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1、Unit 10Can you play the guitar?2d Role-play the conversation.Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join?Bob: I want to join a sports club.Jane: Great! What sports can you play?Bob: Soccer.Jane: So you can join the soccer club.Bob: What about you? Youre very good at telling stories. You can join th

2、e story telling club.Jane: Sounds good. But I like to draw, too.Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club? Jane: OK, lets join now! 1.What club does Bob want to join?2.What club does Jane want to join?3.Is Jane good at telling stories?He wants to join the soccer club.She want

3、s to join the story telling club and the art club.Yes,she is.Qustions: Can的肯定句及否定句形式:的肯定句及否定句形式: can play the guitar.IWeYouSheHeItThey名字名字/ cantCan的肯定及否定回答:的肯定及否定回答: IweyousheheittheyNo, cant.IweyousheheittheyYes, can.Can 的一般疑問句形式:的一般疑問句形式: CanIweyousheheittheyplay the guitar? Can you fill in the bl

4、anks ?1._ you swim ? Yes, I can.2.Can your father play the guitar ? No,he _ .3. What club _ you want to join ?4. Can Lucy and Alice dance ? Yes , _ can .5. We want _ join the English club .jumpCan cant do they to Can Grace play soccer ? No, he cant . But he can play volleyball.Can Jane and Jill danc

5、e?No, they cant .But they can sing.Can Mike play basketball ? No, he cant . But he can play tennisCan Bill write stories ? No, he cant . But he can tell stories3b Complete the poster with the words in the box.Students Wanted for School ShowWe want students for the school show. Can you or ? Can you t

6、he guitar? Can you stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhangafter school. play sing tell dancesingdanceplaytell3c What can your group do in the school show? Make a list. Name What can you do? Li Xin do kung fuSchool ShowSunday 6:00 p.m.In the music roomWhat can you do?Come and show us!A: What can you do, Li

7、 Xin?B: I can do kung fu.show v. & n. I like watching TV shows in the evening. 做名詞做名詞 電視節(jié)目的一種電視節(jié)目的一種 We can dance. Lets show you 作動詞作動詞 “展示展示, 表現(xiàn)表現(xiàn), 秀秀”詞組詞組: show sb. sth. show sth. to sb.Can she swim?_, _ _.She can well.Can she swim well?_?Yes, he can dance well.Can he dance?_,_ _._?She canwell

8、.Can she?_, _ _.They can well.Can they?They can but they cant They can , but they cant .( )1. Lets go and play _ping-pong. I dont want to play _violin. A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the D. the, /( )2. Who wants _the swimming club? A. to joins B. join C. to join D. joins( )3. A:Can you swim? B: Yes, I _. A. am B. do C. cant D. can( )4. Maybe he can _in their basketball team. A. is B. be C. are D. am( )5. Can he _ well? A. sing B. to sing C. sings D. singing ( )6. She can play _ chess. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( )7. Can you play the guitar? No, I _. A. am not B.


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