



1、2021年catti 級(jí)口譯試題:中國的軍事戰(zhàn)略【導(dǎo)語】鍥而舍之,朽木不折;鍥而不舍,金石可鏤。備考也需要 這樣持之以恒的精神。小編為您提供了 “202*年catti 一級(jí)口譯試 題:中國的軍事戰(zhàn)略”,通過做題,能夠鞏固所學(xué)知識(shí)并靈活運(yùn)用, 考試時(shí)會(huì)更得心應(yīng)手,快來練習(xí)吧!中國的國際政策和軍事戰(zhàn)略始終是積極防御,這是中國根據(jù)自 己的國際關(guān)系準(zhǔn)則和外部安全環(huán)境作出的基本戰(zhàn)略選擇,也是優(yōu)秀 的中國軍事傳統(tǒng)在新時(shí)代的延續(xù)和升華。China's internationaI policy and mi Iitary strategyhave always been those of positi

2、ve defense. This isthe basic strategic choice China has made accordingto its norms govern i ng i nternat i onaI re I at i ons and to i ts externa I secur ity envi ronment. It a I so ref Iectsthe cont i nuat i on and d i st iI I at i on of China'soutstand i ng mi Iitary tradition i n the new era.

3、中國軍事傳統(tǒng)的基本特色是謀求和平。對(duì)內(nèi)主張堅(jiān)決維護(hù)國 家統(tǒng)一,反對(duì)民族;對(duì)外一貫奉行睦鄰友好的方針和防御戰(zhàn)略,以 “非攻”球和睦,以自衛(wèi)保安寧。萬里長城所象征的就是這種防御 觀念。中華人民共和國自建立之日起,就始終堅(jiān)持在統(tǒng)一中求強(qiáng) 盛,在強(qiáng)盛中求和平,在和平中求發(fā)展。隨著時(shí)間的推移,人們?cè)?來越清楚地看到,中國有決心和能力保衛(wèi)自己多國家安全利益,中 國是維護(hù)地區(qū)與世界和平的重要力量。China's mi Iitary tradition i s characteristically one of seek i ng peace. Under th i s peace-seek i ng

4、poIi cy, i nternaI Iy, we resolutely defend national unity and oppose to any attempt at nat ionaIseparat ion; externa Ily, we fol low a good-neighborIy policy and a defensive strategy, seek i ngfr i end Iy and harmonious re I at ions through what i s known as the “non-offensive " approachand se

5、cur i ng peace through self-defense. The Great WaI I is symbolic of such a defensiveconcept. Ever sinee its founding, the People's Repub I ic of Ch i na has been cons i stent Iy seek i ngprosper i ty through unification, seek i ng peace through prosper ity, and seeking deveIopmentthrough peace.

6、With the passage of time, it wiI I be even more apparent to the worId that China is determined to defend its nat i onaI secur ity and i s capabIe of doing so, and that China i s an important force i n safeguarding regional and global peace.中國的社會(huì)主義制度和獨(dú)立自主的和平外交政策,也決定了中 國奉行積極防御的國防政策和軍事戰(zhàn)略方針。中國不搞霸權(quán)主義, 不搞

7、強(qiáng)權(quán)政治,不對(duì)外搞軍事擴(kuò)張。中國的戰(zhàn)略疆界不會(huì)超出其自 然疆界,中國 軍事力量的發(fā)展也不會(huì)超出防御和自衛(wèi)的需要。中國 多次進(jìn)行裁軍,充分顯示了中國 軍事戰(zhàn)略的和平宗旨和防御性質(zhì), 同時(shí)也反映了在和平與發(fā)展的時(shí)代主題下,中國的理性戰(zhàn)略思維和 新的安全觀念。Meanwhile, China's soci a Ii st system and i ndependent foreign policy of peace havedetermined the country's national defense policyand mi Iitary strategy to be one

8、of active defense.China doe not seek hegemony and power politics,neither does it expand its mi Iitary infIuenceoverseas. China's strategic frontier wiI I not gobeyond its naturaI borders. Likewise, China'smiIitary force wi I I not develop in excess of its needto defend the country. China'

9、;s repeatedd i sarmament has fully demonstrated to the worId thepeacefuI or ientat ion and defensi ve nature of China's mi Iitary strategy, as we I I as China'srational strategic mi Iitary thinking and updated concept of secur ity under the theme of ourt imes, that i s, peace and deveIopment

10、中國的裁軍決策是由中國主動(dòng)作出的,不是屈服于任何人的壓 力而被迫作出的;是自覺的,不是盲目的;是以對(duì)中國的發(fā)展、亞太 地區(qū)安全以及世界持久和平高度負(fù)責(zé)的精神而采取的建設(shè)性舉措。 中國的裁軍行動(dòng)是單方面的,沒有設(shè)置任何前提,不與他國相聯(lián) 系,不把裁軍作為迫使他國同時(shí)裁軍的籌碼或先決條件。中國的裁 軍不是象征性的,而是實(shí)質(zhì)性的,是大幅度的。中國以自己多裁軍 實(shí)際行動(dòng)表達(dá)了中國不參加軍備競賽、努力締造和平的誠意。China's disarmament decision i s made out of its own will, rather than under any externa I

11、pressure. It i s a conscious act, rather than a blind move; it is a constructive act taken out ofa high sense of responsibiIity for China's own development, the secur ity of Asian-Pacific regionand the susta i nab Ie worId peace. China's d i sarmament act is uniIateraI, carrying noprerequisite, having nothing to do with any other country. China has no intention whatsoeverto use disarmament as a means or prerequisite to force other countr ies to reduce thei rmiIitary troops with Ch i na. China's d i sarmament i s not sy


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