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1、貴州省2010年中職單報高職招生統(tǒng)一考試語 文 試 卷一、選擇題(本題10小題,每小題3分,共30分。請將正確答案的選項填寫在答題表中相應的題號下。)題號選項1、下列依次給出的加點字的注音,正確的一組是( )角色 露骨 量體裁衣 拾級而上A.、jué lòu liàng shí B、jio lù liáng shèC、jio lòu liáng shí D、jué lù liàng shè2、下列詞語中,沒有錯別字的一項是( )A、訣巧 磨礪 贗品 淺嘗輒

2、止B、赦免 落寞 蓬蒿 好高騖遠C、哂笑 自詡 告罄 安分守已D、輟學 倩影 消弭 功虧一匱3、下列各組詞語中加點的字是多音字,其中有兩種讀音的一組是( )A、蒙頭轉(zhuǎn)向 蒙昧無知 蒙冤受屈 蒙古B、曲徑通幽 曲高和寡 委曲求全 曲直C、漂洋過海 漂洗衣裳 作風浮漂 漂亮D、蔓青遍野 蔓草難除 順蔓摸瓜 蔓延4、依次填入下面句子中的詞語,最恰當?shù)囊唤M是( )某市負責人在接受媒體采訪時表示,經(jīng)濟建設要注重環(huán)境保護; 該市的環(huán)境保護仍然嚴重滯后。醫(yī)院作為特殊的公共 ,應該講究語言得體,“歡迎你再來”這一類的語言算不算#使用的。人們在異國他鄉(xiāng)為了生存而不得不放棄自己原有的文明, 首先放棄排在首位的就是

3、母語。談到?jīng)Q賽對手時,教練說:“這將 是一場漂亮的比賽,在決賽中想他們會師是一次獨一無二的機會”。A、坦陳 場所 必須 必然B、坦陳 場合 必需 必定C、坦承 場合 必需 必然D、坦承 場所 必須 必定5、下列句子中沒有語病的一句是( )A、大家熱列地歡迎英雄的母親的到來。B、誰也不敢否認優(yōu)異的學習成績不是靠勤奮學習得來的。C、當航空遙感發(fā)展到航天遙感時,人們能從一個全新的高度宇宙空間來理解地球。D、不知不覺就走了十里路左右的距離。6、下列句子標點符號使用正確一項是( )A、要把濃縮的東西“泡”開,這是詩歌鑒賞過程中,必經(jīng)的一道“工序”B、對于惡意的中傷,我們是不是就應該“奮起自衛(wèi)”和“迎頭#

4、”呢!我的社會是仍然盡可能地寬容。C、公安干警出警次數(shù)多,出警時間長。這些情況在全國,有逐年增加的趨勢。D、語文數(shù)學的問題,葉老有一句精辟的話。那就是“教是為了不教”。7、下列各句子中加點的成語使用恰當?shù)囊痪涫牵?)A、他最近的狀態(tài)一直不佳,接連幾次考試都不理想,屢試不爽,心情糟透了。B、辯論會上,選手們唇槍舌劍,巧舌如簧,精彩激烈的場面贏得了現(xiàn)場觀眾陣陣掌聲。C、出于自身利益的考慮,一些地區(qū)畫地為牢實行地方保護主義,人為地分剝和控制煤炭資源。D、導演對籌拍的這部電視劇主要角色的人選諱莫如深,記者得不到任何信息,大失所望。8、下列句子中加點詞解釋錯誤的一項是( )A、鐵騎突出(突然奔出)刀槍嗎

5、B、順風而呼,聲非加疾(疾?。┮睠、蔥魂悸(驚動)以魄動,恍驚起而長嗟D、不恥相師(效法、學習)9、下列有關文學常識的表述,錯誤的一項是( )A、名篇(項鏈)的作者是18世紀法國偉大作家雨果。B、“文章合為時而著,歌詩合為事而作”是中唐詩人白居易的文學主張。C、朱自清,字佩統(tǒng)弦,我國現(xiàn)代著名散文家、詩人、背影、荷塘月色是其代表作。D、拿來主義的作者是現(xiàn)代著名作家魯迅。10、下列各句中比喻不恰當?shù)囊痪涫牵?)A、微風過處,送來縷縷清香,仿佛遠處高樓上緲茫的歌聲似的。B、小戰(zhàn)士斜掛著沖鋒槍。在崎嶇的小路上向前猛沖,腳步像踩在#上般的輕快。C、廢除幾千年的封建制度,需要一場暴風雨。D、黑又濃又翠的景

6、色,簡直是一幅青綠的山水畫。二、填空填(本題共8分,每空1分)11、故不積跬步。 ,不積小流 。12、安能橫眉折腰事權貴, 。13、同是天涯淪落人, 。14、別有幽愁暗恨生, 。15、師者,所以 也。16、恰同學少年, ,書生意氣,揮斥方遒。指點江山, ,糞土當年萬戶侯。三、現(xiàn)代文閱讀(本題共52分)(一)閱讀下面短文,回答17-22題(18分)七尺闊,十二尺深的工房樓下,橫七豎八地躺滿了十六七個被罵做“豬玀”的人。跟著這種有威勢的喊聲,( )了汗臭,糞臭和濕氣的空氣里,很快地就像被攪動了的蜂窩一般( )起來。打呵欠,嘆氣,叫喊,找衣服,穿錯了別人的鞋子,( )地踏在別人身上,在離開別人頭部不

7、到一尺的馬桶上很響地小便。女性所有的那種害羞的感覺,在這些被叫做“豬玀”的人們中間,似乎已經(jīng)很( )了。她們會半祼體地起來開門,拎著褲子爭奪馬桶,將身體稍稍背轉(zhuǎn)一下就( )在男人面前換衣服。17、選擇正確的一組詞語填入文中括號內(nèi)。( )A、布滿 鼓動 混亂 麻木 居然B、充滿 騷動 胡亂 遲鈍 公然C、塞滿 噪動 動亂 麻木 竟然D、充滿 鼓動 胡亂 遲鈍 居然18、寫出文中的比喻句。(3分)19、上述比喻句說明了包身工怎么的社會地位?(2分)20、寫出文中的排比句(3分)。21、上述排比句說明了包身工處在怎樣的生活環(huán)境中?(2分)22、文末劃線一段敘述了什么?揭示了什么?(4分)(二)閱讀下

8、面短文,回答2328題(21分)她覺得她生來就是為著過高雅和奢華的生活,因此她不斷地感到痛苦。住宅的 ,墻壁的 ,家具的 ,布料的 ,都使她苦惱。這些東西,在別的跟她一樣地位的婦人,也許不會掛在心上,然而她卻因些痛苦,因此傷心。她看著那個替她做瑣碎家事的勃雷夫涅省的小女仆,心里就引起悲哀的感慨和狂亂的夢想,她夢想那些幽靜的廳堂,那里裝飾著東方的帷幕,點著高腳的青銅燈,還有兩個穿棉襖的仆人,躺在寬大的椅子里,被暖爐的熱氣烘得打盹兒。她夢想那些寬敝的客廳,那里張掛著古式的壁衣,陳設著精巧的木器、珍奇的古玩。她夢想那些華美的香氣撲鼻的小客室,在那里。下午五點鐘的時候,她跟最親密的男朋友閑談,或者跟那

9、些一般女人所最仰慕樂于結(jié)識的男子閑談。每當她在鋪著一塊三天沒洗的桌布的圓桌邊坐下來吃晚飯的時候,對面,她的丈夫揭開湯鍋的蓋子,帶著驚喜的神氣說:“??!好香的肉湯!再沒有比這更好的了!”這時候,她就夢想到那些精美的晚餐,亮晶晶的綠器;夢想到那些掛在墻上的壁衣,上面刻著古藍人物,仙境般的園林,奇異的禽鳥;夢想到直巍然名貴的盤碟里的佳肴;夢想到一邊吃著橘紅色的鱸魚或者松雞翅膀,一邊帶著迷人的微笑聽客人#談。她沒有漂亮服裝,沒有珠寶,什么也沒有,然而她偏偏只喜愛這些,她覺得自己生存上就是為了這些,她一向就想得人關心、被人羨慕,具有誘惑力而被人追求23、畫線部分應該填上的詞語: 、 、 、 24、本段文

10、字所刻畫的女主人公的姓名是 25、本段文字主人公的形象鮮明,個性突出,作者運用了 的修辭方法。26、這段描寫表現(xiàn)了女主人公怎樣的性格?她追求和向往怎樣的生活方式?(9分)27、這段描寫對表現(xiàn)文章主題有什么作用?(4分)28、女主人公的悲劇命運與她的性格之間有什么關系?(4分)(三)閱讀下面文字,回答29-32題(13分)人一生中能有這樣兩個發(fā)現(xiàn),該是很夠了,即使只能做出一個這樣的發(fā)現(xiàn),也已經(jīng)是幸福了。但是馬克思在他所研究的每一個領域,甚至在數(shù)學領域,都有獨到的發(fā)現(xiàn),這樣的領域很多的,而且其中任何一個領域他都不是淺嘗輒止。1、注音并解釋“淺嘗輒止”一詞的意思(4分) 2、這段文字說明了什么?(4

11、分)3、文中帶點的詞“這樣”指代什么?(2分)4、模仿本段文字用“即使但是而且”造一個短名。(3分)四、應用文寫作(本題共20分,每小題10分)33、請根據(jù)自己的實際情況寫一則借條(40分)要求(1)格式正確 (2)要素齊全34、某公司的商品在西南市場上打開了銷路,為擴大市場,欲在西南片區(qū)誠聘一代理商。請為該公司擬一則招聘啟事。(10分)要求:格式正確 語言簡明規(guī)范 交代詳細貴州省2010年中職單報高職招生統(tǒng)一考試英 語 試 卷I、單項填空(本題10小題,每小題1分,共10分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中找出劃線部分讀音與其余三個不同的選項填入下格內(nèi)。題號選項1、A.foodB. woolC.

12、soonD.moon2、A.buildB.usualC.dutyD.student3、A.sugarB.largeC.hardD.park4、A.whetherB.eitherC.northernD.mouth5、A.haveB.gaveC.cakeD.make6、A.twiceB.smileC.liveD.beside7、A.soundB. loudlyC.groundD.trouble8、A.guessB.centreC.sendD.even9、A.newspaperB.saveC.festivalD.news10、A.nearB.dearC.pearD.hearII單詞拼寫(本題10小題

13、,每小題1分,共10分)根據(jù)句意,補全單詞中所缺的字母,并將該單詞移寫在右邊的橫線上。11.Please be quiet. I have something imp t nt to tell you. 12.The teacher asked the p ls to stop making any noise 13.It is very difficult and e en ive to buy a big new house. 14. The desks and chairs are made of w d. 15.If you dont work hard you cant live a

14、 c mf table life in the future. 16.You must f n h your homework before 9:00 oclock. 17.May I use your dictionary? C ta nly. 18.We had studied English for 6 years when we en ed college. 19.This dictionary is quite dif ent from that one. 20.Ac ding to the weather report,it is going to rain tomorrow. I

15、II.選擇填空(本題20小題,每小題1分,共20分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳答案填入下格內(nèi)。題號2122232425262728293031323334353637383940選項21.Well go to Shanghai if I free tomorrow.A.will be B.is C.was D.am22.John has never been to China, ?A.where she is work B.where she worksC.where does she work D.where did she work23.I think that he knows

16、.A.where she is work B.where she worksC.where does she work D.where did she work24.Our school is becoming .A.more and more beautifulB.more beautiful and more beautifulC.beautifuler and beautifulerD.much beautiful and beautiful25.Neither you nor I on the team.A.am B.is C.are D.be26. the teachers help

17、, I caught up with the others.A.Under B.On C.With D.In27.Why didnt you go to visit the Science Museum? Because I it two days ago.A.visited B.have visited C.was visiting D.will visit28. Youd better go and ask Mr.Wang. He know how to use the computer.A.can B.may C.would D.could29.He told in the letter

18、 that he would meet at the station.A.I, we B.my,our C.his,her D.me,us30.Im hungry. Give me something .A. eat B.to eat C.eating D.for eating31.Im busy now. I an appointment with the nurse.A.makes B.am making C.made D.have made32.The teaching building in 1990.A.build B.is built C.was built D.had built

19、33. earth trrns around sun.A.a,the B.The,the C.The,a D./,/34.I dont like English. He doesnt like English.A.each B.neither C.either D.both35.The girl is sitting under the tree is my sister.A.where B.who C.which D.when36. is your father? He is fine.A.Which B.Where C.What D.How37.Alice wanted to know h

20、er grandmother liked the present.A.that B.if C.which D.what38.My mother is not at home now. She shopping.A.has gone B.has been C.have gone D.have been39.The clothes me 100 yuan.A.cost B.costed C.pays for D.spent on40.Here is a pair of trousers. Will you please ?A.put on it B.try it on C.try them on

21、D.put them on IV.完形填空(本題10小題,每小題2分,共20分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,并從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出一個最佳答案填入下格內(nèi)。題號41424344454647484950選項We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago,most of the people in Europe(歐洲)did not know 41 about tea. Some people had heard about it 42 very few of them knew what to do with i

22、t.There is a story about an English sailor(海員)who went to the 43 in the east,the west and the south. He had 44 to India and China. One day he came home and 45 some tea as a present for his mother. His mother told her friends about the present and 46 them to a “tea party”.The old woman brought out so

23、me tea leaves and asked 47 to eat. Of course 48 liked the tea leaves.At that time the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said,“ 49 ,what have you done with the tea?”“I boild it 50 you said.”“What did you do with the water?”“I threw it away,of course”,answered the old woman.“Now you may throw

24、 away the tea leaves,too.”said her son.41、A.anythingB.somethingC.nothingD.everything42、A.andB.soC.butD.or43、A.villagesB.citiesC.countriesD.house44、A.beenB.citiesC.leftD.arrived45、A.takenB.broughtC.fetchedD.picked46、A.askedB.spokeC.talkedD.said47、A.themB.theyC.youD.we48、A.allB.everybodyC.anybodyD.nob

25、ody49、A.LadiesB.FatherC.FriendD.Mother50、A.likeB.thatC.asD.whatV.英譯漢(本題10小題,每小題2分,共20分)仔細閱讀下列各句,并將句子譯成漢語。51Id like to book a table by the window for tonight. 52. He is perhaps one of the smartest scientists of all time. 53.It takes me sometime to get used to the new life here. 54.The theatre was bui

26、lt in 1950. 55.Have you got any books about the Internet? 56.Tom became interested in model planes when he was a child. 57.Her childhood interest gradually developed into a hobby. 58.I spent most my time in the library in order to complete the experiment. 59.We would like to visit the world-famous u

27、niversities in Beijing. 60.It is impossible to get there on time. VI.閱讀理解(本題10小題,每小題2分,共20分)從A、B、C、D四個選中選出正確答案填入下格內(nèi)。題號61626364656667686970選項A One morning at breakfast, Robert was reading his letter. “Look, dear,”he said to his wife Mary. “Someone sent these two tickets for the concert tonight. Isht

28、that kind?”“Who sent them?”asked Mary.“I have no idea.”There is a note together with the tickets but it just says, “Hope youll enjoy yourselves.”“Can you gues whom these tickets are from?”“Well, never mind.”Mary said.“Perhaps one of our friends wants to give us a surprise”。After dinner that evening,

29、 Robert and Mary put on their best clothes and went to the concert. They had a wonderful evening and came home quite late. When they got back to their house,they were greatly surprised. Someone had broken into their house!Almost everything valuble(貴重的)in the house had been taken away-pictures,clothe

30、s,camera and money. Near the light on the table they found a note. It said,“Now, can you guess who sent the tickets?”61. Robert was reading letters .A. from one of his friends B.while he was having breakfastC.after breakfast time D.to his wife Mary62.Someone sent them two tickets for the concert .A、

31、without telling them his name B、and Mary knew they were from a friend of theirs.C、as a happy surprise D、to make them happy that night63. Robert and Mary .A.did not go to the concert B.put on their best clothesC.went to the concert and enjojed it D.had a wonderful evening at home64.When they got back

32、,they were surprised to see .A.someone was in their house B.the window of their house were brokenC.a thief had stolen all their nice things D.someone hd given them a camera65. had left a note on the table and they came to know .A.The man, who he was B.friend, what his name wasC.Someone, which one he

33、 was D.The thief, who sent them the two ticketsB Most people who work in the offices have a boss(老板),So do I. But my boss is a little unusual. Whats unusual about him?Its a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring theirdogs to the office every day. My bosss dog, Robinson, is big and brown. My

34、boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings, and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is a telephone call for my boss, I always know if hs is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If the

35、re is no dog, I know my boss is out.66.People bring dogs to the office.A.usually B.often C.seldom D.sometimes67.My boss is Robinsons .A.boss B.master C.keeper D.teacher68.Robinson goes to meetings my boss.A.for B.without C.instead of D.with69.Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is .A.in th

36、e office B.at the meetings C.out of the office D.out of work70.The passage(短文)tells us the boss the dog very much.A.look lik B.hates C.likes D.looks down upon貴州省2010年中職單報高職統(tǒng)一考試數(shù)學試卷姓名: 得分: 題號1234567891011121314151617181920答案一、單項選擇題(每小題3分,共60分)1.設集合A=1,2,3,4,B=2,4,5,6則AB=A1,2,3,4,5,6 B. 1,3,5,6 C. 2,4

37、, D. 2函數(shù)y=的定義域是A B. ( C.() D.(3設角的終邊在y軸的正半軸上,則sin=A0 B. 1 C. D.24下列命題正確的是A B. =0 C. D. 5設函數(shù)f(x)= ,則f(0)=A0 B. C. 1 D. 26函數(shù)的圖像在A第一、三象限 B. 第一、二象限 C. 第二、四象限 D. 第三、四象限7設定義在R上的函數(shù)為f(x)=2x|3x|,則f(x)是A偶函數(shù)、又是增函數(shù) B. 偶函數(shù)、又是減函數(shù) C. 奇函數(shù)、又是增函數(shù) D. 奇函數(shù)、又是減函數(shù)8 的值是A B. C. D. 9設全集I=1,2,3,4,5,集合A=1,3,則=A1,3 B. 2,3,4,5 C

38、. 2,4,5 D. 1,4,510的值等于A B. C. D. 11直線與圓之間的關系是A相離 B. 相切 C. 相交且直線不過圓心 D. 相交且直線過圓心12設,則正確的是A時, B. 時, C時, D時,13直線的傾斜角是多少度 A60 B. 120 C30 D. 15014不等式的解集是Ax|1<x<3 B.x|x<1或x>3 C. x|3<x<1 D. x|x<3或x>115已知,則=A.a B. 2a C. 3a D. a16 等于A.16 B. 12 C. 26 D. 3617是橢圓 的兩個焦點,是橢圓上任意一點,的延長線交橢圓與則

39、的周長是A B. C. D. 18等差數(shù)列的第項是A B. C. D. 19過點A(1,2)和點B(2,4)的直線方程是A B. C. D. 20函數(shù)的最大值是A 2 B. C. 1 D. 二、填空題。(每小題4分,共40分)21函數(shù)的定義域是_.22=_.23設函數(shù)則_.24=_.25不等式的解集是_.26函數(shù)的最小正周期_。27過點M(2,1)且與直線垂直的直線方程式_.28如果,則的取值范圍是_.29 =_.30化簡=_.三、計算題(每小題7分,共35分)31.已知是二次函數(shù),且,求這個函數(shù)的解析式。32. 求的值33.設集合集合且求的值34.已知雙曲線的焦點在X軸上,且焦距為26,雙曲

40、線上一點到兩個焦點距離只差的絕對值等于10,求雙曲線的標準方程。35已知等比數(shù)列的第7項為,公比為,求該數(shù)列的第三項。四證明題:(7分)36.已知,求證是奇函數(shù)。五、應用題:(本題8分)37.某商品進貨單價為40元,若按50元一個銷售,能賣出500個,如果銷售單價每漲1元,銷售就減少10個,為了獲得最大利潤。此商品的最佳售價應為每個多少元?貴州省2010年中職單報高職統(tǒng)一考試數(shù)學試卷答案題號1234567891011121314151617181920答案CDBCBACDCBDBCADDAACD一、單項選擇題(每小題3分,共60分)二、填空題。(每小題4分,共40分)211,2) 221 23

41、 24 25 x|x>1 26 27 28(0,3) 29 .1 30三、計算題(每小題7分,共35分)31.設二次函數(shù) (1分) 代入得 (3分)解得:a=2,b=3,c=1 (6分) (7分)32. 解:原式= 2分= 4分=2 5分= 7分33.解:因為 1分當時,滿足 3分 當時,由,得 6分所以或或 7分34.解:由已知2c=26,2a=10 得c=13,a=5 2分所以 5分所以雙曲線標準方程為 7分35已知等比數(shù)列的第7項為,公比為,求該數(shù)列的第三項。由已知得 3分解得: 5分則 7分四證明題:(7分)36. 因為 2分= 4分= 5分= 6分所以是奇函數(shù) 7分五、應用題:

42、(本題8分)37.解:設售價漲x元,少銷售10x個,利潤為y元 1分 則y=(500-10x)(50+x40) 4分 =10+9000 7分 所以,當x時,即售價為每個70元時,利潤最大為9000元。 8分貴州省2010年中職單報高職招生統(tǒng)一考試語文試卷答案一、選擇題(本題10小題,每小題3分,共30分。請將正確答案的選項填寫在答題表中相應的題中下。)題號12345678910選項DCBDCBDBAB二、填空題(本題共8分,每空1分)。11、無以致千里 無以成江海 12、使我不得開心顏 13、相逢何必曾相識 14、此時無聲勝有聲 15、傳道授業(yè)解惑 16、風華正茂 激揚文字三、現(xiàn)代文閱讀(本題

43、共52分)17、B18、被罵做“豬玀”的人 像被攪動了的蜂窩一般騷動起來 這些被叫做“豬玀”的人們中間。19、低微、卑賤20、打呵欠,嘆氣,叫喊,找衣服,穿錯了別人的鞋子,胡亂地踏在別人身上,在離開別人頭部不到一尺的馬桶上很響地小便。21、狹窄,空氣齷齪,黑暗,骯臟的環(huán)境。22、敘述了包身工麻木、遲鈍的感覺和不知害羞的生活。 揭示了包身工制度對女性的殘害,不僅是身體的,更是心靈的。23、寒磣 黯淡 破舊 粗陋(2分) 24、瑪?shù)贍柕禄蚵吠卟梅蛉?25、心理描寫26、七個夢想,從衣、食、住、行等方面寫出瑪?shù)贍柕聬勰教摌s、醉心奢華,渴望過上流社會貴夫人生活的心理。27、這段文字是用敘術的語言從“面”上介紹了主人公,為后面故事情節(jié)的發(fā)展,主人公的性格刻畫,作了必要的鋪墊。28、有必然聯(lián)系。性格決定命運。路瓦裁夫人愛慕虛榮,追求奢華的性格是深受資產(chǎn)階段思想毒害造成的。即使不丟項鏈,她也會費盡心機躋身上流社會,


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