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1、模塊綜合測評(二 )(時間:100 分鐘;滿分:100 分 )I .單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)1. In the past few years, a great many teachers have found very importantto teach their students how to learn.A. this B. thatC. oneD. it2. He is so busy. He cannot afford enough time with his sonhe wants to.A. even ifB. as ifC. becauseD. befor

2、e3. (2016 鹽城南洋中學(xué)高一檢測)Mr. Li no longer smokes now because hiswifehim to give up smoking last year.A. suggested B. persuadedC. advisedD. told4. Mr. White preferssomevoluntary work in a local hospital ratherthannothing all day long.A. to doing; do B. to do; to doC. to do; doing D. doing; to do5. Some s

3、tudents have troublegrammar while others havedifficultynew words.A. in; rememberB. with ; to rememberC. on; rememberingD. with ; remembering6. I can make youwhat I say, but you cant make yourselfinEnglish.A. understand; understandB. understan;d understoodC. to understand; understandD. understan;d to

4、 be understood7. Some variety shows, StaytotheEnQ站至U底),BigTravelogue 大旅行家, are very helpful to us.A. for exampleB. according toC. such asD. because of8.(2016 江蘇啟東中學(xué)五月月考)1 to you party, but I was prevented bythe heavy rain.A. had meant comingB. meant to have comeC. have meant to comeD. meant coming9.

5、 Spring Festival approaching, train tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.A. AsB. WhenC. ForD. With10. From space the earth looks blue. This is about seventone percent ofits surface is covered by water.A. whyB. howC. becauseD. whether11. It is believed that the soldiers played in the earthq

6、uake was extremelyimportant.A. partB. effectC. useD. result12. about the safety of her son Johns mother looked upset and couldnt eat or sleep well.A. Concerning B. ConcernedC. To concern D. Concern13. The song SoYoung致青春)is an excellent one that I think it isworth listening to second time.A. so; the

7、 B. so; aC. such; the D. such; a14. She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practiseplaying the piano yesterday.A. when B. whileC. afterD. since15. Come on! Your friends are waiting for you at the bus stop. Oh! I thought they without me.A. went B. are goingC. have goneD. had gonen

8、 .完形填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)Dogs and humans have been living side by side for about 100,000 years. Some dogs are even _16_than cats and some are bigger than little horses. Some big dogs are so full of_17 . They bring people joy but get into trouble for their behavior , 18_they push children over when t

9、hey are being friendly. Dogs,19_thoseraised to round up sheep and cattle, can be lovely.All dogs have to be treated with_20_ . If you forget this, you may get hurt. Dogs 21_hurt, because their teeth are very sharp. They can leave scars疤)that may _22_for the rest of your life. If you want to 23_how d

10、ogs talk to each other and how to talk to them, this will help you understand whether youre dealing with a 24_dog, or one to keep away from.Dogs love to sniff (嗅)at everything around them. On a walk they often 25_at lamp-posts (路及T 柱).Sniffing their way through the park is like 26 a newspaper:Who ca

11、me that way just before? Who else is in the 27? Are there any strange dogs around? Dogs also 28 under each others tails to check whether they have _29_before.When two dogs havent met before, they have to decide who is the 30. Then there will always be a winner. By sniffing each other they learn abou

12、t another thing. Puppies (幼崽)dont get involved in 31. They just want to play!Never try to 32 two dogs fighting. You may want to save your dog from being 33? but when two dogs start to fight they tend to bite at just about anything that is near them, including 34 humans. So never get involved in a do

13、g fight.35 always call for help.16. A. smaller17. A. courage18. A. unless19. A. immediately20. A. surprise21. A. bites22. A. wait23. A. learn24. A. lovely25. A. look26. A. carrying27. A. street28. A. tell29. A. agreed30. A. boss31. A. discussions32. A. stop33. A. refused34. A. honest35. A. Therefore

14、B. strongerC. clevererB. experienceC. timeB. thoughC. becauseD. longerD. funD. howB. strangelyC. consequently D. especiallyB. respectC. interestB. pushesC. backsB. lastC. developB. hearC. imagineB. friendlyC. commonB. beginC. challengeB. sellingC. readingB. houseC. fieldB. tasteC. smellB. leftC. tra

15、inedB. ownerC. beautyB. fightsC. gamesB. mindC. suggestB. hurtC. lostB. patientC. helpfulB. BesidesC. InsteadD. powerD. kicksD. spreadD. recordD. skillfulD. sniffD. printingD. parkD. seeD. metD. rightD. difficultiesD. watchD. cheatedD. smartD. Howeverm.閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)AKnowledge is power. But

16、 there is one thing that we must remember. A strong mind needs a strong body in order to make it useful.There are lots of good exercises. They are helpful and healthy. Many of them may be taken indoors during rainy weather. Indoors exercises, however, are never as helpful as those taken outdoors in

17、fresh air. It is because in fresh air more oxygen 氧( 氣 ) is taken into our body and more wastes are given off. The air in the house does not remain fresh very long. But outdoors is usually fresh.But what shall we play? There are a number of games such as football, basketball and races. Any game with

18、 plenty of movement is good. The best are those which are played out of doors.Dont neglect (忽視) your body. It is of as much importance as your mind. Ourcountry now needs men with strong minds, good judgement (判斷力) and healthybodies.36. What does the writer want to tell us in the first paragraph?A. W

19、e must keep healthy in order that our knowledge will be in full use.B. We must remember knowledge is power.C. We must not forget to make greater use of our knowledge.D. We must keep healthy in order to make games more useful.37. From the passage we know that when it is raining.A. we cant have any ex

20、erciseB. we can only have a few exercisesC. we can still have a lot of exercisesD. indoors exercises will do us no good38. What is the main idea of this passage?A. To gain knowledge is more important than to keep it.B. To keep healthy is as important as to gain knowledge.C. Nothing is so important a

21、s to keep healthy.D. A strong mind has nothing to do with a strong body.BWhen most people think of the word “ ,btehaeuytitfhuilnk o”f models and movie stars. I recognize I used to be one of them. But now my view of beauty has totally changed. I discovered what true beauty really is the other day in

22、the McDonalds.I was with my parents and little brothers at the McDonalds. Since there are only tables with four chairs, Im always the one to sit at a nearby table by myself. Usually, Im a little unhappy, but not this time.A Mexican woman was sitting at a table two tables awa,y and I could tell that

23、in her youth she was pretty, not the traditional beauty, but a warm one. Her thick dark-brown hair was pulled back and she wore casual clothes, but none of this was why she was so beautiful to me.When she smiled, it was like all the good things in the world came into being. When her children spoke t

24、o her , even the two-year-old, she listened carefully as if nothing else in the world mattered more. The two-year-old spread (鋪開)ice cream allover her face, and the mother just kissed her nose, ice cream and all. She didnt get angry when her daughter got ice cream on her clothes. The love and warmth

25、 this woman generated (產(chǎn)生 )completely changed my view of beauty. She generated warmth like the sun, and her children were little planets around her.She made me realize that the truly beautiful women are the ones like this mother. She makes a difference in her childrens lives. Instead of making them

26、feel bad about themselves, she makes them feel great about everything. That is true beauty: to make a positive difference in anothers life through warmth and caring. Unknowingly, she has done that, not only for her kids, but the lonely girl, who had the good fortune to sit near her and share her war

27、mth.39. How did the author reform her new view of beauty?A. By learning from her mother.B. Through an experience in the McDonalds.C. From her work and social experience.D. By the influence from her close friends.40. How many people were there in the authors family?A. 3. B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.41. The Mexica

28、n mother was beautiful to the author for.A. she was young and friendlyB. she showed great love and warmthC. she was a traditional beautiful womanD. she had dark-brown hair and white skin42. What did the author compare the Mexican mother to?A. The sun. B. The planet. C. The tree.D. The rose.CDianne B

29、loomberg, PhD. realized there was a great need to help small children with a book to get used to their new independent life in the kindergarten. Bloomberg decided to help the students with a bright colored picture book, which is easy to attract children. The pictures were drawn by George Ulrich.The

30、childrens book starts out with a grandmother walking her yellow haired grandson to school for the very first time. Sam, the new kindergarten student, goes through his first day at school. Your child and you can read through the 32page book together while learning about school activities.In my opinio

31、n, the best part about this book is that it goes through an hour-by-hour picture of what a school day is all about. It helps the child understand what a school day will be like and what to look forward to when the child starts school.The book also incorporates two more parts to help parents prepare

32、their children for school. The first part is a list of”.TThissiso dives suggestions on howparents can help prepare their children for school. Besides, the second part is about “Thingsto Talk About”. This part is a list of questions that parents can ask their children before going into school. Since

33、Bloomberg is a well-known expert and a professor in human communication researchin Denver, the questions mainly deal with feelings the child may be having.It is so important for parents to talk to their children before starting school. It can be frightening and scary, so why not try to help them. It

34、 is not easy talking to our children about feelings, so why not follow the list and work through some problems that may appear before they do.43. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Introduce a book by Dianne Bloomberg.B. Show us how to get used to kindergarten life.C. Tell us the authors idea to

35、teach small children.D. Tell us how to help small children live well.44. Small children may enjoy this book because.A. it tells them how to get used to kindergartenB. it is mainly made up of drawingsC. it tells stories of small childrenD. it tells us how to learn our lessons well45. What advantages

36、will the book bring to small children?A. Learn how to get on well with others.B. Know how to draw well.C. Learn about school life better.D. Get to know more friends.46. Whats themeaning of the underlined word “ incorporates ” in Paragraph 4?A. Develops.B. Contains.C. Changes.D. Stores.DPods travel a

37、bove city streets using a network. This is SkyTran but is it the future? SkyTran wants to do away with train schedules and central stations to develop a system above the ground with “ ramps (扶梯)” acting as stations where users canboard the pods. Call for SkyTran on your smart phone and a computerc-o

38、ntrolled pod arrives. It will fly you across the city to your destination. SkyTran says the technology uses only a third of the electricity used by one of todays hybrid cars (混合動力汽車)because its vehicles weigh just 300 pounds.The first project will be at the campus of Israel Aerospace Industries. The

39、 400-meter system is planned for completion by late 2015, in the hope of getting the license needed to build 20 kilometers in Tel Aviv for public use in three years. And there are hopes to move into cities across Europe and Asia.Building traditional urban (城市的) roads and railways is expensive andreq

40、uires much land. One way around that is to go undergound, with subway systems serving populations well in cities throughout the world but at a great cost.“ We can build on sidewalks, buildings, anywhere really and create a whole lot of stations for people to choose from.” says Skytran CEO Jerry Sand

41、er, s who added, “ The system can be built for $10 million per mile, which is at a lower price than the subway.”Joe Dignan is a smart city expert in the United Kingdom. As he sees it, theres a rosy horizon for SkyTrans automated (自動化的)and personalized transportation.“ The test is, would you use it y

42、ourself? And I would certainly use it and I trust a lot of people would like it. I can see it very much useful for cities that are developing fast.47. How do passengers get on the car in air?A. By train.B. By central station.C. By ramp.D. By subway.48. How can the SkyTran save energy?A. It flies in

43、the sky. B. It has light weight.C. It has round shape.D. It runs on the ground.49. When will people in Tel Aviv be able to use SkyTran?A. In 2015.B. In 2018.C. In 2021.D. In 2024.50. Whats the advantage of Skytran according to Jerry Sanders?A. It costs much less to build.B. It can be built undergrou

44、nd.C. It can make much money.D. It creates station on buildings.IV.任務(wù)型閱讀(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)請認(rèn)真閱讀下列短文,并根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~。注意:每個空格只填1 個單詞。(2016 鹽城南陽中學(xué)高一檢測)Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences in college or, easily, one of the worst. Whether youve decided to room with a friend or

45、 a total stranger, the rules are still the same. If you want to have a good relationship with your roommate, it all starts with you.Follow the four tips to avoid the common mistakes that turn good roommate relationships sour.Youve heard it before: Communication is key. If something happens, sit down

46、 with your roommate and have a face-to-face conversation. Ive seen roommate relationships fall apart because something happens and, instead of talking to each other, the two start complaining about their roommates behind their backs. This method creates nothing but awkward situations and general unh

47、appiness.Some roommates become the best of friends, and some dont, dont put pressure on yourself or your roommate to reach this level, especially when you first meet. Remember, youve trying to make a new friend, not scare your roommate away. And if your roommate doesnt end up being your best friend,

48、 dont worry about it. My first- year roommate and I didnt end up becoming best friends, but we are friends and I couldnt have been happier with my roommate situation.Everyone hates dirty places. If you make a mess, dont leave it for someone else to clean up. This should go without saying. Dont be a

49、slob (頻漢).Make sure you do your fair share of dormitory chores, such as taking out the trash and recycling, and cleaning the washroom. Or, at last just dont bury your roommate in your clothes and garbage and you should be all right. Most people Ive encountered(遇)in college are messy. You dont have a

50、ll the time in the world to clean your room and keep it organized. But being considerate with where you put your stuff will help you avoid conflict.If you want to lose a friend, borrow everything without asking. If you want to keep the relationship going, show you roommate that you have respect for

51、what is his or hers by asking first. Even if you both agree to share everything, you should still ask whenever you want to reach for snacks, clothes, supplies and anything else that you dont own. And upon moving into the dorm, you need to make clear which items you both feel comfortable sharing.If y

52、ou want a good roommate, you have to be a good roommate, Yes, there are exceptions. Sometimes being a good person and reaching out to your roommate simply isnt enough. Sometimes you get stuck with someone who has tons of negative energy or just isnt happy and doesnt want any sort of relationship. Wh

53、atever the case may be, the name of the game is always the same: respect. If you cant give it, you definitely dont deserve to get it.Four 51.to Be a Great RoommateDormitory life is a usually one of the most cherished parts of ones time at college. Get ready to avoid the common mistakes.Have a friend

54、ly 52.Instead of burying your feelings or 53.about each other, youd better communicate with your roommate frankly to get along well with each other.Dont 54.theroommates to be your best friends.Sharing the same dorm doesnt necessarily mean you have to be best friends for each other, but its better to

55、 make a friend than an enemy to experience college55.Clean up after yourself. Or, at least, keep your mess on your side.It is believed that in a shared space, all roommates should help in keeping the room tidy instead of 56. the burden on just one while the others do whatever they want.Never take an

56、ything 57.asking.To keep belongings safe and avoid fighting late let each other know in a polite way if you have to share the others items. This rule 58.to anysituation.If your work fails to win you a good roommate and you get 59.withsomeone who doesnt appreciate your kindness, it is not the end of

57、the world. No matte what happens, showing 60.always make sense.V .書面表達(滿分25分)(2016南京市大廠中學(xué)高一調(diào)研)在生活中有人喜歡運動,也有人不太喜歡運 動,你校就“學(xué)校應(yīng)不應(yīng)該召開運動會”進行了調(diào)查, 請根據(jù)以下調(diào)查結(jié)果寫一 篇150詞左右的短文,并簡要發(fā)表你自己的觀點。以下是調(diào)查結(jié)果:80%支持1 .增強體質(zhì);2 .培養(yǎng)合作精神;3 .學(xué)會如何向?qū)儇?fù);20%反對1 .并非是強身健體的唯一形式;2 .容易造成傷害;3 .影響學(xué)習(xí)。你的看法(至少兩點理由)注意:1.根據(jù)要點可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,但不要逐條翻譯;2.字?jǐn)?shù)150左右。文章開頭已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù)3.作文中不得提及考生所在學(xué)校和本人姓名。Some people like sport while others not in our life. Recently, our school conducted a


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