已閱讀5頁,還剩37頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、 電氣部分 ELECTRIC PART一、常用詞匯 Words and expression 2182千赫值班接收機 2182KHz watch receiverA異常 Abnormal 應答 Acknowledge 有功功率 Active power執(zhí)行器 Actuator 調整 Adjust 空氣斷路器 Air circuit breaker報警系統 Alarm system 交流電 Alternating current 電流表 ammeter放大器 Amplifier51模擬 Analog(ue)錨燈 Anchor light 風速風向儀 Anemorumbometer 陽極 Anod

2、e 天線 Antenna 天線饋線連接器 Antenna feeder connector 天線引入絕緣端子 Antenna leading in insulator 天線共用器 Antenna multicoupler天線調諧器 Antenna tuner電焊機 Arc welder聲音的 Audible 自動海圖標繪儀 Auto chart plotter自動舵 Auto pilot自動的 Automatic52自動雷達標繪儀 Automatic radar plotting aid 自動電話 Automatic telephone 電壓自動調節(jié)器 Automatic voltage re

3、gulator 自動化系統 Automation system 壓載控制臺 Ballast control console 鎮(zhèn)流器 Ballast 底座 Base 電池 Battery鈴 Bell彎曲 Bend 床頭燈 Berth light失電 Black out 剎車 Brake 電刷 Brush 53球鼻首警告燈 Bulbous bow warning light 匯流排 Bus(-)bar 匯流排 Bus tie in 蜂鳴器 Buzzer電纜 Cable 電纜填料函 Cable gland 敷設電纜 Cable laying電纜管 Cable pipe (conduit)電纜扎帶 C

4、able strap電纜托架 Cable tray校準器 Calibrator 電容 capacitor陰板 Cathode警告牌 Caution plate54頂燈 Ceiling light 中央處理器 Central processing unit 通道 Channel 充電器 Charger充放電板 Charging&discharging board海圖燈 Chart table light檢查 Check 芯片 Chip清潔 Clean 雨雪清除器 Clear view screen二氧化碳釋放報警 CO2 release alarm 同軸電纜 Coaxial cable

5、線圈 Coil 冷庫呼叫 Cold store calling 55通訊 Communication 計算機 Computer接頭 Connector 恒電流 Constant current 消耗 Consumption 觸頭 Contact 接觸器 Contactor 控制箱 Control box 控制箱 Controller芯線 Core 角燈 Corner light 計算器 Counter電流 Current D、損壞 Damage56危險氣體報警箱 Dangerous gas detecting &alarm box 白晝信號燈 Daylight signal light

6、 去耦 Decoupling set 臺燈 Desk light 控測器 Detector 撥號 Dial 數字選擇呼叫收信機 Digital select call receiver調光器 dimmer直流電 Direct current 直接起動 Direct on line starting 磁盤 Disk 顯示 Display 遇險信息控制器 Distress message controller多普勒記程儀 Doppler speed log 57雙極單刀開關 Double pole single way switch雙極雙刀開關 Double pole two way switch

7、 天線收發(fā)轉換開關 Duplexer值班水手呼叫 Duty sailor calling 接地 Earth 接地排 Earth bar 測深儀 Echo sounder電工試驗板 Electric test panel電機員 Electrical engineer 電極 Electrode 應急照明分電箱 Emergence lighting distribution box應急示位標 Emergence position indicating radio beacon 應急停 Emergence stop58應急配電板 Emergency switch board 機艙報警 Engine a

8、larm 集控臺 Engine control console 機艙監(jiān)測報警 Engine room monitoring &alarm system 輪機員呼叫 Engineer calling panel 輪機員安全 Engineer safety system增強群呼叫收訊機 Enhance group call receiver 交換機 Exchanger防爆燈 Explosion proof light 延伸報警板 Extension alarm panel 故障 Failure 故障 Fault 反饋 Feed back59饋電品 Feeder panel 濾波器 Filt

9、er火警復顯器 Fire alarm repeater防火風閘控制單元 Fire damper control unit 火警檢測箱 Fire detecting box 火焰探頭 Flame detector 閃光燈 Flash light浮充電 Float charge 強光燈 Flood light流程圖 Flow chart 流量開關 Flow switch 熒光燈 Fluorescent light 霧笛 Fog horn 頻率 Frequency60熔絲 Fuse 填料 Gasket 通用報警 General alarm 發(fā)電機 Generator 發(fā)電機屏 Generator p

10、anel (銅)鑼、鐘 Gong 全球衛(wèi)星定位導航 GPS navigator 組合燈板 Group alarm light pillar 組合起動屏 Group starter panel 電羅經 Gyro compass鹵素燈 Halogen light 聽筒 Handset 硬件 Hardware航向 Heading61感溫探頭 Heat detector 底座 Holder電笛、喇叭 Horn 病房呼叫 Hospital calling 照明 Illumination 白熾燈 Incandescent light 指示器 Indicator 衛(wèi)星B站 INMARSAT B statio

11、n衛(wèi)星C站 INMARSAT C station輸入輸出 Input /output 安裝 Install儀表 Instrument 絕緣膠帶 Insulating tape絕緣 Insulation 62接口、界面 Interface連鎖 Interlock 中斷 Interrupt逆變器 Inverter 接線盒 Junction box 鍵盤 Keyboard 燈泡 Lamp液位開關 Level switch液位傳感器 Level transmitter燈 Light 燈柱 Light column照明分電箱 Light distribution box 避雷針 Lighting arr

12、ester63限位開關 Limit switch 連接 Link 負載 Load 勞萊收信機 Loran receiver磁羅經 Magnetic compass主機電子調速器 Main engine electronic governor 主機功率、紐力儀 Main engine power& torque unit 主機遙控系統 Main engine remote control system主機轉速表 Main engine revolution meter 主機安全系統 Main engine safety system主機增壓器轉速表 Main engine turbo-c

13、harger speed meter主配電板 Main switchboard 手動手冊 Manual64標記 Mark 桅桿 Mast light 母子鐘 Master& slave clock 匹配箱 Matching box 測量 Measure 兆歐表 Megohmmeter儀表 Meter話筒 Microphone 鏡向燈 Mirror light監(jiān)視器 Monitor 監(jiān)視器 Monitor 莫斯鍵 Morse key電動機 Motor 塑殼斷路器 Moulded case circuit breaker鼠標 Mouse 65移動 Move 萬用表 Multimeter銘牌

14、 Name plate窄頻直接打印機 Narrow-band direct printer航行燈 Navigation light 導航系統 Navigation system航行監(jiān)控臺 Navigation watch console 航行警告收信機 NAVTEX receiver負極 Negative網絡 Network 標稱值 Nominal value 常閉 Normally closed 常開 Normally open 失控燈 Not under-command light 66歐姆表 Ohm gauge 歐姆收信機 Omega receiver車鐘記錄儀 Order printe

15、r示波器 Oscilloscope 過電流 Over current 過載 Overload 巴拿馬動河操舵燈 Panama canal steering light 并聯、并車 Parallel 相 Phase 光敏電阻 Photo resister測速傳感器 Pick up 插頭 Plug 左舷燈 Port light 便攜電話 Portable telephone 67正極 Positive 功率、電源 Power電力分電箱 Power distribution box 功率因素 Power factor 優(yōu)先卸載 Preferential trip 壓力開關 Pressure swit

16、ch 壓力傳感器 Pressure switch 一次系統 Primary system 打印機 Printer程序 Program螺旋槳警告燈 Propeller warning light 廣播 Public addressor 脈沖 Pulse 按鈕 Push button 68雷達 Radar 雷達應答器 Radar transponder收音機 Radio無線電測向儀 Radio direction finder隨機存取存儲器 Radio system額定 Random access memory 無功電流 Rated power插座 Receptacle 錄音機、記錄儀 Recor

17、der整流器 Rectifier繼電器 Relay 復位 Reset 69電阻 Resistance 逆功率 Reverse power旋轉燈 Rotating light 舵角指示器 Rudder angle indicator運轉燈 Running lamp屏幕、屏蔽 Screen 螺絲刀 Screwdriver搜索燈 Search light 二次系統 Secondary system 串聯 Series 屏蔽 Shield 船名燈 Ship name light 岸電箱 Shore connection box 短路 Short circuit 70展示、給-看 Show 分勵脫扣 S

18、hunt trip停車 Shut down 簽字 Sign 信號集合箱 Signal acquisition unit 信號燈 Signal light 單邊帶收發(fā)機 Single side band transceiver電笛 Siren 慢車 Slow down 煙氣探測報警箱 Smoke detecting &alarm box 感煙探頭 Smoke detector 插座 Socket 軟件 Software 電烙鐵 Soldering iron71電磁閥 Solenoid valve消音 Sound off聲力電話 Sound power telephone空間加熱器 Spa

19、ce heater扳手 Spanner喇叭 Speaker分配器 Distributor右舷燈 Starboard light 起動 Start 起動帶 Start 尾燈 Stern light 停止 Stop蘇伊士運河尾燈 Suez canal stern light 支撐物 supporter72開關 Switch 打開 Switch on 關閉 Switch off同步屏 Synchronizing panel 同步表 Synchronoscope 轉速表 Tachometer錄音機 Tape recorder車鐘 Telegraph 電視 Television 溫度開關 Tempera

20、ture switch 溫度傳感器 Temperature transmitter接線柱 Terminal 接線排 Terminal board 試驗 Test 73驗電筆 Test pen 試驗程序 Test procedure 熱敏電阻 Thermistor 熱電偶 Thermocouple 溫度計 Thermometer恒溫計 Thermostat觸摸屏 Touch panel 軌跡球 Trackball收發(fā)機 Transceiver傳感器 Transmitter變壓器 Transformer脫扣 Trip欠電壓 Under voltage 不中斷電源 Uninterrupted pow

21、er source74卸載 Unload 超高頻 VHF telephone 視覺的 Visual電壓 Voltage 電壓表 Voltmeter壁燈 Wall light 瓦特 Watt波道 Waveguide 氣象傳真收信機 Weather fax receiver 駕控臺 Wheel speed &direction indicator 風速風向儀 Wind speed &direction indicator 繞組 Winding 刮雨器 Window wiper電線 Wire 二、會話 Dialog and conversation 船東 o- owner驗船師 s-

22、survey 檢驗員 q-quality inspector 電工 e-electrician1、檢驗電纜敷設Inspection cable laying 好,走吧。我們先檢查下平臺的電纜敷設,然后上去,最后是上平臺Q: Ok ,Lets go .first ,we will check cable laying of lower floor .then ,go upstairs until upper platform你看這里。托架上的電纜不整齊。Q:you see here .these cables on the cable tray are out of order一會兒,我將整理這

23、些電纜。E:Ill put them in order later花鐵板下的電纜要穿電纜管。The cable hole the floor should be run in cable pipe 對的,是穿電纜管,你可以逐一檢查E: Ok ,they are run in cable pipe .you could check one by one 這兒,你能給豎直電纜托架上增加一些金屬電纜托加S: here ,could you add some metal cable straps on the vertical cable tray? 77是,沒問題。Yes, no problem 我

24、在檢驗單上寫了一些意見。你們修改好后,請通知我,我會再來檢察院查。謝謝合作!Ill write some remarks on the inspect on Report .please inform me after you modify these items ,and Ill come here to check again, thank you for your cooperation !沒關系。再見 E: you are welcome Bye-bye 再見!O:good-bye!2、今天,我們檢查那些電動機?Which motors shall we check today?我們將

25、檢驗主滑油泵、主機凸輪軸滑油泵、主機缸套冷卻水泵、主機低溫冷卻水泵、主海水泵等的電動機We are going to check the motors of main L.O pump, M/E camshaft L.O pump, M/E jacket cooling water pump ,M/E L.T fresh cooling water pump ,main sea water pump etc.請打開電動機接線盒蓋Please open the cover of junction box on the motor 這根線松了。請擰緊。你能測量電動機的絕緣嗎?This wire i

26、s loose .please tight it .could you measure the insulation of the motor?你看兆歐表,電動機的絕緣不錯。You look at the megohmmeter .the insulation Of the motor is good 蓋上蓋子在主配電板上合上開關并啟動電動機?could you switch on and start the motor on the MSB after close the cover?好。 E: all right我想看一下電動機三相工作電流。Please show me the three

27、-phase working current of the motor是。 Q: yes啟動箱的電氣圖在哪里?Where is the electric diagram of the starter?給你。Here you are 謝謝!你最好把圖紙放在啟動箱內。工作時很方便。Thank you !youd better put this drawing in the starter. its more convenient for working 我們檢查下一個電動機好嗎?Shall we inspect the next one ?好!Ok!今天就到這里。你有什么意見?Thats all

28、for today .do you have some comments?81很好。沒意見。No comments順便問一下,明天你安排什么項目?By the way ,what item do you arrange for tomorrow?一會兒我到你辦公室給你驗收單。Ill go to your office and give you the inspection list later謝謝!那明天見Thank you !well, see you tomorrow 明天見。See you tomorrow我沒有拿到試驗程序。Test of automation對不起!給你。Sorry

29、,here it is 我們從那一個開始?which one shall we start ?首先,我們想試驗輔機的溫度傳感器。At first ,we want to test the temperature sensor of the A/E你將如何做這個試驗?How are you going to do the test ?我們有種試驗方法。一種是加熱器。另一種是校準器。我 們推薦后者,因為它更精確、更方便。你喜歡哪一個?we have two methods to do the test .one is heater, another is calibrator ,I recomme

30、nd the latter one ,because its more accurate and convenient .which one do you prefer?你能給我看一看校準器?Could you show me the calibrator?好。Ok行。XX先生(船東),你覺得如何?All right ,Mr.XX(owner),what do you think about it?可以。但是,我想用加熱器檢查一個傳感器,作為比較。 Ok ,however ,I want to check one of these sensors with heater for compari

31、son 沒問題。你還有其它事嗎?我們可以開始做試驗?no problem ,do you have anything else shall we start the test ?當然。Certainly 誰和一起去輔機旁?Who will go to the A/E side with me ?我們走。給我對講機。報警溫度是多少?Lets go .give me a talkie-talkie .whats the temperature for alarm?這是800C的高溫報警。我們用校準器模擬把溫度緩慢地從700C升到800C,獲得報警。This is high temperature

32、alarm of 80 degrees Centigrade .we will simulate to raise the Temperature slowly from 70 degrees with the calibrator and get the alarm 你好。我是XXX。你們準備好了嗎?Hello, this is XXX. Are you ready? 你好。我是YYY。我們已準備好了。Hello, this is YYY. we are ready now .你看校準器,現在70度You see the calibrator on which 70 degrees now

33、.你好。XXX先生,這兒70度。Hello ,Mr.XXX. here is 70 degrees now 對不起!我沒聽清楚,請重復一遍。Sorry! I cant catch it ,repeat it please 70度70 degrees好顯示器上是70.1度。請緩慢升到80度。All right! Here is 70.1 degrees on the monitor .please raise the temperature slowly to 80 degrees好。請緩慢升到80度。Ok .go up to 80 degrees slowly please 是。 E:Yes.

34、你好。YYY先生,現在的準確溫度是多少?Hello ,Mr.YYY, whats the temperature exactly now?多少度?Whats the temperature ?80度 its 80 degrees你好。XXX先生,80度。報警來了嗎?Hello, Mr.XXX, it is 80 degrees .does the monitoring system give an alarm?是,報警來了。Yes ,its coming 對。我已經看到報警旋轉燈的燈光、聽到報警喇叭的聲音。Ok . I have seen the light of alarm roating

35、light and heard the sound of the alarm horn .我們做下一個,好嗎?Shall we test the next one ?好。 S: Ok午餐到了。我建議下午繼續(xù)試驗。Its time for lunch . I suggest we continue doing the test this afternoon好,下午見。Ok .see you afternoon 好。下午見。Ok ,see you afternoon4、常用句子 Usual sentences這個電動機the motor 舵 機the steering gear主配電板the ma

36、in switch board 有什么問題?whats the trouble with the MSB?主機遙控系統 the M/E remote control system 這個電話 the telephone 泵浦電動機可以從機艙和集控室起停。The pump motor can be started and stopped either in the engine room or in the engine control room 故障還沒找到。The trouble has not been located yet.提交前,請清潔控制箱。Before delivery ,plea

37、se clean the control panel 蜂鳴器裝在哪里?Where is the buzzer mounted ?試驗后,提供試驗記錄的四份復印件。After trial ,offer four copies of the test record 電線松了繼電器示能工作。The relay does not function at all due to lose connection 拆下的電線做好標記。When the wires are disconnected the marks must be clearly made檢查電纜正確連接。Check the cable fo

38、r proper connection 這燈不亮。請帶一只新燈泡。The light isnt working .please bring a new bulb 我認為最好把它們換新的。My opinion is that youd better have them renewed絕緣太低達不到規(guī)范的標準。The insulation is too low and does not reach the standard of the rules 右舷燈的位置要調整。The position of starboard sidelights needs to be adjusted, 電動機維修空

39、間太小,請修改。請給我看一下電站負荷平衡表。Please show me the load balance table of the power plant 提供防止發(fā)電機和岸電并聯的連鎖裝置。An interlocking device should be provided to prevent parallel operation between the generator and shore supply The spaces for the motor is too small to do repair work ,please improve it船裝部分 OUTFITTING PA

40、RT一、材料 Material方鋼 Square bar圓鋼 Round steel角鋼 Angle bar槽鋼 v-iron 球扁鋼 Bulb bar扁鐵 Flat iron 扁鋼 Flat bar不銹鋼 Stainless steel 青銅 Bronze 黃銅 Brass鋁合金 Aluminum alloy 93二、艙蓋設備 Hatch cover equipment 艙蓋板 Hatch cover艙蓋結構 Steel structure of hatch 艙口圍 Hatch coaming 端鉸鏈 End-hinge unit油缸 Cylinder油缸鉸鏈 Bearing of cyli

41、nder油缸鉸鏈鏈軸 Bolt for bearing of cylinder滾輪裝置 Wheel assembly端部止動裝置 End securing device中間鉸鏈 Middle hinge 端鉸鏈底座 Support of end arm下開式壓緊器 Snaplock 排水閥 Drain valve94鉸鏈接縫壓緊器裝置 Hinge joint cleat 壓緊器 Cleat 通氣塞 Air plug 應急操作 Emergent operation 橡皮壓緊條 Rubber packing 艙蓋鉸鏈臂 Main hinge-arm 艙蓋鉸鏈接縫 Hinge joint at si

42、de艙蓋分離接縫 Main joint at side 30度轉角橡皮30度 End seal 90度切角橡皮90度 Corner seal90度垂直轉角橡皮 3-way corner packing 滑塊 Sliding pad 防護板 Protection plate壓緊架 Cleating bracket95壓緊器撬棒 Tommy bar 安全索 Securing wire 起吊索 Lifting wire 軌道 Rail拉桿 Stay 扶手 Hand rail通風設備 Ventilator風機 Fan 通風管 Vent 風帽 Funnel cap底座 Seat 百頁窗 Window s

43、hutter抽風機 Exhaust fan送風機 blower96三、人孔蓋 Manhole cover平板式人孔蓋 Flush manhole cover鉸鏈式人孔蓋 Hinged manhole cover凸起式人孔蓋 Raised manhole cover埋入式人孔蓋 Sunken manhole cover油密人孔板 Oil tight manhole plate水密人孔板 Water tight manhole plate污水井蓋板 Sewage cover橡皮蓋圈 Rubber cover四、錨設備 Anchor 斯貝克錨 Speke anchor 霍爾錨 Halls ancho

44、r 大抓力錨 High holding power anchor首錨主錨 Head anchor錨爪 Anchor fluke 錨柄 Anchor shank 錨桿 Anchor stock 錨冠 Anchor crown 錨臂 Anchor arm錨眼圈錨臺 Bolster錨鏈筒 Hawse pipe 錨鏈管 Chain pipe 掣(止)錨索 Chain fix掣(止)鏈器 Chain stopper錨鉸機 Windlass錨機底座 Windlass seat 錨機操作平臺 Operating platform of windlass98螺旋棄錨器 Chain sliding 錨鏈 Anc

45、hor chain 錨接鏈環(huán) Jointing link 錨卸扣 Anchor shackle 末端卸扣 End shackle 肯特式卸扣 Kenter shackle 浮筒卸扣 Buoy shackle 轉環(huán) Swivel link 末端鏈環(huán) End link(有檔)加大鏈環(huán) Stud enlarged link (有檔)普通鏈環(huán) Stud common link 首端鏈節(jié) Start part 中間鏈節(jié) Middle part 末端鏈節(jié) End part 99鏈節(jié)鏈環(huán) Link chain 錨卸扣錐銷 Taper pin for anchor shackle 五、吊 Crane/davi

46、t 甲板克令吊 Deck crane 物料吊 Provision crane 軟管吊 Hose crane 單軌吊 Moto crane 小吊 Small crane 蘇伊士運河燈吊 Suez canal light crane 克令吊筒體 Crane column 吊臂 Jib 吊臂擱吊 Jib rack起貨吊 Crane食品吊 Provision crane 巴拿馬運河燈吊 Panama canal light crane 艙口垃圾吊 Garbage crane 六、消防及首側 Fire fighting and bow thruster應急消防泵及底座 Emergency fire pu

47、mp and seat 危險品泵及底座 D.A.goods bilge pump and seat 首側推 Bow thruster應急海底閥箱 Emergency sea chest 格柵 grating七、系泊 Mooring 帶纜樁 Mooring bollard 巴拿馬運河導纜孔 Panama canal mooring hole 101導纜滾輪 Roller fairleader帶羊角滾輪導纜器 Stand fairleader roller帶纜輔助索 Mooring assistant rope 滾輪導纜器底座 Roller fairleader seat 巴拿馬運河導纜孔座 Pa

48、nama chock seat 系航索 Mooring line 滾柱導纜器 Roller head fairleader滾柱導纜器底座 Foundation of roller head 巴拿馬運河導纜蓋 Panama chock cover系泊絞車 Mooring winch 系泊鉸車底座 Set of mooring winch 系泊鉸車操作平臺 Working platform of mooring winch 八、梯子 ladder102貨艙梯 (cargo)hold ladder雙層底直梯 Ladder in double bottom 直梯 Vertical ladder斜梯 I

49、nclined ladder引水員(軟)梯 Pilot ladder舷 梯 Accommodation ladder舷墻梯 Bulwark ladder/railing ladder登船梯 Boarding ladder/embarkation ladder繩梯/軟梯 Jack ladder/Jacobs ladder/jumping ladder/rope ladder(方鋼)踏步 (square bar)step碼頭梯 Wharf ladder應急梯 Emergency /escape ladder103九、桅墻信號 Mast and signal前桅 Fore mast 后桅/主桅/雷達

50、桅 Main/radar mast 舷燈/紅綠燈 Side light 莫氏燈 Morse signal light 艏錨燈 Fore anchor light 艉錨燈 Stern anchor light 尾燈 Stern light 蘇伊士運河探照燈 Suez canal search light l蘇伊士運河投光燈 Suez canal flood light 巴拿馬運河操縱燈 Panama canal manoeuvening light 失控燈 Not-under command light 信號燈 Signal light 螺旋槳燈 Warning light 104首旗桿 Jac

51、k staff墨球 Black ball號笛 Whistle 號鐘 Bell錨鐘 Anchor bell鑼 Gong 尾旗桿 Stern flag pole 旗繩 Flag rope 旗鉤 Flag hook 旗箱 Flag box 十、救生設備 Life equipment /appliance救生艇 Life boat 救助艇 Rescue boat 105救生筏 Life raft 救生艇滑架 Lifeboat davit 救世主助艇吊架 Rescue boat davit 保護導架 Fender guide綁扎單元 Lashing unit 吊臂 Davit arm 翻板 Skid-p

52、late 滑輪機構 Overview R.C sheave houses吊離型/投拋型氣脹式救生筏 Davit /fall inflatable lifer-aft救生筏架 Lifer-aft rack 靜水壓力釋放器 Hydrostatic release unit 軟梯存放座 Rope ladder storage seat 救生筏登乘繩 Lifeboat embarkation rope 106帆布罩 Canvas cover自由降落救生艇 Free fall lifeboat自由降落救生艇降落裝置 Free fall system救生圈 Life buoy救生圈架 Life buoy

53、rack 工作艇 Working boat 吊艇架 Boat davit 救生衣 Life jacket十一、集裝箱 Container十二、小舾裝件 Outfitting 眼板 Eye plate 眼環(huán) Eye splice 107吊環(huán)螺釘 (lifting)eyebolt (六角)螺檢 (hex)bolt (六角)螺母 (Hex)nut元寶螺絲 Butterfly bolt 絞制螺栓 Fitting bolt 起吊眼板 Lifting eye plate鉤子 Hook 襯套 Bush 墊圈(片) Washer/gasket 螺旋扣(花籃螺絲) Rigging screw卸扣 Shackle

54、 套環(huán) Thimble 扳手 spanner墊木 Stow-wood 108復板(重磅板) Double plate /pad 肘板 Bracket 放水塞 Plug 防磨材 Antifriction member帶叉鏈環(huán) Link with gaff鋼絲夾 Wire grip帶舌插銷 Tonguing pin擱物架 Rack /shelf抓斗 Grab 螺釘 Screw 鋼絲 Wire 鋼索 Steel rope銷軸 Pin 開口銷 Split pin鍍鋅 Galvanized不銹鋼 Stainless steel十三、電話亭 Telephone box十四、垃圾箱 Garbage box 十五、系統 System二氧化碳滅火系統 Co2 extinguishing system氣瓶/氣缸 Cylinder起動氣瓶 Powder cylinder施放箱 Release cabinet十六、控制管路 Pilot line 無縫鋼管 Seamless steel pipe 歧管/集管


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