



1、寫作模板&注意點大學英語寫作基本屬于控制命題模式。除了主題被限定以外,每 一段的內容也被命題人所限定,所以考生需要做的就是按照固定模式 創(chuàng)作。那么大家需要思考的還有段落結構設置, 也就是分段的具體問 題。其實,一般采用的都是提綱作文模式,題目中已經提供了提 綱,在提綱的暗示作用下,我們的分段也就簡單清晰了。由于大多數(shù) 作文要求的都是三方面內容,三段式作文創(chuàng)作當然是最佳分段模式。作文的提綱多數(shù)都符合這樣的模式:首段現(xiàn)象、背景、觀點一一目前有越來越多的或問題日益嚴重中段不同人對此持不同觀點,背后隱藏的各種原因,或從幾個方面 提出自己的建議和安排尾段個人看法,解決措施,或者深入分析現(xiàn)象的社會

2、影響以下是三大段的經典模板句型,供大家背誦使用:首段:啟動觀點、引出話題。經典句型:1. Nowadays, there is a growing concern over the issue of2. Rece ntly the issue of has bee n brought to public atte nti on.3. When it comes to ,people ' s notions may vary from one to ano ther.4. When asked about ,different people will hold different opi

3、nions.5. With the developme nt of,the problem of has becomein creas in gly serious.6. Nowadays, plays an in creas in gly importa nt role in our everyday life.中段:承接論據(jù),正反論述。經典句型:1. To un dersta nd the point of,it is n ecessary todiscuss/a nalyze 2. There is no denying that 3. There is no doubt that 4.

4、 It is reported that 5. A close study of.will probably make this point clear.6. We must recog nize that 7. Some people hold the view that while other people argue that 8. Some other people have expressed the opposite opinion.尾段:合并總結,歸納全文經典句型:1. On the basis of the an alyses above,we may con fide ntl

5、y cometo a con clusi on that 2. All the evide nee supports a sound con clusi on that3. From what has bee n discussed above, we may safely con eludethat 4. Judgi ng from all the evide nee offered, we may arrive at acon clusi on that5. There is certain truth in botharguments, but I believe theadvantag

6、es of outweigh its disadvantages.6. It ' s high time that we tried every means to put an end to 7. It is obvious that effective measures must be immediatelytake n to solve the problem.以上介紹的都是經典而又常用模板句型,大家可以背誦,只 要作文中具備了高分句型,其它部分隨機應變或即興發(fā)揮,都可以保 障作文的語言水準是在高分級別。作為閱卷老師,在作文部分的判卷過程中,有以下幾點需要各位同學注意一下:1字跡清晰一一由于作文采用先掃描,然后在電腦前閱卷,所以在閱 卷老師主觀判卷過程中,作文的框架和書寫的整潔程度對分值的評定 有很重要的作用。建議同學們要采用 黑色水筆作答,這樣可以顯影更 加清晰,并且 答題卡勿折疊。2嚴格按提綱順序寫作一一大家可以靈活運用寫作套路,比如以上介 紹的一些經典句型或結構,把提綱變?yōu)橹行木浞旁诿慷蔚拈_頭, 后面 加上由邏輯詞連接的分支觀點,


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