



1、B o o k1M o d u l e 1 - 6重 點 短 語 及 句 型M1 重點短語1. far from 遠離 ;遠非;10. nothing like 與 不同;2. write down 寫下沒有 能比得上3.have fun 玩的高興11. introduce.to. 把 介紹 4. give instructions 給出指示12. look forward to doing sth./ sth. 期望 5. in a fun way 以一種有趣的方式13. be impressed with/ by 被 所吸引6. by oneself 獨自14. have / make a

2、n impression on /upon sb.7. in other words 換句話說給某人留下印象8. take part in 參加15. be similar to 與 相似9. at first / the end of / the start of16. be divided into 被分成起先 / 在 結束時 / 在 開始時M1 重點句型1. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.倍數(shù)表達法:A + be / V . + 倍數(shù) + as +adj./ adv.原級 + as + BA + b

3、e / V. + 倍數(shù) + adj./ adv.比較級 +than + BA+be / V. + 倍數(shù) + the (size,weight,height,width,depth,lengh) + of + B2.Would you mind if I did .?Would you mindsb./ones doing sth. 介意做 .?3.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms.Shen.called Ms. Shen是過去分詞作短語定語,修飾 woman.與修飾詞之間是被動關系。相當與定語從句:who is called

4、Ms. Shen.通常在分詞修飾名詞時,若是單個分詞,則放在名詞之前,若是分詞短語則放在名詞之后;4. I don't think I will be bored in Ms. Shen's class.當主句為I / We think ( suppose, believe, expect, guess, imagine) + that從句時,如果從句中帶有否定意義,通常把否定詞not 轉移到主句的動詞前。變反義疑問句時,主句的主語為第一人稱時,疑問句應與從句的主語和謂語相一致。否則就與主句的主語和謂語一致。e.g. I don't think she will com

5、e, will she?5. Oh, really? So have I.You don't think she will come, do you? so + 助動詞/ 情態(tài)動詞/ 系動詞 be + 主語表示 “(另一事物)也” neither/ nor +助動詞/ 情態(tài)動詞/ 系動詞 be + 主語 表示 .也不 . so +主語 +助動詞 /情態(tài)動詞 /系動詞 be 表示“的確如此” so it is/was with . 或者 so it's /was the same with .表示當前面的句子是兩個分句, 或前一句含有兩個或兩個以上不同類別的謂語動詞,或者既含有肯

6、定句又含有否定句時,情況也適用于后者。M2 重點短語:1. on time 按時4. make progress 取得進步2.make sure 確保,保證5. at present 目前3. fall a sleep 睡覺6. do well in擅長7. take a look 看一看8. do one's best 盡力9. make notes 做筆記10. in fact 事實上11. be true of 對 適用12. as a result 結果13. wave one's hands about / around 揮手14. result in 導致,造成15

7、. result from 由于 16. first impression of 第一印象17. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事18. hate doing sth. 討厭做某事19. admit doing sth. 承認做某事20. practise doing sth. 練習做某事21. enjoy doing sth. 喜歡做某事22. imagine doing想像做某事23. have problem / trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困難24. have problem / trouble / difficulty

8、 with sth.在某事上有困難25. appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事26. I would appreciate it if . 如果 我將不勝感激27. be patient with sb. 對某人有耐心28. be patient of sth. 對某事有耐心29. consider doing sth. 考慮做某事30. consider . as / to be 把 看作 31. prefer sth. 喜歡某事32. prefer to do sth. 喜歡做某事33. prefer A to B 喜歡 A 勝過 B34. prefer to do A

9、rather than do B喜歡做 而不喜歡做 35. would rather do A rather do B喜歡做 而不喜歡做 36. Would do A rather than do B喜歡做 而不喜歡做 M2 重點句型1. Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think I'll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me. with Mrs Chen teaching me 通常被稱為 with 的復合結構。 在句子中多做狀語。 with 的復合結構: wit

10、h +賓語+ V-ing ( 賓語與動詞是主動關系)With the old man leading the way, I can easily find his house. with + 賓語 + V-ed ( 賓語與動詞是被動關系 )With the work finished, I can now watch TV. with + 賓語 + to do ( 動作還未發(fā)生 )With a lot of work to do, I have to stay up tonight.3. She is kind and patient, and she explains English gra

11、mmar so clearly that even I canunderstand it.表示“如此 以致于 ”So+形容詞 +a / an + 名詞(可數(shù)名詞單數(shù))So +many /few +名詞(可數(shù)名詞復數(shù))So+ much / little +名詞(不可數(shù)名詞)Such+ a / an + 形容詞+ 名詞(可數(shù)名詞單數(shù))+ thatSuch +形容詞+ 名詞(可數(shù)名詞復數(shù))Such+ 形容詞+ 名詞(不可數(shù)名詞)4.V + doing:admit ( 容許,承認 )appreciate ( 賞識,感激 )avoidconsider ( 考慮 )delay( 耽擱,推遲 )enjoye

12、scape (逃避 ) finishimagine ( 想象 )keep onmindmiss ( 錯過 )practiseresist ( 抵制 )risk ( 冒險 )suggest (建議 )M 3重點短語1. be short for是 的縮寫2. be short of 缺乏 3. in the 1990s/ 1990's在 20世紀 90年代10. allow sb. to do 同意某人做某事4. more than +數(shù)詞:超過11. allow doing sth. 同意做某事5. more than +名詞:不僅僅12. refer to 查閱,涉及到6. out

13、of date 過時的,不流行的13. be used to do 被用來做某事7. up to date 時尚的,流行的14. be / get used to doing/ n. 習慣于8. at a speed of 以 的速度15. used to do 過去常常9. all the time一直,總是16. be used as 被用作 be used to for 被用來做某事M 3 重點句型1. And what a ride! 一次多么美妙的旅行??!感嘆句 的基本結構What 引導的感嘆句 What a/an + 形容詞 + 名詞(單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞) + 主語 + 謂語!What

14、+ 形容詞 + 名詞(復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞)+主語+謂語!What + 形容詞 + 名詞(不可數(shù)名詞)+主語+謂語!How 引導的感嘆句 How +形容詞 / 副詞 + a/an 名詞(單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞) + 主語 + 謂語 !How +形容詞 /副詞 +主語 +謂語!How + 主語 + 謂語 !M 4重點短語1. by the seaside 在海濱10. bother to do sth. 特意做,不怕麻煩做2. on the coast 在海邊11. stay in contact with與 保持聯(lián)系3. put up 舉起;張貼;搭建;留宿12. make contact with與 取得聯(lián)系

15、4. walk around 四處走走13. lost contact with 與 失去聯(lián)系5. go up (價格等)上漲14. remain to be done有待于被 6. make money 掙錢15. exchange sth. with sb. for sth.7. pay back 償還拿某物和某人換某物8. feel / be fortunate (in) doing sth / to do sth.16. can't afford sth. / to do sth. 買不起 ,感到幸運做某事17. get away from 擺脫 ,離開 9. bother s

16、b.with/ about sth. 因某事煩擾某人M 4 重點句型1. It s been six years since we last saw each other.It is /has been + 一段時間 +since +過去式 ( 短暫性動詞)自從 至今已經(jīng)多久了.It is /has been + 一段時間 +since +過去式(延續(xù)性動詞 )自從不做 .至今已經(jīng)多久了.若主句為was,則 since 從句中用過去完成時。2.This is the first time I ve visited your hometown.表示 “這是某人第幾次做某事”,常用 This /I

17、t is the first /second/last time這that個句型。that 常省略 . 主句用is ,從句使用現(xiàn)在完成時.主句用 was , 從句用過去完成時.3. for the first time & the first timefor the first time :一般用作時間狀語,e.g: I was invited to the party for the first time.the first time 可作為連詞用法,引導狀語從句,意“第一次 的時候 ”,e.g:The first time I saw her, I liked her at onc

18、e.M 5重點短語1.think of 想到,想起,11.aim at 目標是2.put sth.in order 按順序整理/ 擺放12.aim to 目的在于3.at the top 在頂部13.in turns 輪流4.at the bottom 在底部14.follow one's instructions 聽從某人指示5.keep. out of 使 不進入15.react with 和 反應6.do / make an experiment 做實驗16.react to 對 有反應7.make discovery 作出發(fā)現(xiàn)17.add to 增添,增加8.be proud

19、of 以 自豪 / 驕傲 take18.add . to. 把 加到 里pride in 感到自豪19.add up 加起來9.be supposed to do 理應 ,應當20.add up to 合計為,總數(shù)為10.at least 至少M 5 重點句型1. Here is a table with the metals that react most on the top, and the metals react least at the bottom. 句子是以 here, there, out, in, up, down, away, now, then 等副詞開頭, 如果主語是名詞, 常用 全部倒裝結構 ,即把謂語動詞提到主語之前。 若主語為代詞, 則只把副詞提前, 主謂語序不變。E.g. Here comes a car.Here he comes.2. Two-thirds of the earth's surface is water.當分數(shù)(百分


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