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1、 亨氏(中國)佛山市一期嬰兒米粉項目Heinz Project MustangQuality Control Plan質(zhì)量控制計劃(Rev:02)四川省第六建筑有限公司No. 6 Construction Company of Sichuan Province2013.05.05Table of Content 目錄1 General Description概述2 Quality Control Target質(zhì)量控制目標3 Quality Control Principle質(zhì)量控制原則4 Quality Control Basis質(zhì)量控制的依據(jù)5 Quality Control Organiz

2、ation 質(zhì)量控制組織構架6 Construction Quality Control Procedure 施工質(zhì)量控制程序6.1 General Quality Control Flow Chart總質(zhì)量控制流程6.2 Material & Equipments Procurement Procedure材料設備的采購程序6.3 Mockups模型樣板6.4 Construction Quality Control Inspection Procedure施工質(zhì)量控制驗收程序6.5 NCR Procedure不符合項整改程序6.6 Material & Equipments

3、 Delivery and storage材料設備的進場及存放6.7 Inspection and Test Plan檢驗、試驗計劃6.8 Finished Products Protection 成品保護7 Construction Quality Control Documents施工質(zhì)量文件8 Subcontractor Management分包管理1 General Description概述This quality control plan is used for Heinz Project Mustang for GC and GCs subcontractors construc

4、tion quality control. To make sure all work can be performed per procedures and based on drawings, codes/standards and Clients requirements.本質(zhì)量控制計劃適用于亨氏野馬項目總包及總包分包的施工質(zhì)量控制,確保所有工作在遵守圖紙、規(guī)范/標準、甲方的要求的基礎上按程序進行。2 Quality Control Target質(zhì)量控制目標2.1 Comply with design drawings, standard & Codes滿足設計圖紙、國家規(guī)范、標

5、準的要求2.2 Meet general contract and Clients requirements滿足總包合同及甲方的要求2.3 First Pass for Inspection and Acceptance爭取一次性驗收合格2.4 Try to build a good project爭創(chuàng)優(yōu)質(zhì)工程3 Quality Control Principle質(zhì)量控制原則3.1 Control before happening事前控制3.1.1 Quality Control Contents質(zhì)量控制內(nèi)容l Know well quality control skills and code

6、s/standards before construction commencement掌握和熟悉質(zhì)量控制的技術,掌握有關技術文件規(guī)范。l Inspection subcontractors certificates施工隊伍的資質(zhì)檢查。l Material and equipments procurement technical review and procurement plan before purchasing工程所需的原材料、半成品、購配件的質(zhì)量控制。l Inspecting tools and instruments施工隊伍的計量器具的檢查。l Inspecting constru

7、ction machines and equipments施工隊伍所使用機械的檢查。l Inspecting subcontractors staff certificates施工隊伍管理人員資質(zhì)和上崗證明書的檢查。l Work methods statement submittal and review before specific work start單項工作開始前的施工方案的提交及審查。3.1.2 Technical disclosure技術交底3.1.2.1 Disclosure shall be done by the project technical department to

8、 the engineering department, then by the engineering department to the construction teams management; the engineering department shall supervise for the disclosure by the management of construction teams to the operators.由項目技術部向工程部交底,工程部向施工隊管理層交底,并監(jiān)督施工隊管理層向其操作層交底。 Disclosure meeting shall be

9、organized for important project sections and sub-items by the technical department, and Heinz/Stellar and Jianli shall be invited for the solicitation of their opinions; a meeting minute shall be formed after thorough discussion of construction procedures and details by all participants, so as to br

10、ing the whole construction process under effective preemptive control.重要分部分項工程由技術部組織交底會,邀請Heinz/Stellar及監(jiān)理參加,并征求其意見,與會各方就有關施工工序及細節(jié)做認真討論,并形成會議紀要,使整個施工過程處于有效的預控之中。 The technical disclosure shall be carried out in such a manner that every member in the project management and operation understand

11、 the process methods and quality requirements of the construction of the project section/items within their responsibility scope.技術交底要做到使項目所有管理層及操作層的人員明確了解分部分項工程施工中各自責任范圍內(nèi)的過程施工方法和質(zhì)量要求。 Technical disclosure of construction teams shall be supervised and inspected by project technical department

12、, once every half month, the results of which to be reported to the technical responsible person.施工隊技術交底由項目技術部監(jiān)督檢查,每半月檢查一次,并將檢查結果報技術負責人。3.2 Dynamic Management and Tracing during Progress動態(tài)管理及過程跟蹤3.2.1 Process control before commencement開工前過程控制3.2.1.1 The project technical department shall be respons

13、ible for the preparation plan before commencement, which shall account for human, machine, materials, time limit and other factors.項目技術部負責編制開工前準備計劃,計劃應全面考慮人、機、料及時間等因素。 Upon receipt of drawings, an internal joint drawing examination by the engineering, quality departments shall be organized by

14、 the technical department, chaired by the technical responsible person.接到圖紙后,技術部組織,由技術負責人主持,由工程部、質(zhì)量部,進行圖紙內(nèi)部會審。 Practical and feasible construction plan and quality plan shall be prepared in line with the characteristics of the construction stage, section and sub-items.根據(jù)施工階段、分部、分項工程的特點,編制切實可行

15、的施工方案和質(zhì)量計劃。3.2.2 Construction process control施工的過程控制3.2.2.1 Construction process control施工過程工序控制Control construction process and tracing construction progress. And no next work can start before upper work inspected and accepted by Stellar/Jianli. After upper work finished, self-inspection should be

16、done by subcontractors or GC, if pass the inspection, then request Stellar/Jianli to inspect. 工序把關、過程跟蹤。堅持上道工序不經(jīng)檢查、驗收不準進行下道工序的施工。上道工序完成后,先由施工單位進行自檢、專職檢查,驗收合格后,申請Stellar/監(jiān)理單位檢查驗收。 Process Tracing Chart工序過程跟蹤框圖:不合格工序施工完畢施工單位自檢、專職檢、初檢返 修試驗室檢驗會同現(xiàn)場檢驗報驗、Stellar會同監(jiān)理單位驗收Stellar/監(jiān)理單位代表簽署質(zhì)量合格意見不合格進行下道工

17、序DisapproveWork finishedSelf-inspection by GC/SubcontractorCorrectionTestingFiled inspectionInspection application to Stellar/JianliStellar/Jianli approve the work after inspectionDisapproveNext work Responsibility for key process (structural expansion joint, waterproofing, provision and pre

18、-embedding engineering of equipment foundations, indoor backfilling of first floor, roof waterproofing, toilet waterproofing, combination of suspended ceiling and mechanic and electric installation, external door and window installation and water proofing, and so on) shall be assigned to specific pe

19、rsons and key process shall be continuously monitored with records kept.對關鍵過程(結構伸縮縫及防水施工、設備基礎的預留預埋施工、首層室內(nèi)回填土、屋面防水、廁所間防水、吊頂與機電配合、外門窗安裝及防水等),要重點落實負責人,并進行連續(xù)監(jiān)控,做好記錄并保存。 The engineering department shall organize and supervise construction by operator according to drawings, reasonably arrange seque

20、nces of construction procedures, follow current state specifications, regulations and standards, abide by the three-inspection system (self, mutual and handover inspection), and maintain proper records. Acceptance of pre-inspection and concealed engineering inspection shall be organized by responsib

21、le engineer. Operation shall not proceed before acceptance or qualification of acceptance of the foregoing procedure.工程部組織、監(jiān)督作業(yè)層嚴格按圖施工,合理安排施工工序,執(zhí)行國家現(xiàn)行規(guī)范、規(guī)程、標準,嚴格實行三檢制(自檢、互檢、交接檢),并作好記錄。責任工程師組織預檢、隱檢驗收,上道工序未經(jīng)驗收或驗收不合格,不得進行下道工序施工。 The Quality Rectify Form shall be issued by QC to the constructing

22、teams when any quality issue arises on site. 對于現(xiàn)場出現(xiàn)的質(zhì)量問題由質(zhì)量部向施工隊下發(fā)書面質(zhì)量整改通知單。3.3 Quality Accident Control質(zhì)量的事后控制:3.3.1 Unit work inspection and acceptance單位單項工程竣工驗收After unit work or specific work finished and pass the GCs inspection, then request Stellar/Jianli to inspect.單位、單項工程完工后,施工單位初驗合格再提出驗收申報。

23、3.3.2 Inspection and acceptance procedure chart驗收程序框圖:Specific work inspection applicationQuality documentsFiled inspectionTesting reportApprovedQuality certificateSign quality DocDisapprove分包單位提出單項工程驗收申報表,各分項工程質(zhì)量驗收單質(zhì)量驗收單會同現(xiàn)場核查實驗室檢驗資料合 格工程質(zhì)量等級評定簽署驗收書不合格3.3.3 Quality accident treatment工程質(zhì)量事故處理Quality

24、 accident reason and responsibility should be analyzed, and discussing correction measurement, all should be checked and recorded.對質(zhì)量事故要分析原因、責任,商定質(zhì)量事故的處理措施,批準處理工程質(zhì)量事故的技術措施或方案,對處理措施的效果要檢查、記錄。4 Quality Control Basis質(zhì)量控制的依據(jù)4.1 General Contract, supplemental agreement and attachment總包合同、補充協(xié)議及合同附件4.2 Des

25、ign drawings設計圖紙4.3 Current Chinese codes/standards and local regulations當前的中國規(guī)范/標準及當?shù)氐囊?guī)定4.4 Huashi Company Quality Management system華西公司的質(zhì)量管理體系4.5 Heinz/Stellar Quality regulations 亨氏/Stellar 質(zhì)量規(guī)定5 Quality Control Organization 質(zhì)量控制組織構架5.1 QC Organizational Chart質(zhì)量組織構架表5.2 QC Staff Responsibilities

26、QC成員的職責5.2.1 Project Manager項目經(jīng)理l Be responsible for implementing relevant Huashi quality guidelines and system documents, deciding the projects quality goal, endorsing and implementing project quality plan; lead in the project safe production and quality management as the first responsible person f

27、or quality.貫徹公司質(zhì)量方針、質(zhì)量體系文件,確定項目質(zhì)量目標,批準實施項目質(zhì)量計劃。領導項目安全生產(chǎn)與質(zhì)量管理工作,是質(zhì)量的第一責任人。l Be responsible for the quality performance review of civil engineering, mechanical and electrical and other specialized construction teams.負責土建、機電施工隊伍及其他專業(yè)施工隊伍的施工質(zhì)量業(yè)績考核。l Determine the project quality organization system and

28、the segregation of functionaries.確定項目的質(zhì)量組織體系和職能人員劃分。l Be responsible for the general coordination and communication with Heinz/Stellar and Jianli.負責與Heinz/Stellar、監(jiān)理單位的總體協(xié)調(diào)與溝通。5.2.2 QC Manager質(zhì)量經(jīng)理l Conduct quality inspection and supervision of this project.負責本項目質(zhì)量檢查和監(jiān)督工作。l Arrange for the quality ra

29、ting and acceptance of subsection and sub-items, monitor the identification of finished and semi-finished construction products, supervise on the implementation of the three-inspection system (self inspection, mutual inspection and handover inspection) during construction and check corresponding doc

30、uments, check and monitor the implementation of sample-system and the evaluation of special techniques.組織分部分項工程的質(zhì)量評定和驗收,同時監(jiān)督施工成品、半成品的標識,監(jiān)督施工過程中“三檢制”(自檢、互檢、交接檢)的落實,并檢查相應資料,檢查和監(jiān)督“樣板制”的實施及特殊工藝的評定工作。l Assist project manager in the investigation, analysis and handling of quality accidents, monitor on the

31、 implementation of quality technical measures and corrective measures.協(xié)助項目經(jīng)理進行質(zhì)量事故的調(diào)查、分析及處理工作,監(jiān)督質(zhì)量技術措施和整改措施的貫徹落實。l Arrange for the field quality survey and field measurement of project entities and conduct proper identification and analysis.組織工程實體質(zhì)量的實測、實量工作,并做好標識及分析工作。l Collect and sort engineering

32、quality information, organize for submittal for engineering inspection, and acceptance of engineering structure and completion acceptance.負責收集整理工程質(zhì)量資料,組織工程報驗和工程結構、竣工驗收工作。l Supervise the operation of project quality system, arrange self-check and internal audit of project quality system, record and t

33、otal non-conformities, propose corrective actions, and report to project manager.監(jiān)督項目質(zhì)量體系的運行,組織項目質(zhì)量體系自查及內(nèi)審,將自查不符合項作好記錄匯總,提出整改措施,并報項目經(jīng)理。l Review and sign submittals;審查提交并簽字l Conduct daily activities in quality control department;領導質(zhì)量部的日常工作5.2.3 Chief Engineer技術負責人l Lead in the compilation of project

34、quality plan, assist the project manager in technical and quality management for technical support.領導編制項目質(zhì)量計劃,協(xié)助項目經(jīng)理主抓技術管理及對質(zhì)量管理工作提供技術支持。l Organize and lead construction teams/shifts technicians for the implementation of system management according to project quality system requirements.組織和領導作業(yè)班組技術員

35、,使其按項目質(zhì)量體系要求實行系統(tǒng)管理。l Arrange for joint drawings review, construction compilation of organization design, technical construction plan, specialized technical construction plan, flow design of work procedures, and technical disclosure of subsections and sub-items, and supervision and inspection of the

36、implementation of above-mentioned documents.組織圖紙會審,組織編制施工組織設計、施工技術方案、專業(yè)施工技術方案、工序流程設計及分部分項工程技術交底,對上述文件的貫徹及落實情況進行監(jiān)督與檢查。l Lead and supervise the submitting and accreditation of raw materials and construction test.領導并督促原材料試驗及施工試驗的送檢和鑒定工作。l Lead the collecting, sorting, organizing, binding and archiving,

37、 auditing and submitting for approval, of engineering technical information.領導工程技術資料的收集、整理和組卷歸檔及審核報批工作。l Carry through various technical policies, criteria, regulations, standards and management systems;貫徹各項技術政策、技術規(guī)范、規(guī)程、標準和技術管理制度。l Arrange for the acceptance of project structure, submittal of comple

38、tion inspection, completion documents, technical summarization etc.組織本工程結構驗收、竣工報驗及竣工檔案、技術總結等工作。5.2.4 Construction Manager施工經(jīng)理l Organize the implementation of project quality plan, and provide assistance to the project manager in quality management as the direct leader and organizer of the project co

39、nstruction production是項目施工生產(chǎn)的直接領導者及組織者,組織貫徹實施項目質(zhì)量計劃,協(xié)助項目經(jīng)理進行質(zhì)量管理。l Organize site managers for the familiarization of drawings and construction plan, organize strictly and operate carefully for ensured quality according to the explained requirements of construction organization design and plan.組織現(xiàn)場管理

40、人員熟悉圖紙和施工方案,按施工組織設計及方案交底要求嚴密組織、精心施工、確保質(zhì)量。l Organize all functionary units of the project for subsection, sub-item and overall engineering acceptance, rating and commissioning.組織項目各職能部門進行分部、分項工程及整體工程驗收、評定、交付使用工作。5.2.5 QC Inspectors質(zhì)檢員l Conduct Construction quality control procedures;監(jiān)督、引導施工按質(zhì)量控制程序執(zhí)行l(wèi)

41、 Construction quality control inspection;負責施工質(zhì)量檢查l Quality control documents review;對質(zhì)量控制文件審查l Other Construction quality control works;其它有關質(zhì)量控制的工作5.2.6 Surveyor測量員l Be responsible for survey work of GC負責總包工作的測量工作l Inspection subcontractors survey work;對分包的測量工作進行檢查l Maintaining the existing benchmar

42、k points;對現(xiàn)場的施工基準點進行維護5.2.7 Document Controller資料員l Be responsible for quality control documentation負責整個有關質(zhì)量控制的文件l Implement project document control procedures into quality control documentation執(zhí)行有關質(zhì)量控制文件的控制程序l Be responsible for quality control documents transmittal, logs, archiving負責質(zhì)量控制文件的傳遞、記錄及

43、存檔l Other quality control documentation requirements其它有關質(zhì)量控制的要求6 Construction Quality Control Procedure 施工質(zhì)量控制程序Quality control procedures start from a true understanding of design drawings and construction codes/standards. QC team will review material/equipments procurement application, and inspect

44、 all construction quality control,to guarantee that the material, equipment and installation will be inspected and accept according to the requirements of design drawings and codes/standards. Once the installation starts, QC team and subcontractors QC engineers will conduct daily inspection of the w

45、orkmanship to correct any deficiencies. QC Manager will also work closely with Heinz/Stellar Quality Assurance Officer to resolve any construction quality issues.質(zhì)量控制程序是基于對設計圖紙及施工規(guī)范/標準的理解。質(zhì)量部將審查材料/設備的采購申請,檢查現(xiàn)場施工活動的質(zhì)量控制,保證材料/設備及安裝符合設計及規(guī)范的要求。一旦施工活動開始,質(zhì)量人員及分包的質(zhì)檢員將進行日常的質(zhì)量檢查工作,并糾正施工的質(zhì)量偏差。質(zhì)量經(jīng)理也將密切與Heinz/S

46、tellar及監(jiān)理單位配合來解決有關的施工質(zhì)量問題。GC shall establish quality control procedures to ensure quality of the final product to comply with design drawings and codes/standards.總包要建立整個的質(zhì)量控制程序以確保最終的施工質(zhì)量滿足設計圖紙及規(guī)范/標準的要求。6.1 General Quality Control Flow Chart總質(zhì)量控制流程6.2 Material & Equipments Procurement Procedure材料

47、設備的采購程序For procurement control, ensure the material/products purchased have good quality and comply with design drawings and general contract, the most important is to ensure all products data is corrective and comply with design drawing and general contract. As the general quality control program,

48、the related submittal of all materials/products shall be prepared and reviewed based on GC QC program, and get the final approval and acceptance by QC manager, the necessary samples/mock up should be submittal together, then the submittals shall be submitted to Heinz/Stellar and Jianli for review an

49、d approval. The material/products can not be purchased before Heinz/Stellar and Jianli approved all related submittals.對于采購的控制,采購的材料/產(chǎn)品要有好的質(zhì)量,要滿足設計圖紙及合同要求,重要的一點產(chǎn)品數(shù)據(jù)要滿足設計圖紙及合同的要求。作為整個的質(zhì)量控制程序,所有的材料/產(chǎn)品的提交準備要總包的質(zhì)量控制程序進行準備和審查,并由質(zhì)量經(jīng)理批準,必要的樣品、樣板也要同提交一起準備,然后提交給Heinz/Stellar及監(jiān)理審查批準。在Heinz/Stellar及監(jiān)理批準前,不得進行采

50、購。The below QC procedure should be performed for this project:采購質(zhì)量控制流程如下:If substitution of required materials/Products is necessary, GC will submit the substitution request to Heinz/Stellar for approval, the above procurement procedure will be performed after Heinz/Stellar approves. The substitutio

51、n Request Format refers to Attachment-1.如果必要進行材料/產(chǎn)品的代換,總包將向Heinz/Stellar提出替代申請,獲批后將按上述采購控制流程執(zhí)行。替代申請表見附件-1。6.3 Mockups模型樣板A Mockup container will prepared before the specific work based on reference photos in bidding phase. Container should include the following at a minimum:一個根據(jù)投標階段的照片顯示的樣板集裝箱在相應工作之

52、前要準備。集裝箱內(nèi)部最少要包括以下內(nèi)容:l PIR PanelsPIR 板l Sloped Concrete Floors with 1 Floor Drain帶斜坡的混凝土地面和一個地漏l Concrete Curb混凝土小矮墻護腳l Resinous Floor Coating樹脂地面l Electrical Conduit with stand-offs電氣線管包括固定支架l Lighting照明燈具l Pipe penetrating wall covers穿墻管的收口蓋子6.4 Construction Quality Control Inspection Procedure施工質(zhì)量

53、控制驗收程序6.4.1 Construction Quality Inspection and Acceptance Procedure Chart施工質(zhì)量驗收流程6.4.2 Inspection and acceptance for concealing work隱蔽工程檢查驗收After concealed work finished, the work should be checked by GC/subcontractors themselves first, then request Stellar/Jianli to inspect after pass the QC inspe

54、ction. No next work can be done before upper concealed work inspected and approved by Heinz/Stellar and Jianli, same inspection procedure will be followed as item 6.4.1.隱蔽工程完成后,先由分包單位自檢、專職檢,檢驗合格后填報隱蔽工程質(zhì)量驗收通知單,報Stellar會同監(jiān)理工程師檢查驗收。在任何隱蔽工作在Heinz/Stellar及監(jiān)理驗收批準前,不能進行下一步工作,驗收程序同上述6.4.1項。6.5 NCR Procedure

55、不符合項整改程序All defects indicated during QC inspection for each definable work shall be rectified, the critical quality defects should be recorded in Non-conformance, and GC will provide detailed corrective action, which should be described as rectified measurements in Non-conformance report, the defina

56、ble corrective work shall be re-inspected by QC team, and then resubmitted to Heinz/Stellar and Jianli for inspection. 每項工作質(zhì)量檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)的問題均需整改,嚴重的質(zhì)量缺陷需要發(fā)出質(zhì)量整改通知書,總包將對此提出詳細的整改方案,整改后的工作經(jīng)QC檢查合格后,再報Stellar/監(jiān)理審查。Non-conformance corrective action procedure不符合項整改流程:6.6 Material & Equipments Delivery and stor

57、age材料設備的進場及儲存6.6.1 Delivery and Storage 進場及存放6.6.1.1 All delivery of material/equipments shall be stored by category in storage yards as specified by job site layout plan, or in warehouse where moisture-protection is required, and will be inspected on site by QC team and Stellar/Jianli, QC and Stellar/Jianli shall double check material/Equipments received as below, but not limited to: 材料進場后,應按現(xiàn)場平面布置圖要求的指定堆放場地分


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