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1、1. .call sb. names叫某人名字罵另U人2.buy your story相信你的鬼話3.eleventh hour最后關(guān)頭4.best seller暢銷品5.duck soup易如反掌的事black and blue遍體鱗傷8.free hand放手處理的權(quán)利9.cold fish冷酷無情的人10.hot air空話大話11.小升初沖刺外校綜合題節(jié)選(一)小升初歷年全真智力測試題詳解You shouldn ' t call her names. 你不該 罵她。The teacher called our names one by one老師逐個點(diǎn)我們的名。We don &

2、#39; t buy your story.我們不相信你的鬼話。The policeman turned up atthe eleventh hour.警察在最后一刻出現(xiàn)了。War and peace was a famousbest seller.戰(zhàn)爭與和平是一本著名的暢銷品Believe it or not, going abroad frequently isducksoup to me.信不信由你,經(jīng)常出國是一件很容易的事情6.eat one ' s wordsShe said that no one could beat her at tennis, but she承認(rèn) 錯誤

3、, 收 回前言 had to eat her words after losing several games.她說網(wǎng)球誰也打不贏她,但是她輸了好幾場以后,就不得不收回前言7.My uncle came out of the fightblack and blue.我叔叔打完架后遍體鱗傷The director gave me afree hand to see to it.導(dǎo)演委托我全權(quán)處理此事。Don' t depend on him. He is acold fish.別想指望他,他是個冷酷無情的人。Don' t pay any attention to him. Wha

4、t he told us was a lot of hot air不要理會他,他對我們說的都是空話大會。black sheepTom is the black sheepof his family害群之馬,敗家子Tom 是個敗家子12.eat on e' s head offIt ' s hard to fee them up , for they always食 量驚人eat their heads off.養(yǎng)他們可不容易,因為他們食量驚人13.25.have a bite吃點(diǎn)東西14.dead to the world熟睡,不聞不問15.bring down the hou

5、seI ' m hungry. Shall we have a bite in the restaurant?我肚子餓了,我們?nèi)ゲ宛^吃點(diǎn)東西吧?I found him lying under the tree,dead to the world我發(fā)現(xiàn)他躺在樹上,睡的很香。The girl ' s performance brought down the house博得滿場喝彩或熱烈鼓掌 那個女孩的表演博得了滿場喝彩。16.busybodyShut up,you busybody .忙人,好管閑事的人閉嘴,你這個好管閑事的人17.bad sailorPlease take thi

6、s medicine with you in case you are暈 船的人a bad sailor.請帶上這些藥品免的你暈船。18.long runThe play had a 10ng run on Broadway before being長 期made into a movie.這個劇本在拍成電影之前曾經(jīng)在百老匯長期上演。19.the man in the streetNo wonder the man in the streetcan not afford普通人such expensive furniture.難怪普通人買不起這昂貴的家具。20.girl of the old s

7、choolShe' s a girl of the 01d school , very hard to dealwith.保守,內(nèi)向的女孩她是個內(nèi)向的女孩子,很難打交道。21.mud in your eye祝你好運(yùn)Each timehe raised his cup he would say,well,here ' s mud in your eye. »每次他端起酒杯她都會說,祝你好運(yùn)。22.push and go干勁,進(jìn)取心To his great surprise, these young people are full of push and go .使他大為

8、吃驚的是這些年輕人干勁沖天23.pull one ' s leg取笑,愚弄24.I doubted that he waspulling my leg我懷疑他是在愚弄我。pull up one' s socks/pullone ' s sock up鼓足干勁,加倍努力If he ' s hoping to get this position, he will have topull his socks up.如果他希望得到這個職務(wù),他就應(yīng)該加倍努力。have a ball盡情作樂Do you enjoy yourself“Sure I ' mhaving

9、a ball. "玩的開心嗎,當(dāng)然,我玩的開心極了。26.clean the house forSooner or later I willclean the house forhim.someone 是艮某 人算帳遲早我將要和他算帳。27.above boardHis business dealings wereabove board光明正大的他的生意往來向來都是光明正大的。28.on the levelThis was no fault of mine,on the level老實說老實說,這不是我的錯。29.on the rocksAs far as I know, the c

10、ompany ison the rocks.陷入危機(jī)據(jù)我所知,這個公司已經(jīng)陷入了財政危機(jī)。30.much lessHe can ' t read English,much lessspeak it.更不用說他看不懂英語更不用說英語了。31.go fly a kite讓某人滾開,別來麻煩Tom told him togo fly a kite32 .go and see one去衛(wèi)生間s aunt33.go up in the air發(fā)怒,發(fā)脾氣34.put one ' s foot intomy mouth說錯話,闖禍35.chew the rag閑聊36.crash the

11、gate擅自闖入37.Tom 叫他走開。Wait a minute. I'11ao and see my aunt等一下,我要去上一下廁所。He goes up in the airfor no reason at all.他常常無緣無故發(fā)脾氣。I beg your pardon. I'm always puttingone ' s mouth foot into my mouth.對不起,王女士,我總是說錯話/闖禍。I am sure that no one is willing to我相信沒有人在上班時間閑聊了。Tom crashed the gatechew th

12、e ragand ate like a horse.Tom 擅自闖入了大門并大吃了 一頓。have one ' s fingers crossed希望交好運(yùn)Have your fingers crossed祝愿我找到那份工作吧。that I get the job.38.shake a leg趕快,抓緊時間We' d better shake a leg,otherwise, well missthe train我們最好趕快,否則就趕不上時間了40.paint the town red狂歡,痛飲作樂It was the first time that they had a pi

13、cnic, they painted the town red.這是他們第一次野炊,所以他們痛飲作樂40 .wear the pantsAnyone can tell that shewears the pantsin that掌權(quán)當(dāng)家family.誰都知道她在家里是掌權(quán)當(dāng)家的41.for a songHe sold the inventionfor a songand its buyers were theones who got rich.以低價轉(zhuǎn)讓他低價的轉(zhuǎn)讓了自己的發(fā)明,而買主卻發(fā)了財。42.go to the dogs hurt.The team went to the dogs w

14、hen its best player got一蹶不振隊里最優(yōu)秀的選手受傷以后,這支隊伍元?dú)獯髠?3.green-eyed妒心很強(qiáng)的忌Don' t say more about your new house, he is such a green-eyedmonster.不要提起你的新房子,他容不得別人比他強(qiáng)。44.hot potato熱 土豆Bingo parties and church raffles have developedintosucha hotpotatothateveryoneconcernedsolution.難于處理之事nowis seekingsome ea

15、sy賭博成風(fēng)和由教會發(fā)起的抽彩義賣已成了一個棘手的問題,每一個有關(guān)的人都在尋找某種可行的解決辦法45.hot water如坐針氈,焦急46.John lost his credit card and he was inhot water.約翰丟失了他的信用卡,現(xiàn)在他如坐針氈。worth the salt鹽買得值 當(dāng)之無愧47.Tomwas worth his saltfor the paybest one in the office.他也是對得起自己的那份薪水啦!white elephant華貴但無實用價它太珍值的物品It seems to be awhite elephantto me. I

16、 ' m poor andI can' t have it. 謝謝你送我這么昂貴的德國轎車。對我來說貴了。我是個窮人,用不起這樣豪華的車。48.fall between twoYou must make a choice between Mary and Lily, orstools落在兩個板凳之間, 一無所獲,雞飛蛋打 49.you,ll fall between two stools你必須在瑪麗和莉莉之間做出選擇,不然 兩個你都會失去。full of beansThe children werefull of beanswhen they were told但當(dāng)孩子裝 滿豆

17、子the picnic would be held the next Friday.興高采烈得知下周五要野餐時個個興高采烈50.get the sack/ax除名,開除,分手51.Poor Joegot the axat the office yesterday.可憐的喬昨天被公司開除了。go against the grain踐踏谷物Mrs. Green is a gentle and warm-hearted woman. Itcould go againstthe grain to ask her to speak bill ofanybody.不按規(guī)律做事,行不通 格林夫人是一位溫和、

18、熱心腸的人。要她去誹謗、攻擊他人是行不通的。52.grease the wheels 給輪子加油, 使事物發(fā)展順利COWilliam ,s father tried togrease the wheelsfor him toget the job.威廉的父親想方設(shè)法為他求得那份工作。53.heart of gold金子一樣的心樂于助人Mr. Burns hasa heart of gold he is always ready tlend anyone a hand when he is in trouble.伯 恩 斯生是個熱心樂于助人的善良腸的人,任何人有難處的時候他都會伸出援助之手。 本

19、性;熱心腸的 54.hide/bury one' shead in the sand把頭藏在沙里逃避現(xiàn)實,假裝躲避Seeing the policeman walking towards him, the thief couldn ' t but hide his head in the sand.看到警察走過來,小偷只好低下頭去佯裝沒有看見他。55.high-hat盛氣凌人,傲慢56.Jones actedhigh-hattoward everyone poorer than he.瓊斯對比他窮的人不屑一顧。handwriting on the wall 墻上的書法 不祥之兆

20、The new increase in electricity is thewriting on the wallfor many small businesses.電價的再次上漲對諸多小企業(yè)說來是不祥之兆。57.hit the nail onThe professor' s talk on economic situationhit the nailthe head一針見血,切中要害58.on the head.教授關(guān)于經(jīng)濟(jì)形勢的談話切中要害。in the soup在湯里陷入困境難以自拔59.Make sure how much money there is in your cred

21、it card, oryou' ll find yourself in the soup.核對一下你 的 信用卡 上有多少錢,否則你可就不好辦啦!in the windA gunshot echoed in the woods and broke the dead silence在風(fēng)中in the morning."Something wasin the wind ,“ I thought.醞釀,發(fā)生槍聲在林間回蕩,打破了清晨的沉寂。發(fā)生什么事了吧? "我思忖著。60.It ' s a dog -eat-dogDuring the California go

22、ld rush, men hada dog-eat-dogworld 是個狗咬狗 life. 在加利福尼亞那場淘金熱中,人們過著一種為了利益拼得 的世界,相互競爭激烈的 你死我活的生活。世界61.have one ' s number I thought he was a friend but now I' vegot his number了解底細(xì)過去我一直把他當(dāng)作我的朋友,但是現(xiàn)在我知道他的為人了。in a circle/in circles沒有任何進(jìn)展63.in62.He seemed to be working hard, but was just goingins an

23、d outs all day.circles .他看上去工作很賣力氣,但不見成效ins and outsHe was very busy Saturday and was里里外外他星期六很忙,整日出出進(jìn)進(jìn)事物的方方面面keep up with the64.Miss Jones never keeps up with the Joneses. She spendsJonesesmost of her spare time reading.跟上瓊斯瓊斯小姐從不同其他女孩攀比,她大部分業(yè)余時間都用來讀書 由忌妒心驅(qū)使同他人攀比65.69.keep one ' s noseIt ' s

24、 the best to keep your nose clean in the office. Youre你在公司里最好少說話,少介入,你對情況不clean 保 持某人 new here.的鼻子干凈熟悉。不要招惹是非66.keep one' s shirt onMrs. White ' dog kept barkingthrough the nightandkept his shirt onSmith couldn ' t fall sleep, but he穿著襯衫. 懷特太太的狗叫了 一夜,吵得控制住情緒史密斯無法入睡,但他忍住火沒有發(fā)作67.keep the w

25、olf from the door不讓豺狼進(jìn)門 糊口,度日68.tail betweenone ' s legs腿里夾著尾巴 狼狽逃竄Richard earned very little money and could hardly keep the wolf from the door.理查德收入微薄,忍饑挨餓是常見的事Seeing the policeman in the distance, the two thievesran away with theirtails between thei門egs看到遠(yuǎn)處有警察來了,這兩個小偷望風(fēng)而逃take ones lifeDriving

26、 that car with those worn tires would betaking inone ' s hands冒著生命危險去做事you門ife in your hands.駕駛輪船如此老化的汽車簡直拿你的生命做賭注。70.step on one ' s toes踩某人的腳侵犯他人的權(quán)利她的隱私權(quán)。71.kill the goose thatlaid the golden eggIn Britain, you must avoid asking a woman about her family or her age. If so, you willstep on h

27、er toes在英國,你不要詢問婦女她的家庭和年齡。如果你這樣做,會侵犯The boss has raised your salary, but remember not to killthe goose that laid the golden egg by asking him formore.殺鵝取金蛋老板給你加了薪,不過你要切記不能得意忘形,否則將一無殺雞取卵獲。72.lay an eggSometimes he is a successful speaker, but sometimes he產(chǎn)蛋l(fā)ays an egg.有時候他的演說很成功,然而有時卻不能在聽心中未產(chǎn)生共鳴或 激起絲

28、毫波瀾。任何效果73.Lay one ' s cards on the table 攤牌,毫不隱諱74.lose one ' s heart灰心喪氣傾心于某人或某物75.lose one ' s shirt 丟了襯衫破產(chǎn),一文不名76.loud mouth/big mouth 大嘴Peterson laid his cards on the table about his plans for theproject.彼得森把他對項目的計劃和盤托出。She 10st her heart to the soldier with the broad shouldersand t

29、he deep voice.她對那個寬肩膀、聲音渾厚的士兵產(chǎn)生了愛慕之情。(注意:lose heart 意為:灰心喪氣)Sam, the richest merchant in the city,10st his shirt whenhis company went bankrupt.城里最富有的山姆先生由于公司破產(chǎn)成了窮光蛋。Fritz is a loud mouth who can not be trusted with secrets.費(fèi)瑞茲是一個信口開河的人,不能把機(jī)密告訴他。不負(fù)責(zé)任地隨口亂說77.kick up one ' sheels When the exams wer

30、e over, the students went to town to踢腳后跟kick up their heels.各門考試都結(jié) 束了,學(xué)生們到小鎮(zhèn)上喜慶盡情玩耍、慶祝。78.land on ones feetIt seemed they would die since they didn腳踩地在危險或不幸中安to eat, but theylanded on their feet't have any food ,rescuers came at last.糧食吃光了,眼看他們就要被困死。然而他們卻絕處逢生,因然無恙為救援人員終于趕到了。79.lift a finger/hand

31、We all worked hard except Joe. He would notlift a finger舉起指頭/手除了喬之外,我們大家都很賣力氣,他卻袖手旁觀。舉手之勞,袖手旁觀80.let sleeping dogsDon' t talk about the big fire in the office last week beforeliethe manager. Let sleeping dogs lie.讓狗繼續(xù)睡別再經(jīng)理面前提起上星期公司著大火的事。別沒事找事別招惹是非look like the cat thatate swallowed canary像愛喝紅葡萄酒

32、的小貓81.When she won the prize, she went homelooking likethe cat that ate the canary.中獎之后,她帶著一種自鳴得意的心情回家了。飄飄然,忘乎所以82.lose one ' s headWhen the fire broke out in the building, people there10st丟了 性命their head and ran in all directions.當(dāng)大樓起火 的時候,驚惶失措里面的人們亂作一團(tuán),到處亂跑。lump in one ' s throat咽喉突出83.I f

33、elt a lump in my throat on seeing the picture of thepoor children who became homeless in the war. 某人,奉承某人,一 seem to favor him.由于難過而覺得心每當(dāng)我看到那些在戰(zhàn)爭中失去了家庭的悲慘兒童情沉重的照片,心里就非常難過84.like water off a ducks Advice and orders roll off himlike water off a duck' sback.不濕水的鴨子對他人的勸告無動于衷,置若罔聞對他來說,所有建議和命令都似過眼云煙,毫無

34、 作用。85.look a gift horse inthe mouth 口 頭許諾的玩具馬對別人贈送之物百It ' s a general custom not tolook a gift horse in themouth when you get some sort of gift from others.不對別人送的禮物表示不滿是一種普遍的習(xí)俗。般挑剔;吹毛求疵86.make one ' s blood boilWhen someone calls me a liar, itmade mv blood boil使某人熱血沸騰聽到有人把我稱作騙子真把我的肚皮都?xì)馄屏?。怒發(fā)

35、沖冠;勃然大怒87.make a night of it干通宵狂歡,喜慶88.make a play forOn the evening of our graduation, we all went out andmade a night of it. 舉行畢業(yè)典禮的那天晚上,我們大家 全體出動,通宵慶祝。Tom made a big play for the girl, but she didn'4好湯姆竭盡全力討好,但是她看上去對湯姆并沒有好感。小學(xué)??疾灰?guī)則動詞匯編1)AAA 型 ( 動 詞 原 形 、過去式、過去分詞同形)cost(花費(fèi))costcostcut (割)cutcu

36、thit (打)hithithurt傷害)hurthurtlet ( 讓 )letletput (放)putputread(讀)readreadspread ( 伸 展 /傳播)spreadspread(2)AAB 型(動詞原形與過去式同形)beat(跳動)beatbeaten(3)ABA 型 (動詞原形與過去分詞同形)become ( 變 成 )becamebecomecome(來)camecomerun (跑)ranrun(4) ABB 型 ( 過 去 式 與 過 去 分 詞 同 形 )dig (挖)dugdugget (得到)gotgothang(吊死)hangedhangedhang(懸掛)hunghunghold(抓?。﹉eldheldlay(產(chǎn) 卵 )laidlaidshine(照耀)shoneshonesit ( 坐 )satsatwin(贏)wonwonmeet(遇見)metmetkeep(保持)keptkeptsleep(睡)sleptsleptsweep ( 掃 )sweptsweptfeel (感覺)feltfeltflee (逃跑)fledfledsmell(聞)smeltsmeltleave(離開)leftleftbuild(建設(shè))builtbuiltlend(借出)lentlentsend(傳送)sentsent


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