



1、Personal introductionGood afternoon, dear professor: Its my great honor to be here today. I really appreciate that you can give me this opportunity. Frankly speaking, I have yearned for today nearly for one year. First of all, please let me have a brief introduction of myself.My name is XXX. 23 year

2、s old. I come from XXX, a very beautiful city. Now I study in XXXX University, majoring in Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations. It was my parents who give me power and support all the time. I hope that I get good grades in return for their love and care.It is the very year that my

3、alma mater celebrates its 100th birthday. I feel great happy that I can experience it during my last year in this school. During four years study, I gain a lot, not only on specialized knowledge but also scientific way of thinking. I will try my best to be a diligent person with sincerity and fortit

4、ude as my school requires. I love this school very much. It also makes me know what I really want.I am an enterprising person. To pursue my dreams, I will keep studying hard all the time. As the saying goes,” early bird catches the worm”, Im never lazy for anything. I believe that “Genius is one per

5、cent inspiration and ninety percent of perspiration”, so I never give up and always keep positive attitude. Choosing this major for further study, which is what Im interested, is my prudent decision. It motivates me to study intensively. If given the opportunity to study in topping university, I thi

6、nk I will make best use of it to study.In my spare time, I often do sports to build up my body, go to library to extend knowledge and surf the internet, such as the Science Squirrels, to flourish my understanding on science. But the knowledge sea is boundless, the more I learn, the more I want to le

7、arn. I take the postgraduate examination for following three reasons. Firstly, I love my major and this major will help me better to serve my country. Secondly, I am not content with what I have learned now. I long for the advanced study in this field. Thirdly, studying in XXXX University is my pare

8、nts high expectation to me, and also my dream for a long time. I wanted to take a further study on the graduate level because I am interested in Automation and I know the professors present today are experts in this field of studies, I hope I can improve the practical ability. I am a boy full of pas

9、sion and enthusiasm, I will do anything if I can do. I know that if I became a graduate student of automation will be little time for rest and recreation, but I am ready for it."The man of honor will strive constantly for self-improvement". Now I believe I have already owned the ability to

10、 accomplish the task alone or with teamwork. I know how to deal with problems no matter in life and study. I have the confidence that I will be good enough to devote to our society after three years study in XXXX University. I really look forward to this opportunity. Thank you very much. Thank you下午

11、好,尊敬的教授:Good afternoon, dear professor: 非常的榮幸有機會參加此次面試,非常感謝你們給我這個機會來參加面試。首先,請容許我簡單介紹下自己。 Its my great honor to be here today. I really appreciate that you can give me this opportunity. Frankly speaking, I have yearned for today nearly for one year. First of all, please let me have a brief introducti

12、on of myself. 我叫XXXX,現(xiàn)在就讀于XXXX,本科專業(yè)是測控技術與儀器(Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations)。來自XXXX,一個非常美麗的城市。父母非常的支持我考研,時刻站在我的身后支持著我。我期待能以一個好成績來報答他們的養(yǎng)育之恩和殷切期望!My name is XXXX. 23 years old. I come from XXXX, a very beautiful city. Now I study in Zhejiang Gongshang University, majoring in Meas

13、uring and Control Technology and Instrumentations. It was my parents who give me power and support all the time. I hope that I get good grades in return for their love and care. (介紹本科院校) 今年正好是我的母校XXXX 100年校慶,身為學子,能經(jīng)歷學校的百年生日,我感到異常的榮幸與高興!澎湃的錢塘江在旁默默守護著我們,杭州西湖的靈秀靜靜陶冶著我們。母校本著“誠毅勤樸”的校訓,時刻教導著我們。大學四年的學習生活,讓

14、我受益匪淺,不僅讓我掌握了專業(yè)知識,培養(yǎng)了科學的思維方式,更讓我明白了怎么做人。 It is the very year that my alma mater celebrates its 100th birthday. I feel great happy that I can experience it during my last year in this school. During four years study, I gain a lot, not only on specialized knowledge but also scientific way of thinking.

15、 I will try my best to be a diligent person with sincerity and fortitude as my school requires. I love this school very much. It also makes me know what I really want. 我是個很有追求的人,一直為了實現(xiàn)自己的人生目標而不懈努力。勤奮好學,肯學,肯干,有一定的自學能力。積極樂觀,不拋棄,不放棄,是我的信條。選擇這個專業(yè)繼續(xù)深造,是我慎重的決定,是我的興趣所在,它能夠不斷驅使著我去鉆研,去學習。對于未來的學習,一定盡自己最大的努力學習

16、,不叫一日閑過。跟隨導師,不僅學習他的專業(yè)知識,更學習他的人格魅力。I am an enterprising person. To pursue my dreams, I will keep studying hard all the time. As the saying goes,” early bird catches the worm”, Im never lazy for anything. I believe that “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety percent of perspiration”, so I never

17、 give up and always keep positive attitude. Choosing this major for further study, which is what Im interested, is my prudent decision. It motivates me to study intensively. If given the opportunity to study in topping university, I think I will make best use of it to study.在專業(yè)學習之余,我經(jīng)常參加體育運動來強健體魄,去圖

18、書館借閱書籍來豐富自己的世界觀,瀏覽科技網(wǎng)站(如科學松鼠會Scientific Squirrels)來豐富自己的科學素養(yǎng)和見解。越學習,越感到無知,就愈發(fā)的想要去更深的去鉆研。我考研的原因,一是我喜歡這個專業(yè),且這個專業(yè)在全國舉足輕重;二是我不滿足于本科的所學,希望在更高的平臺上深造。我自己的追求和父母的期望,驅動著我去考研In my spare time, I often do sports to build up my body, go to library to extend knowledge and surf the internet. But the knowledge sea i

19、s boundless, the more I learn, the more I want to learn. I take the postgraduate examination for following three reasons. Firstly, I love my major and this major will help me better to serve my country. Secondly, I am not content with what I have learned now. I long for the advanced study in this fi

20、eld. Thirdly, studying in XXXX University is my parents high expectation to me, and also my dream for a long time. I wanted to take a further study on the graduate level because I am interested in Automation and I know the professors present today are experts in this field of studies, I hope I can improve the practical ability. I am a boy full of passion and enthusiasm, I will do anything if I can do. I know


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