



1、精品資料精品資料1.At that time people would starveif food was difficult to find,(especial) duri ngthe cold win ter mon ths.2.Some festivals areheld_ (honor) the dead orto satisfy the an cestors,_might retur n either to help or to do harm.3.For the Japa nese festival Obon, peopleshould go to clea n graves an

2、d light incense memory oftheiran cestors.4.On Hallowee n, childre n might play atrick_those who dongive them anysweets.5.I n the USA, Columbus Day is in memoryof the_(arrive) of ChristopherColumbus in the New World.精品資料精品資料6.Hallowee n is now a childre nfestival,_they can dress up and go to theirn e

3、ighbourshomes to ask for sweets.7. In dia has a_(n ati on) festival on October to honorMohandasGandhi, the leader who helped gain India s_(in depe ndent) from Brita in.8. The most_ (en ergy) and importa nt festivals are theones that look forward to the end of wi nter and to the coming ofspri ng.9. I

4、n European countries, on Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals,people will usually decorate churches and town halls _flowersand fruit.10. On the Spring Festival people love to get _to eat, drinkand have fun_each other.11. Some Western coun tries have very excit ing carni vals,_take place forty days bef

5、ore Easter usually in February.12. Festivals let us enjoy life, be_ (pride) of our customsand_( forget) our work for a little while.13. The country of Japan, _ (cover) with cherry tree flowers,精品資料精品資料looks as_ it is covered with pink snow.14. Who took away my dicti onary without_(permit).15. During

6、 the Spring Festival time the whole family _comefor dinner.16. Li Fang had bee n look ing forward to_ (meet) Hu Jinall day, but she didnt turn up.17. The day he had been looking forward to _ (come) at last.18. A_ ( drow n) man will catch at a straw.19. You should_(apology) to him for what you said t

7、ohim last ni ght.20. Somepeople hold the _(believe) that buying cars forpers onal use can help develop motor in dustry in our coun try.21. Festivals and_(celebrate) of all kinds have beenheld everywhere since an cie nt times.22. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer firstof all has t

8、o know their stre ngths and_(weak).23.At this mome nt, they see a精品資料精品資料penn iless young man_ (wan der) on thepaveme nt outside t heir house.24.It is Henry Adams, anAmerica n bus in essma n,_islost in London and does notknow_ he should do.25.I won der, Mr Adams,_youd mind us_ (ask)a few questi ons.

9、26. Would you please permit me_ (lead) the way, sir?27._a matter of fact, I landed in Britain_ accident.28. Towards ni ghtfall I found myself_(carry) out tosea by a stro ng wind.29. The fact is_ I earned my passage by work ing as anun paid hand, which acco unts_ my appeara nee.30. _ you don t mind,

10、may I ask you how much money you精品資料精品資料have?31.We II look into the matter as soon as possible. Just a little(patie nt).32. Why do you think he can t do well in the exam?_ thecon trary, he is quite able to.33. Henry went into a restaura nt and sat dow n at a table n ext_ the front window, but he was

11、 told that the seat _(reserve).34. _ is well-k nown_Americans like eat a lot.35. The waiter asked Henry_ a rude manner what was there towait for.35.The fellow Henry spoke to makes no answer at first, looks himup and dow n, no tices that he is almost_ rags.36. I hope youll come here_ you like and hav

12、e_you like.37. Just_ (have) you sit here is_ great honour.38. Whe n he was in trouble, he_ (seek) help from hisfriend.39. Why don t you explain_this is all about?精品資料精品資料40. However, according to a widely _ (accept) theory, theuni verse bega n with a“Big Bang”that threw matter_all directi ons.41. _

13、it was to become was un certa in un til betwee n 4.5 and3.8 billionyears ago_the dust settled into a solid glob.42. He prefers to be_(starvation)to death rather thanbeg.43. He_ (award) every semester for his good grades sincehe started school.45. Its nearly time for class to start. The teacher_beher

14、e soon.46. Niula ng and Zhinu fell_ love with each other and got_(marry) to each other.47. The picture always reminds her_ the days_ she spentin the coun tryside.48._(find) that Zhinu was heart-broke n, her gra ndmotherfin ally decided to let the couple_ (cross) the Milky Wayto meet once a year.49.l

15、t is _(obviously) that he won t come to our party精品資料精品資料without being in vited.50. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaura nt_ (feel) veryfrustrated. It had bee n_very stra nge morning.51. WangPeng thought of his mutt on, beef a nd bac on_ (cook)in the hottest fin est oil.52. His cola was sugary and co

16、ld, and his ice cream was made ofmilk, cream and delicious fruit.“Noth ing could be_(good),”he thought.53. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_(stro ng).54. Yong Huis restaura nt offered hiscustomers just rice, rawvegetables_(serve) in vin egar, fruit and water.55. Wang Peng co

17、uld not have Yong Hui_ (get) away withtelli ng people lies!56. Whoever is tired _ fat wants to lose _ (weigh).57. Wang Peng wouldn t like to be_ debt because hisrestaura nt was no lon ger popular.58. He smiled as he welcomed some customers_ (warm) at the精品資料精品資料door but the smile left his face when

18、he saw Yong Hui_(walk)in.59.1 dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so_ (limit) that I stopped worry ing and started advertis ingthe_(ben eficial) of my food.60. Perhaps we ought to_(comb in ati on)our ideas andprovide a_ (bala nee) menu with food full of en ergy andfibre.61. So that is_ the

19、y did. They served raw vegetables withthe hamburgers and boiled the potatoes rather _ fried them.62. They served fresh fruit with the ice cream .In this way theycut_the fat and in creased the fibre in the meal. Theirbala need diets became such_success that before long WangPeng became slimmer and Yon

20、g Hui put_ more weight.63. To tell you_truth, he is a boy who likes telli ng_ lie.64. _ (curious) drove Wang Peng in side.65. The earth becameso_(violence)thatit was not clear_ the shape would last or not.精品資料精品資料66. _ is even more important is _as the earth cooleddow n, water bega n toappear on its

21、 surface.67. It was not immediately_ (obviously) that waterwas to be fundamental_ the developme nt of life.68. _manyscientistsbelieve is that the continued preseneeof water allowed the earth to dissolve_(harm) gases andacids into the ocea ns and seas.69. This produced a cha in reacti on, which made_

22、 possible forlife to develop.70. Manymillions of years later, the first _(extreme)small pla nts bega n to appear on the surface of the water.71. They produced young gen erally by_(lay) eggs72. Why they sudde nly disappeared still rema ins a mystery. This_ (disappear)made possible the rise of mammals

23、 on the earth.73. Mammals were differe nt_ all life forms in the past,because they gave birth_young baby ani mals and producedmilk to feed them.74. Huma n beings are putt ing too much carb on dioxide into the精品資料精品資料atmosphere , which prevents heat from _ (escape) from theearth into space.75. Whethe

24、r life will continue on the earth for millions of years_ (come) will depend on whether this problem can be solved.76. Last month I had a cha nee to pay a visit_the moon.77. Before we left for the moon, Li Yanping explained _ methatthe force of gravity would change three times _our journey.78. Whenwe

25、 get closer _ the moon, we shall feel its gravity_(pull) us, but it will not be_ stro ng a pull asthe earth.79. Walk ing on the moon_(do) n eed a bit of practice nowthat gravity has cha nged.80. They shouldn t allow _(park) in this street. It?s toon arrow.81. Nothing can prevent their plans _( carry

26、 ) out.82. _ that every one is here, we can begi n the meeti ng.83. Wewatched , _ (amaze) as fire broke out on the outsideof the spaceship.精品資料精品資料84. You must watch_ for cars while cross ing the road.85. Li Daiyu and her cous in Liu Qian were_a trip to Can adato visit their cous ins in Mon treal on

27、 the Atla ntic coast.86. _ tha n take the aeropla ne all the way, they decidedto fly to Van couver and the n take the train west to east acrossCan ada.87. _ (go) eastward, youll pass mountains and thousandsof lakes and forests, as_as wide rivers and large cities.88. Somepeople have the idea _ you ca

28、n cross Canada inthan five days, but they forget the fact_Can ada is 5,500kilometers from coast to coast.89. People say it is Can ada?s most beautiful city,_(surro und) by mountains and the Pacific Ocea n.90. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some_(measure) over 90 metres.less精品資料精品資料91. Can ad


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