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1、Unit 5一、授課時(shí)間: 第 1112 周二授課類型: 課文分析 10 課時(shí);習(xí)題講解 2 課時(shí) 三授課題目: For Want of a Drink 四授課時(shí)數(shù) :12 五教學(xué)目的和要求:通過(guò)講授課文使學(xué)生了解人類正在面臨水資源嚴(yán)重匱乏的事實(shí),給每一個(gè)人敲響了警 鐘,學(xué)會(huì)用英語(yǔ)解釋句子以達(dá)到學(xué)以致用的目的。 要求學(xué)生主動(dòng)地預(yù)習(xí)課文, 課前準(zhǔn)備練習(xí), 學(xué)會(huì)分析文章體裁和進(jìn)行段落劃分。六教學(xué)重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn):1)背景知識(shí)的傳授: The Earthquake in Port-au-Prince; Noah 's Ark; The Byzantine emperor Justinian; Os

2、iris; the Jordan; the Ganges;2)文章的體裁分析及段落劃分;3)語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)的理解:Word study: apparatus; aquifer; arid; breed; capacious; category; chronically; deity; delta; desalination; diminish; distribute; diversion; endangered; equilibrium; ethanol; evaporate; extinct; extract; famine; finite; flush; girder; glacierGramma

3、r Focus: Learn to use how to denote implied condition. 七教學(xué)基本容和綱要Part One Warm-up1.1 Warm-up Questions1. What is the author trying to tell people in this essay? Is he addressing any particular target audience?2. How does the author explain the importance of water to human beings? Do you agree with th

4、e author that water is at least as important to us as oil?3. Do you agree that humanity is now facing a serious water crisis? Why does the author say “Everyone must use less water if famine, pestilence and mass migration are not to sweep the globe ”? How do those countries with abundant water resour

5、ces affect global water shortage?4. Has the author said anything new to you in this essay? Are there any lines in this essay that you find particularly thought-provoking and feel particularly deserve our attention? Underline them and share with your classmates.5. Have you found anything important th

6、at the author has left untouched on this topic? How would you improve upon this essay if you are to write a similar piece?6. Do you find the essay hard to follow because it is technical and scientific? Are you bored with these endless discussions of environmental problems? Can you explain why you fe

7、el the way you do when you read this essay?Part Two Background Information2.1 Author2.2 Noah's Ark; Port-au-Prince; The Byzantine emperor Justinian; Osiris; the Jordan; the GangesPart Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text Analysis3.1.1 Theme of the text3.1.2 Structure of the text3.2 Writing Devices3.2

8、.1 The development of this essay by giving some figures3.3 Sentence Paraphrase Part Four Language Study4.1 Phrases and Expressions4.1.1 Word list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list:4.1.3 Word Building4.2 Grammar4.2.1 Object Part Five Extension5.1 Group discussion5.2 Debating八、教學(xué)方法和措施本單元將運(yùn)用黑板、 粉筆、 多媒

9、體網(wǎng)絡(luò)輔助教學(xué)設(shè)備等教學(xué)手段, 主要采用以學(xué)生為主 體、教師為主導(dǎo)的任務(wù)型、合作型等教學(xué)模式,具體運(yùn)用教師講授法、師生討論、生生討論 等方法進(jìn)行教學(xué)。九作業(yè),討論題,思考題完成課后練習(xí); 多看英語(yǔ)報(bào)刊雜志及英語(yǔ)經(jīng)典小說(shuō),擴(kuò)大閱讀量; 精聽(tīng)與泛聽(tīng)相結(jié)合,逐步提高自己的聽(tīng)力水平; 積極參加英語(yǔ)角等有助于提高英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)的活動(dòng); 堅(jiān)持用英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)日記;做一些專四相關(guān)練習(xí); 十參考資料:1) 立編, 現(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語(yǔ)精讀2) 立編, 現(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語(yǔ)精讀3) 觀儀主編,新編英語(yǔ)教程4) 第二版,學(xué)生用書(shū)。 :外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究 ,2012 。 4)第二版,教師用書(shū)。 :外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究 ,2012 。 第三、四冊(cè)) 。:

10、外語(yǔ)教學(xué)研究出版 , 1999 。4) 黃源深,虞美等主編, 綜合英語(yǔ)教程 ( 1-4 冊(cè))。:高等教育, 1998。5) 高等學(xué)校英語(yǔ)專業(yè)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)大綱 ,:外語(yǔ)教學(xué)研究, 2000。6) Judy Pearsall 主編,新牛津英語(yǔ)詞典 。:外語(yǔ)教育, 1998。7) 丁往道、吳冰等編著, 英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作手冊(cè) 。:外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究。8) 道真,現(xiàn)代英語(yǔ)用法詞典 (重排本)。:外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究, 1994。9) 道真,溫志達(dá) , 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法大全上、下卷。 :外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究, 1998。課后小結(jié)Unit 5 For Want of a DrinkPart One Warm -up1.1 Warm-up Qu

11、estions1. Do you think water is important?Yes, water is the source of all life and we need it every day. No matter who we are, where we are, or what we do, we are dependent on water.2. What is the situation of water resources on the earth?70 percent of the earth is covered with water but 97.5% of ou

12、r water resources are salty it ' s sea water. 90 percent of all fresh water is ice and snow, located in polar areas oron high mountains.3. Do we Chinese need to worry about water?Yes, because of huge population, China has less than a quarter of the world 'asverage per capita water capacity.4

13、. What should we do to save water resources?d better use1) . When we wash hands and face we shouldn' t leave the water running, weabasin. When we leave, we should turn off the taps.2) . When we take a bath, don' t have therwunanteinrg all the time.3) . The water we used can be used to water

14、the flowers or sweep the floor.Part Two Background Information2.1 As is known to all, the yellow river is our mother river, without her,we can ' t live a hapyplife.But she has been polluted by us .when you look at this picture, what would you think of?Through history, water is in people s' b

15、ody and soul.When we get back to our history, there is a classic story about water conservancy that is Da Yu 'S Successful Regulating of Floodwaters.Yu the Great was the chieftain of the legendary Xiahou clan. He was originally called Yu orXiayu. According to legend, the Yellow River flooded dur

16、ing the reign of Emperor Yao, and thepeople were forced to abandon their villages, and go to live in trees or on mountaintops. The flood brought great misery to the people.Emperor Yao, the chieftain of the Yan-Huang tribal alliance, appointed Gun to harness the flood. Gun built dikes to keep back th

17、e water, but failed.shun, who succeeded Yao, killed Gun,and appointed Gun's son Yu to continue with the flood-harnessing work. Yu adopted the dredging method to lead the flood waters to flow along river courses into the sea. Yu worked very hard. It was said that during the 13 years he spent tami

18、ng the floods, he passed his home three times, but did not enter until his task was completed.As a result of his successful efforts, the pe ople bestowed on him the titleu the Gr“eaYt an”dShun chose Yu as his successor, with the approval of the tribal chieftains.2.2 the Jordan River and theGangesChr

19、istians, Jews, and Muslims all considered consider the Jordan River holy.Every year many people from all over the world go to the Jordan River for receiving baptism.2.3 The Earthquake in Port-au-PrincePort-au-Prince is the capital and largest city of the caribbean country of Haiti, and is one of the

20、 nation's largest centers of economy and finance. It was catastrophically affected by an earthquake on january 12,2010,with large numbers of structures damaged or destroyed. Haiti's government has estimated the death toll at 230,000 and says more bodies remain uncounted. Aid has been deliver

21、ed to Port-au-Prince by numerous nations and voluntary groups as part of a global relief effort.Part Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text Analysis3.1.1 Theme of the text1) In this article, the author introduces a warning about the water crisis and then gives a causalanalysis of water shortage: population

22、 explosion since the second half of the last century, soaring agricultural dema nds for better tast ing food and grow ing in dustrial and domestic dema nds for water.3.1.2 Structure of the textPart 1. Introduction: A warning about a water crisis (paras. 1-2)Part 2. Causal an alysis of water shortage

23、 (paras. 3-5)Para. 3: Populati on explosi on since the sec ond half of the last cen turyPara. 4: Soari ng agricultural dema nds for better tast ing foodPara. 5: Grow ing in dustrial and domestic dema nds consuming 30% of the withdrawalPart 3. Difficulty in satisfy ing these dema nds (paras. 6-8)Para

24、. 6: The supply of water being fin itePara. 7: 97% of the world ' s water being saltyPara. 8: Fresh water available for living things being scarcePart 4. Characteristics of water as natural resource (paras. 9-15)Paras. 9-10: Water being not eve nly distributedParas. 11-12: Water being local and

25、heavy to moveParas. 13-15: Underground water being almost used as a free resourcePart 5. Reiteration of the value of water (Paras. 16-17)Part 6. Con clusi on: Difficulty in using the resource sen sibly (paras. 18-19)Para. 18: The belief that water is a free resourcePara. 19: The holy quality water i

26、s in vested withReleva nt questi ons:Q1: Do we have a water problem or not?Q2: How serious is the problem?Q3: Where does our country stand in the world in terms of its share of water resources?Q4: What are the main causes of our water problem?Q5: What do you think we can do to solve this problem?3.2

27、 Writi ng Devices3.2.1 Comparison3.3 Sentence Paraphrase1. When the word water appears in print nowadays, crisis is rarely far beh ind. (para. 1)Today, whenever people mention the word “ water ” in books or newspapers, you knowhey are going to talk about water crisis.The opening paragraph summarizes

28、 what books and newspaper articles say about the present water problem. in print: printed in a book, newspaper, etc. rarely far beh ind: very n ear2. Water, it is said, is the new oil: a resource long squa ndered, now grow ing expe nsive andsoon to be overwhelmed by in satiable dema nd. (par1)Like o

29、il, water, a natural resource, which has for a long time been stupidly wasted, is becoming an expe nsive commodity, and will soon be exhausted by the excessive con sumpti on of huma nity.Here the writer is reminding people of the Mideast Oil Crisis in the 1970' s. In October 1973, Arabpetroleum

30、export ing coun tries cut off exports of petroleum to many Western n ati ons, in cludi ng the Un ited States, in resp onse to their in volveme nt in the Arab-Israeli con flicts. The embargo 禁運(yùn), 貿(mào)易禁令 led to rising oil prices in the early 1970' s,bringing widespread panic to Westerncountries. Many

31、 people believe that high oil consumption in these countries was the root cause of the oil crisis. The Mideast Oil Crisis enhanced public environmental awareness and heightened public concern over n atural resource scarcity.3. Aquifers 地下蓄水層are falling, glaciers vanishing, reservoirs drying up and r

32、ivers noIon ger flow ing to the sea. (para. 1)This sentence explains why the author believes that water is “ soon to be exhausted ” by describing what is happening to major water-holding parts of Earth including aquifers, glaciers, rivers (all naturally formed), and man-made reservoirs. The author u

33、ses accurate and specific verbs to show they are disappeari ng from our pla net:(aquifers) falli ng:beco ming lower (glaciers) vanishing: melting (reservoirs) drying up:becoming dry (rivers) no Ion ger flow ing to the sea:(sect ions of them) drying up so that they areno Ion ger a con ti nu ous flow

34、of water to the sea.4. Climate change threatens to make the problem worse. (para. 1) threaten 預(yù)示兇兆 :to be likely to harm or destroy sth, e.g.1) . Global warm ing, which causes the seas to rise, threate ns to en gulf isla nds.2) . The civil war is threate ning to split the coun try.3) . The country &

35、#39; s cripplin有嚴(yán)重危害的debts could threaten its entire financial system .5. Every one must use less water if famine, pestile nce and mass migrati on are not to sweepthe globe. (para. 1)All of us must use less water to avoid such disasters as famine, epidemic, and mass migration throughout the world.ma

36、ss migrati on:here referri ng to the moveme nt of large nu mbers of people from one place orone part of the world to ano ther to escape the disasters caused by shortage of waterNote: The concluding sentence suggests a simple solution to the problem: use less water.6. The Ianguage is often overblown,

37、 and the remedies sometimes ill-con 籌劃不周的 ;計(jì)劃欠周詳?shù)?but the basic message is not wrong. (para. 1)The Ian guage used in these books and articles are often exaggerated, and the solutio ns suggested sometimes do not sound sen sible (for example, we may ask,"is it sen sible to urge people to useless

38、water when they want to maintain a comfortable lifestyle and live on a nutritious diet?”) ill-c oncei ved: not show ing careful thought; not sounding sen sible the basic message: the key idea that people should use less water7. Bringing supply and dema nd into equilibrium will, and political dispute

39、s may in crease inbe painful nu mber and inten sify in their capacity to cause trouble. (para. 2)It is extremely difficult to bala nee people' s dema nd for more water and thehatiisu nt of wateravailable. bringing supply and dema nd into equilibrium:making dema nd match supply; not using more wa

40、ter tha n is available political disputes may in crease in nu mber:(there will be) more and more political disputes over water intensify in their capacity to cause trouble:(and these disputes) may cause more and more serious troubles8. To carry on with prese nt practice would in deed be to in vite d

41、isaster. (para. 2)If people maintain their present lifestyle and continue wasting water the way they do, they wouldhead for disaster. This is a sentence of implied condition, which is conveyed in the subject “ to carry on with present practice. ”invite: to encourage sth bad to happen, esp. without i

42、ntending to, e.g.1) . The First Lady ' s recent trip invited sharp criticism.9. Then the gree n revoluti on, in an in spired 有創(chuàng)造力的; 品質(zhì)優(yōu)秀的; comb in ati on of newcrop breeds, fertilizers and water, made possible a huge rise in the population. (para. 3)The sentence lists the causes for a treme ndou

43、s in crease in the world ' food supply. First and foremost, improved methods of farming, the n better breeds, and fertilizers. The con seque nee is a huge rise of the world' s population. the gree n revolutio n: a term widely used to describe the effort to in crease and diversify crop yields

44、 in agriculturally less adva need regi ons of the world/a large in crease in the amount of crops, such as wheat or rice, that are produced because of improved scie ntific methods of farming in spired: extraord inary good, brillia nt and creative1) . The film is hailed as an in spired adaptati on of

45、a bestseller.2) . She is one of the few in spired teachers I' ve ever see n.10. Domestic activities take the other 8%. (para. 5) domestic activities: referring tosanitation, waste disposal, etc.11. One reas on is that the supply of water is fin ite.One reason is that the amount of water availabl

46、e is limited.12. The world will have no more of it in 2025 or 2050 tha n it has today, or whe n it lapped atthe sides of Noah ' . spATa. 6)In 2025 or 2050, the world' s water suppHlyewsab© as it is today, or in the days of Noah.When it lapped at the sides of Noah' s Ark:whe n flood

47、water hit the sides of Noahsmall wAvesnThe metaphor is used to emphasize the fact that world' s water supply has remained the same sincean cie nt times.13. the law of con servati on of mass (para. 6)In 1772, British physician Daniel Rutherford isolated nitrogen from air and discovered that objec

48、ts would not burn in it. Four years later British chemist Joseph Priestley discovered that objects burned more brightly and rapidly in oxygen, another component of air. Based on Priestley' s discoveries, French chemist Antoine Lavoisier postulated that air was a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen an

49、d that only one-fifth of air was oxygen. He proposed that oxygen was the part of air that combined chemically with burning or rusting materials.Lavoisier also consolidated discoveries made in connection with gases into the law of conservation of mass. The law of conservation of mass states that, in

50、a chemical reaction, the total amount of matter rema ins con sta nt. The law of con servati on of mass served as the corn erst one of 19th-century chemistry.Nature recycles water all the same. Water in oceans, lakes, and rivers evaporates, or turns into a gas and rises into the air. The water vapor

51、eventually turns back into a liquid and falls as rain. The water cycle keeps the total amount of water on Earth the same 丄14. The value of water as a commodity of course varies according to locality, purpose and circumsta nee. (para. 9) vary: to cha nge or be differe nt accord ing to the situati on,

52、 e.g.1) . Teaching methods should vary according to the topic.2) . The ability to tolerate pain varies from person to person.3) . Class size of eleme ntary schools here varies betwee n 35 and 40.4) . The price of a cut and blow-dry varies from $ 13.95 to $25.15. Scarce or ple ntiful, water is above

53、all local. (para. 11)Whether there is little or a lot of it, most importantly, water is found in particular areas, not everywhere on Earth (not evenly distributed). scarce or ple ntiful: a phrase functioning as a con diti onal clauseMore examples:1) . All people, black or white, rich or poor, should

54、 live side by side.2) .In wealth or in poverty, his wife proved a reliable anchor for his life.16. the opportunities d iminish to the point where it has no uses except to sustain deltas, wetla nds and to carry silt out to sea. (para. 11)n ear the sea, the river water becomes less and less useful exc

55、ept fin ally to susta in deltas, wetla nds and to carry silt out to sea.17. as the dema nds of farmers have outgrow n their supplies of rain and surface water. (pa.13)as farmers need more fresh water than they can get from rivers, lakes and reservoirs as well as rain falls.outgrow: to grow/increase

56、faster than, e.g.1) . Mankind is outgrow ing food supplies.2) . The city' s migrant population has outgrown its public facilities.3) . My gra nddaughter has outgrow n all her clothes.18. the quantities being withdrawn exceed the annual recharge. (para. 13) withdraw:(figurative use) to take water

57、 from below the surface of Earth (as you take moneyfrom your bank acco unt) exceed: to be greater tha n a particular nu mber or amounte.g.1) . When deaths exceed births, the populati on goes dow n.2) . I ncome is expected to exceed expe nditure. recharge: to refill ( a battery) with electricity, her

58、e: to refill (the ground) with waterNote: The word “ charge ” has many different meanings.19. deep-groundwater tables have dropped by up to 90 meters. (para. 14) water table: gro un dwater level, that is, the upper surface of groun dwater, below which pores in the rocks are filled with water.20. Part of the beauty of the borehole is that it requires no elaborate apparatus. (para. 15) Obtaining water out of the ground by drilling deep holes is easy, requiring no complicated eq


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