



1、【精品文檔】如有侵權(quán),請(qǐng)聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除,僅供學(xué)習(xí)與交流高中英語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞ing形式練習(xí).精品文檔.動(dòng)詞ing形式專項(xiàng)練習(xí)1._ (smoke) is bad for our health.2.Before he came , Id finished _(read) the whole book.3.We are considering _ (take) a trip around the island.4.The silkworm is an insect worth _. A. to know   B. knowing   C. to be know

2、n   D. being known5.She went out without _ (say) good-bye to us.6.He sat there _(read) a novel.     7.The heavy rain kept us _ (wait)for two hours.  8. We found the baby  _ (sleep)on the floor.       9.They got  the

3、ir car _ (wash) at the garage.10. _ with his report , I told him to write it all over again. A. Dissatisfactory    B. Not being satisfied   C. Having not satisfied  D. Dissatisfying11._ our shoes in our hands , we crossed the stream.A. To carry  B. Carrying

4、60; C. Carried  D. Carry 12._ my homework, I went home .A. Having finished  B. Finished   C. Being finished   D. Finish13._(find)the door unlocked, I went in.14._(be) a careless fellow, he forget all about it.         15. You must

5、 be careful when _ on the highway.A. you driving  B. are driving  C. driving  D. you were driving16.If _ , I will go to the party tonight.  A. invite B. inviting C. to invite D. invited17 Weather _(permit) , we will have a picnic tomorrow.  18.The vacation  _ (be) over

6、, the students came back to school. 19._ the way to take, the traveller went on his journey.A. Telling  B. Having told  C. Having been told  D. Have told 20.When you find something in your writing that needs _ , you should mark it on the paper.A. to be correcting   

7、; B. correct   C. to correct  D. correcting21. I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses_talking while she was working. A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping C. working; to stop D. to work; to stop 22. The wild flower looked like a soft orange blanket_the deser

8、t. A. covering    B. covered    C. cover     D. to cover 23. Toms never willing to alter any of his opinions. Its no use_with him. A. to argue    B. arguing      C. argued   D. having argued 24. The s

9、torm left,_a lot of damage to this area. A. caused     B. to have caused    C. to cause        D. having caused 25. I couldt do my homework with all that noise_ . A. going on   B. goes on      &#

10、160;  C. went on        D. to go on 26. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk_the good opportunity. A. to lose     B. losing           C. to be lost  

11、0;   D. being lost 27._for many years, the two brothers cant recognize each other. A. Being separated              B. Having separated C. Having been separated        D. To be separated

12、 28. The manager,_it clear to us that he didnt agree with us, left the meeting room. A. who has made        B. having made      C. made        D. making 29. I really cant understand_her like that. A. you t

13、reat              B. you to treat       C. why treat      D. you treating 30. The man insisted_a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby. A. find    &

14、#160;               B. to find            C. on finding     D. in finding 31. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had difficulty_the exam. A. pass                   B. to pass           C. passed      


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