已閱讀5頁,還剩10頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、filt thtibli wIfvtthiti l iTkti t y y iit l t Li D z ' l i "i"i"blwiithtl"vwtviwhwtwthw"ftwhiv.liihlIhwih-lyttihlttth b blyiiiiwilbiblifttwli y viw thw itiw ibilt.Obiiiti-hi h"PllyhihitiItthf.wfttibvittbitwflTwhivilty""w.i"i -Itb.tyiilvltiiiittlttbfy

2、hifthiib thOtrust more abiiylo,ou|u aimed the moral and otIeq sTeeore, we mta s maitan the hstoril mssiona i d sea esponsiiiy a nd our d tree roobd in thehadwrkofIesoilwthin.omialesi< i ndomiae courage t oope up a new siuain of via ges and tws To have a eeigif,e - tie se cnd. 1 he pel pl e and co

3、 uty- busiess fun.ai pepesblodilhepeople po pe ople - need - cii ons of the part, res ti the eeig s of the peope is a neerna t heme FaZ "ng, cle d "is, ad e n,o,comfort about “es", Zeng“n.a i s as ote a Cai “ nig tt he usl ng of bam boo, Ie suspect s suffeig. Cao Cu. offcas, .,a tota

4、tunoff.">.ofeu- offca I n has s ig* alne s t o" 3g "or pur poses of pepe nt de? moreshould>w_ hol d - on peope of d-eel ngs, heat .amet masse s of ead i g .*e masses of itins t houggs cmpai ned isse. pu massesof Zesspuifist,cnsciuSyfromiteldou,frm al do u, from m-ss mos cae, and

5、mostd-ctyandmos rraly of iteess p.b.abe d ea do lvefor peope by parment, and rght for pepe by wih,andLeeforpeoplebycnspircyt.Thwihteameofmid. "Nonidfeentnotinssyourdem,wihou-ennotgofa."-senli. to ffme s morrlly is thesu-ainof the sul -s Twsipadvlgebesuetomantaianomastaeofmidesals a correc

6、vew point on powe, post on ad uus and .o、- ame s lgt l- wer,de| edng . 50 km, als rrd and Ke hude ds of tousads of the IMT miiay cmba,buhent ontc- c a - - of newsaesadmagaies and teaaaistmetporeo l ong as the s - , of mid i s notneesay t cme t t he - y work shops, int te vilg-pepelarnndamig tchni qu

7、e s probso'i ng metods pat ciaton i大清包工程協(xié)議書工程承包人(甲方):建設集團有限公司勞務分包人(乙方):建筑勞務有限公司雙方根據(jù)合同法、建筑法及建設工程安全生產管理條例的有關規(guī)定,結合工程實際情況,經(jīng)甲乙雙方友好協(xié)商,達成一致意見。特簽訂本協(xié)議,具體內容如下:第一條工程名稱、面積、地點:1、 工程名稱:延吉市鑫悅花園#樓2、 建筑面積:約 立(以實際計算建筑面積為準)。3、 工程地點:延吉市延河路與站前街交匯處第二條工程范圍及內容1、 分包范圍:(1)圖紙及變更單、圖紙會審記錄所示的所有土建工程。(2)分包方式:大清包分包內容:人工、設備、周轉材料

8、、工機具、臨時設施。甲方負責主材供應(水泥、砂、石、紅磚、鋼材、白灰、外加 劑、辦公設施等實體材料)及項目部辦公、生活用具以外的全部內 容。包括以下內容:設備:包括但不限于塔吊(包括黑匣子)、攪拌機、配料機、小型裝載機、打夯機、振搗器、鋼筋設備、套絲機、施工電梯、電filt thtibl i wIfvtth iti l iTkti t y y iit l t Li Dz ' l i "i " i" bl wi i th tl" v w t viw hw tw t h w " ftwhi v.li i hlIhw ih - l y tti

9、 hlttth b bly iiii wil b i bl ift t w li y viw thw itiw ibilt . O bii it i-hi h" Plly hihitiItthf.w f t ti b vittbitw flTwhi vil ty "" w.i" i -Itb.tyiil vlt ii ii t t l t tbf y hi fth iib th O trust more abiiylo,ou|u a.me.the moral and otI e q sTeeore, -e mta s maitan the hstori-

10、lmona i d sea esponsiiiy a nd our id tee rooted i t he ha d wrk of te soil wth i n.omiale spit in.omia, courage t oope up a new si uain of via ges and tws To have a eeigi f,e - tte se cnd. 1 he pel pl e and countr y-busiess fun.ai pepes blod ilhe pe ople po pe ople - need - cii ons of the part, res

11、ti the eeigsof thepeope is a neerna t heme FaZ "ng, cle d "is, ad e n,o,comfort about “es", Zeng “n.a i s asw ote a Cai “ nig t t herusl ngof bam boo, te suspect s suffeig. Cao Cu. offcas, .,atota tun off."I.ofeu- offca I n has s ig* alne s t o" 3g "or pur poses of pepe

12、 nt de? moreshould >w_ hol d - on peope of d-eel ngs, heat .ametma s of ead i g .*e masse s of itins t houggs cmpai ned isse. pu massesof Zess pu i fist, cnsciuSy from itel do u, >> 一 .一. I - .一.”一.一 I . I I- 一 . - I 一 I1 - I ”. 一 1 . 一 . 一S 一 一 . 一 .一.焊機、污水泵、清水泵等等土建施工所有的機械設備。周轉材料:包括但不限于清水模

13、板、方木、頂柱、絲杠、鋼 管、步步緊、柱卡具、穿墻螺栓、塑料管、花籃螺栓、緊線器、外 圍護架子的鋼管及扣件,挑架子用槽鋼、卸料平臺、 密目網(wǎng)、安 全網(wǎng)、槽鋼卸料卸料平臺、跳板、電動吊蘭、馬模等等周轉材料。臨時水電及施工棚:臨時電電纜及電線和配電箱(總電表箱以外的全包括)、臨時照明所有燈具、臨時上下水管、臨時水泵、 鋼筋棚、木工棚等等所有臨時設施。輔料和工機具:包括但不限于釘子、對拉螺栓(地下室止水 對拉螺栓)、鐵線、綁線、焊條、塑料墊塊、頂桿、養(yǎng)生塑料布、 膠帶、膠條、堵漏軟管、鋼筋套筒、電渣壓力焊、圓鋸、手提鋸、 壓刨、電鉆、灰罐、灰溜子、推車、電子經(jīng)緯儀、鉛垂儀、正視水 平儀、鋼尺等所有施

14、工小材料及工具。安全文明施工用料料:包括但不限于安全防護棚、密目網(wǎng)、 安全網(wǎng)、安全帽、安全帶、安全繩、安全通道、防護手套、防護眼 鏡、防護面罩、勞保用品、設備安全接地和接零、基坑防護砂袋, 基坑安全維護費用、彩條布、臨邊防護、四口防護、等等安全施工 用料(達到州安全生產優(yōu)秀工地標準)。文明施工用料:包括但不限于工地鐵藝大門、員工宿舍(彩 板房)、臨時辦公室(彩板房)、鋼管床、臨時設施的低值易耗品和 各種輔料及周轉材料及工機具、標語牌、標識牌等等(達到州優(yōu)秀 工地以上標準)。onfee nces lare d -per or poke s; reors, yu ca n ear t o-a wi

15、 atusntdtean,teanaaytme.TconiuosyexpandtIescpeoftestdyIecompleXyandcmprehe-ne - of ou w* delde dowe "r.e- onal", or i、eea>si", to dab. indfeentaes of kowedge.Mas of kow Id. thknowedgetainala- ss This on e_ment s we t o leani I g nat ona ad apprac,andpolcyalsteaningnainaoflgaland to

16、wtpolt ca te" amed mid a st-.ecnomc tey gui de w. trradhis or, a strra d tasrtonSMofmirrtogessofra tfrmlcalean,asttoousielarn;otonyttbooksean,alst-l d . lean.TheeoreIwudecouageyuandmoretotheouts word w he nl h e to ttke a look at'- a srolousidedelelpmentsleanotepeopesopmentaproac,adthencmeb

17、acktogudeouwrkSecnd,-emusthink"eaning wi hou touggt t .-sha dow, ti nkig wi hout leani ng s pelos" e wa nt tfse te caace of ld - ncng wihthe一, fr. a held, ofeelct themsHV i adaptngtotenewsiuatononwehertheeaedyshaw ayti I g tea i te rrfmand inovain, whetentemsofaceleatngtedevlopmentofarelxl

18、ton, - p promii ng Stae of mid I ordetdils'ains i nvesiains s the rood thiaen, God di sooes I f te base Ints treaheadtrut,andsietotut,andggetuth,rcevede-ctnes, on mus indetacualadoutrach,andiIdethmase,worsimasesfrlivsion,andmas- heat wt mas - wi I dicusin eveyne ca e of prob , liseing thyofcUB,

19、undesad thhy of mood l thyofsufeig,summaytheyof-pe- I ce, cncetatd thy of sdm, e speca如 on mase s most hope a nd mos ugent a nd mos w oris, a nd m ost cm | aie d of hot, ad diiule s and fous pr obllm, more t oac esar c, “not pu. IDae t .ino- i our w or* ole emai n"te ol d , doe snl乙方勞務承包具體范圍如下:

20、臨時設施工程;環(huán)境保護、安全文明施工及安全設施工程;土方工程(機械挖土除外);工程排水降水工程;人工夯填土工程;鋼筋工程及機械連接、焊接; 模板工程;混凝土工程;砌筑工程;室內外墻體及天棚刮膠和保溫工程;樓地面工程(包括地暖炕發(fā)泡人工);室內外散水及臺階、 坡道工程;屋面工程;水落管外排水;腳手架工程;預埋鐵件的 制作及安裝;其他設施的維護;場內外材料倒運及圖紙所示的其 他所有土建工程等。柔性防水、門窗、白鋼扶手、內墻瓷磚、內 墻大理石、刮大白、內外墻涂料、彩鋼板除外。在施工過程中以上項目較圖紙所示工程量如有重大減少,結算時要在工程款中按實價扣除減少部分工程量的人工費。因建設單位或甲方原因造成

21、的返工, 增加的工程量,按實予以確認人工工日。第三條開竣工日期1、 工程開工日期:2012.5.302、 工程竣工日期:2013.11.303、 如發(fā)生如下因素,工期相應順延:(1)因地質條件影響進度,應給予乙方合理的工期順延。(2)如發(fā)生不可抗力的自然災害等事件。順延工期。(3)具備施工條件時,因電氣線路、采暖、上下水管道工程誤 工超過72小時,工期順延。(4)設計變更圖紙未到,影響工期,工期順延。設計變更圖紙 未到,未影響工期,工期不順延。onfere e d .per or po.es repors.yu ca n -a- t o de- at,us - nted tear n, tea

22、r n a ay .e.T.niu-y exa Tecmp-y a nd -of ou wk, dowe - .e onas, or i、eea S, to .able i. ” nt areas of kow. Mas- of ko-w ed. tha- know. . to ainai a- ss to lea a aistea-in- of and towtpoll a- a stwi I ecnomc they gui de wk toread hs ., a storea d hst. tabs”on SM asto g - s of roaearn, a stt o oU . ea

23、rn,al stfei dsUd earn.Therefor* Iwu d ecu” you s word tmeto as"ou-ide dev lean other pe op - 一- oac,a deou work Se cn-wemus thi nk"eaning wi hou tougt t .sha dow, ti n.g ngs pelos." We sete Caa c- of addancig wi I the . fge aheld, ole da si uaton on we aed - . h - a".gtea i te in

24、, whete in de .on,. ngSa I orde tdi-'ains i n-siains thn, God di so- head d indeta. ad outra worsimases fr Dvsias- heat mas - wi I dicusin eve.ne ca iseingth.ofc , undesad th. l th.of sueig s-.ay ths of -pee-cncetatd ths of w onmase w oriscmad diiule esarC, Dai our w or. ofeemai n"te ol d &

25、#39;Qwrk the new a ou is ta ma, pep. kow ddas mecai ss od w.sTo canne this p-ic-et re -irsust be- the sa ces of tadiina cncept s to ovecme cnse-aive, c nform is, god a w prob - new tig s lummaie new - pe.nne, new dda w progrmm- a nd M-eick a new a - s, s-d up-pment Ese it. anot meca dia. ofcu.e and

26、dev. op ete sit pu -i ad picp. pu lupeir eai, cm bine d u, Yong . tbrrakh” ad eec_i nnov.nof it d - lppd outdev _pmet ad gasroots wl cm-of ,filt thtibl i wIfvtth iti l iTkti t y y iit l t Li Dz ' l i "i " i" bl wi i th tl" v w t viw hw tw t h w " ftwhi v.li i hlIhw ih -

27、l y tti hlttth b bly iiii wil b i bl ift t w li y viw thw itiw ibilt . O bii it i-hi h" Plly hihitiItthf.w f t ti b vittbitw flTwhi vil ty "" w.i" i -Itb.tyiil vlt ii ii t t l t tbf y hi fth iib th O trust more abiiylo,ou|u a.me.the moral and otI e q sTeeore, -e mta s maitan the

28、hstori-lmona i d sea esponsiiiy a nd our id tee rooted i t he ha d wrk of te soil wth i n.omiale spit in.omia, courage t oope up a new si uain of via ges and tws To have a eeigi f,e - tte se cnd. 1 he pel pl e and countr y-busiess fun.ai pepes blod ilhe pe ople po pe ople - need - cii ons of the par

29、t, res ti the eeigsof thepeope is a neerna t heme FaZ "ng, cle d "is, ad e n,o,comfort about “es", Zeng “n.a i s asw ote a Cai “ nig t t herusl ngof bam boo, te suspect s suffeig. Cao Cu. offcas, .,atota tun off."I.ofeu- offca I n has s ig* alne s t o" 3g "or pur poses

30、of pepe nt de? moreshould >w_ hol d - on peope of d-eel ngs, heat .ametma s of ead i g .*e masse s of itins t houggs cmpai ned isse. pu massesof Zess pu i fist, cnsciuSy from itel do u, >> 一 .一. I - .一.”一.一 I . I I- 一 . - I 一 I1 - I ”. 一 1 . 一 . 一S 一 一 . 一 .一.第四條承包形式及勞務費用1、 承包形式:大清包。水泥、砂石、紅

31、石專、由甲方負責到場 裝卸,其余的材料場內外裝卸、運輸、擺放、現(xiàn)場清理均由 乙方負責。周轉材料需按文明施工要求。擺放整齊至甲方指 定地點。2、報酬:按照建筑面積每平米 元,安全文明施工費按建 筑面積每平米10 元計取,竣工后按實際面積結算。(如安全 文明施工未按甲方要求達到標準,甲方有權酌情給予扣減。3、合同外用工,由甲方負責乙方勞動工資, 力工全部按日工 資100 元,技工不分工種全部按日工資200元。第五條材料供應及保管1、實行一級管理,二級供應,合理領料施工。2、因乙方不合理使用材料,造成材料浪費或惡意損壞及浪費材料,一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn),甲方有權對乙方按材料價值的3至5倍進行罰款。3、現(xiàn)場實行限額

32、領料制度,乙方設專職材料員負責領料簽 字,實行三聯(lián)由庫手續(xù),賬務相符,工程結算后,進行清 點,做好移交工作。第六條撥款及結算方法1、施工單位進入工地,開始施工后,甲方預付乙方工人生活費。2、主體封閉至兩層,按工程形象進度的 %撥付人工費,onfee nces lare d -per or poke s; reors, yu ca n ear t o-a wi atusntdtean,teanaaytme.TconiuosyexpandtI e scpe of te stdy IecompleXyandcmprehe-ne - of ou w* delde dowe "r.e- ona

33、l", or i、eea>si", to dab. indfeentaesof kowedge.Mas of kow Id. thknowedgetainala- ss This on e_ment s we t o leani I g nat ona ad apprac,andpolcyalsteaningnainaoflgaland towtpolt ca te" amed mid a st-.ecnomc tey gui de w. trradhisor,astrrad tasrtonSMofmirrtogessofra tfrmlcalean,ast

34、toousielarn;otonyttbooksean,alst-l d . lean.TheeoreIwudecouageyuandmoretotheouts word w he nl h e to ttke a look at'- a srolousidedelelpmentsleanotepeopesopmentaproac,adthencmebacktogudeouwrkSecnd,-emusthink"eaning wi hou touggt t .-sha dow, ti nkig wi hout leani ng s pelos" e wa nt tf

35、se te caace of ld - ncng wihthe一, fr. a held, ofeelct themsHV i adaptngtotenewsiuatononwehertheeaedyshaw ayti I g tea i te rrfmand inovain, whetentemsofaceleatngtedevlopmentofarelxlton, - p promii ng Stae of mid I ordetdils'ains i nvesiains s the rood thiaen, God di sooes I f te base Ints treahe

36、adtrut,andsietotut,andggetuth,rcevede-ctnes, on mus indetacualadoutrach,andiIdethmase,worsimasesfrlivsion,andmas- heat wt mas - wi I dicusin eveyne ca e of prob , liseing thyofcUB, undesad thhy of mood l thyofsufeig,summaytheyof-pe- I ce, cncetatd thy of sdm, e speca如 on mase s most hope a nd mos ug

37、ent a nd mos w oris, a nd m ost cm | aie d of hot, ad diiule s and fous pr obllm, more t oac esar c, “not pu. IDae t .ino- i our w or* ole emai n"te ol d , doe snl工程竣工驗收交付使用后,預留保修款(總承包費的 %保修一年期滿后付清)。甲方現(xiàn)金支付。3、甲方扣除乙方個人所得稅(按總費用的 %扣除)。第七條工程質量及安全等級1、工程質量:達到國家及地方頒布的建筑施工的驗收規(guī)范及 質量檢查評定標準要求。2、工程質量等級:3、安全

38、文明施工等級:第八條甲方雙方責任1、甲方負責對工程進行技術交底、安全技術交底、施工檢查、安全檢查,并對檢查的質量問題及安全隱患提由整改意見, 乙方應無條件接受并積極整改。2、乙方應配齊專職施工員、質檢員、技術員、安全員、測量 員,負責搞好工程質量、進度、安全生產、文明施工等工 作。3、如乙方不按圖紙施工,偷工減料,造成質量事故及返修的, 一切損失由乙方負責。耽誤工期由乙方負責。4、竣工驗收發(fā)現(xiàn)不符合設計質量標準的應分清責任,屬于乙方責任在雙方協(xié)商的期限內返工修理,其費用全部由乙方 承擔。5、工程施工過程中及竣工前,乙方應無條件的清理乙方施工造成的垃圾,做到工完料凈場地清。onfere e d

39、.per or po.es repors.yu ca n -a- t o de- at,us - nted tear n, tear n a ay .e.T.niu-y exa Tecmp-y a nd -of ou wk, do we - .e onas, or i、eea S, to .able i. ” nt areas of kow. Mas- of ko-w ed. tha- know. . to ainai a- ss to lea a aistea-in- of and towtpoll a- a stwi I ecnomc they gui de wk torea d hs .

40、, a storea d hst. tabs”on SM asto g - s of roaearn, a stt o oU . earn, al stfei dsUd earn.Therefor* Iwu d ecu” you s word tmeto as"ou-ide dev lea n other pe op - 一- oac,a deou work Se cn-wemus thi nk"eaning wi hou tougt t -sha dow, ti n.g ngs pelos." We sete Caa c- of addancig wi I th

41、e . fge ahe da siuaton on we aed - . h - a".gtea i te in, whete in de .on,. ngSa I orde tdi-'ains i n-siains thn, God di so- head d indeta. ad outra worsimases fr Dvsias- heat mas - wi I dicusin eve.ne ca iseingth.ofc , undesad th. l th.of sueig s-.ay ths of -pee-cncetatd ths of w onmase w

42、oriscmad di - esar C, Dai our w or. ofeemai n"te ol d '4 wrk the new a ou ista ma,pep. kow ddas mecai ssod w.sTo canne this p-ic-et re -irsust be- the sa ces of tadiina cncepts to ovecme cnse-aive, c nform is, god a wprob - newtig s lummaie new - pe.nne, new dda w progrmm- a nd M-ei ck a ne

43、w a- s,s-d up-pment Ese it. anot meca dia.ofcu.e and dev. op ete sit pu -i adpicp. pulupeir eai,cmbine d u, Yong .tbrrak hrog adeec_innov.nof it d .p.outdev _pmet adgasroots wl cm-of!difficult, nothating ;bluepri nts,not rhetori c; words a ndsim ple,but fulloflove,truth,pa ssi on, e ntrepre neurial

44、passion.Take this opport unit y,my inspirati onal quotes LiDa zha o's cl assic "iron spe cialise i nuplifting ble nd wit hthe article" gave everyone,w itha viewonhow todo well undert henew situation of tow nshipand village lea ders i nspireand hel p,and alsosharew ithyou.Agood playto c

45、reateironshoul ders strong arms,toassume theburde n be pa ssed;onlyspecific qualitie s,willitbe possi ble i n spe cificarea stocreate aw orld.In my view,villagechiefs i n the ne wsituation,wemustfirst havefive basicqualit y.One ambiti on is topi onee r. "Who is handsome."People only high-m

46、inded canstim ulatetheflow ofmomentumto become brave and persistent,become quietand pow erful.Townshi p andvillage party "leaders",within theirrespectivejurisdictions, political stability a nd economi cand socialdevel opme nt issues, decisions a nd ori entation de pends toa large extentbec

47、a useofyour. Everybodyin villagechiefs a ndthepositions, botht he trustofthe masses,the Orga nization'strust,moreabilitytoyou,fullyaffirmedthemoraland otherqualities.Therefore,wemustalwaysmaintainthe histori calmissi ona nd socialresponsibility,and our i dealtree rooted in t he har d work ofthe

48、soil,with i ndomitable spirit,i ndomitablecourage t oopen up a newsit uation ofvilla gesand towns.To havea feelingofclosene ss to these cond."T hepe opl eand countr y." Our businessfoundati on inthe people's bloodin thepe opl e powerpe opl e.Adva nced de cisi ons oftheparty cadrestothe

49、 feeling softhe people isa n eternalt heme. Fan Z hong-yan, calle d "first,and e njoy comfortabout others", Zheng Banqia o's al sowr otea "YaChailayliste ningtot herustli ngof bam boo,thesuspect is suffering. Cao Countyofficials,little my,a totalturn off."Oldoffeudalofficia l

50、even has so feelings, alonewe ist o" serving "for pur poses of peopleserva ntdoes?wemoreshouldalwayshol d with on people of deepfeeli ngs, heartDepartment massesofleadi ng visitedtea, caremasse s ofemotions t houghts complai ned, always insisted putmassesof interestsputin first,consciously

51、from itself do up,I- - 一 . 一一- -. 1 _ . I LII. I > II_-I 一. -_I I . I I- I 一- - - - I_ , _L .I I - - I . II 一 一-.I. .1 一 _ _ I一 I. _ _ |_ I- -I 一一 一一 一 一一 一 _ 一 一 _ _ _ . . |_ |_I .1 I 一 . . Id_ .1 I _ _L _ I_ _L - I-L L I一 L I 一 一. _ ,L . _ I. I- 一 I > 1 .-6 、 甲方對乙方的施工全過程進行監(jiān)督,乙方在施工過程中服從甲方及監(jiān)理公

52、司的監(jiān)督管理。如不服從管理,甲方對責任人有權進行經(jīng)濟處罰。甲方有權責令乙方停工整改,因此所造成的損失由乙方負責。第九條現(xiàn)場安全文明施工1 、 乙方每日派專人負責施工區(qū)與生活區(qū)、職工食堂現(xiàn)場的安全文明施工,必須保持清潔干凈,道路暢通、無積水,建筑物四周設排水溝。乙方必須搞好環(huán)境衛(wèi)生及安全文明施工,講文明、講禮貌。安全文明施工發(fā)生的人工費由乙方負責。2 、 材料堆放整齊,按總平面圖進行分類堆放。第十條違約責任甲方的責任:1 、 如工程未經(jīng)驗收,甲方提前使用造成的質量事故及損害,由甲方承擔責任及經(jīng)濟損失。2 、 停建、緩建后,甲方應在3 天內通知乙方。否則,給乙方造成經(jīng)濟損失由甲方負責。停建、緩建后

53、,甲方3 天內已通知乙方,乙方損失自行承擔。3 、 甲方材料欠缺造成工程停工,責任由甲方負責。如有停電、停水造成停工連續(xù)48 小時以上工期順延。甲方負責施工現(xiàn)場的“三通一平”工作,乙方應積極配合。4 、 甲方負責組織上崗前安全教育及安全技術規(guī)程學習,貫徹onfere nces,learne dsuperi orspolicie s;reports,you ca nlearnt odealwit hproblems, art, just wa ntedtolear n,tolear n atanytime.Tocontinuouslyexpandt he scope ofthestudy.Thecomplexity a ndcompre hensivene ssofourwork, decide dto notonly dowewa ntto be "pr ofessi onals", or if"generalists",to dabbl


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