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1、Unit7 How much are these socks ? 第一課時: New words and phrases Teaching and learning Goals:一、知識和能力目標: 1.能爭取學會使用下列單詞,短語造句子:clothes , sweater, jacketT-shirt ,shorts, trousers ,shoes ,socks ,dollar,big , small ,long,short,shirtBuy,sell,sale ,price,one-thirty,take, need ,How much,a pair of ,etc2. Understa

2、nd, translate and retell a passage made up of the above Curriculum words and phrases according to a mind map (理解、翻譯并復述用課標內單詞編寫的短文。)二、學習策略1,Remember the Curriculum words and phrases in specific situations. (在語境中記憶單詞)2,Repeating , Cooperation,歸納三、情感目標:Offer help and Thanks (提供幫助,感謝他人)Teaching and lear

3、ning steps:Step1: Learn to read the words on P37-411. Read the new words using the phonetics(音標) and mark(標記) the words difficult to pronounce (難發(fā)音的單詞).2. Read the marked words in turn in small groups. One student read, the others listen and help to correct the wrong pronunciation(糾正錯誤發(fā)音).3. Several

4、 students read the words aloud in turn in class and the others correct their wrong pronunciations.4. Read after the tape.5. Read the words aloud by yourselves again. (設計意圖:目的是通過預習單詞,學生基本上能按音節(jié)拼讀記憶單詞,改變了傳統(tǒng)死記硬背記單詞的方法,再讓 學生分組讀、跟錄音讀便于糾正學生的發(fā)音。為下一步本課的學習打好鋪墊。)Step2 Learn to remember words on P37-41一Remember

5、 the words by looking at pictures. a sweater a jacket T-shirt Trousers shortstrousers these trousers/those trousers/a pair of trousers shoes sockts 美元 (USD = United States Dollar) 20 dollars ($20) buy -sell big 大的 大號的_small 小的 小號的 long 長的short 短的 二Remember the words by their similar pronunciations a

6、nd forms.(一)1. short T-shirt shoeshe 2. girl skirt thirteen thirty 3. need see meet week 4 sale take tape name 13-19(二)Learn these numbers and find out the rules.1-1220-90numbers1. (112) one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve2.(1319) thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventee

7、n eighteen nineteen3.(2090) twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety三Remember the words by their opposites.1.big small 2.short long 3.buy sell4.boy girl 5.woman man 6.Mr. Mrs.四Remember the words by conversion(轉換) 、complex words (合成)and derivative(派生)1.shorts(n.短褲) short (adj.短的)2.sweate

8、r(n.毛衣) sweat (n.汗)3.clothes (n.衣服;服裝)cloth (n.布)4. twelfth(num.第十二) twelve (num.十二)五. Remember the words by their Chinese. 1. 許多,大量的 2.一雙 3. 很,非常 4. 我能幫你嗎?5.給你六.Remember words by looking at the pictures and semantic The boy is my friend .his shoes are black,His socksare whiteHis shorts are blue,His

9、 Tshirt is white ,too.I like him veryMuch. The girlname is Mary .Her skirt is redher hat is yellow Her Tshirt is green and blueWe all like her.(設計意圖:記憶單詞的方法很多,利用多種手段和多種形式呈現給學,來吸引學生的興趣,降低難度擴大學生的詞匯量。例如:通過圖畫和簡單的句子記憶,學生易于接受,印象深刻;用一詞多義,合成,派生等等方法能使學生舉一反三,極大的擴充詞匯量;通過重點短語對比和漢意的方式全面的加深對詞匯的理解。)Step 3 Consolid

10、ation of words Ask the students to read the words and phrases and their Chinese. Cover the English words and phrases , look at the Chinese and say the English for them. Write down the words they havent grasped.(設計意圖:此環(huán)節(jié)為鞏固單詞。不達標學生,需要利用自習課或課余的時間讓小組長跟蹤檢查,盡量能讓 學生順利過關,教師應及時督促、讓小組長反饋檢查的結果,做好跟蹤檢查。)Step 4

11、Read the story and translate into Chinese:1. Ask the students to read the passage silently, and underline the new words and phrasesCome to Guangming Clothes Store!Our clothes store is not big ,but it has many clothes  .Can I help you? Please tell me.Our clothes are on s

12、ale .for girls, skirt is a good choice. They are in diffirent color. It's only 15 yuan.? You can buy bags for sports and school. They sell them for only 4 yuan. The black hats for only 12 yuan each. We have great T-shirt for only ¥22. You can buy sweaters for only 1

13、8yuan.For boys,we have black trousers for only twenty-two dollars., How much are the jackets?Only thirty dollars!And we have black shoes for only twenty-eight dollars.Socks are only two dollars for three pairs! .come here and have a look.you will find what you

14、 like.2. Translate the story into Chinese in groups of three.3. Read the story fluently by themselves. (設計意圖;利用本單元的生詞編寫一段廣告,這為學生學習單詞創(chuàng)設了有意義的語境;在語境中了解詞匯的意義和詞匯的表意功能,體現學生在語境中接觸和理解真實語言,有助于學生有效記憶和使用詞匯。 Step 5 Mind map (思維樹)1.Get the students to read the mind map and fill in the mind map according to

15、the passage , they can discuss it in groups if necessary. bag4yuanGuangming Clothes Store Skirt15 yuanJacket30 dollarsFor boyfor girlHat12 yuanT-shirt¥22.Shoes28 dollars Socks2dollars 3pairsTrousers22 dollarssweaters18yuan1. Get the students to retell the article using the mind map(s). (設計意圖:詞不離句,句不

16、離篇。在學生掌握本單元單詞的基礎上,再學習由本單元的生詞編成了一篇促銷廣告,引導學生不僅記憶詞匯本身的意義,同時在具體的語境中體會它的意義。體現了詞不離句,句不離篇的教學原則。有助于學生學習理解和使用本單元的詞匯。)Step 6 Homework(能力提升)If you have 200 RMB. You can buy anything you like. Please complete your plan and make yourself much more beautiful and nicer (pay attention to the price and color).Step 7

17、當堂檢測一根據句意和首字母完成單詞. 1. The blue hat is seven d_. 2. How much are the _(短襪)? 3. My _(毛衣) is red. 4.How m_ is your skirt? 20dollars.二按要求寫出單詞。1.sock (復數)_2.shoe(復數)_ 3.dollar(復數)_4. woman(復數)_5.small (反義詞)_6.long(反義詞)_7. sell (反義詞)_二英漢互譯1.紅色毛衣 _2.多少錢?_3.白襪子 _ 4.給你 _ 5.一雙鞋_6.出售_7.九美元_亮點: 本單元的單詞課堂設計基本涵蓋了本單元的詞匯,單詞的認讀部分體現了自主學習基礎上的合作學習;單詞的記憶部分意在引導學生形成有效的單詞學習策略;短文編寫則是讓學生在語義場范疇內體會單詞的運用;而Mind map更是培養(yǎng)學生樹立起語篇的脈絡意識以及全面分析問題和解決問題問題的能力。不足之處:一節(jié)課內容設計的有些多,如果合理的利用,還是能充分完成的。同時本節(jié)課容量較大,部分環(huán)節(jié)不能很好的展示與訓練。使用建議:首先要對單元內容達到熟練掌握,能夠基本明確單詞在單元中的位置及其用法


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