



1、 1,1,1,21.,266100;2.,110015:,.:;:TG172.5:A:10026495(201101009306Research Progress on Corrosion of Carbon Steels Under Rust Layerin Marine EnvironmentZHENG Ying-ying1,ZOU Yan1,WANG Jia1,21.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao266100;2.State Key Laboratory for

2、 Corrosion and Protection,Shenyang110015Abstract:Resaerch activities and progress on corrosion of carbon steel covered with rust layerin recent years were summarized,in particular,on the physicochemical properties of the rust,theelectrochemical characteristics of corrosion of steels beneath rust lay

3、er and the relations betweenrust and evolution of corrosion process Several inuencing factors on corrosion behavior of steelswere analyzed,and the trends of research in thiseld were also postulatedKey words:carbon steel;corrosion behavior;rust layer;marine environment,.,.,.,.,.94231:9596231:9798 

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