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1、1第六章 國際結(jié)算方式(三): 銀行保函2一、保函的概念1.銀行保函的定義和性質(zhì)Bank letter of guarantee, L/G從屬性保函 accessory L/G, conditional L/G獨(dú)立性保函 independent L/G, unconditional L/G3 2.銀行保函的種類 借款保函 付款類保函 進(jìn)口付款保函 銀行保函 租賃保函 信用類保函 投標(biāo)、履約、 預(yù)付款、補(bǔ)償貿(mào)易4二、保函的當(dāng)事人申請人applicant/principal受益人beneficiary擔(dān)保行g(shù)uarantor通知行advising bank/transmitting bank轉(zhuǎn)開行

2、reissuing bank保兌行confirming bank反擔(dān)保人counter-guarantor5三、保函與跟單信用證的比較關(guān)于銀行信用關(guān)于交易合同關(guān)于付款責(zé)任關(guān)于支付依據(jù)關(guān)于單據(jù)處理6四、保函的基本內(nèi)容1、保函當(dāng)事人(受益人、申請人、擔(dān)保行、通知行或轉(zhuǎn)開行)的完整名稱和詳細(xì)地。2、保函的性質(zhì)。3、交易合同的內(nèi)容。4、保函的編號和開立日期。5、保函金額和所使用的貨幣。6、保函的有效期和終止到期日7、保函的當(dāng)事人的責(zé)任和義務(wù)7五、保函的主要條款1.擔(dān)保責(zé)任 (1)區(qū)分擔(dān)保人承擔(dān)第一性責(zé)任或第二性責(zé)任的根據(jù)。 (2)默示推定的原理2.索償?shù)臈l件:提交“索償有理”的聲明書3.見索即付條款:

3、“無條件的”“不可撤銷的”8The beneficiary shall be the sole and final judge for deciding whether or not the applicant has duly performed his obligations of the contract, and we hereby undertake to pay you immediately upon receipt of your written claim notwithstanding any protestation, defense, or objection from

4、 the applicant and without it being necessary for you to produce or adduce any proofs or any judicial or administrative proceedings whatsoever on support of your claim9We undertake to accept intimation from you as conclusive and sufficient evidence of the existing of a default or non-compliance as a

5、foresaid on the part of the applicant and to make payment accordingly without being necessary for you to prove the correctness of your claim.We hereby renounce any claim, defense or other objection, whether in court or otherwise, which we may have against you with respect of this guarantee of any mo

6、ney we may pay thereunder.104.擔(dān)保的期限This bond shall come into force from the issuing date.This guarantee shall become effective from the date when the sellers receive the advance payment.This performance bond shall remain valid uponThis performance bond shall expire upon our receipt from the seller o

7、f copies of B/L and the relevant invoices which show that all the goods under the contract have been shipped on board.This letter of guarantee shall remain valid until the seller have completely delivered the equipment under the contract or untilwhich ever comes earlier.115.責(zé)任遞減條款The amount of this

8、letter of guarantee shall be automatically reduced as and when respective amount of installments and/or interest is duly settled and paid by the Buyer and/or by ourselves under contract.The guaranteed amount of this Letter of Guarantee will reduce in proportion to the sum already paid.The guaranteed

9、 sum shall be automatically and proportionally reduced in the step of the progress of the project.126.利息條款We shall within *days after receipt of your written notice immediately refund to you the advance payment previously made by you plus interest at the rate of -%p.a. Calculated from the date of yo

10、ur advance payment up to the date of our repayment.13六、保函的附加條款鑒定條款For authentication purpose, your written demand, if any, shall be sent to us through *bank after its confirmation of your signature a fixed thereon, or shall be confirmed by *bank in the way of its tested telex to us.14自動延展條款This guar

11、antee shall be automatically extended for another three months if the guarantor shall not have received, by the end of the validity hereof or of any extension thereto, any confirmation from the beneficiary that it can be released from its obligation hereunder.擔(dān)保責(zé)任不變條款責(zé)任連帶條款15不可轉(zhuǎn)讓條款The guarantee is p

12、ersonal to yourselves and is not transferable.保函的歸還條款Upon its expiration, this L/G shall be null and void, and please immediately returned to us for cancellation.If we receive no claim from the beneficiary on or before*date, then this guarantee shall become automatically null and void.16七、銀行保函的業(yè)務(wù)處理1

13、.直接擔(dān)保:直交與轉(zhuǎn)交注意在不同國家對confirm,counter-sign,endorse,做法的區(qū)別。2.間接擔(dān)保:轉(zhuǎn)開指示行的雙重身份,申請人需負(fù)擔(dān)轉(zhuǎn)開保函的手續(xù)費(fèi),轉(zhuǎn)開行的風(fēng)險防范At the request of _(principal), we hereby establish our counter guarantee No.*in your favor for (amount). Our counter guarantee remains valid till (date). Please open your guarantee against our counter gua

14、rantee and deliver it to the beneficiary through the principals agent (name and address) Details of the guarantee as follows.17八、保函的修改與撤銷1、保函的修改2、保函的撤銷We would like to inform you that according to the terms and conditions of our above mentioned guarantee, the expiry date of the said guarantee was on

15、_, therefore, kindly arrange for the return of the original guarantee to us for cancellation.18九、保函項下的索賠與理賠1.索償?shù)挠行裕簱?dān)保行只負(fù)責(zé)審核受益人的索償是否有效,而不考慮申請人是否有意見或受益人的索賠理由是否真實(shí)。2.賠付后保函的失效部分賠付全額賠付19備用證standby letter of credit一、定義償還開證申請人的借款或預(yù)收款;支付由開證申請人承擔(dān)的任何債務(wù);賠償因開證申請人在履行合同中的違約所造成的任何損失。履約備用證(performance standby),adva

16、nce payment standby, bid bond, counter standby, financial standby, insurance standby, commercial standby20二、備用證的性質(zhì)不可撤銷性,獨(dú)立性,跟單性,約束性,其備而不用的性質(zhì),表明只有在申請人不能償還債務(wù)或不能履約時才起支付作用。備用信用證的發(fā)展?jié)摿Γ簜溆眯庞米C作為一種付款方式,操作簡便、費(fèi)用低,有著極大的發(fā)展?jié)摿Α?1三、備用證與跟單信用證和保函的比較1.備用證與跟單信用證的比較相同點(diǎn):都是獨(dú)立的,都是以單據(jù)為憑。不同點(diǎn):要求的單據(jù)不同,作用和用途不同。議付含義和做法不同。222.備用證

17、與銀行保函的比較相同點(diǎn):性質(zhì)和作用相同,對單據(jù)的處理相同,兩者一般都不可以作為融資的抵押品。不同點(diǎn):承擔(dān)的付款責(zé)任不同,所要求的單據(jù)不同。23四、備用證下的特殊單據(jù)1.索償書(demand for payment)單獨(dú)的索償書包含:受益人直接向開證人或其指定人要求付款的索償語句、索償書出具日期、索償金額及受益人簽字等項內(nèi)容。2.聲明書(statement)陳述(即備用證所描述的提款是由已經(jīng)發(fā)生而要求付款的陳述)、出具日期及受益人簽名等3.法律、司法文件24Available against drafts drawn at sight on us accompanied by the Benef

18、iciarys signed statement reading precisely as follows: The undersigned officer of X.Y.company hereby certifies that the amount drawn under this standby represents an amount due and owing to X.Y.company and is unpaid by A.B.Co.Ltd.which has not made payment in any other fashion outside this standby a

19、nd, to date, has not produced evidence to substantiate the payment was made. 25Available by drafts drawn at sight on us accompanied by the Beneficiarys signed statement certifying that the amount drawn under this credit represents and covers unpaid indebtedness because of the failure of A.B.Co. Ltd.unde


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