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1、 in case 用法 收藏in case萬一。是連詞,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。也就是說in case后面是一個(gè)完整的句子 Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太陽很利害,你就把帽子戴上。 in case of的of是介詞,介詞后面只能帶名詞性質(zhì)的詞,比如名詞、代詞等。意思和in case差不多,萬一的意思 In case of rain they can't go. 萬一下雨,他們就不能去了。 in the case of,就.來說, 

2、關(guān)于。意思跟上面兩個(gè)不一樣了。一般表示轉(zhuǎn)而提及另一件事情。比如 In the case of woman,they have more difficulty in their job。就女性來說,她們?cè)诠ぷ髦袝?huì)遇到更多的困難 in this case:在這個(gè)場(chǎng)合in that case:(短語)若是那樣的話 例:YOU don't like this place? In that case, why don't you leave? =(一)in case作短語連詞,能引導(dǎo)狀語從句。就其詞義和語法職能來分,可引導(dǎo)兩種從句。其一:in ca

3、se just in case引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句作“以免,以備,以防”等解。如:He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns他帶了手電筒,以備天黑以后回家之用。I've bought a chicken in case your mother stays to lunch我買來一只童子雞,以備你媽媽留下吃午飯。I decided to stay at home just in case my friends came round我決定留在家里,以防朋友們不期而至。I'll make some sandwi

4、ches in case you feel hungry on the journey我會(huì)做些三明治,免得你在旅途中餓著。Buy one of his paintings now,in case they get more expensive現(xiàn)在就買下他的一幅畫,以防他的畫漲價(jià)。You must be quiet in case the fish are frightened 其二:in case接條件從句,意為“如果、萬一”。如:In case we fail,we won't lose heart萬一我們失敗,我們決不會(huì)失去信心。Add more coal in case

5、 the weather is cold如果天氣冷,就添些煤吧。In case you get home before I do,could you start preparing dinner?如果你在我之前到家,你能不能動(dòng)手做飯?In case they're late,we can always sit in the bar要是他們來晚了,我們總可以在酒吧里坐一坐。In case you were thinking I'd lend any money,I'll tell you nowI won't如果你以往認(rèn)為我總是借錢給你,這回對(duì)你說明白:我不借。L

6、ittle Melanie,in case you've forgot- ten,hasn't forgiven you如果你忘記了,小梅蘭妮是不會(huì)原諒你的。 (二)in case作副詞性短語,常置于句末,表示事先準(zhǔn)備或預(yù)防的措施,作“以防萬一”解。如:She ought to be there in case他應(yīng)在那兒等著,以防萬一。I will keep some of these unused in case我要保留一些不用,以備急需。“I don't think there's any danger,”said the electrician,

7、“but you'd better switch the electricity off in case”電工說,“我看沒啥危險(xiǎn),不過你最好關(guān)上電閘,以防萬一?!盜'm sure they haven't forgotten but let's send them a reminder just in case我相信他們不會(huì)忘記,不過為防止萬一,還是給他們發(fā)一封催促函吧。The bus is usually on time,but start early,just in case那班汽車通常是準(zhǔn)點(diǎn)的,但你還是早點(diǎn)動(dòng)身,以防萬一。 (三)in case

8、of是短語介詞,后接名詞、動(dòng)名詞等。它帶的短語置于句末??醋髂康臓钫Z,作“以免,以防”解(A);置于句首常視為條件狀語,作“如果,萬一”解(B)。但位置不是絕對(duì)的。 (A)The wall was built along the river in case of floods沿河筑起防護(hù)墻,以防洪水。You should keep a first-aid kit in the car in case of accident你應(yīng)該在車?yán)锓乓惶准本扔闷罚詡湟馔馐鹿市栌?。Many shops along the route have boarded up in case of troub

9、le這條干道上沿途有許多商店都用木板釘上,(遮攔住玻璃門窗),以防止受到騷擾。 (B)In case of rain I have an umbrella我?guī)Я税延陚阋苑老掠辍n case of need,I can make a trip to Boston如有急事,我可以去趟波士頓。In case of difficulty,you can reach me at this number如果有困難,你可以撥這個(gè)電話號(hào)碼找我。In case of my absence,some one will take my place如果我不到,將有別人代替。In case of my no

10、t being there,ask my brother to help you萬一我不在那里,讓我弟弟來幫助你。 = In case of 和for fear of的用法區(qū)別 1. 作“提防”,“惟恐”這個(gè)意思講,in case of 和for fear of 是同義詞,但不一定能通用:in case of 只能用來引導(dǎo)名詞,for fear of 多半引導(dǎo)動(dòng)名詞短語。 例如:In case of fire, break the bottle. 如果發(fā)生火災(zāi),請(qǐng)把瓶打破。 

11、      I always put some money in my pocket in case of need. 我總是要在口袋里放一點(diǎn)錢以備需用。 2. 短語in case 是個(gè)連接語,作“假如”、“萬一”講。 例如:And now Hercules began to consider what he should do, in case Atlas should be drowned in the sea.      

12、;Youd better take an umbrella with you in case it rains. 3. 同if不一樣,用作連詞引導(dǎo)條件句時(shí),in case這個(gè)短語通常用于陳述句,不用虛擬語氣,而且意思也不一樣。 例如: In case I ask for leave, will she agree? 如果我請(qǐng)假,她會(huì)答應(yīng)嗎? If I were to ask for leave, would he agree? 如果我請(qǐng)假,他會(huì)答應(yīng)嗎? 4. 即使主句是將來時(shí)態(tài),由in case 

13、;引導(dǎo)的從句,仍然使用現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài)。 例如: In case the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall hold a meeting. 如果明天天氣好的話,我們將召開一次會(huì)議。 Henry will resign in case you drive him too hard. 如果你欺人太甚的話,亨利就會(huì)辭職不干。 5. 作“以防”來講,in case相當(dāng)于for fear that, 并可以通用。 例如: I wrote it down in case/ for

14、 fear that I should forget it. 我已把它抄下了,免得忘記。        I must stay at home this morning in case/for fear that he comes to see me. 我今天上午必須呆在家里,恐怕他會(huì)來看我。 6. In case這個(gè)短語,英美英語中的意思有時(shí)候并不相同。 例如:I will come in case I am wanted.  我會(huì)來的,因?yàn)橐苍S有人要找

15、我。(英式英語)      I will come in case I am wanted.  我會(huì)來的,只要有人找我。(美式英語)=一、case作名詞的用法: 1. case有"情況、事實(shí)"之意。如: Is it the case that you have lost all your money? 你的錢全都損失了, 是真的嗎?edThe police have a clear case against the prisoner. 警察有充足

16、的事實(shí)對(duì)付那個(gè)囚犯。 case作此義時(shí),常用于以下一些固定短語: in that / this case  如果那樣/這樣(的話);在那種/這種情況下In that case, we'd better hold a discussion about the problem. 那樣的話,我們最好對(duì)這一問題展開討論。He may not be back at six. In this case we won't wait for him. 他可能六點(diǎn)鐘回不來。要是這樣,我們就不等他了。  in case

17、 of  如果, 萬一,后接名詞、代詞或動(dòng)名詞。如:Take a spare tyre along in case of need. 帶只備用輪胎去,以備不時(shí)之需。Turn off the TV set in case of thunderstorm. 在雷雨時(shí),關(guān)上電視機(jī)。In case of fire, dial 119 at once.  如果發(fā)生火災(zāi),立即撥打119。 而in the case of則是"就來說"。如: In the case of his health, it

18、 is fortunate for him to have recovered from his illness like this. 就他的健康狀況來說,能恢復(fù)到這樣算是幸運(yùn)的了。Failure is no shame in the case of a scientist. 就科學(xué)家來說,失敗并非羞恥事。 in case 萬一, 以防, 如果,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。如:In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait. 萬一我回來前他先到了,請(qǐng)叫他等我。P

19、lease remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget. 請(qǐng)你明天再提醒我一下,免得我忘記。注意: in case引出的條件從句所表示的意義是"預(yù)防某種情況的出現(xiàn)"如果從句說的是一般的假設(shè)或條件,則要用if。請(qǐng)比較:I'll tell him about the matter if I meet him.  (不用in case)vwTake an umbrella in case it rains.  (不用if )在上下文意義很明確時(shí),有時(shí)可省去in case后

20、從句的內(nèi)容。如:I don't think it will rain, but I'll take an umbrella in case (it rains) in any case 無論如何,相當(dāng)于whatever happens. 如:AYou should finish your composition before school is over in any case. 無論如何,你必須在放學(xué)前完成作文。"AIn any case, I'll come over to the office tomorrow.&

21、#160; 無論如何,我明天會(huì)來辦公室的。! in no case決不,置于句首時(shí),須用倒裝語序。如:In no case shall we allow smoking in the classroom. 教室里決對(duì)不允許吸煙。y'In no case shall you break the rule.  你決不能違反紀(jì)律。 such being the case 既然如此,情況既然是這樣ZSuch being the case, I have no more to say. 既然如此,我再無話可說。;Il

22、wSuch being the case, we were very lucky to have a house of our own.  既然如此,我們能有一幢自己的房子就算很幸運(yùn)了.2. case作名詞還有以下一些常見的意義:There is a beautiful jewel case on the desk.  (盒子)This is a case of fever.   (病例)Y4qlGThere are five cases of flu among the staff.  (病人;患者)When will the case come before the Court?  (案件)6unu 二、 case作動(dòng)詞,是及物動(dòng)詞,意為"將裝入箱子"。如:The goods have been cased up for transport.  貨物已裝箱待運(yùn)。另外,be cased over with&


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