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1、Unit1 SectionA Time-Conscious AmericansDetailed study of the Text1. Americans believe no one stands still.(Para.1)Meaning:Americans believe no one keeps motionless;everyone moves.Here “stand means “keep or stay in a particular position or state.In this sense, “stand is followed by adjectives.More ex

2、amples:The room stands idle .這房間閑置著。Stand firm-dont let them tell you what to do.要堅(jiān)決,不要讓他們對(duì)你指手畫腳。They stand opposed to the new law.他們反對(duì)這項(xiàng)新法律。2. you are falling behind. (Para.1) fall behind : move more slowly than other people so that one is behind them. fall behind in science在科學(xué)方面落后 fall behind ones

3、 competitors落后于競爭對(duì)手。The student has been working hard for fear that he shuold fall behind .這個(gè)學(xué)生一直很努力,唯恐落后。3. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching ,experimenting and exploring. (Para.1)Meaning:This way of thinking and doing things causes Americans to devote their time

4、and ennergy to researching , experimenting and exploring. result in : make something happen; cause Acting before thinking always results in failure.做事不事先考慮總會(huì)導(dǎo)致失敗。 The accident resulted in the death of two people.這場事故造成兩人死亡。 compare:result from:be caused by something that has happened previouslyNothi

5、ng has resulted from his efforts.他的努力終成泡影。The childs illness resulted from eating unclean food.孩子生病是由于吃了不干凈的事物。4. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully ,the other being labor. (Para.1)Meaning:Americans use two things with great care(or:Americans never waste two things ):One i

6、s time and the other is labor.Notice here we have a special type of adverbial clause : “the other being labor.The structure is:subject+V-ing(or:V-ed).This type of clause can also be put at the beginning of the whole sentence.No further discussions arising ,the meeting was brought to an end.沒有作進(jìn)一步討論,

7、會(huì)議就結(jié)束了。Lunch finished ,all the guests returned to the sitting room.吃完午飯,所有客人都回到了起居室。5. We are slaves to nothing but the clock(Para.2)Meaning:We are under the control of time only and nothing else,or we are only dominated by time slave to sth: a person who is being completely influenced or dominated

8、by somethinga slave to drink酒鬼a slave to money金錢的奴隸 nothing but:only Hes nothing but a criminal. 他只不過是個(gè)罪犯。 He did nothing but complain.他只是抱怨,別的什么都不干。6. We budget it ,save it ,waste it ,steal it ,kill it ,cut it ,account for it ;we also charge for it. (Para.2)Meaning:We plan how to spend it ,save it

9、,waste it ,spend it more efficiently ,find ways to pass it quickly ,reduce it ,explain how we use it ;we also money for it.In this sentence ,“time is used metaphorically as something of real value. budget:v.plan carefully how much of something will be neededShe has made so many commitments that she

10、has to budget her time very carefully.她容許下來的事太多,因而不得不精心安排自己的時(shí)間。By the time he learned to budget his resources , it was too late.到他學(xué)會(huì)理財(cái)時(shí),已經(jīng)太遲了。vi.plan the spending of money carefullyShe budgeted for buying a new car.她為買新汽車而方案節(jié)省開支。The government has budgeted for two bridges in the city.政府方案在該城市建造兩座橋,并

11、為此制定了預(yù)算。n.Cthe amount of money a person or organization has to spend on somethinga family/weeks budget 家庭/每周預(yù)算It is important to balance this years budget .重要的是要平衡今年的預(yù)算開支。 kill it (=kill time):make time pass quickly by finding something to do.We killed time by playing cards.我們用打紙牌來消磨時(shí)間。 He drove to

12、the club to kill a couple of hours.他駕車去俱樂部消磨了幾個(gè)小時(shí)。 account for:1)explan the cause of something解釋原因Jenny had to account to her husband for every penny she spent.珍妮得向丈夫說明每一分是怎樣花的。The man charged with the crime couldnt acount for the fact that the money was found in his house.被告無法解釋在他家里找到錢這個(gè)事實(shí)。2)make u

13、p a particular amount or part of something占據(jù)的比例North sea oil accounts for a high proportion of British trade earnings.北海石油占英國貿(mào)易收入的很大一局部。Paying rent accounts for half of my expenditures.我的開銷中租金占了一半。Girls account for half of the class. 女生占了我們班一半人數(shù) charge: v. ask somebody for amount of money for a serv

14、iceHow much do you charge for washing a car?你們洗一部車要收多少錢?We charge $200 a night for a single room.單人房每晚收費(fèi)200美元。7. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. (Para.2)Meaning:Many people have a very strong feeling that life is short.Notice the use of “sense in the followin

15、g examples:a sense of humor/duty/direction 幽默感/責(zé)任感/方向感 acute 1. (of feelings or the senses) fine; sharp 指感覺或感官深刻的,敏感的,鋒利的Dogs have an acute sense of smell.狗有靈敏的嗅覺。2. severe, very great 嚴(yán)重的There is an acute shortage of water in this region. 這個(gè)地區(qū)嚴(yán)重缺水.8. Once the sands have run out of a persons hourgla

16、ss,they cannot be replaced. (Para.2)Notice that the whole sentence is a metaphor,which means:Once time has passed ,it will not return. run out:1)(of food ,money ,etc.)there is none left Their supplies soon ran out .他們的補(bǔ)給很快就耗盡了。 Time is running out.時(shí)間快到了(或:時(shí)間不多了。) My pocket is running out quickly. 2)

17、use all of something and not have any left Im afraid weve run out of gas.我們的汽油恐怕已用完了。 Im running out of patience.我快沒耐心了。 replace:vt.1) put something back where it was beforeReplace the caps on the bottles.把瓶蓋蓋好。Replace the book on the shelf.把書放回到書架上。2) take the place ofGeorge has replaced Edward as

18、the personnel manager.喬治接替愛德華擔(dān)任人事部經(jīng)理。3) change some person or object for another ,often better ,newer ,etc.Well have to replace those old computers with new ones.我們必須用新電腦替換那些舊電腦。9. We want every minute to count. (Para.2)Meaning:We want every minute to be put into good use(since it is precious).10. e

19、veryone is in a rushoften under pressure. (Para.3)Meaning:everyone is doing things in a hurry, because they are often under pressure to do so. in a rush:in a hurryDont be in such a rush;youve only just now arrived .別這么急,你才剛剛到。Why is she always in a rush?為什么她總是匆匆忙忙的? 王進(jìn)喜生前常說,井沒壓力不出油;人沒壓力輕飄飄。during on

20、es lifetime/under no pressure/produce oil/under no stress/grow light-headedDuring his life time ,Wang Jinxi used to say ,“A well ,under no pressure ,does not produce oil ,while a man ,under no stress ,grow light-headed .11. restlessly seeking attention in a store ,or elbowing others(Para.3)Meaning:i

21、mpatiently trying to get service in a store , or pushing others out of the way by their elbows restless:a.unable to keep still because one is nervous ,bored ,or impatient.The passengers grew restless after waiting for half an hour at the bus stop.乘客們在汽車站等了半個(gè)小時(shí),變得不耐煩起來。With a month after he returned

22、home ,Billy had been restless,thinking about getting on the road again.回家一個(gè)月后,比利坐立不安,又想著上路外出了。 restlessly:ad.in a restless manner;impatientlyThe manager paced the floor of his office restlessly with so many problems on his mind.心頭壓著許多問題,經(jīng)理在辦公室里不安地走來走去。The man repeatedly looked at his watch while wal

23、king up and down restlessly in the room.那人一邊不耐煩地在屋子里走來走去,一邊一遍又一遍地看手表。 elbow:v.push others out of the way using elbowsShe elbowed her way through the crowd.她從人群中擠了過去。The old brands have been elbowed out of the home market.老品牌已經(jīng)被擠出了國內(nèi)市場。12. Racing through daytime meals一日三餐is part of the pace of life(=

24、rhythm of life) in this country. (Para.3)Meaning:Eating their meals hurriedly during the day is part of Americas fast pace of life. race through:do something in a hurryThe child raced through his homework in order to watch the football match on TV.為看電視轉(zhuǎn)播的足球賽,那孩子匆匆做完了作業(yè)。 13. Dont take it personally.

25、(Para.3)Meaning:Dont let it upset you(because they treat everybody this way;or because they are not doing this to you in particular). takepersonally:feel that a failure or unpleasant situation is your fault and be upset about itYou mustnt take her negative comments of your plan personally.你不應(yīng)該把她對(duì)你方案

26、的批評(píng)當(dāng)做對(duì)你個(gè)人的攻擊。 不得當(dāng)?shù)?,不得體地:beyond a certain appropriate point14. Many new arrivals in the States will miss the opening exchanges of a business call商業(yè)訪談(Para.4)Meaning:Many newcomers to the United States will be sad to find that there is no polite small talks at the beginning of a business call opening:

27、a.first;beginning;startingthe opening words開場白They returned to take part in the seasons opening game.他們回來參加本賽季首場比賽。n.1) C the beginning or first part of somethingThe opening of a book/film書/電影的開頭(局部)2) C an occasion when a new building ,road , etc. is used for the first time ,esp. one that involves

28、a ceremonyThree hundred people swarmed at the front door for the stores grand opening .有300人聚集在商店前門慶祝商店的盛大開業(yè)。3) C a position that is available in a business or firmThere were a few openings at the company , so he applied .那家公司有幾個(gè)空缺職位,所以他申請了。He inquired at the front desk about openings in the marketi

29、ng department.他在接待處詢問營銷部空缺職位的情況。15. They will miss the ritual interaction that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be a convention in their own country. (Para.4)Meaning:They will be sad because they will not have the usual exchanges(with the person who invited them)that go with a wel

30、coming cup of tea or coffee.These exchanges may be a common practice on similar occasions in their own country. go with:exist or take place at the same time with something elseRights always goes with obligations.權(quán)利總是伴隨著義務(wù)。Crime does not always goes with poverty.貧窮并不總是伴隨著犯罪。 convention:n.1) C,U gener

31、al,usu . unspoken agreement about how people should act or behave in certain situationsIt is a convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.男子在正式場合穿西裝是一種慣例。It was a convention for people to wear black to a funeral.穿黑色衣服參加葬禮是一種習(xí)俗。2) C a meeting of members of a profession ,political party ,etc

32、.Conventions are usually held in large cities.會(huì)議通常在大城市里舉行。Hotels try to attract conventions because they bring a lot of business.賓館設(shè)法承辦各種會(huì)議,因?yàn)闀?huì)議可以帶來大量生意。16. They may miss leisurely business chats(Para.4) leisurely:a.without hurryThey enjoyed a leisurely lunch at a restaurant.他們在餐館里享受了一頓悠閑的午餐。I had a

33、 leisurely glass of beer.我慢悠悠地品了一杯啤酒。In English, “-ly can be added to some nouns to form adjectives.Words of similar structure include:friendly ,brotherly ,fatherly ,etc.17. Normally ,Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over extended small talk(Para.4)Meaning:Usually

34、Americans do not judge or evaluate their visitors in relaxed places(such as restaurants or coffee houses)during long,light conversations assess:vt.judge the quality,importance,or worth of somebody or somethingHes so lazy that its difficult to assess his ability.他懶得很,所以很難評(píng)估他的能力。Its too early to asses

35、s the effects of the new law.要評(píng)價(jià)新法令的效果現(xiàn)在為時(shí)過早。 small talk:light conversation on unimportant or non-serious subjects18. much less do they take them out for dinner,or around on the golf course(Para.4)Meaning:it is even less likely that Americans take their visitors out for dinner or to play golfNote th

36、at te phrase “much less is often used after a negative statement ,to indicate that the statement is more true of the person ,thing ,or situation that you are going to mention .The old man can hardly walk ,much less run .這位老人幾乎不能行走,更不用說跑了。They are always short of water to drink ,much less to take a b

37、ath .他們連飲用水也總是不夠,更別提洗澡了。golf course:an area of grass which is designed for people to play golf on19. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially ,we start talking business very quickly. (Para.4)Meaning:Since in most cases we evaluate our visitors and ask them questions fr

38、om a professional point of view instead of from a social one,we start talking business very quickly(and there is no need to spend time on small talk and the like). probe:v.try to find out the truth about somethingThe police are probing(into) trading which breaks the law.警方正在調(diào)查非法交易。He probed(into) th

39、e housing market for a good opportunity to invest.他仔細(xì)研究房產(chǎn)市場,尋找投資的好時(shí)機(jī)。20. Time is ,therefore ,always ticking in our inner ear. (Para.4)Meaning:Therefore ,we are always aware of time.It is just like the constant sound of a clock that we hear.21. Consequently,we work hard at the task of saving time. (P

40、ara.5)Meaning:As a result ,we try our best to save time. consequently:ad.as a resultHe did nothing except practice ,and consequently he became a famous pianist.他專心練琴,最終成為著名的鋼琴家。The bank refused to help the company;consequently it went out of business.銀行拒絕幫助這家公司,公司因此倒閉了。 work at:put effort into somet

41、hing or doing somethingHe is working at being the best.他努力使自己成為最優(yōu)秀的。The director is working at increasing returns for investors.那位主管努力讓投資者獲得更大的回報(bào)。22. especially given our traffic-filled streets. (Para.5)Meaning: especially when we take into account our busy streets that are often full of traffic. gi

42、ven:prep.taking something into accountGiven tneir inexperience ,tneyve done a good job.考慮到他們?nèi)狈?jīng)驗(yàn),他們已經(jīng)做得不錯(cuò)了。Given her interest in children ,teaching should be the right career for her.從她對(duì)孩子們的興趣來看,教書應(yīng)該是適合她的職業(yè)。We can also use “given thatfor the same meaning:Given that the time is limited ,theyve done a

43、 good job.考慮到時(shí)間緊張,他們已經(jīng)做得不錯(cuò)了。sb. do sth. by/throughrather than by/through,which through, especially given某人是通過而不是通過做某事,雖然后者,但卻,尤其是考慮到在這種下雪天,我寧愿乘公交也不愿自己開車去上班,雖然自己開車自在,但更加危險(xiǎn),特別是考慮到我糟糕的駕駛技術(shù)。on such a snowy day/go to work/ones poor skills in drivingOn such a snowy day ,I would go to work by bus rather th

44、an by driving my car,which through comfortable ,is more dangerous especially given my poor skills in driving.23. We ,therefore ,save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings. (Para.5)Meaning:So ,if we want to pay a personal visit ,we can do it after work or on the

45、 weekend when there are social gatherings. savefor:keepfor future use以備后用 Do not spend all your money now;save some for another day.不要把錢現(xiàn)在都用完,留點(diǎn)以后哪天用。Can you save your story for later?你能不能把你的故事留在以后講?24. To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance

46、 of the matter at hand. (Para.6)Meaning:To us, the lack of personal feelings of electronic communication has little or no relation to the importance of the matter we are discussing. significance:n.sing.,Uthe importance of an event ,action ,etc.Money at this time holds no significance for him.現(xiàn)在錢對(duì)他并不

47、重要。The significance for college students to do a part-time job is more than money and experience.大學(xué)生打工的意義不僅僅在于錢和經(jīng)驗(yàn)。 at hand:1) under discussion;being consideredHer question is not related to the matter at hand.她提的問題跟正在考慮的事情無關(guān)。The question at hand relates to our use of resources.我們考慮的問題與資源利用相關(guān)。2) nea

48、r in time or positionThe great day is at hand.重大節(jié)日即將到來。Realizing that the end of his career is near at hand ,he looked for some additional income.意識(shí)到退休在即,他著手尋找額外的收入。Having the right equipment at hand will be very helpful.手邊有適宜的設(shè)備可用將非常有幫助。25. In some countries no major business is conducted without e

49、ye contact ,requiring face-to-face conversation. (Para.6)Meaning:In some countries ,important business must be carried out with eye contact,and through face-to-face conversation. conduct:vt.正式用語:conduct a survey1) carry outI decided to conduct an experiment.我決定做一個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)。A team from the United Nations wi

50、ll observe the election to be sure that it is fairly conducted.聯(lián)合國代表團(tuán)將觀察這次選舉,以保證其公正性。2) act as the path for electricity ,heat ,etc.Plastic and rubber wont conduct electricity ,but copper will.塑料和橡膠不導(dǎo)電,但是銅導(dǎo)電。26. In America ,too ,a final agreement will normally be signed in person. (Para.6) in person:

51、doing something by oneselfWill you apply for the position by letter or in person?你是寫信還是親自前去申請那個(gè)職位?The general manager wanted to talk to him in person.總經(jīng)理要親自和他談話。27. However ,people are meeting increasingly on television screens ,coducting “teleconferences to settle problems(Para.6)Meaning:However ,p

52、eople are meeting more and more through television ,holding teleconferences to solve problems increasingly: ad.more and moreThe eastern part of the country has become increasingly populous since the start of the economic reform.該國的東部地區(qū)自經(jīng)濟(jì)改革以來人口越來越密集。It is increasingly difficult to find a teaching po

53、sition at a university.要在大學(xué)里找到一個(gè)教職越來越難。28. This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here,whereas the postal service is less efficient. (Para.7)Meaning:This is partly because of the fact that the telephone service is excellent here ,but by contrast the postal service is not

54、 so good. due to: because of somethingThe flood was due to the melting of snow.洪水是雪水融化造成的。Her success was due to her great love for her work.她成功是因?yàn)樗浅釔鬯墓ぷ鳌?whereas:conj.in contrast;while“Whereas is often used to introduce a comment which contrasts with what is said in main clause. Some students en

55、joy English classes ,whereas some hate them.有些學(xué)生喜歡英語課,而有些人卻討厭英語課。 They want to see a movie ,whereas we would rather stay at home.他們想去看電影,而我們寧愿呆在家里。In this sentence ,“whereas is readily replaceble by “while without any change in meaning.For example: Their country has plenty of oil ,while ours has non

56、e.他們國家石油豐富,而我們國家那么一點(diǎn)也沒有。sb./sth. does/is sth. ,whereas/while sb./sth. else does/is sth. else.某人/某物,然而另一個(gè)人/某物用于表達(dá)事物之間的反差 enjoyhate人的生命是有限的,而其對(duì)生命的熱情是無限的。be finite/ones passion for life/be infiniteOnes life is finite ,whereas ones passion for life is infinite.29. Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse ,it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant ,not worthy of proper respect.(Para.8)Meaning:If they dont spend some time dealing with a certain task ,it will give the impression ,in their opinion ,that the task being consid


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