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1、新目標(biāo)初中英語重點(diǎn)詞匯專項(xiàng)練習(xí)通過專項(xiàng)的練習(xí),加深大家對(duì)它們的印象,說明:本練習(xí)以初中英語新目標(biāo)八年級(jí)下詞匯表中的重點(diǎn)單詞為根底, 了解它們是如何在具體的語言中運(yùn)用的。A一、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. able 2. accide nt 3. agai nst4. allow5. alone6. already 7. amazi ng8. anyone9. any where10. area 11. argue12. Asia n13. asleep14. Australia n15. autum n16. awake二、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式1、accident (復(fù)數(shù)) 2. ar

2、ea 復(fù)數(shù))3. allow(第三人稱單數(shù)形式)、現(xiàn)在分詞、過去式、過去分詞4. argue(第三人稱單數(shù)形式 )、現(xiàn)在分詞、過去式、過去分詞5. Asian (名詞形式 ) 6. awake (動(dòng)詞形式)7. asleep動(dòng)詞形式 8. Australian(名詞形式)三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. Tom was(able) to ride a bike whe n he was five years old.2. There were many traffic(accide nt) on the road because of heavy snow.3. They will

3、 play(aga inst ) a football team from No. 2 Middle School n ext Friday .4. You are n ever(allow) to throw litter any where in the city.5. -1 have(already) fini shed my homework. Have you fini shed yours ?No, not(already).6. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isn 'that(am

4、aze)!7. -Is there(some one) over there now , Tom ?No. No one is there.8. -Have you ever bee n to(somewhere) in teresti ng before ?-No.9. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in China 'rural(area).10. Yesterday, Tom(argue) with his best friend, Mike in the classroom.11. China is an(Asia)

5、country and it lies in the east of(Asia n).12. He does n'tofte n(asleep) well in the ni ght. But last ni ght he fell(sleep) early.13. An(Australia) comes from(Australia).14. It 'better to see lions and foxes duri ng the daytime because they 'll probably be(wake).四、 根據(jù)短文意思及首字母或漢語意義,寫出符合句意

6、的單詞。When you go to Australia, you can see a kind of special animals -Koala bears . Koala bears are valuable 1_ (澳大利亞的)animals . They are cute. It "svery_2_ (令人驚異的)that you always see them falling3_睡著的in the trees whe n you go to the zoo there. It seems that they don Shave eno ugh time to sleep.

7、 When they are _4_(醒著的),they are eating leaves of the trees.、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. baby4. bedroom7. besides10. break13. building2. bathroom5. bee n8. bought11. bright3. became6. bell9. brave12. brought1. baby復(fù)數(shù)形式2. bathroom復(fù)數(shù)形式3. became動(dòng)詞原形 4. bedroom復(fù)數(shù)形式5. been一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)形式過去式原形6. bell復(fù)數(shù)形式7. bought動(dòng)詞原形8. break動(dòng)

8、詞過去式動(dòng)詞過去分詞9. brought動(dòng)詞原形10. building復(fù)數(shù)形式三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. baby are n eeded to take care of because they are too young.2. Tom has a big house with twobathrooma nd threebedroom.3. Jimbecome a teacher whe n he left college.4. Stude ntsbe running for about three hours.5. Thebell rings. It ' tim

9、e for class. Let ' go to the classroom.6. He has many history booksbeside En glish books.7. My mumbuy a computer last week.8. The boy called Yang Yang was verybrave and he saved a few people ' lives after the earthquake.9. Mr. Smith wan ted to find out whobreak the win dow.10. Our classroom

10、isbrightly and clea n.11. Li pingbri ng his photos to the school yesterday.12. Now there are more and more highbuild in our city.四、 根據(jù)短文意思及首字母或漢語意義,寫出符合句意的單詞。Mr. Green _1_成為an office worker after he left college. Now he works in the city. He2_= 買a housein the country tow years ago. His house is very

11、 big and it has five3 _臥卜室,two4_ 浴室and a largegarden. Mr. Breen thinks that the air in the country is clean and he can enjoy the5 明亮的sun on weekends. Hethinks there are no high 6 建筑物here and there. So no pollution and noise can be _7_帶來His wife, Mrs. Green doesn 'work now. She has 8是babysitting

12、her 9小孩at home. Of course,10_ 除之夕卜babysitting , Mrs. Green does housework and11_ 購置everything for their family.、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. cake 2. came 3. capital 4. careful5. certai n 6. cha nee 7. child 8. choose9. clearly10. climb 11. close12. coi n13. collect14. compa ny 15. copy16. cost17. cough18. could二、

13、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式。1.cake復(fù)數(shù)形式3. careful改為副詞5. child復(fù)數(shù)形式7.climb現(xiàn)在分詞_ 19. cross2. came第三人稱單數(shù)形式4. certain改為副詞6. choose過去式過去分詞8. close現(xiàn)在分詞9. collect ( 改為名詞 )10. company( 復(fù)數(shù)形式 )11. cost (過去式 ) (過去分詞 )12. cough ( 第三人稱單數(shù)形式 ) 13. could 動(dòng)詞原形14. cross(現(xiàn)在分詞 )(第三人稱單數(shù)形式 )三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. Here are two (cake) .

14、You can eat either of them.2. Did you (come) to Jim 's birthday party?3. Some country had two (capital) .4. He is a (care) man and he does everything very (careful).5. I 'm (certainly) I will be there for the Olympic Games in 2021.6. After school , many (child) are playing in the ground.7. M

15、r. Smith (choose) to be an engineer after he graduate from the college.8. We can see the highest building (clear) in a long distance.9. (climb) the high mountain is not easy for everyone.10. We should (close) the factory because it polluted the river.11. He likes (collect) and he has many kinds of (

16、coin) .12. There are many (company) on each side of the street.13. I don 't like my friend who (copy) everything I do.14. That coat (cost) me 2,000yuan.15. I have had a bad (cough) and (cough) day and night. (can) you help me do the chores?四、根據(jù)短文意思及首字母,寫出符合句意的單詞。When we talk about the food, we a

17、lways think of the food in Beijing , C(1) of China. There are many kinds offavorite foods there. They are all delicious, especially c(2). If you have a c(3) to c(4) to Beijing. Ithink you 're c(5) to taste them.The workers usually c(6) good materials before they make them. Then they make them c(

18、7).Each kind of Beijing cakes is originaland it doesn 't c(8) others. But the cakes are very cheap and they can 'tc(9) you much money. Some even cost you a few c(10). Many old people and c(11) likeBeijing Cakes very much. So every morning, you c(12) see many people c(13) the street to buythe

19、m. Some of them eat them in the restaurant, others take them away in a paper bag.D一、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. danger 2. dark 3. decision 4. discover 5. door 6. dress 7. drop 二、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式。1. danger(形容詞 )2. dark(比較級(jí) ) 3. decision (動(dòng)詞)4. discover ( 現(xiàn)在分詞 ) 5. door ( 復(fù)數(shù)形式 )6. dress 第三人稱單數(shù)形式 7. drop( 現(xiàn)在分詞 )(過去式

20、)三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. There is much (dangerous) in space.2. A cat can see in the (dark).3. She knew she'd made the right (decide).4. We have (discover) that he 's quite careless in his work.5. Please close the (door) when you leave the room.6. The kid can (dress) himself.7. He (drop) his w

21、allet in the train.四、根據(jù)短文意思及首字母或漢語意義,寫出符合句意的單詞。It '1(危險(xiǎn)的)when you walk in the(黑暗)by yourself. So when you make a 3(決定)toget out of your(門)alone, you must take some useful things, such as torch(手電筒),an umbrella or5(穿衣)yourself in a rain coat. When you take the things , you can 6( 發(fā)現(xiàn))that all thes

22、e things are veryuseful . A torch can give you light , a hat can keep out someth ing that may7( 落下)on your head and an rain coat or an umbrella can help you not to get wet in rain.E、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. earth2. either3. electric4. en courage5. en ter6. environment7. especially8. Europea n9. even10. everyt

23、h ing11.everywhere12. excelle nt13. except14. experie nee15. expla in二、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式。1. en courage寫知名詞形式2. especially寫出形容詞形式3.Europea n寫知名詞形式4.excellent比較級(jí)最高級(jí)二、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1.He doesn'tcome from France. 1 don '(too).2. We should(en courage) stude nts to study by themselves.3. We saw hi

24、m(en ter) the room just now.4. It 'our duty to love our(environment).5. (especial), you should com muni cate with your pare nts whe n you are upset.6. Most of(Europe) don 'like Chinese food.7. (electricity) toothbrush seemed impossible one hun dred years ago, but now it came true.8.1 had a v

25、ery unu sual(experie nee) on Sun day. And I(experie nee) a amaz ing trip with myfrien ds.9. You must(expla in) to your pare nts why you have done that.四、根據(jù)短文意思及首字母,寫出符合句意的單詞。Now more and more cities can be see n on the e(1). When you e(2) a city, you can high buildi ngse(3),straight streets , huge c

26、olorful e(4) advertiseme nt boards( 牌)on the wall of e(5) sideof the road. You can play , eat, hang out or e(6) sleep in the mall E(7)i n the city seems won derful ande(8).But busy cities bring many problems to the e(9), e(10) air polluti on, water polluti on and lightpollution. Most people find out

27、 when they go into a city, they will have a unhappy e(11). The noise will makeyou bored, bright light from the glass window will make you feel very hot. The air in the city is not fresh like it in the country. And you can see waste things here and there. So E(12) don 'like living in a city. They

28、 like living inthe coun try. They e(13) that the country has e(14) en vir onmen tal liv ing con diti ons. They thinkeveryth ing is good e(15) work. Some scie ntist e(16) people to live in the coun try. They say thatliving in the country is good for people 'health.一、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. factory 2. fail

29、5. fat6. fear9. film10. fitF3. fall 4. fan7. fell 8. fewer11. flew12. flower13. fly14. follow15. football16. foreig ner17. fox18. freedom二、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式。1. factory復(fù)數(shù)形式2. fail過去式 3. fan復(fù)數(shù)形式4. fall過去式過去分詞5. fat比較級(jí)最高級(jí)6. fewer原級(jí)7. film同義詞8. fit現(xiàn)在分詞 10. flower復(fù)數(shù)形式12. football同義詞14. fox復(fù)數(shù)形式9. flew原形過去分詞1

30、1.follow 第三人稱單數(shù)形式13. foreigner形容詞15. freedom形容詞三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. Many newfactory are being built in Chongqing .2. Although Tom worked hard at his Chin ese, hefail in the exam.3. The old manfall asleep as soon as he went to bed.4. If you eat too much junk food , you 'becomefat andfat.5. The

31、manfear to die.6. We can usefew people and less money to complete the work in a short time.7. This coat looks very nice and itfit you very well.8. Yesterday Jim and his friendsfly kites in the park.9. Spring comes and there are manyflower here and there.10. First look at the picture, the n an swer t

32、hefollow questio ns.11. More and more foreig n are in terested in Chin ese and they begi n to lear n Chin ese.12. Now you can hardly see anyfox in a forest.13. Children needsfree to relax, so we shouldn 'push them too hard.四、根據(jù)短文意思及漢語意義,寫出符合句意的單詞。Li Pin left school last year, but he_1_失敗in the e

33、n teri ng the high school. His family was very poor, so hehad to leave his home and work in the2 工廠.Li Pin is a3 迷of _4_足球and _5_電影.He often goes to watch the movies and football match in his free time. He hopes to have a free life like _6_夕卜國人in the movies. But he doesn 'have such a chanee. He

34、has to_7_ 適應(yīng)the new environment.He has to _8_ 跟隨other people to work in the workshop.One day , an accident happened. A _9_ 飛行plane _10_落下.It broke into pieces. But luckily, nopeople was killed in the accident and there were 11更少的houses around the factory. Only one12肥胖的狐貍was killed.G& H一、寫出這些單詞的漢

35、語意義。1. gave2. give n3. goodbye4. got5. happe n6. heard7. hero8. holiday9. hometow n10. housework11. huge12. huma n13. husba nd二、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式。1. happen過去式 2. hear過去式3. hero復(fù)數(shù)形式4. holiday復(fù)數(shù)形式5. huge比較級(jí)6. get過去分詞7. give過去式過去分詞三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. Jim(give) a gift to his friend just now.2. Mrs. Smit

36、h usually(get) up early, but this morning she(get ) up late.3. A great traffic accide nt(happe n) on the high way yesterday.4. He(hear) a great no ise and got up to see what took place last ni ght.5. To these people he was a great(hero).6. We are leavi ng for Shan ghai for our summer(holiday).四、根據(jù)短文

37、意思及漢語意義,寫出符合句意的單詞。Maybe you know the name of yang Yang. Now he a great1_匚 英雄)in our 2(家鄉(xiāng)).Many newspaperand TV stati on in terviewed him and he ofte n comes on TV.Yang Yang had to say 3(再見)to his pare nts to work for money whe n he left school. He went to Qin ghai in 2021 and found a job there. One

38、day an earthquake 4(發(fā)生).Many build ing fell dow n and many people were un der the build in gs. Yang Yang waspassing a house when he 5聽見some people to ask for help. He began to save people without thinking anything.The people were saved and he left without _6_( 給)his n ame to the people. Later, peopl

39、e found him and tha nkedhim very much.I一、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. imagi ne2. impolite 3. impossible4. i nclude5. I ndia n6. i nflue nee7. in stead8. in terested9. in terview10. isla nd二、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式。1. imagine(現(xiàn)在分詞 ) 2. impolite(反義詞)3. impossible(反義詞)4.interested(比較級(jí))5. interview(動(dòng)詞過去式 )6. island復(fù)數(shù)形式三、根據(jù)句意,

40、用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. You can(imag ine) how stra nge a UFO was .2. It '(polite) to throw litters everywhere.3. We found it(possible) to finish the great work in one day without any help.4. Most childre n take part in activities(in clude) sports, la nguage lear ning, music and math classes.5. An(In dia

41、 n) comes from In dia.6. Yang Lei likes being a good(in flue nee ) in the childre n 'lives.7. He went to play soccer(in stead) of basketball.8. More and more people are(in teresti ng) in collect ing stamps.9. A reporter is(in terview) Xiao Wang over there.10. These(isla nd) bel ong to China.四、根據(jù)

42、短文意思及漢語意義,寫出符合句意的單詞。You can '1_(想象)that a man lived in a alone 2_ (島嶼)for a year without any help. Maybe you thinkit'3_ (不可能).But it' true. It' said that an _4_ (印度人)did that. The Indian man was always5_(對(duì)感興趣)in living in a place far away without any people. So he took part in an act

43、ivity thatexperie need the alone life without any help. He was wan ted to take one match and a kn ife . Fi nally , he succeeded. Later a TV station reporter_6_ (采訪)him and he talked about his experienee in the island.J, K& L一、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. jump 2. kill3. kitche n4. kite5. la nd6. least7. li ne8

44、. litter9. low10. lucky二、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式。1. jump(現(xiàn)在分詞)2. kill(過去式)3. kite復(fù)數(shù)形式4and(動(dòng)詞過去式 )5. least(原級(jí))6. line(復(fù)數(shù)形式)7. kitchen(復(fù)數(shù)形式)8. low(比較級(jí))9. lucky(名詞)(副詞)(反義詞)三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. Look! A cat(jump) dow n from the tree.2. On April 4, 1968, Marti n Luther King was(kill) in the city of Memphis in A

45、merica.3. Mum is cook ing in the(kitche n).4. On a sunny day in spri ng, you can many(kite) in the sky.5. The pla ne(la nd) safely just now.6. A child sleeps at(little) eight hours a day.7. It 'polite to sta nd in a(lin e).8. There is lots of(litter) on the gro und. Please clea n it.9. you shoul

46、d talk in a(low) voice whe n you are at table in a wester n family.10. (luck), he failed in the drivi ng exam.四、用所給單詞的正確形式完成短文。Mrs. Green has a cat. Its name is Davy. It 'a lovely cat and Mrs. Green loves it very much. Why? Because it is good at catch ing mice. One day, Davy found a mouse in the

47、1(kitche n). He quickly ran up to the mouse and2(jump) up to it. The mouse was caught and Davy3kill) it. Davy helps Mrs. Gree n to catch at4 _(little)200 mice now.M一、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. made 2. meaning 3. men ti on 4. message5. met 6. meter 7. miss 8. moder n9. moon 10. mouse11. murder12. myself二、按要求寫出以下

48、詞匯的變化形式。1. make(現(xiàn)在分詞)2. meaning(動(dòng)詞原形)(動(dòng)詞過去式)3. mention(過去式)4. message復(fù)數(shù)形式 )5. met(動(dòng)詞原形)6. meter(復(fù)數(shù)形式)7. miss(動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式)8. mouse(復(fù)數(shù)形式)9.murder(名詞形式)10.myself(復(fù)數(shù)形式)三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. Stude nts(make) a decisi on yesterday. They decided to go out this Sun day.2. Do you know what the word(mea n)? If

49、 you know its(mea n), please hands up and tell me.3. Nobody(men ti on) going out to help him because he ofte n made us an gry.4. Can you leave a(message) for your friend?Sure.5. Last Sun day I(meet) one of my old friends in the street.6. -How long is the bridge ?-Oh, it ' about 200(meter) long.7

50、. She(miss) her son very much and hopes to get a message about him.8. My pet cat caught 2(mouse) yesterday.9. The man(murder) two people.10. I can drive a car by(I ).四、根據(jù)短文意思及首字母,寫出符合句意的單詞。Do you know the m(1) of the round m(2)? In China, it means that all the people in a family get togetherand it a

51、lso stands for one 'good wishes that could come true. So when we m(3) one of our relative or best friends,we will look up at the moon in the sky on the fiftee nth in Chin ese lunar cale ndar . Here 'a short story about the moon.There was on old woman in far away village. After her son grew u

52、p, he left his home and worked in a m(4)city thousa nds of m(5) away from the village. He hardly came back home to m(6) his mother and hedid n 'took any m(7) to his mother, either. And his mother alone lived in an old house and n obody could speakto her except running m(8)i n the room . That m(9

53、) his mother very sad. When some one m(10) hisson, she always said that she had no son.N &O、寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。1. n atural2. n early3. n either4. n ervous5. noon6. note7. ope n8. own二、按要求寫出以下詞匯的變化形式。.名詞形式反義詞5. note復(fù)數(shù)形式三、根據(jù)句意,用所給詞匯的正確形式填空。1. n atural3. n either2. n early4. n ervous6.open形容詞副詞 _反義詞1. We

54、should love our(n atural).2. It '(near) 2 o 'clock .3. (either) of them is Chin ese. They are both Japa nese.4. He is always(n ervously) whe n he meets a teacher on the way.5. As a stude nt, you should lear n to make(no te) whe n you have a class and liste n to the teacher.6. The shop usuall

55、y(open) at 8:00 am. Now it '(open).四、根據(jù)短文意思及漢語意義,寫出符合句意的單詞。Mr. Gree n had an unu sual experie nee last Sun day _1_ ( 中午).That day , Mr. Smith came back home to eat his lunch in his car. Whe n he reached his house and got out of his car, it was _2_( 幾乎)12:00 am. He was very hungryand went to his house quickly. But whe n he reached the door of his house. He found that the door was ope n. He was a bit_3_(緊張的).His wife


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
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