圍,迫近c(diǎn)lose with 靠近,逼近;接受cohere with 連貫、符合combinewith 把與結(jié)合come about 發(fā)生come at 襲擊;達(dá)到、得到come down in 下來;降下;敗落,沒落come down on(for) (為)向某人索要come down to 流傳到co

9、me down with (捐)出多少錢come in for 接受遺產(chǎn)等;受到處分等come out of 由出來、產(chǎn)生come out with 發(fā)表、公布;說出、提出come through 經(jīng)歷困難等;經(jīng)歷而活著come to(oneself) (昏迷后)醒過來;醒悟過來come up against 碰到困難、反對等come up to 達(dá)到、符合come up with 趕上;提出commend sthto sb 把交托給某人commend sbupon 表揚(yáng)某人的commit sbtoving 把某人提交給;責(zé)成某人做commit sbfor 把某人押交communicate s

10、thto sb 把傳達(dá)給某人communicate with sbby 用和某人聯(lián)系comparewith 把和比較compare within 在和相比較compensate sbfor 因?yàn)橄蚰橙速r償complain of/about 抱怨;訴苦;抗議complain to sbof sth 向某人控訴compliment sbon 夸獎某人的compromise with sbon sth 在和某人妥協(xié)conceal sthfrom sb 對某人隱瞞concede to sb 對某人讓步concentrate()on sth (注意力)集中在concur with sb() 同意某人(的

11、)condemn sbto 判某人刑罰conduct to 道路通向confer sthonupon sb授予某人稱號、學(xué)位等confer with sbon/about sth 與某人協(xié)商confess tosthv-ing 承認(rèn)(做了)confide sthto sb 向某人吐露confide in 信任confineto 把限制在confirm sbin hisn (在信念等方面)使更堅(jiān)定conflict with 與斗爭、戰(zhàn)斗conform() towith 與一致、符合;使遵照confoundwith 使與混淆connect with 與相連、連接、銜接consent to 贊成、答

12、應(yīng)consignto 把委托給、交付給consist of 由構(gòu)成consist in 存在于consult with 同商量、協(xié)商contrast()with (使)與對照contribute totowards 對起一份作用、出一份力convert sthinto sth 把轉(zhuǎn)變、換成convey sthto sb 向某人傳達(dá)感情等convict sbof 宣判某人有罪cooperate with sb 與某人合作、協(xié)作cope with 對付、妥善處理correlate towith 使相互關(guān)聯(lián)correspond towith 與一致、符合;相當(dāng)于count fromto 從數(shù)到cou

13、nt onupon 依靠、依賴指望cover sbsthwith 把對準(zhǔn)某人;用覆蓋crash tointo 猛撞在;猛然倒下、墜落cross over to 投到來,投誠crowdwith persons/persons to 某處擠滿了人cry for 因而叫喊、流淚cry over sth 為而流淚、悲傷cure sbof hisn 治愈某人某種疾病cut in 插嘴;把插進(jìn)cut off 切掉、刪去;切斷;關(guān)掉馬達(dá)等cut sbto 刺穿某人至;傷害某人感情deal with 處理、安排;對付、應(yīng)付debate about sth 爭論某事deceive sbintoving 騙某人去

14、做decide againstving 下決心不做decide on 決定、選定declare()for(on)agains 表態(tài)支持或反對decoratewith sth 用裝飾、裝潢dedicate sthTo 把力量、時間等用在defend sbfrom 保護(hù)某人以免deliver sbfrom 從解救某人deliver sthto sb 把交付給某人demand sthoffrom sb 要求某人depend onupon(for) (為)而依靠、依賴deposit sthwith sb 把寄放在某人處deprive sbof sth 奪去、剝奪某人的derive()from (從)取

15、得;由而來design sthfor 為指定、預(yù)定design sbfor 打算讓某人從事despair of 喪失信心detect sbin(ving) 察覺某人在(做)devote sthto(ving) 把專用于(去做)dictate(sth) to sb 向某人口述()die offrom 死于疾病等die for 為而死die awayoutdown 變?nèi)?;平息;消失等differ from sth 和有區(qū)別、差別;和不同differ from sbonabout sth 在與某人意見不同dig at sth 苦學(xué) ;苦干dig for sth 搜集dig out sth 掘出、挖掉

16、dilute sthwith sth 用把沖淡、稀釋direct sbto 指引、指導(dǎo)某人到disarm sbof sth 解除、繳下某人的discharge sbfrom 免除某人的;允許某人離開discourage sbfromving 勸阻某人做discredit sbwith 使某人在喪失信譽(yù)discuss sthwith sb 與某人討論disguise oneself byv-ing 通過做掩飾自己dismiss sbfrom 開除、解除某人的dismiss sthfrom 從消除dispute withagainst sbonabout sth 同某人爭論、辯論dissent f

17、rom 不同意;和某人(意見)不一致distinguish sthfrom sth 識別和distribute sthto sb 把分給某人distribute sthover sth 把散布于divideinto 把分成dividefrom 把從隔離開divide sthwith sb 和某人共同承擔(dān)do away with 廢除、去掉;弄死、干掉do for sth照管(應(yīng));設(shè)法弄到;代替do sbdown 勝過某人do with sb 與某人相處doubt aboutof sth 對懷疑drag sbinto 把某人拖進(jìn)drain sthawayoff 排去的水或其他液體draw aw

18、ay 拉開、離開draw off 脫去手套等;排去多余的水;撤退draw to 向移動;逼近draw with 追上dream ofabout sth 夢到(見)dream ofving 渴望、向往做dream awayoutthrough 因空想而虛度時間等drink sthoffupdown 把一飲而盡drive away at sth 努力做driveinto 把迫使、驅(qū)使到drop awayoff (一個一個地)離去;逐漸減少drop in on sb 順便走訪某人dwell atin 留居、寓于dwell onupon 細(xì)想、詳細(xì)講述ease sbof hisn 消除某人ease o

19、ffup 減輕、放松eat away sth 繼續(xù)吃下去;把蠶食掉eat up 把吃完;耗盡;吞滅elect sbto 推選某人到某崗位eliminate sthfrom 從把排除掉、排出emerge from 從出現(xiàn)、形成empty sthof sth 把從排空、倒空end in 以為結(jié)果end off 結(jié)束end up bywith 最后以結(jié)束endure to 堅(jiān)持到、忍耐到enforce sthon/uponfrom sb 強(qiáng)迫某人enlarge onupon 詳述ensure sbfrom/against sth 保護(hù)某人免受ensure tofor sbsth 保證給某人、賦予某人

20、enter sbatfor 把某人送進(jìn);使某人參加entertain sbtowith 款待某人;以招待某人entreat sthof sb 懇求某人equipfor 為裝備equip sthwith 用裝備escape from 從逃跑、逃脫;從漏出、流出estimate for 對估價、估計(jì)evolve sthfrom sth 由推論出、引申出evolve from 由演化、進(jìn)化而來examine sbin 考查某人的examine into 調(diào)查、細(xì)查exceed in 在領(lǐng)先exchange sthfor sth 把換成exchange sthwith sb 與某人交換exclude

21、sbfrom 拒絕某人加入、進(jìn)入excuse oneself for hisn 為自己的辯解excuse sbforving 原諒某人做excuse sbfrom 給某人免去exert sthon sb 對某人施加exist on 靠生存、生活expectn of sb 對某人寄予期望expel sbfrom 從驅(qū)逐、開除某人experiment onupon 用做實(shí)驗(yàn)experiment with 試驗(yàn)explode with 爆發(fā)、突發(fā)explore for 考察、勘探expose sbto 使某人面臨extend sthto sb 向某人致以;向某人提供extract sthfrom 從

22、中取出、抽出、榨出face up to 勇敢地對付fail inving 在(做)失敗fall in with 同意fall off 下降;變壞;離開,叛離fall out 爭吵;結(jié)果如何;離隊(duì)fall out of 放棄習(xí)慣等fasten sthonupon sb 把罪名等強(qiáng)加于某人favour sbwith sth 賜與、給與某人fear for sth 為某人的擔(dān)憂feed on sth 以為食物、為能源feed sthto 用喂feedwith 向供給feel for sb/sth 同情某人;摸索找某物feel likeving 想要做fight againstwith 向斗爭figh

23、t off 擊退;竭力避免fight with 與戰(zhàn)斗、斗爭figure onving 打算、計(jì)劃做figure on one'sving 指望某人做figure out at 合計(jì)為多少錢fill(sth)with 用(把)填滿、裝滿find sthfor sb 為某人找find out 找出、發(fā)現(xiàn);查明真相等finish up with 以結(jié)束;最后有fit sbto 使某人適應(yīng)fit in with 適合、符合;適應(yīng)fix sthonupon 傾注感情于;集中注意力于flare outup 閃亮;突然發(fā)怒flow from 來自;是結(jié)果fly into 突發(fā)、忽發(fā)fly up t

24、o 向上飛到fold aboutround 交疊、合攏fold up 垮掉;放棄;倒閉fold up into 折疊起來成follow out 貫徹、執(zhí)行;把探究到底follow up 把探究到底follow up sthwith 用繼續(xù)行動等加強(qiáng)的效果fool sbintoving 哄騙某人做fool sbout of sth 詐騙某人的force sbintoving 強(qiáng)迫某人做forgive sbforving 原諒某人做的事frighten sbinto/out ofving 使某人嚇得做(不做)furnish sbwith sthsthto sb給某人提供fuss about 瞎忙于

25、gain onupon 跑得比快;超過gain sbover 把某人爭取到自己一邊gasp afterfor 熱望、渴望gaze atonuponinto 凝視、注視、盯著gat alongon 過活,生活get along with 和某人相處get away 逃脫、離開get away with 僥幸做成;僥幸取走get down on 對產(chǎn)生惡感;開始不喜歡get down to 開始認(rèn)真對待、考慮get off 脫衣服等;下車等;使動身;使開始get on 穿衣服等;上車等get on for 接近于get on to 識破某人或某人的get through with 完成;花光錢財?shù)?/p>

26、get to 到達(dá)get up 起床;使起立;登上gift sbwith sthsthto sb 贈送給某人give off 發(fā)出蒸氣、光等give sthto sb 給某人give up 放棄;停止;拋棄give up sthto sb 把讓給某人glance atover 粗略地看一下;對一瞥glare aton 對瞪眼,對怒目注視glimpse at 瞥見go about to 著手干go against 違反、反對;不利用go back onuponfrom 違背;背叛go by 走過;依照、按照判斷go for 為去(請、找);被認(rèn)為go in at 痛打;猛烈攻擊go in for

27、 從事于;酷愛、追求go off with 拿去,掄去、拐走go on 繼續(xù)下去(某種行為);發(fā)生、進(jìn)行g(shù)o over 對潤色;再讀一遍go with 和一起去;與持同一種意見graduate atfrom 從何處、何系畢業(yè)grasp at 向抓去;想抓住grind sthinto 把磨成(得)grow on (習(xí)慣、感情等)加深對影響grow out of 產(chǎn)生自;變得不適合于grow up(into) 成長為guarantee sbagainstfrom 確保某人免于grard against 警惕guess atthat 推測出guide sbto 帶領(lǐng)某人到gulp down 一口吞下

28、;忍住、抑制住hand down 把傳下來hand in 把交進(jìn)、交上handle with (用手)搬運(yùn)時要hang on to 緊緊握住hang over 掛在上;靠近在上hang up 把掛起來;掛電話happen to 某人某物出了事happe onupon sb 巧遇、偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)某人hasten sthto 火速將送到、調(diào)到hasten to 趕到have sbdowninup 把某人請來、請進(jìn)做客(down:從城市請到鄉(xiāng)下,up:從鄉(xiāng)下請到城內(nèi))hear from 接到某人的信hear ofabout 聽說hear sbout 聽某人把話講完help sbwith 在幫助某人help

29、 sboff(on)with 幫某人脫去(穿上)help sbout 幫某人解決難題等hesitate aboutving 對做猶豫不決hesitate at 對某事猶豫hide sthfrom sb 對某人隱瞞hinder sbfromving 阻止、阻礙某人做hinder sbin 妨礙某人的hint at 對別人暗示hire onout 接受雇用hit off with 適合于hit out against sth 打擊的行為等hit out at sb 向某人打去;抨擊某人hit sbup for 請求某人hold back 躊躇;阻止;隱瞞消息等hold down 壓制;縮減;牽制h

30、old in 約束;抑制hold off 不接近,拖延;不使接近hold out against 對不退讓hold out for 為堅(jiān)持住hold out till 堅(jiān)持到時刻hold sthover 將延遲hurry awayoff 匆忙離去hurry up 趕緊identify oneself with 參加到中間去identify sthwith 認(rèn)為和一致idle aboutalong 閑逛,無所事事idle away 虛度時間、年華等illustrate sthwith 用圖來說明immigrate into 移民到immunize sbagainst 使某人對有免疫力impel

31、sbto 促使、推動某人至程度implore sbfor sth 為懇求某人import sthfrom 從進(jìn)口importune sbfor sth 向某人強(qiáng)求impress upon sbsth給某人在留下強(qiáng)烈印象impress sbwith 給某人留下印象incline to 傾向于increase in 增加、提高indispose sbfor 使某人不能、不適應(yīng)于indispose sb to 使某人不愿、厭惡infectwith sth 傳染上、感染上infer sthfrom 由推論出inform sbof sth 通知、告知某人infuse sthinto sb/sth 賦于某種東西infuse sthwith 向注入inhibit sbfromving 禁止某人做initiate sbinto 使某人對入門;使某人加入inject sthinto 把注射到innovate in/onupon 在變革、創(chuàng)新inoculate sbagainst 給某人注射疫苗inquire after 問起某人的生活等情況inquire for 詢問地點(diǎn)等inquire of sbabout sth 問某人insert sthin/into 把插入;登載廣告等insist onupon 堅(jiān)持;堅(jiān)決主張inspire sbto 激勵、激起某人到程度inspi


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