



1、2017 年 12 月英語(yǔ)四級(jí)翻譯熱門(mén)詞匯:1 .九寨溝地震A 7.0-magnitude earthquake jolted Jiuzhaigou County in southwest China's Sichuan Province at 9:19 p.m.Tuesday (Beijing Time), and the epicenter was monitored at 33.2 degrees north latitude and 103.82 degrees east longitude. The quake struck at a depth of 20 km, acco

2、rding to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).據(jù)中國(guó)地震臺(tái)網(wǎng)中心測(cè)定,北京時(shí)間8 月 8 日晚 9 時(shí) 19 分,四川省九寨溝縣發(fā)生里氏7.0 級(jí)地震,震中位于北緯 33.2 °,東經(jīng) 103.82 °,震源深度 20 公里。As of 12 a.m. Thursday, the death toll rose to 20 with 431 injured, including 18 critically injured.截至 8 月 10 日 12 時(shí),地震已致20 人死亡,431 人受傷,其中重傷18 人。Ji

3、uzhaigou, or Jiuzhai Valley, a national park in the epicenter of Zhangzha town, Jiuzhaigou County, is known for spectacular waterfalls and karst formations. More than 34,000 people visited the tourist attraction on Tuesday.位于震中九寨溝縣漳扎鎮(zhèn)的九寨溝景區(qū)是一座國(guó)家級(jí)公園,以壯觀瀑布和喀斯特地貌而聞名。地震當(dāng)天有逾3.4萬(wàn)名游客到訪該旅游勝地。As of 1 p.m. Th

4、ursday, about 13,000 vehicles and 71,000 people stranded had been successfully evacuatedwith the help of 3,675 police. Power, communication and water supply in the county seat have basically recovered.截至 8 月 10 日 13 時(shí),在 3675 名警員的通力合作下,順利轉(zhuǎn)移疏散滯留車(chē)輛1.3 萬(wàn)輛,轉(zhuǎn)移游客、務(wù)工人員約 7.1 萬(wàn)人??h城的電力、通信和供水已基本恢復(fù)。The quake was

5、 felt in the provincial capital Chengdu about 300 km south of the epicenter, and other regions in the neighboring provinces of Gansu and Shaanxi.位于震中南部約300 公里的省會(huì)成都以及甘肅、陜西等相鄰省份的其他地區(qū)均有震感。Vocabulary:magnitude 震級(jí)jolt n. 顛簸,搖晃v.(使 )搖動(dòng),使震驚,顛簸而行China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC) 中國(guó)地震臺(tái)網(wǎng)中心latitude 緯度lon

6、gitude 經(jīng)度epicenter 震中,中心,焦點(diǎn)karst formations 喀斯特地貌特征death toll( 事故、戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)等的)死亡總數(shù),死亡人數(shù)be relocated to 重新安置,搬遷water supply 供水county seat 縣 (郡 )政府所在地provincial capital 省會(huì)Shaanxi 陜西省Shanxi 山西省2 . 歐洲毒雞蛋The insecticide scandal became public on 1 August when it was revealed that tests of Dutch eggs had found th

7、at fipronil, a toxic anti-lice agent, banned from use in animals intended for human consumption, had found its way into the food chain.8 月 1 日,一則殺蟲(chóng)劑丑聞遭到曝光,當(dāng)日對(duì)荷蘭雞蛋的檢測(cè)結(jié)果顯示其中含有一種有毒抗虱劑氟蟲(chóng)腈,而這種殺蟲(chóng)劑被明令禁止用于供人食用的動(dòng)物中,目前氟蟲(chóng)腈已流入食物鏈。The contaminated eggs were exported from the Netherlands which is Europe's lar

8、gest exporter of eggs and egg products.這批“毒雞蛋”經(jīng)由荷蘭出口,而荷蘭是歐洲最大的雞蛋和蛋制品出口國(guó)。The European Union on Monday alerted the food safety authorities in Britain, France, Sweden andSwitzerland as a precautionin these four countries, while Belgian and Dutch authorities investigate how the insecticide came illegall

9、y into contact with poultry.8 月 7 日,歐盟對(duì)英國(guó)、法國(guó)、瑞典、瑞士這4 個(gè)國(guó)家的食品安全部門(mén)發(fā)布預(yù)警稱(chēng), “毒雞蛋”已經(jīng)擴(kuò)散至這些國(guó)家,比利時(shí)和荷蘭當(dāng)局也正在徹查該殺蟲(chóng)劑是如何通過(guò)非法途徑進(jìn)入禽類(lèi)的。Millions of eggs were removed from shelves in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, and nearly 180 farms were temporarily closed down inthe Netherlands.荷蘭、比利時(shí)、德國(guó)和瑞典下架了數(shù)百萬(wàn)

10、只雞蛋,而荷蘭也暫時(shí)關(guān)閉了近180 家農(nóng)場(chǎng)。Vocabulary:become public 公之于眾;曝光contaminated 被污染的,弄臟的fipronil 氟蟲(chóng)腈be banned from 被禁止precaution 預(yù)警come into contact with 接觸到;聯(lián)系;開(kāi)始做某事be removed from shelves 下架closed down ( 工廠、企業(yè)等)停業(yè);(電臺(tái))停止播放;(霧等)籠罩3. 共有產(chǎn)權(quán)住房homes with joint property rightsIn a new measure to stabilize the housing

11、 market, Beijing is planning to introduce homes with joint property rights shared between the government and buyers.日前,北京推行了一項(xiàng)穩(wěn)定住房市場(chǎng)的新舉措,擬推出政府和購(gòu)房者共有產(chǎn)權(quán)的住房。The policy has several restrictions. Buyers and their families cannot already own homes in their name. Single people making purchases must be at l

12、east 30 years old. And a family can only apply for one home.該政策包括多項(xiàng)限制條件:家庭成員名下均無(wú)住房;單身人士申購(gòu)需年滿30 歲 ;一個(gè)家庭只能申購(gòu)一套?!癟he new housing policy clearly targets households that have difficulties in purchasing a home, ” said Liu Weimin, researcher with the State Council development research center.“新的購(gòu)房政策主要針對(duì)買(mǎi)房有

13、困難的家庭, ”國(guó)務(wù)院發(fā)展研究中心研究工作者劉為民說(shuō)。Five years after purchase, owners can sell their shares based on the market price, but the government or its assigned management agencies have first-refusal to buy back.已購(gòu)共有產(chǎn)權(quán)住房滿5 年的, 購(gòu)房人可按市場(chǎng)價(jià)格轉(zhuǎn)讓所購(gòu)房屋產(chǎn)權(quán)份額,但政府和代持機(jī)構(gòu)則享有優(yōu)先回購(gòu)權(quán)。Liu Weimin said the policy was key to Beijing s plan

14、 to create a world-class, harmonious and livable metropolis, as it stipulated that at least 30 percent of the homes would be offered to“new Beijingers, ” referring topeople without a Beijing Hukou but with stable jobs in Beijing.劉為民表示,該政策規(guī)定分配給“新北京人”(在北京有穩(wěn)定工作的非本市戶籍人口)的共有產(chǎn)權(quán)住房將不少于30% ,對(duì)于實(shí)現(xiàn)將北京建設(shè)成為國(guó)際一流的和

15、諧宜居之都的發(fā)展計(jì)劃至關(guān)重要4. 共享汽車(chē)China issued an official guideline on Tuesday aimed at boosting the development of its car-sharing industry.8 月 8 日,中國(guó)出臺(tái)官方指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn),旨在促進(jìn)共享汽車(chē)行業(yè)蓬勃發(fā)展。Car-sharing services improve user experience and offer an alternative for urban commuting, easing growing demand for private cars and par

16、king space, according to guidelines released jointly by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.交通運(yùn)輸部、住房城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)部聯(lián)合發(fā)布的指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn)稱(chēng),共享汽車(chē)服務(wù)改善了用戶體驗(yàn),為城市出行提供了一種新的選擇,緩解了不斷增長(zhǎng)的私家車(chē)和停車(chē)位需求。Car-sharing firms should improve their services by checking the identity of users carefully

17、 and optimizing the supply of cars by using big data analysis, according to the guidelines.意見(jiàn)指出,共享汽車(chē)公司應(yīng)仔細(xì)查驗(yàn)用戶身份,并通過(guò)大數(shù)據(jù)分析優(yōu)化汽車(chē)供應(yīng),改善服務(wù)質(zhì)量。Companies are encouraged to use a credit-based model to evaluate the reliability of users instead of requiring them to pay guarantee deposits.鼓勵(lì)公司采用信用模式評(píng)估用戶可信度,而非直接收取

18、押金。In terms of parking, public parking lots in shopping centers and large residential areas are encouraged to offer space for shared-cars, while incentives will also likely be given to such cars for on-street parking.在停車(chē)方面,鼓勵(lì)城市商業(yè)中心和大型居民區(qū)的公共停車(chē)場(chǎng)為共享汽車(chē)停放提供便利,同時(shí)還可給予城市路內(nèi)停車(chē)優(yōu)惠等。Companies are also encouraged

19、 to use new energy vehicles (NEVs) as shared-cars, with support given for charging facilities of NEVs.同時(shí)也鼓勵(lì)汽車(chē)共享公司使用新能源汽車(chē),并在充電基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施方面給予扶持。Vocabulary:parking lot / carpark 停車(chē)場(chǎng)take advantage of 利用,采用the Ministry of Transport 交通運(yùn)輸部the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development 住房城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)部(guarantee) dep

20、osit 押金big data analysis大數(shù)據(jù)分析residential areas居民區(qū)incentive 激勵(lì),獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)措施on-street parking 路內(nèi)停車(chē)new energy vehicle (NEV) 新能源汽車(chē)charging facility 充電設(shè)施5. 共享單車(chē)The central government released a guideline on Thursday to encourage and regulate the booming bike-sharing industry, such as requiring real-name registra

21、tion and barring services to children under 12.中央政府8 月 3 日發(fā)布了共享單車(chē)指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn),以鼓勵(lì)和規(guī)范當(dāng)前蓬勃發(fā)展的共享單車(chē)行業(yè),包括用戶實(shí)名注冊(cè)和禁止向未滿12 歲的兒童提供服務(wù)等內(nèi)容。Companies should take more responsibility for managing the industry in many ways, including being responsible for riders safety and for the safety of users personal information and

22、deposits, said Yang Xinzheng, director of the China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center under the China Academy of Transportation Sciences.中國(guó)交通科學(xué)院下屬機(jī)構(gòu)中國(guó)城市可持續(xù)交通發(fā)展研究中心的楊新政表示, 共享單車(chē)企業(yè)在管理過(guò)程中應(yīng) 該承擔(dān)多方面的責(zé)任,包括保證單車(chē)使用者安全,用戶個(gè)人信息和資金安全等。According to the Ministry of Transport, traffic safety regulations ban

23、 children under 12 from riding bikes on the street. Most of the companies' newly released bikes have a notice affixed about the age limit.交通部指出,指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn)中的交通安全條例規(guī)定,禁止12 歲以下的兒童在道路上騎共享單車(chē)。共享單車(chē)企業(yè)最新投放的大部分共享單車(chē)上都貼有限制年齡的標(biāo)志。To solve the parking problem, municipal governments are required to improve the bike n

24、etwork, setting up parking areas for bikes and carrying out severe punishment.針對(duì)停車(chē)問(wèn)題,指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn)提出,各城市政府要完善自行車(chē)交通網(wǎng)絡(luò),推進(jìn)自行車(chē)停車(chē)點(diǎn)位設(shè)置和建設(shè),加強(qiáng)對(duì)違法違規(guī)行為的監(jiān)督執(zhí)法。Vocabulary:booming 興旺的,繁榮的;大受歡迎的real-name registration 實(shí)名注冊(cè)Ministry of Transport 交通運(yùn)輸部(交通部)bar v. 禁止;阻攔n.條,棒 ;酒吧;障礙;法庭deposit 存款 ;訂金;沉積物affixed 粘貼 ;署名 ;使附于municip

25、al 市政的,市的;地方自治的6. 出國(guó)游學(xué)Summer classes, including math, English, and art are considered necessary for students, while many parents see overseas study tours as good opportunities for their children to get ahead, filling their childrens dayswith a wide range of programs, despite the high costs of around $4,000 to $6,000.數(shù)學(xué)、英語(yǔ)和美術(shù)等暑期輔導(dǎo)班被認(rèn)為是學(xué)生必不可少的暑假項(xiàng)目,不過(guò)還有許多家長(zhǎng)把出國(guó)游學(xué)看作是孩子領(lǐng)先一步的好機(jī)會(huì),孩子們每天都會(huì)參加各種各樣的活動(dòng),而費(fèi)用也高達(dá)4000-6000 美元(約合人民幣2.6 萬(wàn) -4 萬(wàn)元 )。A parent said she felt pressured by the current trend.“I don t want my son to have pressure at such a


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