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1、Unit 2 Jour ney into the unknownListe ning to the worldShari ngScriptsF = Fi nn; W1 = Woma n 1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc.Part 1F: I ' ve spe nt a lot of time liv ing in differe nt coun tries so there isn' t oneas home.I ' ve lived in Scotla nd and Pola nd and Chin a. I love going to new pla

2、ces and lear ningaboutnew cultures. Today, I' m ask ing people about travel.Part 2W1: I love travel. It' s one of my passi ons.M1: Well, I enjoy i t a lot. I have traveled to In dia several times. I lived there, and Ihere,and I' ve bee n to Ista nbul once and I enjoyed that very much.W2:

3、 I' ve done quite a bit of traveli ng on holidays and stuff. I think it' sexperie nee.W3: You get to meet differe nt people coming from differe nt backgro un ds, and thatreallyimporta nt to get an un dersta nding.M2: It ' s always just nice to get out and experienee a different culture a

4、nd differentlifestyle.W4: I get very excited about the thought of going to most coun tries, any coun try.W5: I love to travel to differe nt coun tries.M3: Absolutely love traveli ng. I' ve bee n traveli ng for about two and a half years solidnow.W6: I ' ve bee n to Turkey. I' ve bee n to

5、 Egypt. I' ve bee n to Malta.M4: I work as an expediti on leader and so I actually operate in differe nt coun tries aroundtheworld, many places outside the Un ited Kin gdom.Part 3F: What do you like about traveli ng?oh, just compM3: I thi nk you mature a lot whe n you travel. You, er, you lear n

6、differe ntexperie nces to what you' re used to at home.W6: I like the airport experie nee. I love that.M5: I like the arrival more than the traveling.W5: To see art especially. We love to see theater in other coun tries.M4: You see some, some of the most beautiful sce nery around the world which

7、 youwould n 'texperience in other countries.M2: I just really like getting out there and experiencing a different culture, getting faraway from,you know, what were used to in Australia, and meet ing new people.W4: The an ticipati on of being in a new place, of see ing very differe nt thin gs, er

8、, ofheari ng adiffere nt Ian guage, (and) of eati ng differe nt food. Everyth ing that travel has to offer.Part 4F: What don ' t you like?W6: I don ' t like long flights.W3: I suppos e plane journeys aren' t always the most exciting of things.W1: Flyin g. I don' t particularly like f

9、lying, but it' s a n ecessity whe n you live in Irel,know.M2: I suppose the biggest problem I have with traveli ng is livi ng out of a suitcase.W4: In all honesty, I actually see the whole travel as an adventure in itself. So, er, when,whe n Iwas backpacking, and we all we ran out of money, or w

10、e were in dangerous situations,Iactually quite enjoyed that.M4: You spe nd a lot of time outside the Un ited Kin gdom, and the disadva ntage of thatis, that you,you tend to miss families and frien ds. I miss out on no rmal things in life, sooutside the Un ited Kin gdom for two thirds of the year. I&

11、#39; d say that ' s the maildisadva ntage.W5: The hardest thing for me is that I am han dicapped. And so sometimes getti ngaround,especially very old cities, is very difficult.M5: My wife ' s usually late for getting to the airport. It wasnactually started miss ing flights.Liste ningScriptsO

12、ne place that I thi nk every one should have the cha nee to see is Venice. But the problem isthat this beautiful and charm ing city is slowly sinking. Ever since the 14th cen tury engin eers havetried to work out a way to stop the floods in Venice, but so far n obody has man aged. Sometimesthere are

13、 as many as 40 floods per year between March and September, and Venice is actuallysinking at a rate of two and a half in ches every decade. Itgra ndchildre n,and their gran dchildre n will n ever have the cha nee to see this fragile city. Every one should havethe cha nce to enjoy the city, to walk a

14、cross its famous bridges, through its ancient squares. Theret un til I, I gots very possible that youiare no cars in Venice, and many people think it helps this to be one of the most romanticcities inthe world. So, can it be saved?Well, they are trying. Barriers are being put in to try and stop the

15、water getting too high.Thisis viewed as a temporary measure, although they should last 100 years, so the problemis finding aperma nent soluti on. If you want my advice, go there while you still can, and the ntogether we canput pressure on the government to spend the money it needs to find a permanen

16、t wayto keep thisbeautiful and historic city for future gen erati ons. We have an opport unity now to savethis city,and we must, before it' s too late.Viewi ngScriptsV = Voice-over; M1 = Man 1, etc.; JL = Joa nna Lumley; W1 = Woman 1, etc.;EH = Eam onn Holmes; JJE = Jocelyn Jee Esie n; AF = Alex

17、 Fraser;JP = Joh n Palmer; MJ = Mela nie Jon es; LS = Lucy Sasso on; Vs = Voicess busy and you loV: There are so many amaz ing places to see around the world. Here are some of your favorites.Welcome to Ban gkok! With over six milli on people, it' s big, itvery good for shopp ing and the ni ghtli

18、fe is great, too.M1: It ' s got lots of clubs, bars, shops, food Everything you need, really.V: There are 400 temples in Ban gkok, so Ban gkok is an importa nt place for Buddhistsarou ndthe world, and tourists love to visit the temples, too.V: You also love the Masai Mara in Keny a. It' s a

19、fan tastic place to watch ani mals: zebras,elepha nts, an telope, hippos, and lions. You can see them all. So, why is it so special?JL: Huge ope n spaces, fan tastic ani mals, just wide ope n freedom, warmth, frien dli ness,and allundern eath the great Africa n skies.V: Now a popular, romantic city

20、the city of lights, Paris.W1: To me, Paris is elegant, romantic and expensive.W2: Go in the spring and enjoy the art galleries.V: And enjoy the views of the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower.V: Back to Africa now, South Africa. Yes, it' s Cape Town. And beh ind Cape Town is the1,000-meter-hi

21、gh Table Mountain, with its fantastic views.EH: Cape Tow n is one of my top three places on earth.JJE: Frie ndly people, loads of beaches, and the food is un believably cheap.M2: We went there um, over New Year and it was lovely. I mean, just a lovely, lovelyplace.EH: Great place, Cape Town.V: You l

22、ove the mountains and beaches that make Cape Town so special. And these littleguys -the penguins.V: This is the big mome nt: the nu mber one place to see before you die. Your favorite istheGrand Canyon! The Grand Canyon is an amaz ing place. You can read about the GrandCanyon and you can look at pho

23、tographs and videos, but nothing can prepare you forthe realthi ng.AF: There is so much to see that you n ever stop see ing someth ing n ew.JP: The colors are just so amazing.MJ: With every cha nging inch of the sun set, the colors in the canyon cha nge.LS: I remember actually sitti ng therest cried

24、: and I juV: But there ' s only one word that every one says whe n they talk about the Grand Canyon:Vs: It really is awesome Just completely awesome Awesome “ Awesomeword It was awesome Awesome Awesome “ Awesome ” is the only wordTruly awesome.Speak ing for com muni catio nRole-playScriptsCon ve

25、rsatio n 1Man: Excuse me. We' re trying to get to the carni val. Is this the right bus stop?Woma n: Yes, but you don' t n eed the bus. It' s very close.Man: Oh! Can we walk?ll hear theWoma n: Yes, it takes about10 minu tes from here. Just go straight on. Youmusic!Man: OK. Thank you very

26、much.Con versatio n 2Woma n: Excuse me, can you help me? I' m look ing for the Plaza Hotel. Is this the rightway?Man: Um Plaza Hotel, er, Plaza Hotel. Oh, yes, keep going, past the cinema and takethefirst left.Woma n: OK.Man: Then keep going for about 15 minu tes un til you reach the end of the

27、road. Andyou ' llsee the sign for the hotel. You can' t miss it.Woma n: OK. Um, can you show me on the map?Man: Sure.Con versatio n 3Man 1: Excuse me, we want to get to The Grand Motel. Is it far?Woman: Um sorry, I ' ve no idea. Jim, do you know?Man 2: What?Woma n: The Grand Motel?Man 2:

28、 The Grand Motel? Yeah, it' s just over there. Er, just go to the end of this street.Go leftand go past the um there ' s a restaura nt. Go past the restaura nt and itMan 1: On the left. So I need to go to the end of the street, turn left, go past the restaura nt and it ' s on the left.Ma

29、n 2: Yeah, that' s it.Man 1: Tha nks a lot.Group discussi onScriptsOK, well, we would like to go to Easter Island. It is very isolated, very far from other places.Er, we are going to travel there by plane and stay with different families and the trip is going totake three mon ths. We want to exp

30、erie nee the local culture, their music, food, and wayof life. Soour pla n is to speak to the local people about these things and to film them. We hopeto find outabout their traditi ons and to see what they think of their history. Well, um, fin ally, myhusbandand I always wan ted to go to Easter Isl

31、a nd. I read about it whe n I was a child and I saw pictures ofthese amaz ing stone heads on the isla nd. So for us this is the jour ney of our dreams.Further practice in liste ningShort con versatio nsScriptsCon versatio n 1M: I still can' t decide whether we should have a whole package tour or

32、 a sefrive tour.W: A whole package tour means having to spend time in the confined quarters of acoach, bus ortrain with people you are not familiar with, but considering our budget, perhaps we havetosacrifice comfort and privacy.Q: What does the woma n say about a whole package tour?Con versatio n 2

33、W: I was so shocked when I saw the tiny, dirty houses where the childre n grew up.M: So was I. I' m afraid that they dbave eno ugh foo'd, tet alone go to school. Nexttime weshould have our daughter come with us. She always takes things for gran ted.Q: What are the two speakers pla nning to d

34、o?Con versatio n 3M: I will say it again: India is not a safe place for a woman to travel alone.ts, itW: But if I wear the proper clothes, and lear n the cultural dos and donfine. Pleasedon ' t be so alarmed.Q: What will the woman do?Con versatio n 4W: I ' m going to travel with my five -yea

35、r-old this summer. But I feel kind of uncertain whether things will work out.M: You know Jane? She and her husba nd spe nd every holiday traveli ng in a jeep withtheir sonand dog. Probably you should go to her before you go.Q: What does the woma n feel un certa in about?Con versatio n 5M: Many peopl

36、e love a good story about somebody traveli ng in time-either to repairthe future,or to observe the past. Why are time travel stories so popular?W: I thi nk it' s huma n n ature to dream of whfat What if I could see an alie n?Q: What are the two speakers talk ing about?Long con versati onScriptsM

37、: It ' s good to have you back at work Emily. How was your trip to the Amaz onrai nforest?W: It was like a spectacular dream; I saw so many more things than I ever could haveimag in ed.The plants are so thick t hat you couldn' t even see the sun or the sky above, and thereare moreshades of g

38、reen than I' ve seen before in my life!M: Wow, with so many pla nts, how did you get around?W: We rode a tour boat dow n the Amaz on River-it conn ects the whole jun gle, and thelocalpeople use it to travel, too. It' s amaz ing being somewhere so far away from tech no logy,without any electr

39、icity for miles and miles. The local people don' t even see theoutsideof the jungle, never traveling more than 15 minutes up or down the river their wholelives!M: What an en tirely differe nt lifestyle! It must be completely differe nt there. Did you getto meetany of the villagers?W: Oh yes! Her

40、e ' s the story: I fini shed a small blue bottle of wine and was about to throwit away.The tour guide told me to save it. Later, when we arrived at one of the villages, hein troducedme to an old woman there who greeted our boat. I gave her the wine bottle as a gift. Shelooked at it like a great

41、treasure, and she said that it would be an honored prize for herhut. Iwas shocked that someth ing so small and com mon for me-could mean so much!M: Emily, I suppose we really take modern life for gran ted.Q1: What does the woman say about the plants in the Amazon rainforest?Q2: What does the woma n

42、say about the local people?Q3: Why was the old woma n in the village so excited?Q4: What has the woma n lear ned from her traveli ng experie nee?Passage 1ScriptsI believe watch ing n ature programs on televisi on is not going to give us and our ehildre nareal experie nee of n ature. On the con trary

43、, they may dista nee us from n ature-actualn ature -eve nfurther.Because real n ature experie nces mean con tact with n ature. It means being with andwithinn ature, to experie nee it with all five sen ses.True, TV programs give us joy but they will n ever be able to help us form a relatio nshipwithn

44、 ature. We watch our small scree ns come alive with the vivid colors and we all let out“ aahhhh ”and “ wooooow ” . But, never once will we feel the pleasure of being close to nature.Worse still -the programs such as those on the Discovery Channel make n ature seem sostra nge, and so far away, in the

45、 forests of the Amaz on or in the wilds of Africa. Childre nmaygrow up without even realiz ing that the flowers, pla nts or a couple of trees in theirbackyard aren ature and they are equally precious. The truth is- n ature is so close to us. We don' tn eed to goany where far to enjoy such experi

46、e nces. It is right there in our backyards. Or, in parks,garde ns,forests, or n ati onal parks.All we n eed to do is make an effort to get closer to n ature-know it, appreciate it, andexplore it. Feeli ng the soil un der our feet and the wind in our hair; liste ning to the soundof thefalle n leaves

47、and tak ing in the smell of the wet soil-all these are pure joy to the sen sesthat wemust experie nee.Q1: What may happe n to childre n after watch ing n ature programs on TV?Q2: How should childre n get close to n ature accord ing to the speaker?Q3: What impressi on might the Discovery Chann el leave on childre n?Q4: What is the main idea of this passage?Passage 2Scripts and an swersI have never been able to under


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