



1、山東省榮成市第三十五中學(xué)等2021-2021學(xué)年六年級英語上學(xué)期期中聯(lián)考試題一、單項選擇15分學(xué)校: : 班級: 學(xué)號: 1. This is _English book and it is _good English book.A. a;a B. an;an C. an;a2. His name is Alan Smith. His last name is_. A. Alan B. Robert C. Smith3. -What color is _ jacket?-Its _ red.A. the, / B. a, a C. the , a 4. 以下單詞中劃線局部的讀音與所給音標(biāo)一致的

2、選項是:_./e/ A. these B. evening C. spell5. Hello, whats _ name? - My name is Tom. A. your B. his C. her 6. 以下字母中,_ 不是元音字母。 A. Uu B. Ee C. Rr 7. How _ she? A. are B. is C. am 8. What's her name? _.A. My name is Nick. B. Im Nick. C. She is Mary. 9. This is a photo _ my brother. A. is B. in C. of10.

3、在服裝店里,如果你要買中號的衣服,那么你要試穿帶_標(biāo)志的服裝. A. S B. M C. L 11. -Hello, Jim. _.-Nice to meet you, Kate.A. She is my sister Kate. B. Nice to meet you. C. This is my friend Kate. 12. My _ is a teacher. A. parents B. grandparents C. parent 13. -Is Guo Peng your sister? -No, _.A. she is. B. she isnt. C. it is. 14. H

4、ow do you spell you name, Rick?_ A. Sorry, I dont know B. R-I-C-K C. OK15. - Whats that?- _.A. That is a book. B. It is book. C. Its a book. 二、閱讀理解10分AMy name is Ann. Im eight. This is my mother. Her names Mona Black. Her phone number is And this is my father. His name is Paul Black. Hi

5、s telephone number is And this is my brother. Whats his name? His name is Mike. Look! The girl is my sister Mary. Mike is nine and Mary is five.16. Mother is _. A. Mary Black B. Pike Black C. Mona Black17. Fathers telephone number is _.A.B.C. 1385447583118. Mar

6、y is _. A. eight B. nine C. five19. My brother is _. A.Paul B. Nick C. Mike20. My last name is _. A. Ann B. Black C. MikeBHello, Im Kate. This is a photo of my aunts family. The woman in the photo is my aunt, Jane Smith. She is a teacher and she is very kind. The man is her husband丈夫, Bill Smith. Th

7、ese are my cousins Tom and Jack. They are seven and they are twins. They both都 like playing basketball. Look , that lovely baby is my aunts little daughter, Mary. I love them very much.21. There are _ people in the photo. A. three B. four C. five 22. My aunt has_. A. two daughters B. two sons and a

8、daughter C. two daughters and a son 23. My aunts husbands first name is_. A. Bill B. Bill Smith C. Smith 24. The twins like playing _. A. volleyball B. basketball C. soccer 25.Mary is Kates _. A. sister B. mother C. cousin 三、詞匯15分一、根據(jù)所給音標(biāo)寫出單詞,注意單詞形式。1. His name is Tom Brown. His _/>fAmElI/ name i

9、s Brown.2. My father and my mother are my _/>peErEnts/. 3. My favorite color is _/braJn/.4. _ /eIt/ is a lucky幸運(yùn)的 number.5. This is my _/kEm5pju:tE/.6. The two boys are her _ />kQznz/.7. My brother is in NO.2 _/>mIdl/ school.8. -Is this your pencil? -Yes, _/WANks/.9. Whats this in English?

10、- Its _/5zIErEJ/10.Li Hua is in _/>tFaInE/ (二)、用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。11. Please spell _ (she) name.12. This is my friend._ hisis Alan. 13. _ (it) are my cousins.14. Here _ (be) my photos.15. Nice _(meet) you.四、發(fā)音規(guī)那么8分一填空1. / :/ _字母組合發(fā)出。2. / i: /_字母組合及 _字母在開音節(jié)中發(fā)出;3.

11、0;/A / _字母在閉音節(jié)中發(fā)出;4. / tF /_字母組合及_字母組合發(fā)出。5. / f /_ 字母及_字母組合發(fā)出。二將單詞按劃線局部的發(fā)音歸類。 meeting while  home  click  hate  smarter  theatre  age/W/_      /w/ _&#

12、160;    /k/   _  /EJ/  _ /E/ _   /eI/ _    /i:/ _  /dV/ _ 五、選出適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空10分too Fine you in color Spell Hello How it Goodbye A: Hello, Im Jim.B: 1 .My name is Hello.A: 2 are you, H

13、elen?B: 3 , thanks. And you?A: Im fine, 4 .Thank 5 .Whats this 6 English?B: Oh, 7 is a quilt.A: 8 it, please.B: Q-U-I-L-TA: What 9 is it?B: Its green.A: Thanks, goodbyeB: 10 .1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _9. _ 10. _六、句型10分一連詞成句1. is, your, what, number, phone_?2. photo, here, of, a, is, family, his_.3. the, is, what color, bike_?4. white, the, is, ,ruler, and ,red_5. green, my, not, is, bike_二句型轉(zhuǎn)換。6. The pen is black. (對劃線局部提問) _ _ _ the pen?7. This is my book. (改為一般疑問句)_ _ _ book?8. Is this your pencil


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