



1、精品文檔,值得擁有1 / 9APPENDIXBasic Vegetable ProductsSystems Impleme ntati on ProjectPhase IThis docume nt is orga ni zed as follows:Backgro undObjectivesScopeApproachDeliverablesAssumpti onsStaffi ngTimi ng & ScheduleProfessi onal FeesFurther details are in cluded in the attached Arran geme nt and ref

2、ere need in this letter by thedocume nt n ame show n in italic text.BACKGROUNDIn June, BVP completed the selecti on of a process manu facturi ng, distributi on/logistics andfinan cial applicati on. The joint BVP/AA committee selected Marcams Prism product using J.D.Edwards financials. Software negot

3、iations have been completed and BVP is now preparing toembark upon the implementation of the new software.OBJECTIVESThe system will be judged successful by BVP if it achieves the following objectives, asarticulated by BVP project team members:The system has to work, with no bombs.BVP personnel will

4、be trained to use and support the Marcam system with additi onalskills hired dur ing the project as n eeded.Complete the project on time (Spri ng 1995).Complete project phases I through IV, as outl ined in this docume nt, on or below theoverall $5.5 millio n budget.SCOPE精品文檔,值得擁有2 / 9The scope of th

5、e Phase I of the Prism/JDE System Impleme ntati on project Prism Busin essProcess Simulati on will in clude:Desig ning and piloti ng the follow ing functions:Inven tory Con trolWarehouse Man ageme nt and Radio Freque ncyQuality Man ageme ntPurchasing (Maintenance and Raw Material goods are not in sc

6、ope)Bar Codi ngCustomer Order Man ageme ntEDI for Customer Order Receipt and Order Ackno wledgme nts Stan dard Costi ngfor Fini shed Goods and Cost of Goods Sold Acco unts PayableAcco unts ReceivableGen eral LedgerMarcams PRISM software product will be used as the core manu factur ing andlogistics s

7、ystem and J.D. Edwards modules will serve as the core financial modules.The actual modules being piloted in clude:Marcam PrismFoun dati onResource Man ageme nt (For packagi ng and fini shed goods)Resource Processor (Packagi ng only)Purchas ingCustomer Order Man ageme ntQuality Management including S

8、ublotting (a.k.a. Gilroy) modification WarehouseMan ageme ntJ.D. Edwards (supported by Marcam)Acco unts PayableAcco unts ReceivableGen eral LedgerPreme nos (Not purchased yet by BVP)EDIPer BVP, process re-e ngin eeri ng that is n ecessary and obvious in order to implement the software.The Busin ess

9、Process Simulati on will also in clude the test ing of bar-codi ngequipme nt and radio freque ncy tech no logy in terfaci ng to Prisms Warehouse andResource Man ageme nt modules.Functional specificati ons for modificati ons and in terfaces to the new systemsrequired for Phase II implementation will

10、be completed.Recomme ndati ons for performa nee measureme nts releva nt to BVPs key postimpleme ntati on operati ons.精品文檔,值得擁有3 / 9The AA role has bee n defi ned using the base case seen ario with a structure ofcoach, initially, moving towards advisor (rather than driver or team). Theseterms are des

11、igned in the Phase I arrangement document attached to the con tract.The AA effort has bee n defi ned by BVP project man ageme nt. AA expects to serve ina thorough , complete and active role in this project, and is committed to the BasicVegetable projects success. Due to the structure of our role as

12、coach, moving toadvisor, however, overall decisi ons and project resp on sibility rest with BasicVegetable.APPROACHThe following is the overall phasing for the full implementation of the new software.Phase IBusin ess Process Simulati onOrder Fulfillme nt and Procureme nt ProcessesPhase IIImpleme nta

13、ti on of Phase I ModulesPhase IIA Modesto Impleme ntati onPhase IIBKi ng City Impleme ntati onPhase IIIBusin ess Process Simulati onProduct ion An alysis, Forecast ing and Costi ngPhase IVImpleme ntati on of Phase III ModulesThe modules in cluded in each phase are diagrammed in the attached Project

14、Scope document. The focus of this arran geme nt is on Phase I of this process. The arran geme nts for therema ining phases will be fin alized at a later date.In order to mi ni mize impleme ntati on time and pote ntial disrupti ons to product ion andcustomer service, we will follow the Busin ess Proc

15、ess Simulatio n and Con fere nee RoomPilot approach depicted below.Business Rocess Smulation M ethodology Chart精品文檔,值得擁有4 / 9This approach has the follow ing adva ntages:1.Create a strong core team of BVP personnel. The Business Process Simulation willinvolve BVP staff full-time to learn and design

16、the new system in detail. These individualswill be fully trained and experieneed in the software and will participatein issue resolution before the software rolls out to the rest of the BVP. In addition, they willdevelop and enhance their skills in process analysis, process simplification, procedure

17、developme nt and test ing procedures. They will com muni cate and champion the roll-outof the Prism system to the rest of BVP.2.Re-engineer/Process Simplification. In order to implement the system, the projectteam will be able to examine and simplify existing processes, focusing on making necessary

18、and obvious cha nges to BVPs curre nt processes. In additi on, the pilot will givethe team a cha nee to con sider what types of performa nee measureme nts may beappropriate followi ng system impleme ntatio n.3.Procedures, testing and training. These are key components of a successful system.As part

19、of the Busin ess Process Simulati on, the impleme ntati on team will draft and testprelim inary procedures and assess any additi onal training requireme nts for the projectteam and user com muni ty.4.Reduce false starts. We believe your people would desig n a better system if theycould react to a pi

20、lot version of the system hands on. By having future users participate ina Conference Room Pilot, we would force issues to surface earlier tha n traditi onalimpleme ntati on methods. A pilot en vir onment would in crease the likelihood of asuccessful impleme ntati on through sett ing accurate expect

21、ati ons and reduc ing the riskof a false start.精品文檔,值得擁有5 / 9During Phase I, we would con duct two detailed desig n sessi ons (conference room pilots) towalk through the major applicati on of the bus in ess. The sessi ons will be orga ni zed asfollows:Pilot 1:Order Fulfillme nt CycleDeterm ine the d

22、esig n, walk through and resolve curre nt process issues for order entry, inven tory availability, prici ng, in voici ng and locat ing inven tory to meet customerquality specifications. Decisions made in this session will impact areas in cludi nginven tory, quality man ageme nt, pla nning for packag

23、i ng, acco unts receivable andcustomer order process ing.Pilot 2:Procureme nt and Finan cial CycleDeterm ine the desig n, walk through and resolve curre nt process issues for purchasing (other tha n raw materials and maintenance) and finan cial report ing. Decisi onsmade in this sessi on will impact areas in cludi ng purchas ing, acco unts payable, financial stateme nt formats, and top


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