1、holiday,pensi on a nd health,cult ural andcreativeexperience,sportshealth,farming,ruralbed and breakfasts i n newformats.T hreeis t hebrand tocre atearticles.XX agriculturalcomparativeadvantageinto full play,e speciallytheexcl usive a dvantages ofclimate,mountainsa nd searesource s,tocreateagroup of
2、thecity,the pr ovince's"calle d" XX seafood,snackfoodsa nd safeagricult uralproducts bra ndcharacteri stics.Meanwhil e, newi ndustrygui dance,supportmorefarmers toparticipatein entre prene urship, promoti ng large-scale pr oje cts such a s bed andbreakfasts,farm, seed breedi ng base co
3、nstruction.Four i sthe mechanism innovation ofthe article.Deepe nagriculturalreform,focusingon supporti ngfosterprofessionalmajor,family farms,cooperatives,enterprise s and other newsubjects ofagriculturalma nagement,impr oveagriculturalpr oducti on andoperation of large-scale,professi onalleve l.Ad
4、vancethe reform ofpropertyrightsystem in ruralareas,to payspecialattention to landrights,improvet hefunction ofproperty rightstrading center to gui de la nd managementto professi onal users,familyfarms,cooperatives,leading e nterprise s in circulation.Spare noefforttopr omotethe province's "
5、;Trinity"farm er cooperativee conomyorgani zation systemreform of Countybuilding, andactively explorethe Trinity ofproduction,supplyand marketing,cre ditFarmercooperativeeconomyorgani zation system, realorganic aggregates uptoal lkindsof business e ntities, closelylinke dtothe alla spe cts of p
6、r oduction a nd marketing. ( B)to makethe country sidem ore bea utiful. Promoting the construction ofnewt owns andnew countrysi de rea ctions together,stre ngthe ningthe construction ofruraleco-envir onment, create the beautifulcountry side construction upgra des, maki ng ruralareas morel ivable, su
7、ita bleforindustr y,and travel.Afocus on ruralenvironme ntimpr ovement.As farasthe rural,the most basicistomakethee nvironme nt clea n and or derly. Pollution to extensivelymobilizet hemasses conti nue to carry water, clearrivers, downvi olations, treatmentofblea chi ng,suchas wa ste reduction,flow
8、ering tree "big six",vigorouslycarry outwastereduction,re source re cover y, impr ove the clea ning me chanism,e nhance t helevel ofmeticul ous manageme nt ofthev lage. Second,we must payspecialattentiontothebe autiful re side ntialbuilding.A dher etothe "planninga hea d,be cause vill
9、age system,combi nation classificationimplementation, dem olition,alterationsimultane ously" policy,vig orously impleme nt the"five hundred"beautiful countrysi deconstruction, a ctivelypr omote "bea utifulhouse"pil otexpa nsion.Ar ound 104 nati onalr oad, Ling Road, l ongji
10、nda dao, sea roa d,Ju XI Liaoroadt ocat chthefive side softhe main roa ds in about 200village s,beautiful countrysi defeatures boutiquevillage created,g oodjobonplanning, environmental prot ecti on, culturalheritage ,industrial devel opment,craftingli nesto createthe bea utiful rural sce ner y,bouti
11、 quevillagebreed characteristics.No matterwhich公司戰(zhàn)略與風險管理第一章 戰(zhàn)略與戰(zhàn)略管理網上練習題一、單項選擇題1、 () 是屬于競爭戰(zhàn)略層面, 并歸屬于事業(yè)部門管理層。A 公司戰(zhàn)略B.職能戰(zhàn)略C.業(yè)務單位戰(zhàn)略D.戰(zhàn)略層次【答案】C【解析】業(yè)務單位戰(zhàn)略即屬于競爭戰(zhàn)略, 其制定依賴于事業(yè)部門管理層。2、 “戰(zhàn)略”一詞源于( ) 。A.現代兵法B.古代兵法C.商戰(zhàn)分析D.競爭分析【答案】B【解析】 “戰(zhàn)略”源于古代兵法。選項 B 符合題意。3、對于以營利為目的而成立的組織而言,其首要的目的是() 。A.為所有者帶來經濟價值B.建立市場份額和降低成本C.
12、利潤最大化D.提高社會福利和促進政治和社會變革【答案】 A【解析】 以營利為目的而成立的組織的首要目的是為所有者帶來經濟價值,追求股東價值最大化。選項A 符合題意。4、某公司一直以“創(chuàng)建世界著名服務品牌”為己任。這體現了該企業(yè)的() 。A.使命B.目標C.戰(zhàn)略D.計劃【答案】 A【解析】企業(yè)使命是對企業(yè)“存在理由”的宣言,它要回答“我們的企業(yè)為什么要存在的問題”。目標、戰(zhàn)略、計劃相比較企業(yè)的使命,更加具體,而本題中的描述是比較抽象的,體現了企業(yè)存在的理由,因此選項A 是正確的。5、以下說法正確的是() 。A. 公司宗旨旨在闡述公司長期的戰(zhàn)略意向B.公司宗旨是進行目標性檢驗C.公司宗旨是一致性檢
13、驗D.公司宗旨的具體內容難以說明公司目前和未來所要從事的經營業(yè)務范圍【答案】 A【解析】公司宗旨旨在闡述公司長期的戰(zhàn)略意向,A 正確;其具體內容主要說明s long a s they caug ht up pea ch Lakea nd villageaftereight acre s to createa sta ndard,even ifthe Countyfinancialto benervous,theCountyGovernme ntwillfulf iltheir commitments,a nd 3 millionYua n/vi llage ofsubsi dies.Thir
14、d,wem ustpayspe cialattention to devel opment ofbea uty industr y.Constructionand traditi onalvill agesa nd beautiful countrysi de protecti on of history a nd culture village ,ruraltourism, bed a nd breakfastin combi ning economi c,on ruralt ourism devel opment i npre ciseand accurate positi oni ng,
15、 preci sion marketing,supply,andvigorously promotet he beautifulr urallandscape ofruraltourism complex,line,fashion boutiquefarm villageconstruction andstrive to build agroup ofXX feature quality boutiqueaccommodation project. (C)efforts to getfarmerstobecomeeve nricher."Off notwell-off,the key
16、 to fellow",the "threeagri culture",finaldestinati on wasimpr oving farmers'welfare,improving farmers' livi ng standards.Focus onthreeaspect s: onei"increasi ng income-ge nerating"efforts.Activelydeveloping t he characteri stic agriculture ,processing,e -commerce,far
17、mand bed and breakfastine conomy, ensurea stabl eoperating incomegrowth.Deepenthe "threerights" rights empoweri ng the reform, promoti ng thepr operty i ncome growth.Strengthening of farmers'skills training,i ncreaseempl oymentlevels,promoting sustaine d growt h inwage i ncome.Guide e
18、nterpri ses to stre ngthe n socialresponsi bilit y,equalityand mutualbe nefit, and signe d acontractof purchase a nd sale of agricultural product s for farmers,cooperativesand farmersare encouraged "guaranteed ear nings + share" distributionsystem,sharingthevalue-added benefits ofindustria
19、ldevelopment.Second int hegrowi ng collective efforts.Cityha s devel ope dthe impl ementation ofvillage -levelcolle ctive economythree years cultivating meter, Requirest hreeyearsofhardw orkand largely kongke cun,themajority ofvillageshaveoperatingincome.Against this target,wehave to be base d on lo
20、calconditions,use yourhea d, anda ctively explor e andfind ways,and ensurecompleti on oftasks int hecity.Thir d,w orkon strengthe ned safeguards.Adva nci ng pre cision of poverty, improvethe low -income house hol dtracking ,dynamicmanagement mechanism, e specially for"unemploye dca n hold, unab
21、le to get out ofpoverty"of pov erty,further strengthening thefallba ckofsubsi stence allowancesand soci alassi stance,and addresst heba sic needs of poor people.Deepe ning thereform of publi c servi ces i n ruralareas, focus onresolving pr omine ntweakne ss ofrural publi cservi ceand people'
22、;slivel ihoodfacilities, suchast hrough theteaching,medicala nd otherwayst o improve e ducationallevel s, improvi nghealt h conditions in r uralareas.Byencouragingthe Centralvillageto set updaycare centrest opr omoteol d-age home,ruralelderly pe nsi on probl ems.Thir d,firmly graspa ndconti nue dtop
23、lay w ell "five watertreatmentof" winning thewar on Fe bruary 29holiday,pensi on a nd health,cult ural andcreativeexperience,sportshealth,farming,ruralbed and breakfasts i n newformats.T hreeis t hebrand tocre atearticles.XX agriculturalcomparativeadvantageinto full play,e speciallytheexcl
24、 usive a dvantages ofclimate,mountains and searesource s,tocreateagroup ofthecity,thepr ovince's"calle d" XX seafood,snackfoodsa nd safeagricult uralproducts bra ndcharacteri stics.Meanwhil e, newi ndustrygui dance,supportmorefarmers toparticipatein entre prene urship, promoti ng large
25、-scale pr oje cts such a s bed andbreakfasts,farm, seed breedi ng base construction.Four i sthe mechanism innovation ofthe article. Dee pe nagriculturalreform,focusingon supporti ngfosterprofessionalmajor,family farms,cooperatives,enterprise s and other newsubjects of agricultural ma nagement,impr o
26、veagriculturalpr oducti on andoperation of large-scale,professi onalleve l.Advancethe reform ofpropertyrightsystem in ruralareas,to payspecialattention tolandrights,improvet hefunction ofproperty rightstrading center to gui de la nd managementto professi onal users,familyfarms,cooperatives,leading e
27、 nterprise s in circulation.Spare noefforttopr omotethe province's "Trinity"farmer cooperativeeconomyorgani zation systemreform of Countybuilding, andactively explore theTrinityofproduction,supply andmarketing, creditFarmercooperativeeconomyorgani zation system, realorganic aggregates
28、uptoal lkindsof business e ntities, closelylinke dtothe alla spectsofpr oducti on a nd marketing.B)to makethe country sidem ore bea utiful. Promoting the construction ofnewt owns andnew countrysi de reactionstogether, strengthe ningthe construction ofruraleco-envir onment, create the beautifulcountr
29、y side construction upgra des, maki ng ruralareas morel ivable, suita bleforindustr y,and travel.Afocus on ruralenvironme ntimpr ovement.Asfaras therural,themostbasicistomakethee nvironme nt clea n and or derly. Pollution to extensivelymobilizet hemasses conti nue to carry water, clearrivers, downvi
30、 olations, treatmentofblea chi ng,suchas wa ste reduction,flow ering tree "big six",vigorouslycarry outwastereduction,re source re cover y, impr ove the clea ning me chanism,e nhance t helevel ofmeticul ous manageme nt ofthev lage. Second,we mustpayspecialattention tothebe autiful re siden
31、tialbuilding.A dher etothe "planninga hea d,be cause village system,combi nation classificationimplementation, dem olition,alterationsimultane ously" policy,vig orously impleme nt the"five hundred"beautiful countrysi deconstruction, a ctivelypr omote "bea utifulhouse"pi
32、l otexpa nsion.Ar ound 104 nati onalr oad, Ling Road, l ongji nda dao, sea roa d,Ju XILiaoroadt ocat chthefive side softhe main roa ds in about 200village s,beautiful countrysi defeatures boutiquevillage created,g oodjobonplanning, environmental protecti on, culturalheritage ,industrial devel opment
33、,craftingli nesto createthe bea utiful rural sce ner y,bouti quevillagebreed characteristics.No matterwhich公司目前和未來所要從事的經營業(yè)務范圍,D 不正確;選項BC 與題意不符。6、下列各項表述中可以作為企業(yè)使命的是()。A.加強開發(fā)項目的質量管理8 5 年內在市區(qū)建成2 個地標性建筑C,為城市建設的現代化、特色化、合理化添磚加瓦D.在開發(fā)某地標建筑時,以中國傳統(tǒng)文化為基礎融入科技元素【答案】C【解析】戰(zhàn)略與戰(zhàn)略管理, 是企業(yè)的使命與目標。使命是企業(yè)在社會經濟的整體發(fā)展方向中所擔當的角色
34、和責任, 也是企業(yè)的根本任務或其存在的理由。一般來說 , 大多數企業(yè)的使命是高度概括和抽象的。選項C 符合題意。7、從戰(zhàn)略的計謀觀來看, 下面屬于戰(zhàn)略的是()。A. 當企業(yè)知道競爭對手正在制定提高市場份額的計劃時, 企業(yè)準備增加投資研發(fā)更尖端的產品B.企業(yè)計劃投產一種新的產品C.企業(yè)預計擴大下年度的廣告投入,以擴大市場份額D.企業(yè)準備增加科研投入,對現有產品進行改造升級【答案】 A【解析】戰(zhàn)略是一種計謀, 強調要在競爭中贏得競爭對手, 或令競爭對手處于不利地位及受到威脅的計謀, 且這種計謀是有準備和意圖的。因此選項A 正確。選項 BCD 都是企業(yè)具體的經營行為, 但并未表達出令競爭對手處于不利
35、地位及受到威脅的計謀這個含義, 因此不屬于戰(zhàn)略計謀觀的范疇。選項A 符合題意。8、以下說法中錯誤的是() 。A. 信息技術使企業(yè)內的信息交流快速及時有效8 .信息技術使企業(yè)生產經營實現實時化、自動化、網絡化C.信息技術方便了人力資源管理,對于加強員工的培訓作用有限D.信息技術對提高員工技能有重要的作用?!敬鸢浮緾【解析】選項ABD 均是對信息技術的正確表述,選項C 中“對于加強員工的培訓作用有限”的表述存在錯誤,所以選項 C 錯誤。選項C 符合題意。9 、 甲公司是一家手機生產商, 在國家相關部門決定上馬新一代通信技術后, 決定針對新一代通信技術的要求研發(fā)相應的手機, 以搶占市場。根據以上信息
36、可以判斷 , 甲公司的這一做法反映出戰(zhàn)略屬于()。A. 計謀B.行為模式C.定位D.計劃【答案】D【解析】 戰(zhàn)略是一種計劃, 代表了用各種各樣精心構建的行動或一套準則來處理各種情況。戰(zhàn)略的這個定義具有兩個特點: (1) 戰(zhàn)略是在企業(yè)經營活動之前制定的 , 戰(zhàn)略先于行動; (2) 戰(zhàn)略是有意識的、有目的地開發(fā)和制定的計劃。10、投資者對企業(yè)主要的利益期望就是資本收益() 。 。A. 股息、紅利B.分配利潤C.利潤最大化ng of farmers'sunable to gConstructionand traditiandvigorouslypromotet he beautifulrur
37、allandscape ofruraltourism complex,liconstructionandstrive tobuil d agroupofXX feature quality boutiqueaccommodationproject. (C)efforts to getfarmerstodeveloping t he characteristic agriculture,processing,e -commerce,farmand bed and breakfastineconomy, ensurea stabl eoperating incomegrowth.rs'sk
38、ills training,increaseempl oymentlevels,promoting sustained growt h inwagei ncome.Guide e nterpri ses to stre ngthen socialresponsibilit y,equalityand mutualbe nefit, and signe d acontractofpurchase a nd sale of agriculturalproduct s for farmers,cooperativesaquirest hreeyearsofhardworkand largely ko
39、ngkecun,themajority ofvillageshave to be base d on localconditions,use yourheathis year, theprovi nce' s"fivewatertreatmentd, anda ctively explor e andfind ways,and ensurecompleti on oftasks inthe cit y.Thir d,w orkon strengthe ned safeguards.Advanci ng pre cision of poverty,improvethe low-
40、income house hol dtractracking ,dynamicmanagement mechanism, e speciallyfor"unemploye dcan hold,to getout ofpoverty"of poverty,further strengthening thefallba ckofsubsi stence allowancesand soci alassi stance,and addresstheba sic needs of poor people. Deepeningt hereform of public servi ce
41、s i n ruralareas, focus onresolving pr ominentweakness ofrural publi cservi cea nd people'slivelihoodfacilities, suchast hrough theteaching, medicala nd otherwayst o improve e ducationallevels, improvi nghealt h conditions in ruralareas.ng thewaron February29alattention tolandPollution to extens
42、ively,industrial devel opment,craftingli nesto createthe bea utiful ruralsce ner y,bouti queholiday,pe nsi on and health, cultur alandcreativeex perie nce, sportshealt h,farming,rural bed a nd b toland rig hts,impr ove thefuncti on ofpr operty rightstradi ng ce ntertogui de la ndmanag ementto pr- _-
43、 ill _I I - - > . > -. I . II Iextensively mobilize the masse scontinue to carrywater,clearrivers, dow nviolati ons,treatmentofbleaching,suchaswaste reducti on,flowering tree "bigbrandto cre atearticle s.XX agricultural comparative adva ntageint o fullplay,e speciallythe exclusive advas,l
44、ea ding enterprises in circulation.Spar eno effortto promotet hepr ovince's "Trinity"farmer cooperative一.L .II - - . >L. . - I . ,six",vigorously carryoutwast ereduction, resource re covery,impr ovethentages ofclimate,mountai ns and sea re source s,t o createa group ofthecity,t
45、 hepr ovince's "calle d"XXseafood,sna ckfoods andsafe agricultural economy organization systemreform of Countybuilding,a nd a ctivelyexpl ore theTri nityofpr oduction, supplyand marketing,creditFar-.II- >I. I- - L. L. _.1,11 一 . .I .| 一 ILI ntofthevillage.Second,w e must pay spe cia
46、lattentiothe beautifulreside ntialbuilding.Adhere totd characteristi anizationsystem一 I -cs.Mehe "pla nni ng ahea d,be ca use village sy stem,combinatianwhile, newindustry guida nce,supportmorefarmers to participatein entrepre neur shi p, promoting large -scale pr oje cts such as be,re alorgani
47、 caggregates upt oallkindsofbusi nessentities, closely link edtot heallaspects ofproduction andmarketing. (B)t - - . >> _ -.- -_> 一. on classification implementation, demolition,alteration simultabouti que villagebreed charact eristics.No matter whichneously" policy,vigorouslyimpleme n
48、t the"five hundredand bre akfasts,farm,see dbreeding base construction.Fouris theme omakethe countrysi de more beautiful. Pr omoting theconstructi.一一.-i - -. . . 一 .- -d" bea utifulcou ntrysideconstructicha nism innovati on of theart icle. Deepenagriculturalr eform,focusing on supporti ng
49、foster pr ofessi onalmajor,familyfarms,cooperatives,enter prise s andn ofnewtow nsand newcountrysidereacti onst ogether ,strengt hening the construction ofrurale co-envir onment, createt he bea utiful countrysideconstr ucti o一 - . IL -L. 一 一 . - - II I -一 . - . 一 一 . L . .1 I _I1I - - .11 . - L . Io
50、n,a ctively pr omote"bea utifulhouse" pilotexpansion.Around104national roa d, Li ng Road,l ongji ndada o,sea r oad,Ju XILiaoroad to catch thefive sides ofthe mainroads in as andothernewscti on upgrades,makingsubjects ofagricult uralmanageme nt,impr oveagricultural producti on a nd operati
51、on of large-scale, pr king r uralareas mor elivable, suita bleforindustry, andtravel.Afocuson ruralenvironmentimprov-I . - >> I 一 一- _ _|_es,beautifulcountryside featuresboutique villagecreated,goodjob on planni ng,envir onmentalofessiona llevel.Adv ancethe reform ofpr opertyrightsystem in r u
52、ralareas,t o payspecialattenti on ement.Asfaras t herural,t hemost basici sto makethe e nvironment clean a nd orderly.Poll ution to -.I _ I Iprote ction,culturalheritage, industrial development, crafting linest ocreate t he be autifulrura l sce nery,D.社會責任【答案】 A【解析】投資者對企業(yè)主要的利益期望就是資本收益股息、紅利。選項 A 符合題意
53、。11、甲公司繞過傳統(tǒng)的零售渠道, 采用電子商貿的方式來進行銷售, 成為中國第一家網上購物商城。根據以上信息可以判斷該公司采取的戰(zhàn)略是一種( )。A. 計謀B.行為模式C.定位D.計劃【答案】C【解析】將戰(zhàn)略作為一種定位, 涉及到企業(yè)如何適應所處環(huán)境的問題。定位包括相對于其他企業(yè)的市場定位, 如生產或銷售什么類型的產品或服務給特定的部門 , 或以什么樣的方式滿足客戶和市場的需求, 如何分配內部資源以保持企業(yè)的競爭優(yōu)勢。甲公司根據環(huán)境分析的結果, 決定繞過傳統(tǒng)的渠道, 采用電子商貿的方式來進行銷售,成為中國第一家網上購物商城, 表明該公司清楚地明確了自身的位置 , 更好地適應了環(huán)境的變化。12、
54、一家公司成功設計和實施一項產生效益的戰(zhàn)略后,它獲得了() 。A.戰(zhàn)略競爭力B. 一項永久的可持續(xù)的競爭優(yōu)勢C.豐厚的回報D.平均利潤【答案】 A【解析】 戰(zhàn)略競爭力的獲取是成功戰(zhàn)略實施的結果,但沒有永久不變的戰(zhàn)略競爭力,需要隨著時間和環(huán)境調整。13、在總結戰(zhàn)略不同定義的基礎上提出公司戰(zhàn)略的現代概念的學者是()。A. 湯姆森B.安索夫C.邁克爾波特D.明茨伯格【答案】D【解析】加拿大學者明茨伯格(Mintzberg H )最先提出公司戰(zhàn)略的現代概念。安索夫是第一個提出“戰(zhàn)略管理冶概念的學者。邁克爾波特提出了五力模型和競爭戰(zhàn)略類型。選項D 正確。14、以下戰(zhàn)略屬于業(yè)務單位戰(zhàn)略的是()。A. 成長型
55、戰(zhàn)略B.穩(wěn)定型戰(zhàn)略C.差異化戰(zhàn)略D.收縮型戰(zhàn)略【答案】C【解析】 公司層面的戰(zhàn)略選擇包括成長型戰(zhàn)略、穩(wěn)定型戰(zhàn)略和收縮型戰(zhàn)略。業(yè)務單位層面的競爭戰(zhàn)略包括成本領先戰(zhàn)略、產品差異化戰(zhàn)略和細分市場的集中化戰(zhàn)略三個基本類型。選項C 正確。 - 一 . .- . 一 一 IIL-L I一.- -I_ 一 一 一 . I-income house hol dtracking ,dynamicmanagemeome growth.Strengthenie specially for"u. I. L - -L . . I . I. L .1., II.I.L .1 1-1 一 I J _ II -I
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57、et hefunction ofproperty rightstrading center to gui de la nd managementto.1 I I 一 . 一 I. _.>, -_I . . .mobilizet hemasses conti nuevillagebreedcharacteristics.No matterwhichto carry water, clearrivers, downvi olations, treatmentofblea chi ng,suchas wa ste reduction,flowhreeis t hebrand tocre ateartileading e nterpriseering tree "bigsix",vigorouslycarry outwastereductintageinto full play,e speciallytheexcl usive a
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