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1、中英文翻譯:1. 醒來(lái) _ 2. 到吃早飯的時(shí)間了嗎?_3. 很少外出 _ 4. 需要好好休息 _ 5. 做早餐 _6. 進(jìn)行課外活動(dòng) _ 7.上學(xué)遲到_3. 課前小練習(xí):A .根據(jù)首字母或中英文提示完成單詞1. W_ up, Millie! Its time to get up.2. Its seven oclock. Its time to do morning e_.3. They usually have a lot of _(家庭作業(yè) to do every day.4. After that I _(睡覺(jué) .5. Some dogs just dont know how to ha

2、ve f_.B.單選題( 1. It is time _ to bed.A. to go B. go C. for D. going( 2. I dont know how _.A. make a kite B. to make a kite C. making a kite D.to making a kite ( 3. After supper, he wants _ a diary(日記 .A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. keeps( 4. Well have _ tomorrow .A .a lot of fun B. a lot of funny C

3、. great funny D. a lot of funs( 5. Dont _.A . wake up me B. wake me up C . wakes up me D . wakes me up2. 中英文翻譯:1. from Monday to Friday_ 2.do morning exercises_3. my favourite subject_ 4.be all nice to me_5. after class_ 6.chat with each other_7. play in the playground _ 8. go to the library, _9. ha

4、ve a Reading Club_ 10. read books there_11. like playing volleyball_ 12 be in the school volleyball team_,13.practice after school_14.have a good time_3. 課前小練習(xí):A .根據(jù)首字母或中英文提示完成單詞1. We can do it _ (一起 .2. He isnt in the classroom. _ (或許 he is in the office.3. I cant do this work. It is too _ (困難的 .4.

5、 _ (周二 is the third day of a week.5. I want to _ (發(fā)送 an e-mail to my aunt.B.單選題( 1. Do you want to_ English with me?A. ask B. speak C . talk D. say( 2. Who can read Lesson Nine?_.A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I am. C. I can. D. Me too.( 3. Is it time _have lunch?A. to B. in C . for D. at( 4. Millie and Simo

6、n are talking _ the news.A. with B. to C . at D. about( 5. I would like_ bed.A. go to B. to go to C. to go D. go【要點(diǎn)梳理】1. exercise 練習(xí), 可數(shù)名詞 do morning exercisesWe do eye exercises every day.We need to do lots of exercises after class.exercise 鍛煉, 不可數(shù)名詞 do some exerciseThe old people like doing some e

7、xercise in the morning.= The old people like exercising in the morning. (exercise 鍛煉,動(dòng)詞 2. practise 練習(xí),操練 practice doing sthKitty often practices dancing after school.3. have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 過(guò)得愉快,玩得高興We always have a good time at weekends.= We always _ _ / _ _ at weekends. 【鞏固

8、反饋】一、翻譯下列詞組1. 從周一到周五 _2. 2. 做早操 _3. 互相聊天 _4. 4. 在操場(chǎng)上玩 _5. 玩得愉快 _6. 我最愛(ài)的功課 _7. 練習(xí)打排球 _8. 在校排球隊(duì) _9. 課后 _10. 對(duì)我都很好 _二、根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示和首字母寫出單詞1.The students do all kinds of after-school a_ every day.2.-Whats the time? -Its a q_ to five.3. If you want to learn English well, you should p_ it every day.4. Please do

9、nt be l_ for class again.5. After running a long time, we n_ a good rest.6. Work must come f_.三、同義句轉(zhuǎn)換1. I go to the club every Tuesday and Friday.I go to the club _ _ _.2. Amy is in the Swimming Club. She is good at swimming.Amy is _ _ _ the Swimming Club. She is a _ _.4. Its time for breakfast.Its

10、time _ _ breakfast.5. We often have a good time together.We often _ _ / _ _ together.6. Sandy does housework after supper.(改為否定句A. 在下列詞組中填寫 in / on/ at_ the evening _ a cold morning _ Sunday afternoon_ October _ winter _ 2012 _ Saturday_1st September _ Childrens Day _ 7 oclock _ 12 years oldB. 請(qǐng) 按 頻

11、 率 由 低 到 高 的 順 序 寫 出 6個(gè) 頻 率 副 詞 : _三、單選:( 1. Do you often play basketball? No, _ I dont like sports at all. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. usually( 2. He _ play basketball and is good at it.A .sometimes B. never C. seldom D. often( 3. _ do you play computer games? Twice a month.A. How old B. How

12、 often C. How long D. How much( 4. My home is near my school, so I _ go to school on foot.A. seldom B. usually C. sometimes D. never【要點(diǎn)梳理】1. 請(qǐng) 列 出 用 介 詞 in 的 幾 種 情 況 : _2. 請(qǐng) 列 出 用 介 詞 on 的 幾 種 情 況 : _3. 請(qǐng) 列 出 用 介 詞 at 的 幾 種 情 況 : _4. 對(duì)頻率副詞提問(wèn)用 _ _1. 一場(chǎng)排球比賽2. 在 和 之間3. 祝你好運(yùn)4. 有點(diǎn)忙5. 在陽(yáng)光體育中心C. 寫出下列單詞的音標(biāo):

13、arm _ tall_ eat_head_ bread _ cool_ book_bird_ after_ worker_【鞏固反饋】一、根據(jù)句義和首字母提示完成下列句子1、 Im not free now. Im very b.2、 a week.3、 We dont go to school on Sand S_.4、 to help me?二、介詞填空1. Mondays we always have a class meeting.2. The price each toy dog is five yuan.3. Lets look the picture.4. Is your fat

14、her home?5. Sandy and Daniel are the same school.6. Who is that boy blue?7. Is the ball the floor yours?8. Li Hui is good Maths.三、單項(xiàng)填空( 1. Whats her sister ? She is _ .A. my good friend B. well C. strong D. an English teacher( 2. _ do you like Yangzhou food ? I like it very much.A. Which B. What C.

15、How D. How much ( 3. They teach _ English and we teach _ Chinese.A. us; they B. us; them C. we; them D. we; they ( 4. Thank you for _ me with my lessons.A. help B. helping C. helped D. helps( 5. There is a match _ Class 1 and Class 2.A. in B. between C. with D. at( 6. Hi, Jack. How do you go to the

16、match? .A. By a bike B. By foot C. On feet D. On foot( 7. Jack lunch at school. He lunch at home.A. doesnt have; has B. doesnt have; haveC. dont have; has D. dont have; have( 8. The wedding of Prince William was held in Westminster Cathedral April 29, 2011.A. at B. in C. on D. by四、句型轉(zhuǎn)換對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn) Sandy

17、school?對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn) your favourite lessons?對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn) he to the Reading Club?對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn) she to school?5. He doesnt come 對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn) he come?A 翻譯: 1.做早操_ 2. 對(duì)我們有好處_ 3. 為一天做準(zhǔn)備_ 4. 有趣的功課_ 5. 不能_ 6. 了解世界很多_ 7. 有 太 多 的 家 庭 作 業(yè) _ 8. 繪 畫 很 有 趣 。 _ _ _. B. 根據(jù)句意,首字母或漢語(yǔ)提示完成單詞 1.I want to l_ how to use the computer. 2.The ho

18、liday is coming. They are getting r_ for it. 3.My brother likes Chinese but he d_ Science. 4.Why do you _(討厭 her so much. 5.My favourite _(科目 is English. 6.I want to travel around the _(世界 when I grow up. 【鞏固反饋】 一、根據(jù)句意,用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 1.There are more than ten _(library in Nanjing. 2.Do you do eye _

19、(exercise in the morning or in the afternoon? 3.Their _(activity are very interesting. 4.I want _(know more about the country. 5.I dont have too _(many time . Please come on. 6._ the boy _(do his homework on Saturday? 7.I like colours, and _(draw is my favourite activity. 8. How many basketball _(pl

20、ay are there in a match? 二、根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)完成句子 1.到做早操的時(shí)間了。 It is time to _ _ _. 2. 他 一 個(gè) 星 期 去 看 兩 次 電 影 。 He goes to the cinema _ _ _. 3.每天做眼保健操對(duì)我們的眼睛有好處。 It _ _ _ our eyes to do eye exercises every day. 4.請(qǐng)你幫我學(xué)英語(yǔ)好嗎? Will you please _ _ _ English? 5.聚會(huì)的一切都準(zhǔn)備好了嗎? _ everything _ _ the party 6.它太難并且我們有太多的家庭作業(yè)! It is _ _ and we have _ _! 7.我不太高,我籃球打的不太好。 I am _ _, so I cant play _ _. 三、完成句子: 1 我 喜 歡 見 到 我 所 有 的 朋 友 。 see Beijing. 3 眼 保 健 操 對(duì) 我 們 的 眼 睛 有 益 . our eyes. 4 我 喜 歡 我 的 教 室 因 為


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