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1、 考點名稱:_天津濱海學習中心_ 姓名:_ 身份證號:_ -密-封-線-南開大學現(xiàn)代遠程教育學院考試卷 成績_專升本入學 (2015) 大學語文一、 填空(每空1分,共5分。)1、 窈窕淑女 ,琴瑟友之。2、 誤落塵網(wǎng)中 ,一去三十年。3、閑來垂釣碧溪上, 忽復乘舟夢日邊 。4、被稱為“史家之絕唱,無韻之離騷的史傳名著是 史記 。5、牡丹亭的作者是 湯顯祖 。二、單項選擇(每小題1分,共5分)1、在選擇與安排一文中引用的“大匠能誨人以規(guī)矩,不能使人巧”一語出自( D)A. 周易 B. 論語 C .莊子 D. 孟子2. 無題(相見時難別亦難)是(B )A. 田園詩 B. 愛情詩 C. 宴飲詩 D

2、. 邊塞詩3. 唐代詩壇上的“小杜”指的是(C )A. 杜審言 B. 杜甫 C. 杜牧 D. 杜荀鶴4. 北方的作者是(D )A. 冰心 B. 徐志摩 C. 郭沫若 D. 艾青5. 用“茅盾”作筆名的作家是(B )A. 周樹人 B. 沈德鴻 C. 郭沫若 D. 謝婉瑩三、多項選擇(每小題1分,共5分)1. 陶淵明歸園田居的風格特色有( A BC)A.質(zhì)樸真率 B.平淡自然 C.自然之趣 D.絢麗語言2、下列作品屬于“臨川四夢”的有( A B )A紫釵記B牡丹亭C蝴蝶夢D紅樓夢3. 柳永詞對詞體開拓的貢獻有( ABC )A.大力提倡慢詞,改變小令一統(tǒng)天下的局面,使慢詞與小令平分秋色;B.變雅為俗

3、,運用通俗的語言表達市民化的生活情調(diào);C創(chuàng)造性的運用了白描和鋪敘的手法;D是創(chuàng)用詞調(diào)最多的詞人。4. 魏晉南北朝小說的代表形式是(AC )A.志怪小說 B.章回小說 C.志人小說 D.話本小說5. 1932年之后, 圍繞著現(xiàn)代雜志的一批詩人,堅持“純詩”的觀念,其中有被稱為“漢園三詩人”的(ACD)A.何其芳 B.戴望舒 C.李廣田 D.卞之琳四、判斷題(每題1分,共5分,正確打,錯誤打×)1. 屈原的九歌是一組祭神曲,它包含有九篇。(錯 )2. 蘭亭集序是西晉書法家、文學家王羲之所做。( 錯 )3. 一只特立獨行的豬所揭示的主題是被他人安排或設置的生活是幸運的,像豬一樣,可以免于思

4、考,盡管沒有自由。( 錯 )4. 西廂記全名為西廂記諸宮調(diào),劇本脫胎于唐代元稹鶯鶯傳和金代董解元的崔鶯鶯待月西廂記( 錯 )5. 陸游的詩歌關(guān)山月體現(xiàn)了強烈的愛國精神和對于南宋集團妥協(xié)投降政策的譴責。( 對 )五、名詞解釋(每題4分,共8分)1楚辭 是公元前四世紀產(chǎn)生在楚地的一種詩體,西漢劉向匯集屈原、宋玉等人的作品和漢人仿作,編成專書,名“楚辭”。2桐城派桐城派因其先驅(qū)戴名世和代表作家方苞、劉大魁、姚鼐都是安徽桐城人而得名。他們在散文創(chuàng)作上有一致的理念,具體說,在文章的內(nèi)容上講求“言有物”,在表現(xiàn)形式上講求“言有序”,對文章的文氣、法度、布局、文辭、音節(jié)乃至風格等都有精細的探討。姚鼐是桐城派



7、。八、論述題(本題16分,共16分)分析項羽本紀中項羽的性格特點_項羽的性格具有強烈英雄感的悲劇性。一方面他”力拔山兮氣蓋世“,從二十四歲隨叔父項梁起兵后,一直是抗擊強秦的主力,在多次具有決定性意義的戰(zhàn)役中,立下了不可磨滅的功勛;另一方面,他疏于戰(zhàn)略,黯于用人,剛愎自用卻又當斷不斷,企圖以一夫之勇、一己之智來統(tǒng)一天下,終于不可避免的被雄材大略而機巧多詐的劉邦擊敗,以烏江自刎結(jié)束了可歌可泣的一生。項羽本紀在記敘他一生重大事跡時,成功地展示了這一人物豐滿動人的英雄氣概和悲劇性格,顯示了他失敗的歷史必然性。 文中“巨鹿之戰(zhàn)”主要寫項羽在處于發(fā)展和上升階段時順應歷史潮流,并在建立卓著戰(zhàn)功過程

8、中形成的英雄氣概。文中對于少年項羽想學“萬人敵”,對秦始皇要“取而代之”等貌似“狂妄”和“野心”的描寫,實際上已經(jīng)暗示出了項羽雄心壯志的端倪。“破釜沉舟”則展示出他作為一位指揮者把握戰(zhàn)機、當機立斷的果斷和堅定。 “鴻門宴”是中國人家喻戶曉的戲劇性場面。其深層意蘊揭示出以為叱咤風云的英雄性格中的悲劇性因素。首先是輕信于人,缺乏主見。其次是以近乎愚蠢的不忍人之心來沽名釣_譽。正是這種婦人之仁導致他坐失良機。第三是懷疑親信,失去人心。 “垓下之圍”是項羽最終失敗的英雄悲歌。作者從三個層面揭示出這位曠世英雄性格中的悲劇因素。一是個人情感生活和蓋世英雄之間的矛盾。二是項羽的自我崇拜情

9、結(jié)在這里再次得到極至的展示。三是項羽臨死都沒有放棄“沽名釣譽”的積習_九、作文題(本題30分,共30分)以難忘的印象為題,寫一篇不少于600字的作文。除不得寫成詩歌外,其他文體不限。_南開大學現(xiàn)代遠程教育學院考試卷 成績_專升本入學(2015) 英語Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30%)-詞匯1. I think the chief thing that _ b_ me about Mr. Bush was his kindness and humor.a. hitb. struckc. beatd. knocked2. Mrs. Clinton was a

10、lways neatly and quietly dressed_b_ her age and status.a. in regard tob. in accordance withc. in reference tod. in comparison with3. We discussed only such problems_b_ concerned everyone of us.a. thatb. whatc. asd. whether4. After the_b_of 17 British passengers, Mr. Blair continued to express his co

11、ncern over the safety of the other passengers still on board the hijacked airliner.a. relayb. releasec. conveyd. transfer5. The “quality” newspapers are often held _c_as an example of impartial journalism.a. backb. inc. upd. onto6. At the age of 14, he went to his uncle's farm, where he had less

12、ons on botany_b_.a. self-taughtb. self-teachingc. being self-taugh d. having self-taught7. He can't drive a car. Let _c_fly an aero-plane.a. solitaryb. lonelyc. aloned. loneliness8. The boy said to his mother in an_d_voice that she shouldn't have blamed him.a. injuryb. injuriousc. injuredd.

13、injuring9. _b_how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth, it remains a mystery hard to solve.a. In turnb. As toc. Thanks tod. As a rule10. In the era of market economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be_d_by manufacturers.a. rejectedb. reformedc. relivedd. reinf

14、orced11. Without enough air, the fire will easily _a_.a. go offb. go overc. go outd. go through12. Two ships were barely _c_ on the horizon.a. sensibleb. passablec. visibled. available13. My dog has never _a_ anyone, except when provoked.a. bittenb. bitc. bitingd. bite14. Father said such a thing _b

15、_ to happen again.a. ought to be not allowedb. ought not to be allowedc. ought to be allowed notd. not ought to be allowed15. _d_ to wait for hours, she brought along a book to read.a. Expectedb. To expectc. Expectsd. Expecting16. He was left alone with _b_ to look after him.a. not oneb. no onec. an

16、yoned. someone17. _b_ since she was a young girl, she had wanted to become an actress.a. Alwaysb. Everc. Longd. Frequently18. Arabic is a language I found _a_ to learn.a. it difficultb. that difficultc. difficult itd. difficult19. The fact _a_ shows that he was never really serious about coming.a. t

17、hat he didnt turn upb. which he didnt turn upc. he didnt turn upd. for him not to turn up20. Every means _b_ but without much result.a. have been triedb. has been triedc. have triedd. has tried21. Ill leave him a note _b_ hell know where we are.a. in orderb. so thatc. now thatd. in case22. The whole

18、 path _c_ electricity travels is known as a circuit.a. along thatb. asc. along whichd. in that23. Youd _a_ tell him the truth before it is too late.a. betterb. ratherc. mostd. like24. He speaks English as if he _c_ a native speaker.a. wereb. had beenc. wasd. be25. We are opposed to _d_ without him.a

19、. have a partyb. we have a partyc. us have a partyd. having a party26. I checked all my answers _b_ my teacher had suggested.a. likeb. asc. thatd. such27. He plays not only the piano, _a_ the violin.a. but alsob. and alsoc. but as well asd. but as well28. In no circumstances _d_ a lie.a. you should

20、tellb. shouldnt you tellc. you shouldnt telld. should you tell29. My sister framed the photograph and _c_ it on the wall of her room.a. to hangb. hangsc. hungd. hanging30. _b_, hell make a first-class tennis player.a. Giving timeb. To give timec. Given timed. Being given timePart II Reading Comprehe

21、nsion (40%)-閱讀理解Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two we

22、eks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first award ceremon

23、y.Nobels original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobels death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Som

24、etimes politics plays an important role in the judges decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their p

25、rizes.31. When did the first award ceremony take place? B a. 1895b. 1901c. 1962d. 196832. Why was the Nobel prize established? Aa. To recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity.b. To resolve political differences.c. To honor the inventor of dynamite.d. To spend money.33. Which of the following s

26、tatements is NOT true? Ba. Awards vary in monetary value.b. Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobels invention.c. Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners.d. A few individuals have won two awards.34. In which area have Americans received the most awards? Da. liter

27、atureb. peacec. economicsd. science35. In how many fields are prizes bestowed? Ca. 2b. 5c. 6d. 10Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:With the invention and development of television, entertainment has grown much more visual in character and is demanding less and less use of the ima

28、gination, considered by many to be mans greatest faculty; but its greatest inadequacy lies in its inability to exercise just those creative powers in men which are called upon and developed in the pursuit of a worthwhile hobby. This lack is not serious while a man is still fully employed in his day-

29、to-day work which itself often gives him opportunities to create either with his hands or with his mind. At this time he seeks only some form of relaxation in his leisure. There comes a time, however, when he must retire from his occupation on account of age, and it is then that these shallower past

30、imes, useful enough as a form of relaxation, might cease to satisfy the hitherto active man. Today, many elderly people are finding this to be true, and seem constantly to be suffering from a sense of frustration after retirement, which reveals itself in a short temper and slow degeneration of healt

31、h, the two most common symptoms.36. The writer criticizes visual entertainment because _C_.a. it does not require mens creative powersb. it cannot improve our intelligence and skillc. it demands too much of our imaginationd. it leads men to slow degeneration in health37. What is regarded as mens gre

32、atest faculty? Da. Entertainment.b. Character.c. Hobbies.d. Imagination.38. While fully employed, men look for _C_.a. visual entertainment that requires imagination in their leisureb. opportunities to create either with their hands or with their minds in their leisurec. something that will help them

33、 relax in their leisured. creative hobbies in their leisure39. The elderly people find _A_.a. that shallower pastimes can no longer satisfy themb. it unnecessary to cultivate creative hobbies in their younger daysc. retirement unnecessaryd. relaxation most suitable for their age40. It can be inferre

34、d from the passage that _B_.a. hobbies are more important to the youth than to the elderly peopleb. we should develop worthwhile hobbies when we are youngc. in ancient time entertainment was more visual in characterd. hobbies are not important in the health of modern menQuestions 41 to 45 are based

35、on the following passage:In the water around New York City is a very small island called Liberty Island. On Liberty Island there is a very special statue called the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most famous sights in the world.The Statue of Liberty was gift from the people of France to the people of the United States. The statue was made by a French sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The inner support system was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the sam


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