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1、南充市2020年小升初英語(yǔ)模擬試題及答案(后附聽(tīng)力材料)(試卷滿(mǎn)分100分,考試時(shí)間90分鐘)聽(tīng)力部分(總分30分)一、聽(tīng)單詞或短語(yǔ),選擇相應(yīng)的圖片。(5分)二、聽(tīng)句子,判斷下列句子與你所聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容是(T)否(F)相符。(5分)()1. Your feet are smaller than mine.()2. How heavy are you?()3. I cleaned my room and watched TV()4. Did you do anything else yesterday?()5. It's taller than both of us together.i三、

2、聽(tīng)問(wèn)句,根據(jù)所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容選擇相應(yīng)的答語(yǔ)(10 分)()1.A.I'm 58 kilograms.()2.A.I watched TV.()3.A.Yes, I do.()4.A.Size 38.()5.A.I'm fine.B.I'm 13 years old.B.I'm watching TV.B.Yes,I did.B.My feet are bigger.B.It was good.C.I'm 1.61 metres.C.I often watch TVC.Yes, I am.C.38 kilograms.C.I was good.四、聽(tīng)短文,判斷句子

3、正(T)誤(F)。(10 分)()1. Bill went to see animals last weekend.()2. Bill took many pictures.()3. Bill's mum went shopping.()4. Bill's dad read some magazines.()5. Bill's family had a good time last weekend.筆試部分(總分70分)五、根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)意思完成句子。(10分)1. She likes(S 武術(shù)).2. They go home 公共汽車(chē)).3. Turn left at t

4、he 衣通燈)4. I want to 色看電影)5. They are going to看望父母).六、連線(xiàn)(5分)6. )1. How do you go to the USA?A. Great!7. )2. Let ' s go to the park.B. It ' s near the post office.8C. Sure.()4. Where is the cinema?()5. Can I go by bike?七、選擇題。(15 分 )D. She goes home on foot.E. I go by plane.()3. How does Amy go

5、 home?) 1. This iseraser, and you can see my name oneraser.A. an.,the B a, the C.an,/) 2. The boy is Bob Green. Hisis Bob.A.family name B. middle name C.first name) 3. My sister and Iin the reading room.A.isB. beC.are) 4. Are you going the Great Wall this summer?A.to visitB.visitC.visiting) 5.I don&

6、#39; t like eating,but i have three.A.chickens, chicken B. chicken, chicken C.chicken, chickens) 6. Does Jimmy sityour right?A.inB. onC.by) 7.Imy key everywhere, but I didn tit.A. found; look for B. look for; found C. looked for, tins) 8.Many students in our school enjoyin class.A. listening music B

7、. listening to music C listen to music) 9.This term Miss Li teaches English and we lovevery much.A.our; herB. us.;sheC. us. her( )10. -Would you like some green tea?I'm very thirsty.( 口渴的)A. No thanks.B. Yes, please.C. No, just a little.()11. -Do you like? 一Yes , I do.A. swimB.swimming C .swims(

8、)12. My sister playing sports.A. like B likes C. loving()13. -what's your hobby? -.A. He is a student,B. I'm reading a book.C. I like watching TV.()14.-Does your pen pal live in Beijing? -.A. She is from USA.B. She likes reading.C. Yes, she does()5. -How does your pen pal go to work?A. He go

9、es to work by busB. He lives in Hangzhou.C . He goes to bed at 9:00 PM.八、用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(每小題2分,共10分)1. His schoolbag is(big) than yours.2.There were no(star)in the sky at all.3.John is going to(study)Chinese next weekend?4.She can(play) the erhu in our class.5.Did you help( they ) clean their room

10、?九、補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(huà),選擇正確的句子使句子完整(10分)Amy : What's this?Tom: It's a photo of the Tianshan Mountain. It's very long.Amy : 1.Tom: It's about two thousand and five hundred kilometres long.Amy : 2.Tom: It's in Xinjiang.Amy : 3.Tom: It's very big. 4.Amy : Wow! How big it is!Tom: 5.A. How long

11、is it?B.It's about 576 thousand square kilometres.C. How big is it?D. Where is it?E. I will visit Xinjiang someday.十、閱讀理解。(10分)My name is Bill Smith. I'm American and I'm a student in a middle school.I'm 13 years old. My hobbies are music and football. My two sisters are students, to

12、o. We live in Washington, D. C. now. My mother is a teacher and my father is a manager of a small company. I'd like a pen friend from China. Please write to 11 West Stree,t Washington, D. C. , 921081, the USA.()1. Bill Smith is A. AmericanB. ChineseC. English()2. How old is Bill?A. 13 years old.

13、B. 11 years old.C. 9 years old.A. music()3. Bill Smith likes .B. footballC. Both A and B()4. Bill's father is a .A. teacherB. managerC. doctor()5. Now Bill lives in .A. ChinaB. EnglandC. the US(10分 )以“My Favourite Festival為題寫(xiě)一篇短文要求: 1. 描述自己最喜歡的節(jié)日, 說(shuō)明喜歡的原因。2. 條理清楚 , 意思連貫 , 語(yǔ)句通順, 標(biāo)點(diǎn)正確 , 書(shū)寫(xiě)規(guī)范、清晰。3.

14、 不少于 50 個(gè)單詞。三、四、1. A2. A3. B4. A參考答案5. B1. T1. C1. T2. F3. F4. T5. T2. A3. B4. A5. B2. T3. F4. F5. T5、 1. doing kung fu 2. by bus 3. traffic lights 4. see a film 5. visit their6、 1-5 EADBC7、 1-5 ACCAC 6-10 BBBCB 11-15 BBCCA8、 1.bigger2.stars 3.study 4.play 5.them9、 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. E十、 1. A 2.

15、 A 3. C 4. B 5. CMy Favourite FestivalMy favourite festival is the Spring Festival because I have lots of funduring the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is an important festival inour country. It is usually in January or February. Our family members gettogether. We have a big dinner in my grandp

16、arents home. I always eatof delicious food. My cousin and I both get red packets from our grandparents. We often watch TV at home and sometimes read books. I'm very happy during the Spring Festival. What is your favourite festival?聽(tīng)力材料:1、 1. stronger2. longer3. smaller4. had a cold5. watched TV2

17、、 1. Your feet are smaller than mine.2. I'm heavier than you.3. I washed my clothes and watched TV.4. Did you do anything else yesterday?5. It's taller than both of us together.3、 1. How tall are you?2. What did you do on the weekend?3. Did you see a film last night?4. What size are your shoes?5. How was your weekend?4、 M : Hello, I'm Bill. My family had a good time last weekend. Let me tell you. I went to the


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