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1、英語(yǔ)教學(xué)法答案1 及答案】txtachievement test for teaching english in the primary school3i. choose the best answer (30 %)directions: in this part, you are given fifteen queslions whichare followed by 4 choicesmarked a, b, c and d. read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answerthe question. (

2、30 points, 2 points each)1. which of the following is true of second language learning?a. natural language exposure.b. informal learning context.c. structured input.d. little error correction.2. what type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction?a. individual learners.5. tactile lea

3、rners.c. auditory learners.d. visual learners.3. what type of intelligence is cooperative learning best suited for?a. interpersonal intelligence.b. intrapersonal intelligence.c. logical intelligence.d. linguistic intelligence.4. what does the following practise?* peer and i v. vent to the cinema yes

4、terday.peter and * i went to the cinema yesterday.peer and i zoent to the * cinema yesterday.peer and i zoent to the cinema * yesterday.a. stress.b. articulation.c. liaison.d. intonation.5. what learning strategy can the following help to train?left with the nouns on the right.h cavy daynice babyclo

5、se buildinglight raintall friendcutesmokera. grouping.b. collocation.c. imitation.d. imagery.6. which of the following is a communication game?a. bingo.b. word chain.c. rearranging and describing.d. cross-word puzzle.7. which of the following can help train speaking?a. listen and follow instructions

6、.b. simon says.c. pairs finding.d. match captions with pictures.8. which of the following activities is most appealing to childrens characteristics?a. cross-word puzzle.b. formal grammar instruction.c. reciting texts.d. role-play.9. whats the teacher doing by saying who wants to have a try?a. contro

7、lling discipline.b. giving prompt.c. evauating students work.d. directing students attention to the lesson.10. which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work?a. guessing game.b. story telling.c. information-gap.d. drama performance.1 i. which of the following belongs to learni

8、ng outcomes?a. role-plays,b, sequencing pictures.c. surveys.d. worksheets.12. which of the following best describes first language acquisition?a. care-taker talk.b. minimal pair practice.c. selected input.d. timely error correction.13. which of the following seating arrangements is most suitable for

9、 a whole class discussion?14. what is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?s. i go to the theatre last night.t. you go to the theatre last night?u. correctingthe students mistake.v. hinting that there is a mistake.w. encouraging peer correction.x. asking the student whether he really went

10、to the theatre.15. which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessingparticipation?a. did you get all the questions right in todays class?b. did you finish the task on time?c. can you use the strategies we have learned today?d. what did you do in your group work today?ii

11、. matching (20%)1. match the learning styles on the left with the type ofactivities on the right. (4points)1) visual learners a. handwork2) kinesthetic learners b. picture talking3) auditory learnersc. play acting4) tactile learners d. song and music listening2. match the types of intelligence on th

12、e left with the form of learning on the right. (4 points)1) linguistic intelligencea. doing hands-on activities2) match and logical b. sketchingthinking3) spatial intelligencec. verbalizing4) bodily/kinestheticd. conceptualizinginteligence3. match the activities on the left with the language focus o

13、n the right. (4 points)1) grouping words together a. reading2) minimal pair practice b. vocabulary learning strategy3) labeling pictures c. pronunciation4) sequencing the events d. writingaccording to the story4. what is the teacher doing? (4 points)1) now, you can begin. a. checking understanding2)

14、 all right, i think it is time. b. ending the activity3) can you two show us how to work? c. demonstrating the operation4) we are going to do two d. giving the startthings today. tom, canyou tell us what they are?5. match the activities with the relevant classroomarrangement. (4, points)1) speaking

15、chains a. whole class work2) role play of a dialogue b. individual work3) guessing the object c. pair work4) sentence completiond. group work田.multiple choice questions (10 %)directions: in this part, you are given five questions which are followed by 4 choicesmarked a, b, c and d. read the choices

16、carefully and choose the suitable answer(s) to thequestion. you may have more than one answer to eachquestion. (10 points, 2 points each)2. which of the following roles do the primary school teachers play?a. a prompter.b. a participant.c. an assessor.d. a controller.3. which of the following feature

17、s are true of children in learning a language?a. children can not concentrate for very long.b. children learn english because they think it interesting.c. children are not good at planning and monitoring.d. children are good at understanding concrete things.4. which of the following belong to format

18、ive assessment?a. learner portfolio.b. test results.c. classroom observation.d. student diaries.5. which statement of chinese and english phonetic systems are right?a. english has as many as 24 vowels, while chinese has none.b. english has a lot of combined consonants, while chinese has none.c. stre

19、ss can change the meaning of a word in english, and tone can also change themeaning in chinese.d. english words often have more than one syllable, while chinese characters usuallyhave only one syllable.6. if the class is noisy, which of the following should you choose to settle the class?a. ask the

20、whole class to copy a list of food words onto a piece of paper from the board.b. ask the pupils to listen and write down the number of pictures you stick on the blackboard.c. ask the children to take out their cards and do paired practice.d. ask children to prepare the dialogue to get ready to act.i

21、v: short answer questions (20 %)directions: in this part there are four questions about english teaching methodology.write down your answers in brief. you will be assessed in the points you present and the way you present them. (20 points, 5 points each)1. why is it necessary to use l1 in foreign la

22、nguage instruction? give at least two reasons.2. what are the relationship and differences between testing and assessment?3. what does the following support, formative assessment or summative assessment?【篇二:英語(yǔ)教學(xué)法試題及答案】i. multiple choices: (20%) directions: in this section, you are given 20 questions

23、, beneath each of which are four choices marked a, b,c and d. you are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. one point is given to each correct choice.1. according to the records available, human beings have been involved in the study of langua

24、ge for years.a. 1,000b. 1,500 c. 2,000d. 2,5002. by the mid-the upheaval (劇變/動(dòng)蕩)inlinguistics and psycholinguistics created by chomsky stransformational-generative grammar had begun to affect language pedagogy (教學(xué)法).a. 1940sb. 1950sc. 1960sd. 1970s3. the natural approach (自然教學(xué)法)believes that theteac

25、hing of (口語(yǔ)教學(xué))should be delayed untilcomprehension skills are established.a. listening b. speakingc. reading d. writing4. the generative-transformational school of linguistics emerged through the influence of .a. noam chomsky b. j. piagetc. d. ausubel d. j.b. bruner5. in foreign language teaching, t

26、he target language was interpreted (理解)as a system of rules to be observed in textsand sentences, and to be related to the first language and meaning.a. words b. rules c. sentences d. contextb. in the 19th century, the strategy in language teaching usually adopted by foreign language teachers was th

27、e of grammar rules with translation.a. introduction b. interpretation c. comprehension d. combination7. in the direct method, teachers encourage learners to rules of grammar through active use of the target language in the classroom.a. apply b. analyzec. induce d. paraphrase8. can be introduced as a

28、 means of consolidationand evaluation in the direct method.a. reading b. listeningc. speaking d. writing9. the psychological theory underlying the grammartranslation method was psychology.a. developmental b. childc. faculty d. adult10. in the opinion of palmer and some other linguists of his time, p

29、layed one of the most important roles inforeign language learning.a. grammar b. phoneticsc. vocabulary d. rhetoric11. is not one of the systematic principles the oralapproach involves?a. selection b. translation c. gradation d. presentation12. in which book did skinner apply the theory of conditioni

30、ngto the way humans acquire language?a. lado english seriesb. toward a theory of instructionc. language teaching analysis d. verbal behav ior13. according to the behaviorist, a is formed whena correct response to a stimulus is consistently rewarded.a. meaning b. wordc. habit d. reaction14. materials

31、 in the audiolingual method (聽說教學(xué)法)areprimarily .a. instruction-oriented b. student-orientedc. teacher-oriented (教師為中心)d. habit-oriented15. is not discussed in the book foreign languageteaching methodology?a. the nature of foreign language teaching methodologyb. the history of foreign language teach

32、ingc. theories of foreign language teaching methodologyd. the history of the english language16. piaget saw cognitive development as essentially a processof within which genetics and experience interact.a. maturationb. accommodation c. comprehensiond.assimilation17. georgi lozanov asserts (聲稱)that t

33、he reason for ourinefficiency is that we .a. lay too much emphasis on oral performanceb. ignore the needs of learnersc. set up psychological barriers to learningd. give students little room and time to learn18. krashen believes that acquisition of a language refers tothe process leading to the devel

34、opment ofcompetence and is not dependent on the teaching of grammatical rules.a. conscious b. unconsciousc. overconscious d. subconscious19.another linguistic theory of communication favored in communication language teaching is functionalaccount of language use.a. chomsky s b. hymes sc. candlin s d

35、. halliday s20. with regard to syllabus design (教學(xué)大綱), thecommunicative approach (交際法)lays special emphasis ona. authentic materials b. learners needsc. meaningful drills d. teachers rolesii. filling blanks: (20%)directions: in this section, there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. you are to fill ea

36、ch blank with one appropriate word. one point is given to each blank.21. _latin_ was a language of communication that peoplewidely studied in the western world before the 16th century.22. in malinowski s opinion, an utterance has no_meaning_ at all if it is out of the context of situation.23. behavi

37、orism believes that basic learning processes could be described in terms of stimuli and_response_.24. some linguists thought that all languages originated from one language and were ruled by a common _grammar_ .25. the combination of structural linguistic theory, aural-oralprocedures, and behavioris

38、t psychology led to the_audiolingual_ method.26. the formula _ i + 1 _, advocated by krashen, means inputthat contains structures slightly above the learner s presentlevel.27. in the direct method, the target language is used_exclusively_in the language classroom as a means of instruction and commun

39、ication.28. in a suggestopaedic (提示學(xué)習(xí)法)course, direct andindirect positive_suggestions_ are made to enhance students selfconfidence and to convince them that success is attainable(可達(dá)到的).29. chomsky divides the grammar of a natural language into _core_ grammar and peripheral( 次要的 ) grammar.30. the di

40、rect method advocates the importance of oral language and believes that language should be learned through direct _association_ of form and meaning.31. the direct method believes in the _natural_ process of language learning and in the inductive teaching of grammar.32. the oral approach believes in

41、a theory of learning that is based on a type of behaviorist _habit-formation_theory.33. the cognitive approach( 認(rèn)知法 ) lays emphasis on innate organizing principles (天生的/固有的組織原則)in humanperception (知覺 /感知)and_learning_.34. in a typical audiolingual lesson the following procedures can be observed: rec

42、ognition, imitation and repetition, _pattern_ drills(模式訓(xùn)練/句型操練), and follow-upactivities (后續(xù)活動(dòng)).35. at the level of classroom teaching, the communicative approach holds that activities should provide opportunities for learners to _use_ the language.36. the cognitive approach holds that learning a la

43、nguage is a process of acquiring _mental_control of the phonological, grammatical and lexical patterns (詞匯模式)of a secondlanguage, largely through study and analysis of these patterns as a body of knowledge.37. krashen sees the learners emotional state or attitudes asan adjustable _filter_(過濾器)_ that

44、 freely passes orblocks input necessary to acquisition.38. gattegno anticipates(預(yù)見)that using the silent way (默教法) would require most teachers to change their perceptionof their _role_.39. community language learning teachers to consider their students as(交際式語(yǔ)言學(xué)習(xí))adviseswhole personstherefore, the m

45、ethod is sometimes cited as an example of a“ _humanistic_ approach(人文主”義教學(xué)方法) .40. british linguists of structuralism (構(gòu)造主義)believed that_elements_ in a language were rule-governed.v. questions for long answers: (20%)directions: the two questions in this section are to beanswered on the basis of you

46、r own teaching experience aswell as the theoretical knowledge youve learned. ten points are given to each question.49. what advantages can be found in the direct method? (1) it makes the learning of english interesting and lively by establishing direct bond between a word and its meaning.【篇三:華師英語(yǔ)教學(xué)法

47、教程參考答案】ose a teacher is teaching his students to read an interestingstory about how a doctor makes a joke of ayoung man. the teacher wants the students to tell part of thestory with some key words from the story like“ a doctorvillage - annoyed; people - stop - street - advice; never paid never - mon

48、ey - made up his mind -put and end ” . in which stage of teaching do you think the teacher should do this?a.at the pre-reading stage.b.at the while-reading stage.c.at the post-reading stage.d.at any of the three stages.您的答案:c題目分?jǐn)?shù):2.0此題得分:2.02 第 2 題one of the problems in vocabulary learning is that s

49、tudentsa.use context for their vocabulary learningb.try hard to understand the wordsc.treat vocabulary items indiscriminatelyd.use a variety of vocabulary building strategies您的答案:c題目分?jǐn)?shù):2.0此題得分:2.03 第 3 題according to clark, scarino and brownell, the maincomponents of a task include .a.exercises, exer

50、cise-tasks and tasksb.potential ineffectiveness for presenting new language items, time and learningc.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcome d.pre-task, task cycle and language focus 您的答案:d題目分?jǐn)?shù):2.04 第 4 題according to wang qiang, information-gap activities, problemsolving, _,“ dialogue

51、s and role-plays ” , and“ find someone who are some types of speaking tasks.a.reading aloud in chorusb.repeating what the teacher has saidc.reciting a dialogued. “ change the story ”您的答案:d題目分?jǐn)?shù):2.0此題得分:2.05 第 5 題natural language, spoken or written, uses referential word such as pronouns to refers to

52、people or things alreadymentioned previously in the context. therefore, theactivity ?understanding references? can be performed in the_ stage when teaching reading.a.pre-readingb.while-readingc.post-readingd.language-focus您的答案:b題目分?jǐn)?shù):2.0此題得分:2.06 第 6 題role-playing through cue dialogues, role-playing

53、through situation and goals, and role-playing through debates or discussion are examples of _.a.mechanical practiceb.drilling languagec.pre-communicative activitiesd.social interaction activities您的答案:d此題得分:2.07 第 7 題the post-listening stage is where the teacher can determine how well the students ha

54、ve understood _.a.what they are going to listen tob.what they listened toc.what they are listeningd.what the teacher asked them to do您的答案:b題目分?jǐn)?shù):2.0此題得分:2.08 第 8 題in teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and wi

55、ll be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following _ in his teaching.a.the bottom-up modelb.the top-down modelc.the interactive modeld.all of the above您的答案:b題目分?jǐn)?shù):2.0此題得分:2.09 第 9 題in the traditional classroom, there is often too much focus on linguistic knowledge, with little or no attention paid to _.a.knowledge of vocabularyb.knowledge of grammar rulesc.practising language skillsd.practising phonetics您的答案:c此題得分:2.010第10 題according to wang qiang, “ listen and tick ” , “ listen andsequence ” , “ listen and act


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