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1、- 4 -完形填空Words: 308 難度系數: 建議用時:18分鐘When a rather dirty , poorly dressed person kneels at your feet and puts out his hands to beg1 a few coins , do you hurry on , not 2 what to do , or do you feel sad and hurriedly _3_ some money? What should our attitude _4_ beggars be? There can be no question that

2、 the world is full of terribly sad stories. It _5_ be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to come from. It seems 6 not to give some money to beggars.7, most of the world s grgionseorder us to be open- hearted and 8 what we havewith those less lucky than ourselves. But has the world

3、 changed? Maybe what was morally right in the old days, 9 one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help , is no longer the best idea. Quite a few people will not give to beggars. Let us look at their _10_.First, some believe that many city beggars dress up _11 to look p

4、itiable and actually make a good 12 from begging. Giving to beggars only encourages this sort of evil( 惡行).13, there is the worry that the money you give will be spent on beer , wine or drugs. Thirdly , there is the opinion _1 4 there is no real excuse for begging. One might be poor , but that is no

5、 reason for losing one s sense 15 and self-dependence.Related to this is the opinion that the problem should be handled by the government 16 ordinary people. Some people think beggars should go to the local government department and 17 help.It is hard to come to any final conclusion: there are vario

6、us _18 and we must _19them differently. A few coins can save a life in some situations , and even if the money is wasted , that doesnot take away the moral goodness of the1. A. toC. at2. A. knowingC. demanding3. A. put awayC. take in4. A. atC. over5. A. mustC. need20_.B. withD. forB. expectingD. set

7、tlingB. hand overD. get outB. inD. towardsB. canD. mightB. generous6. A. warm- heartedC cruel7 A. StrangelyC Certainly8 A. giveC share9 A. whyC what10 A. argumentsC sayings11 A. on showC for fun12 A. moneyC living13 A. SecondlyC Possibly14 A. whatC that15 A. goodnessC security16 A. rather thanC othe

8、r than17 A. produceC earn18 A. casesC conditions19 A. go withC deal with20 A. giverC villagerD considerateB HonestlyD SurprisinglyB donateD contributeB whenD howB quarrelsD talksB on purposeD by accidentB comfortD decisionB SurelyD ThenB whetherD whichB prideD responsibilityB or ratherD but alsoB re

9、ceiveD offerB eventsD statesB communicate withD meet withB receiverD government1 . 解析:選D 。 beg for sth. 是一個固定的詞組,意思是乞討東西。2 .解析:選Ao根據句意,這里的意思是:你是否匆匆走過,不知道怎么辦。3 .解析:選B。put away的意思是放好;hand over的意思是遞過去;take in的意思是吸收或者欺騙;get out 的意思是滾出去。根據文章的意思,所以C 是正確答案,意思是你感覺很難過并急忙遞過去一些錢。4 . 解析:選D。 attitude 和 towards 是

10、固定搭配。5 .解析:選A。這里考查的是情態(tài)動詞表猜測的用法。本句是肯定句,所以 can不合適。而根據句意,當你不知道你的下頓飯在何方的時候,那生活肯定是非常悲慘的,所以要選擇確定的must,而不是might,因為might 一般都不是很確定。6 .解析:選Co根據上下文句意。7 .解析:選 Co這里是表示肯定的意思,因為世界上偉大的宗教肯定是要信徒向善的,多做 好事。8 . 解析:選C。 share.with.是固定搭配。9 .解析:選Bo這里考查的是定語從句中關系副詞的用法。10 . 解析:選A。 arguments 的意思是論點;quarrels 的意思是爭吵,吵架;sayings 的意

11、思是名言; talks 的意思是閑談。根據句子意思,A 選項是正確答案。11 . 解析: 選 B。 考查詞組的意思。容易誤選的是A。 但 on show 的意思是在展出中;on purpose的意思是故意; for fun是娛樂;by accident碰巧。12 . 解析:選C。 make a living 是固定搭配,意思是謀生,養(yǎng)活自己,符合句意。13 .解析:選A。根據上文的first。14 .解析:選Co考查同位語從句。15 .解析:選Bo根據句意。一個人可以貧困,但是不能失去自尊和自立。16 .解析:選A??疾樵~組意思。rather than的意思是 而不是;or rather的意思

12、是確指,表 示進一步明確;other than的意思是除以外;but also一般和not only連用,意思是不但 而且。這里需要的是rather than,表示問題應該有政府解決而不是個人。17 .解析:選B。句子的意思是乞丐應該找政府部門尋求幫助,指客觀上得到幫助。18 . 解析:選A 。 case 在這里表示的意思是情況,而condition 表示情況是不可數名詞,可數情況下condition 的意思是條件。19 .解析:選Co go with意思是與相配;而communicate with意思是與某人交流;deal with的意思是處理,符合句子意思。meet with 的意思是偶爾

13、碰到。20 .解析:選Ao根據句意,即使錢浪費了,可是給予者的善良是不會被帶走的。結束*閱讀理解Every time Brisa shoos for cooking oil , she checks the label to make sure she is not buyinggenetically-modified(GM 轉基因 ) soy oil. I am not sure whether GM food is safe or not. It just sounds scaring. said Brisa , a 47-year-old food safety-conscious Co

14、nsumer who works in a hospital as an accountant. I prefer non-GM soy oil , although it is more expensive than GM oil.While there has been no evidence to show GM food is harmful to humans, argument about it has arisen after the Ministry of Agriculture gave permission to two pest-resistant( 抗病蟲的)GM ri

15、ce varieties and a com variety in November last year a major step in promoting the research and planting of GM crops.Officials , researchers and scientists are divided over w hether and when GM food should be put in to market. Supporters and opponents(反對者)have also been facing off over environmental

16、 safety and economic security issues.The government has put food security high in its national development plans. National grain output reached 531 million tons last year , government data showed. But summer grain output fell by 0.3 percent this year to 123.1 million tons because of drought and low

17、temperatures in grain-producing regions.With all increasing population and inure natural disasters. policy makers are eyeing technology as a solution and hoping disease-resistant and high-yield(高產的)crops developed by GM I technology will help solve the growing problem of food shortages.Supporters of

18、 GM food believe that such crops will help increase output and reduce the pressure on food supply caused by decreasing farmlands and frequent natural disasters in the world. GM crops have also fewer insects and diseases, which means they are safer for human beings and the environment, they argue.How

19、ever, opponents say any GM food , as a completely new product. should be absolutely safe before it is made available to the public. They argue that if insects donops, how can ybut eat GM crexpect people to eat them?In 2006,countries that grew 97 % of the global GM crops were the United States(53 %),

20、 Argentina(17 %), Brazil (11 %), Canada(6%), India(4%), China(3%), Paraguay(2%)and SouthAfrica。).The next decade will see great progress in GM product development. Technologies forGM foods offer dramatic promise for meeting some of the 21st Century s greatest challenges. Likeall new technologies. th

21、ey also have some risks, both known and unknown. Debates surroundingGM foods and crops commonly focus on human and environmental safety , labeling and consumer choice, intellectual property rights , food security , poverty reduction , and environmental protection.(1 fUie argument er GM foods started

22、 hen.A. maiiy consumers preferred GM oilB planting GM crops was pemiinedC. GXI foods proved harmfulD. no one could solve food problem(2)The underlined phrasefacing o ffmeans.A. turning against each other B. supporting each otherC.poking down on each other D. suspecting each other(3)It is implied in

23、the passage that.A. GM crops have no diseasesB. food shortage is a bin threatC. GM crops reduce the outputD. non-GM foods are not safe(4)The writer wishes us to.A. accept GM foods happilyB. reject GM foods bravelyC. participate in the debateD. know about the argument-5 -?在本文中,作者向我們詳細介紹了轉基因作物和食物方面的知識

24、,從而讓讀者自己去探索轉基因的是與非。(1)B 事實細節(jié)題。從文章第二段中的“ argument about it has arisen after the Ministry ofAgriculture gave permission. 可知,當農業(yè)部允許轉基因作物種植后,人們便開始了對轉基因 ”食品可能的危害性的爭論,所以答案選B 項。(2)A 詞義理解題。從文章第三段內容可知官員、研究人員和科學家就轉基因食物是否應該投入市場和什么時候投入市場這個問題產生分歧,同時支持者和反對者在環(huán)境安全和經濟安全問題上也產生對峙,由此可知face off在文中表示 對峙,和 對抗“故選A項。(3)B 邏輯

25、推理題。從文章第五段內容可知隨著人口的快速增長,自然災害頻繁發(fā)生,政策制定者希望轉基因技術能生產出抗病的、高產的農作物以此來幫助解決食物短缺的問題。由此可推知食物短缺是個大問題,據此選B 項。(4)D 作者意圖題。從全文可知,作者告訴讀者一些人們對轉基因作物和食物的爭論,但他自己卻沒闡述自己的觀點,由此可知答案選D 項。*夕擊結束單選題高考預練1. Will you go fishing with me? .A. No, Ill be very busyB. Yes, Ill be gladC. Certainly, Ill be sorryD. Certainly, Ill be glad

26、to2. Is this the restaurant ?A. which you workB. in which you workC. for which you workD. where you work in3. Bread and butterfor breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays.A. serveB. servers C. is served D. are served4. -Where is Xiao Wang?-I dont know. Hebe in the library.A. can B. must C. might D.

27、may5. -Do you like the material?-Yes, it very soft.A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt6. The harder you work,.A. the greater progress youll makeB. the greater youll make progressC. youll make the greater progressD. youll make greater progress7. The sunlight came inthe windows in the roof and l

28、it up the whole room.A. through B. across C. by hour D. each hour8. He has a part - time job and was paid.A. by the hour B. by an hour C. by hour D. each hour9. The two sides have finally, though some small differences still exist.A. made a decision B. reached an agreementC. settled downD. broken up

29、10. You cant see thenow for they are having a meeting at the moment.A. editor-in-chiefs B. by an hourC. by hourD. each hour11. We can t go on with the experiment because the computer.A. hasn t been repairedB. hasn t repairedC. is not repaired D. hadn t been repaired12. It is the protection for the t

30、reesreally matters, rather than how many trees areplanted.A. whatB. thatC. 不填D. which13. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they A. have survived B. are to surviveC. would survive D. will survive14. You pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.A. c

31、an not B. should C. must D. neednt15. full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next week.A. We did not makeB. Having not madeC. We had not madeD. Not having made答案與解析1 5 DBCCC6 10 AAABC 11 15 ABBAD1 D 此處 be dad 后面要接 to。若去不了,可以說 But Im afraid I U verybSsyry , but I cant 或 I d like t0 but I ll be Very busy2 B 介詞通常放在which 和 whom 引起的定語從句之前。關系代詞that 和關系副詞when、where等都不能做介詞的賓語。該句中的 restaura


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