9A unit1 know yourself 詞組、句型參考模板_第1頁
9A unit1 know yourself 詞組、句型參考模板_第2頁
9A unit1 know yourself 詞組、句型參考模板_第3頁
9A unit1 know yourself 詞組、句型參考模板_第4頁




1、9A unit1 know yourself 詞組、句型1. an interesting article 一篇有趣的文章2. agree with sb /agree on sth同意某人/事3. eat up 吃完4. show off炫耀5. he is modest and never shows off.他很謙虛并且從不炫耀。6. is patient to repeat grammar rules for us.很有耐心的為我們重復語法知識。7. come up with 提出 He often comes up with new ideas.他經(jīng)常想出新主意。8. make a

2、good accountant成為一名好會計9. praise with 贊美(praise v.贊揚,贊美)win high praise from the art community 從美術協(xié)會贏得了很高的贊美10. be connected with 把.和.連接11. be happy with對某人/事感到滿意=be pleased /satisfied with sb/sth12. search for /look for搜索,搜尋13. give up 放棄 give in 屈服give up her job as an accountant放棄作為一名會計14. fall be

3、hind 落后,fall down 跌倒15. pay attention to every detail注意細節(jié)16. work to high standards高要求的工作17. be careful at work工作很細心18. his work shouts他的作品具有說服力19. work for the sales department in a big company在一家大公司的銷售部門工作20. you either take the lead or fall behind.你要么領先要么落后。21. be ready to take on new challenges

4、any time.準備任何時間接受挑戰(zhàn)22. the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin.連接陽光真到天津高速鐵路的總工程師23. fell-fall-fall 落下,摔倒 feel-felt-felt 感覺24. cant afford to make any mistakes承擔不起犯任何錯誤25. pay attention to every detail 注重每一個細節(jié) pay attention to sth/doing sth26. He is serious an

5、d well organized.他很認真并且很有條理。27. work to high standards高水準的工作1 / 428. He is modest and easy to work with.他很謙虛,很容易和別人一起工作29. head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer heart surgeon陽光醫(yī)院的院長,心臟外科的先鋒30. you cant be too careful.再怎么仔細也不為過。31. not only to ourselves but also to patients 不僅對我們自己而且對病人32. be patie

6、nt with sb/sth 對某人、事有耐心33. be willing to do sth愿意做某事 She is always willing to work extra hours.她總是愿意多工作。34. produce something new 創(chuàng)造一些新的東西35. enjoy taking part in喜歡參加have fun /have a good time doing sth36. perform/do an operation on sb給某人做手術37. devote oneself to (doing) sth=devote ones life to (doin

7、g )sth獻身于,致力于38. She has devoted most of her time to her work.她已經(jīng)花費了她的絕大多數(shù)時間在她的工作上。39. produce something new生產(chǎn)新的事物40. a work of art一件藝術品41. wait without getting angry 不會生氣的等待42. find it difficult to work with himfind it +adj.+to do sth 發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事.P12-1643. worry to much 擔心太多44. sbs personality is suitabl

8、e for .某人的性格適合.45. have known sth about .了解某事know about sth well對某事很了解46. depend on 依靠,依賴47. do the dishes洗碗 48. in the Chinese lunar calendar在中國的農(nóng)歷里49. 12 animal signs 12生肖50. appear in a fixed order以固定的順序出現(xiàn)51. the cycle repeats every 12 years這種循環(huán)每隔12年重復一次52. make some notes 記錄一些筆記53. people born u

9、nder the same .出生在相同的人們54. have similar personalities有相似的性格55. in western countries 在西方國家56. be divided into 被分成.57. tell something about your personality講出你的性格58. It is said that據(jù)說.59. It is said that people born in the Year of Tiger are brave .據(jù)說出生在虎年的人們很勇敢。60. in some ways 在某些方面 You are brave in

10、some ways.在某些方面你是勇敢的。61. What it says about me may be true ,but for my cousin Julie, thats not the case. 生肖上關于我的情況是對的,但是對我的表妹朱莉來說,情況卻并非如此。62. believe in 相信,信仰,信得過 we dont believe in them.我們不能相信他們。P.17-1963. get the general news獲悉一天的主要新聞64. in more detail在更多的細節(jié)上65. are formed by nature天生形成的66. be for

11、med by both nature and the environment天生和后天環(huán)境形成的67. be passed onto you by your parents有你的父母遺傳給你68. liveliness and impatience活潑和急躁69. like father ,like son有其父必有其子70. make a speech in front of many people 在許多人面前演講71. complete a difficult task through hard work通過努力的工作完成一項難得任務。72. That is how your experience influences your personality.那就是你的經(jīng)歷怎樣影響你的性格。73. The environment , including your education ,your experiences and the people around ,can change your personality.環(huán)境,包括你受的教育,你的經(jīng)歷你周圍的人都能影響你的性格。7


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