



1、Word list 45:abstract抽象的;抽象派的 adj 7b tr?kt2, activate刺激;使活動 v ?kt ?/et.a voice-activated computer.聲控電腦3, adjoining毗連的,鄰近的adj.Suppose that there are three adjoi ning rooms ina buildi ng.假設(shè)在一個建筑物內(nèi),有三個相連的房間。4, affect影響;感動;感染Nicotine adversely affects the functioningof theheart and arteries.尼古丁會對心臟及動脈功能

2、造成損害5, affirm 斷言;證實 vt.& vi. ?f ?mEverything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.我所取得的一切似乎都證明那個觀點是對的。6, alignment 排列;聯(lián)合,聯(lián)盟 n ?la ?nm?nt The church should have no political alignment.教會不應(yīng)與政治結(jié)盟。The troops were in perfectalignment. 士兵們排成很直的行列。7,array 陳列;一大批,一系列n ?reThere was an impress

3、ive array of pill bottlesstacked on top of the fridge.冰箱上顯眼地擺放著許多藥瓶。As the deadline approached she experienced a bewilder ing array of emotions.隨著最后期限的臨近,她開始心緒紛亂,不知所措。8, Babylonian 巴比倫的 adj ?b?b ?loni ?n9, basement 地下室 n10, bonanza富礦脈;帶來好運的事nb ?n?nz ? What a bonanza for the winning ticket holders!對于

4、手持勝券的人來說,這是多好的運氣??!SouthAfrica's gold and min eral bonanza is beginningto tail off.南非的豐富黃金礦藏量以及其它礦業(yè)資源正在日益枯竭11, brilliant閃耀的;杰出的 adj12,bulk b ?lk n (大)體積;大部分;主體the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn.一座古老谷倉的巨大陰影 The bulk of the text is essentiallya review of these orig inal docume nts.文章的主要部分基本是對這些原始文

5、件的回顧。The vast bulkof imports and exports are carried by sea.大部分的進出口貨物都是通過海路運輸?shù)摹?3, chantt ?ntn(反 復(fù)吟誦的)圣歌;不斷重復(fù)的話A chant in a single tone.單音詞曲子14, charcoal木炭 n. ?t ? cr?kol15, confirm 證實;使鞏固;批準vWilliams has con firmed his positi on as the world's nu mber one sno oker player.威廉姆斯鞏固了自己世界頭號斯諾克選手的地位。Y

6、ou make the reservati on, and I'll con firm it inwritin g.你來預(yù)訂,我會去函確認。(conform k ?n?f?rm遵從;符合;一致,相吻合 Like most 'peacetime wars' it did not conform to preconceived ideas.如同大多數(shù)“和平時代的戰(zhàn)爭” 一樣,這與我們的預(yù) 想不同。not_conform_to the rules不合規(guī)定 )16. continuation延長;延續(xù) n17. Corporate 共同的; 公司的 adj ?k?rpr ?tt

7、he UK corporate sector.英國企業(yè)界18, deny否認;拒絕v19, diffusion 擴散;散布,傳播d ?fju ?nThere are data on the rates of diffusionofmolecules.有關(guān)于分子擴散速度的數(shù)據(jù)。 Over time, the tech no logy is diffused and adopted by othercoun tries. 久而久之,這項技術(shù)傳播到了其他國家并 得到利用。Culture diffusi on文化擴散Air diffusi on空氣擴散20, distasteful(令人)不愉快的;討

8、厭的adj21, district區(qū)域,管區(qū) n22, endeavor /n?d?v? v 嘗試;盡力 n.努力,盡力 We en deavor to make our customers satisfied. 我們力 圖使顧客都滿意 Thereupon, we knew, ouren deavor was valuable.于是,我們知道,我們的努力是有價值的!23, enterprising?nt?pra ?z? adj.有事業(yè)心的; 有進取心的en terpris ing spirit倉 U新精神24, ephemeral 短暫的,轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的 | ?f ?n?r?lHer succes

9、s as a sin ger was ephemeral.作為歌唱家她取得的成功只是曇花一現(xiàn)25, eruption爆發(fā);噴發(fā) n26, essay散文;短文; 評論n27, execute 執(zhí)行;處死;完成 v ?ks?kjutOne group claimed to have executed the America n hostage. 個組織聲稱已經(jīng)處決了那名美國人質(zhì)。We are going to execute our campaig n pla n to the letter. 我們將嚴格施行我們的競選計劃。I executed the hairp in tur n high o

10、n the sheer wester n face of the mountain s.我在山脈西側(cè)陡峭的高處成功地急轉(zhuǎn)彎。28, expose使暴露;使曝光 vBe exposed to. 暴露于.We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers.我們一定要向報社揭露這一無恥行徑。29, familiar熟悉的;通 曉的;親近的adjBe familiar to為 所熟悉的30, far-fetched牽強的 adjNo, I usually find them too far-fetched, impossible to bel

11、ieve.不,我通常覺得這些電影太牽強了,簡直叫人難以置信。31. firm 公司n/結(jié)實的,堅定的;(決定或意見)確定 的,不會更改的adjThe firm's employees were expecting large bonuses.這家公司的雇員期待著發(fā)放大筆獎金。/Fruit shouldbe firm and in excelle nt con diti on.水果應(yīng)該硬實完好。/He made a firm decision to leave FortMultry by boat.他打疋主意乘船離開穆爾特里堡(firmly 穩(wěn)固地 adv)32. flap拍打n/ (使

12、)擺動;飄動 vThe flags are flapping in the breeze.33. flux變遷 nEducation remai ns in a state of flux which willtake some time to settle dow n.教育還處于不斷變化中,需要一段時間才能穩(wěn)定下來。(in flux流入: problems caused by the in flux ofrefugees.大批難民涌入產(chǎn)生的問題)34. fort 要塞,堡壘n35. Giraffe長頸鹿 n36. Grazing 放牧,牧場 n ?jre 建?Over graz ing過度放

13、牧37. Harmonic hcr?mcn*和聲的 adjI had bee n look ing for ways to comb ine harmonicand rhythmic structures.我過去一直在尋找將和聲和節(jié)奏結(jié)合起來的方法。38.ideomotor ?i/di ?mot?觀念運動的 adjIdeomotor action觀念運動Ideomotor theory念動說39.idyllic a ?d?*adj. 田園詩的;田園詩般的,質(zhì)樸宜人的,平和歡暢的.an idyllic setti ng for a summer romanee.適于夏日戀曲的質(zhì)樸宜人的環(huán)境Mar

14、ried life was not as idyllic as he had imagi ned.婚姻生活并不像他想象的那么浪漫美好。40.illustrate 闡明;舉例說明 v41.inclination ?kl ?0e?nn. 傾向;愛好He had n either the time nor the in cli nati on tothink of other thi ngs.他沒有時間也不愿意去考慮其他事情。42.instinct本能;天性 n43.i ntroduction介紹;傳入,引進;導(dǎo)言,導(dǎo)論,緒論n44ro nic a?cn/k adj 諷刺的45. Luxury 奢侈

15、(品)n46. Lyric 抒情的adj/抒情詩;歌詞 nLawre nee's sple ndid short stories and lyric poetry.勞倫斯精彩的短篇小說和抒情詩 /Kurt Weill's Broadway opera with lyrics by Lan gst on Hughes.由蘭斯頓休斯作詞的庫爾特韋爾的百老匯歌劇47. mantle 覆蓋(物);地幔n48. meticulousm?j ?l ?s adj 細心的,很注意細節(jié)的,謹小慎微的He was so meticulous about everything.他對所有事情都一絲不茍

16、。49. migration ma?re ?n n 遷居,遷徙;遷徙的人、動物等的數(shù)量;【化】【物】移動Bird migrati on鳥類遷徙50. Moderate適度的;溫和的;普通的 adjHe was an easygoing manof very moderate views. 他的觀點非常溫和,容易相處/While a moderateamount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.適度的壓力是有好處的,但是壓力太大會把人壓垮。.moderate exercise. 適度 的鍛煉 /.a mod

17、erately attractive woman.有幾分姿色的女子51. moisture 潮濕;濕氣 nRainfallaffects the moisture content of theatmosphere .降雨會影響空氣濕度。52. municipalmju ?n?p?ladj 市(政)的;地方性的 he city is planning to build a municipal library. 該市正計戈V建一座市立圖書館。53. nauseous ?i?s令人作嘔的;厭惡的adj 54.Odd奇異的;奇數(shù)的 adj/可能性nHe'd always bee n odd,

18、but not to this extent.他一直比較怪異,不過并沒有至U這種程度。55.Oppose反對,反抗 v 56.Orbital 軌道的 adj 57.0rchestra 管弦樂隊 n58.Pensive 沉思的 adj ?D?ns/vShe had a gen tie voice and pen sive expression.她有柔和的聲音和深思的表情。59.peripheral外圍的;不重要的 adj.urban development in the outerperipheralareas of large tow ns.大城市外圍地區(qū)的城市開發(fā)/.peripheral a

19、nd bori ng in formati on.無關(guān)緊要的無聊信息(peripheral n erves夕卜圍神經(jīng))60. pole 地級,磁極;桿n61. Pound猛擊;搗碎 v/磅,英鎊nHe poun ded the table with his fist.他用拳頭猛擊桌子。62. practically幾乎;實際上 adv63. prestigepr?/Sti ?n 影響力;威望,聲望It was his responsibilityfor foreign affairs thatgained him intern ati onal prestige.他在負責(zé)處理外交事務(wù)的過程中贏

20、得了國際聲望。64. relic彳?1汰n.遺物,遺跡.a museum of war relics.戰(zhàn)爭遺跡紀念館65. resort度假勝地;(to)resort 求助 n r ?t.the ski resorts.滑雪勝地66. rough粗糙不平的;粗暴的;艱難的adj/ (高爾夫 球場的)深草區(qū);草圖 n67.Sauce沙司;調(diào)味汁;佐料 n68. scout ska?t 偵查;偵察機;偵查員 nteam of four was sent to scout for a nuclear test site. 個 4 人小分隊被派出尋找核試驗地。69. seclusions?lu ?n隱

21、居;獨處 nShe lived in seclusi on with her husba nd on their farm in Panama. 她與丈夫隱居在他們在巴拿馬的農(nóng)場。70.Slide 滑動v/滑動;幻燈片nSlide projector 幻燈機Slide rule 計算尺71.studio ?studio工作室;錄音室 n72.Supplement 補充,增補 n/補充,增補 v I suggest suppleme nti ng your diet with vitaminsE and A.我建議你在日常飲食中補充些維生素 E 和維 生素 A。/I took regular supplements and exercised every day.我每天都按時吃營養(yǎng)片并堅持鍛煉。73, therefore因此;從而 adv74. tough堅韌的;棘手的,困難的;強健的;吃苦耐 勞的;粗暴的;兇惡的 adjShe is tough and ambitious


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