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1、.句型練習狀語從句狀語從句adverbial clause在句中作狀語,可修飾主句中的動詞、形容詞和副詞等。狀語從句由附屬連詞引導。狀語從句可放在句首或句末。放在句首時,從句后面常用逗號;放在句末時,從句前面往往不用逗號。狀語從句根據(jù)它們的含義分為時間、地點、原因、目的、結(jié)果、方式、讓步、條件、比較等九種。狀語從句連詞時間when, whenever, as, since, till, until, before, after, as soon as, once, the moment, immediately, the day, no sooner than, hardlyscarcely

2、when, the minute, the second, everyeach time地點Where, wherever, everywhere條件if, unless, providing/provided that, asso long as, on condition that, suppose/supposing that, in case, only if, if only原因because, since, as, now that, seeing that, considering that, in that, in view of the fact that鑒于讓步though

3、, although, even ifthough, as, while, whatever, wherever, whoever, however, no matter +wh詞,for all that, granting/granted, whether or, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that比較asas, not the same as, not soas, than方式as, as ifthough the way目的that, so that, in order that, in case, for fear tha

4、t, lest結(jié)果so that, so that, such that, but that 一、時間狀語從句1、while, when, whenever和as的用法比較1while常表示一段較長的時間或一個過程,強調(diào)主句的動詞和從句的動詞所表示的動作或狀態(tài)是同時發(fā)生的。它不能表示一時性或短暫的動作。Don't talk so loud while as others are working.別人工作時,請勿大聲說話。2when引導的時間狀語從句,可指時間的一點,也可以指一段時間,從句的謂語動詞可用終止性動詞,也可用持續(xù)性動詞。when引導的從句表示的詳細的時間,從句的動作和主句的動

5、作可以同時,也可以先于主句的動作。Whenever指任何一個不詳細的時間。It was raining when we arrived. 我們到達時,天正下著雨。動作同時,指時間點When you read the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.當你再讀一遍這首詩,你就更明晰它的含意。動作有先后,指時間點,不能用whileCome whenever you like. 你愛什么時候來就什么時候來。3as用as時主句和從句的動作往往同時發(fā)生,具有延伸意義,一般同延續(xù)性動詞連用,有時可譯作“一邊一邊。As ti

6、me went on, his theory proved to be correct.隨著時間的推移,他的理論被證明是正確的。Aswhenhe finished the speech, the audience burst into applause.他講話完畢的時候,聽眾掌聲雷動。指一點時間不能用while2、名詞詞組引導時間狀語從句有時名詞every time每次,the next time下一次,the next day第二天,the moment一就, the instant, the second, the year等,也可起附屬連詞的作用,引導時間狀語從句。Every time

7、you get back at night, you drop your shoes on the floor.你每一次晚上回來,都把鞋子丟在地板上。3、副詞作連詞用引導時間狀語從句有些副詞如instantly, immediately,instantly,directly, presently等也可起附屬連詞的作用,引導時間狀語從句,表示"一就"的意思。I recognized her instantly I saw her.我一看見她就把她認出來了。4、since和before的用法比較兩者均可用于"It+ be.+since/before-從句"的

8、句型。區(qū)別在于since表示“自從以來,所在主、從句的謂語動詞的時態(tài)關(guān)系是:It is/has been sometime since sb. did sth.。而before的含義是 “過了多久才,主、從句的時態(tài)關(guān)系是:It was/had been some time before sb. did sth.。表過去和將來時,兩者相應的句型分別是:It was some time since sb. had done sth.和It will be some time before sb. does sth.It is 30 years since he joined the revolut

9、ion. 他參加革命己三十年了。It was three days before he came back. 他三天后才回來。It was not long before he came back. 不久他就會來了。二、地點狀語從句地點狀語從句一般由where在地方; 那里,wherever無論哪里和everywhere在每一個地方引導。After the war, a new school building was put up where there had once been a theatre. 戰(zhàn)后,一所新學校在以前的劇院處建成。You should make it a rule t

10、o leave things where you can find them again. 你應當養(yǎng)成慣例,將東西放在你能找到的地方。She found her calculator where she lost it. 他在她丟的地方找到了計算器。Everywhere they went, the distinguished guests were warmly welcomed.貴賓每到一處都受到了熱烈的歡送。注意:where除了表示地點外,還可以表示條件、比照和讓步。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。條件We want to sta

11、y at home, where children would rather spend the holiday in the country.我們想留在家里,而孩子們卻愿到鄉(xiāng)間度假。比照Wherever I went, the dog followed me. 無論我走到哪里,這只狗總跟著我。讓步三、原因狀語從句原因狀語從句一般由because因為,since既然,as由于,now that既然,因為等連詞引導1、because, since, as, for和now that引導原因狀語從句1because表示直接的原因或理由,表示原因的語氣最強,常表示必然的因果關(guān)系。答復以why引起的特

12、殊疑問句,只能用because。 Jane wore a raincoat because it was raining.因為天下雨,所以詹穿著雨衣。2since表示對方已經(jīng)知曉、無須加以說明的原因或事實,語氣比because稍弱。I'll do it for you since you are busy.既然你忙,我來替你做吧。 Since you insist, I'll go.既然你堅持,那我就去。3as表示的往往是十清楚顯的原因,聽者或讀者已經(jīng)知道或能看得出來,語氣較弱,只附帶說明,比較口語化。We had better hurry as it's gettin

13、g dark.因為天快要黑了,我們最好快點。As you object, I'll change the plan.由于你反對,我將改變方案。4forfor是并列連詞,它引導的分句不表示直接的原因,而是用來附帶解釋或說明前面一句的情況。for引導的分句常位于第一分句之后,它們之間用逗號隔開。It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.昨晚準是下雨了,今天早上地面還是濕的。The day breaks, for the birds are singing.小鳥在歌唱,一定是天亮了。5now that

14、意為"既然",與since同義,但更突出事實本身。Now that everyone is here, let's begin our meeting.既然大家都來了,我們就開場開會吧。Now that I am well again, I can go on with my work.我既然恢復了安康,那就可以繼續(xù)工作了。2、seeing that, considering that和in that引導原因狀語從句 這幾個連詞同since, as 近義,都有“鑒于某個事實,原因是之意。 Considering that he's only been lea

15、rning English a year, he speaks it very well.鑒于他只學了一年, 他英語講得就是很好。 Seeing that he was ill, they sent for the doctor.鑒于他病情嚴重,他們派人請醫(yī)生。 In that she is ill, she feels unable to do it.因為病了,她覺得不能做那件事。3、not thatbut that引導原因狀語從句這是一種加強語氣的表示原因的構(gòu)造,意為“不是因為,而是因為Not that I don't like the film, but that I have

16、no time for it.不是因為我不喜歡這部電影,而是因為我沒時間看。The soldier's essential honor was not that he killed his enemy, but that he was willing to die.軍人的真正榮耀不是殺敵,而是不惜犧牲。四、目的狀語從句1、that,so that,in order that引導目的狀語從句目的狀語從句由that,so that,in order that等引導。從句中的謂語動詞前常有情態(tài)動詞may、might、can、could、will, would等。John shut every

17、body out of the kitchen so that he could prepare his grand surprise for the party. 約翰把其別人關(guān)在廚房外,目的是可以為晚會烹飪出人意料的東西。These men risk their lives in order that we may live more safely. 這些人甘冒生命危險,是為了讓我們活得更平安些。2、lest, for fear that和in case引導目的狀語從句 這三個連詞詞組的意思是“以防,以免。lest的從句一般要用虛擬語氣,形式是“should+動詞原形或省掉should。f

18、or fear that和in case從句一般用虛擬語氣,但有時也可以用陳述語氣。I obeyed her lest she should be angry. 我得順著她,免得她生氣。Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘假設太陽很利害,你就把帽子戴上。五、結(jié)果狀語從句1、so that,sothat, suchthat引導結(jié)果狀語從句 So difficult did I feel it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn Engli

19、sh well.我感到在講英語的國家里生活太難了,因此我決定學好英語。He worked hard so that he passed the exam. 他學習很努力,結(jié)果通過了考試。He spoke for such a long time that people began to fall asleep.他講了那么長時間,人們開場打起瞌睡了。2、sothat與suchthat的區(qū)別這兩種構(gòu)造都可引導結(jié)果狀語從句。so是副詞,后接形容詞或副詞;such是形容詞,后接名詞。1單數(shù)名詞在so.that與such.that中間出現(xiàn)的是單數(shù)名詞,且該名詞前有形容詞修飾時,這兩種構(gòu)造可互換,但要注意

20、它們的詞序不同:such+ a/an+形容詞十名詞=so+形容詞+a/an+名詞。She is such a good teacher that all of us love her.= She is so good a teacher that all of us love her.她是一位很好的老師,我們都親愛她。2不可數(shù)名詞或復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞假如被修飾的是不可數(shù)名詞或復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞時,一般須用such.that。He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English.他進步很快,不久就

21、開場用英語寫文章。不可數(shù)名詞They are such interesting books that we all want to read them.這些書是那么有趣以致我們都想讀一讀。復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞3名詞前有many,much,little,few修飾時假如不可數(shù)名詞或復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前有many,much,little,few修飾時,那么用sothat。I've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.我摔了好屢次跤,周身青一塊紫一塊的。復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞George had so little money that he

22、 had to get a job.喬治沒有錢,所以他不得不找工作干。不可數(shù)名詞They are such little children that they can't do anything.他們是小孩,什么事情都干不了。教你巧學巧記:名前such,形、副so,多多少少也用so。little屬特殊,“小用such,“少用so。3、如何判斷so that引導的目的狀語從句與結(jié)果狀語從句1當表達的含義是“為了、“以便時,為目的狀語從句;當表達的是“以致于、“因此含義時,為結(jié)果狀語從句。If you do know, answer in a loud enough voice so th

23、at all the class may hear.目的狀語從句假如你確實知道,應大聲答復,以便讓全班學生都可以聽見。It rained hard the day before yesterday, so that she had to stay at home.結(jié)果狀語從句前天雨下得很大,因此她只好呆在家里。2當從句的謂語動詞有情態(tài)動詞can, could, may, might等時,是目的狀語從句;當從句里沒有情態(tài)動詞,且謂語動詞是一般如今時過去時、如今完成時等時態(tài)時,是結(jié)果狀語從句。We stopped at Salt Lake City so that we couldmightvis

24、it the monument to seagulls. 目的狀語從句我們在鹽湖城逗留,以便可以參觀為海鷗修的紀念碑。They have walked a long way, so that we are all tired. 結(jié)果狀語從句他們走了很長的路,所以都很累。3當從句之前的so that可用in order that代替時,是目的狀語從句;反之,是結(jié)果狀語從句。We now study hard so that we may work well in the future.=We now study hard in order that we may work well in the

25、 future. 目的狀語從句我們?nèi)缃衽W習是為了將來更好地工作。4當so that之前有逗號時,是結(jié)果狀語從句;反之,是目的狀語從句The story is very interesting, so that I like it very much.結(jié)果狀語從句這部小說很有趣,因此我非常喜歡。六、比較狀語從句比較狀語從句一般由asas和一樣,not as/soas與不一樣,than比,the more, the more越越引導。The director gave me a better offer than he gave Dick.導師給我的提議比給狄克的好。In recent yea

26、rs travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, the better our holiday will be.近幾年旅游公司已成功地對我們公眾宣傳了去得越遠,假日越好的觀點。John plays football as well as, if not better than, David. 假如說約翰的足球踢的不比大衛(wèi)好,至少和他踢的一樣好。I can't run as/so fast as he can. 我不能跑得他那樣快。七、讓步狀語從句讓步狀語從句由though,

27、although,as,even if though,however,whatever,whoever,whenever,no matter +wh詞,等引導。1、even if, even though, although,though引導的讓步狀語從句 這四個詞詞組都有“雖然、即使、盡管的意思。even if和even though帶有較強的意味,語氣比although和though強。though比although通俗,但不如although正式,都不能和but連用,但可以和yet, still或nevertheless連用??梢苑旁谥骶淝懊嬉部梢苑旁谥骶浜竺妗ven if,even

28、though所接的句子常用虛擬語氣。We won't give up even if we should fail ten times.即使是我們失敗十次,我們也不會放棄。 He might have given you more help,even though he was very busy盡管他很忙,他可能給了你更多的幫助。2、as或though引導讓步狀語從句形容詞+ as/though+ 主與+謂語副詞動詞分詞名詞1由as或though引導讓步狀語從句用倒裝語序Proud as these nobles are, he is afraid to see me.這些貴族盡管很

29、傲慢,他們卻害怕見我。2假如表語為單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,這個名詞不帶冠詞 12-year-old girl as she is, she has had a good command of English.她雖然只是個12歲的女孩,但是她已經(jīng)熟知英語。Child as he is,he knows a lot.雖然他還是個孩子,卻懂的很多。3假如句中謂語包含情態(tài)動詞或助動詞,那么將實意動詞放在as之前Try as I might,I couldn't lift the stone.我使多大勁兒也搬不動這塊石頭。Praised as he was, he remained modest.他雖然受

30、到表揚,但仍然保持著謙虛。4假如句中謂語僅有實意動詞,那么將實意動詞原形放在as之前,并在主語后面加助動詞do, does, did或will。Torture her as they did, the enemy got nothing out of her.雖然敵人拷打她,卻沒有能從她嘴里得到什么。 Fail as he did, he would never give up.盡管他失敗了,但他決不會放棄。注:但是,假如在這種情況下,句中謂語有副詞修飾,那么將副詞放在as之前。Again and again as he failed, he didn't lose heart.他雖然

31、屢次失敗,但仍不灰心喪氣。Much as I admire his courage, I don't think he acted wisely.我雖然佩服他的勇氣,但是我認為他這樣做是不明智的。3、由no matter+ wh詞和由疑問詞ever引導讓步狀語從句由no matter引導,表示“不管;無論;由疑問詞ever引導,表示“不管,不管。這類詞有:whatever,whichever,whoever,however, whenever,wherever等,他們相當于no matter+ whatwhich,who,how,when, where,都不能與but,so,and等并

32、列連詞同時使用。We'll have to finish the job, howeverno matter how long it takes. 不管需要多長時間,我們都一定完成這項工作。No matter whatWhatever you do, don't tell him that I told you this. 無論你做什么,別告訴他我對你說過這件事。4、由whetheror引導讓步狀語從句由whetheror引導讓步狀語從句表示“不管還是,提供兩種比照的情況。I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home.

33、 不管你來還是留在家中,我都要去。Whether we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is sit in front of the tube and “l(fā)et it happen.不管我們喜歡不喜歡一條消息,我們所能做的只是坐在電視機前,“讓它過去。八、條件狀語從句條件狀語從句可以位于主句前面或后面。由if,unless引導 if 表示正面的條件,意為“假如;unless表示反面的條件,意為“除非,假如不if notYou will be late unless you leave immediately.除

34、非你立即走,否那么,你會遲到。If you don't hurry up, you'll be late. 假如你不快點,你就會晚了。We'll go there unless it rains. 假如不下雨,我們就去那兒。2、由suppose,supposing,as/so long as, providing, provided, on condition that和in case等引導 這類連詞詞組意思相近,有:“假如、假設、即使、在條件下等意義。Suppose Supposing he is ill, what shall we do? 假如他病了,我們該怎么辦

35、?You'll do all right, as long as you follow his advice.只要你聽從他的勸告,你就會干得很好的。In case John comes, please tell him to wait.假設約翰來了,請讓他稍候。You may keep the book a further week provided that no one else requires it. 倘假設這本書沒有其別人想借的話,你可以再續(xù)借一個禮拜。九、方式狀語從句方式狀語從句一般由as正如;按照,as if/as though好似,the way等引導。1、as 和ju

36、st as引導方式狀語從句這兩個連詞的意思是“如,猶如,正如in the same manner that。just as 比as的強調(diào)性更強。You must do everything as I do.你們要照我這樣去做。Just as the water is the most important of liquids, air is the most important gases.正如水是液體中最重要的一種一樣,空氣是氣體中最重要的一種。2、as if 和as though引導方式狀語從句 as if 和as though意為“好似、仿佛可以用虛擬語氣表示不符合事實或與事實相反的情況

37、;也可以用陳述語氣表示符合事實的情況。He walked slowly as if he had hurt his leg. 他漸漸地走,她像腿受傷的樣子。He spoke as if he knew the question very well.他說得好似對這個問題知道得很清楚。3、the way引導方式狀語從句the way它的作用相當于the manner,后面的引導詞常用that引導方式狀語,而且經(jīng)常省略。此時,一般不用in which引導。I dont like the way you speak to her.我不喜歡你和她說話的方式。We didn't like the

38、way that he treated us. 我不喜歡他對待我們的方式。句型練習狀語從句1、我還沒來得及記下車牌號碼,汽車就開走了。before2、他邊沿著街往前走,邊高聲唱著歌。as3、我一看見這個女孩就認出她了。the moment4、我一發(fā)哦飛機場,飛機就起飛了。hardlywhen5、一旦你理解了這點,理解別的內(nèi)容就沒有困難。once6、 你可以贏得他們的尊敬,條件是你要真誠對待他們。on condition that7、你應該帶點錢在身上以防不時之需。in case8、雨下的很大,結(jié)果運動會被推遲了。sothat9、盡管互聯(lián)網(wǎng)對我們有益,但它也能給我們帶來危害。while10、盡管

39、她很富有,但從來不幫助處于困境中的人。as.單句語法填空12019·高考浙江卷變式Just _ a single word can change the meaning of a sentence,a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.22019·高考重慶卷變式If you miss this chance,it may be years _ you get another one.32019·高考北京卷變式_ the damage is done,it will take many yea

40、rs for the farmland to recover.42019·高考江蘇卷變式It is so cold that you cant go outside _ fully covered in thick clothes.52019·高考湖南卷變式Thats why I help brighten peoples days.If you _,whos to say that another person will?6_ you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount yo

41、u eat.7Some house plants grow better if placed near a window with plenty of sunlight _ others prefer to be in a shady spot.8Hardly had we reached the reception _ we were presented with a drink.9Much _ I understand your difficulties,I cant spare some time to help you.10The school which we paid a visi

42、t to last week was built _ there had once been a church.單句改錯12019·高考四川卷變式There is only one more day to go until your favorite music group play live._22019·高考北京卷變式Y(jié)ou won't find paper cutting difficult as well as you keep practicing it._3He is young however very experienced._4I didnt manage to do it unless you had explained


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