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1、Unit 10 Frightening natureUnit 10 Frightening nature基礎(chǔ)落實(shí)基礎(chǔ)落實(shí).重點(diǎn)單詞思憶重點(diǎn)單詞思憶1.He will never forget the 1.He will never forget the ( (可可 怕的怕的) experience.) experience.2.He had the 2.He had the ( (勇氣勇氣) to sail around ) to sail around the world in a yacht. the world in a yacht.3.If you hear an alarm,leav

2、e the building 3.If you hear an alarm,leave the building ( (馬上馬上).).4.His getting there in such a short time is 4.His getting there in such a short time is ( (難以置信的難以置信的).).5.You will feel 5.You will feel ( (不舒服的不舒服的)on )on this two this twolegged bench.legged bench.frighteningfrighteningcouragecour

3、ageimmediatelyimmediatelyunbelievableunbelievableuncomfortableuncomfortable.考綱詞匯拓展考綱詞匯拓展1.1. adjadj. .引起恐懼的;令人驚恐的;引起恐懼的;令人驚恐的; 可怕的可怕的 adjadj. .恐懼的恐懼的 vtvt. .使驚嚇;使驚恐使驚嚇;使驚恐 n n. .吃驚;驚駭吃驚;驚駭2.2. vtvt. .使恐懼;使驚恐;恐嚇使恐懼;使驚恐;恐嚇 adjadj. .可怕的可怕的 adjadj. .恐恐 懼的;受驚嚇的懼的;受驚嚇的 n n. .恐懼,害怕恐懼,害怕3.3. vtvt. .埋葬;掩藏埋葬;

4、掩藏 n n. .埋葬埋葬; ;葬禮葬禮4.4. n n. .勇氣;膽量勇氣;膽量 adjadj. .勇敢勇敢 的;有膽量的的;有膽量的 v v. .鼓勵鼓勵 v v. .使氣餒使氣餒frighteningfrighteningfrightenedfrightenedfrightenfrightenfrightfrightterrifyterrifyterrifyingterrifyingterrifiedterrifiedterrorterrorburyburyburialburialcouragecouragecourageouscourageousencourageencouragedi

5、scouragediscourage5.5. vtvt. .催促;力勸;強(qiáng)烈要求;催促;力勸;強(qiáng)烈要求;n n. .迫切欲迫切欲 望,強(qiáng)烈要求望,強(qiáng)烈要求 adjadj. .緊急的,緊迫的緊急的,緊迫的 n n. .緊急情況緊急情況6.6. advadv. .立刻;馬上;直接地立刻;馬上;直接地 adjadj. .立刻的立刻的7.7. n n. .船弦;木板;邊緣船弦;木板;邊緣 prepprep. .在在 (船、飛機(jī)、車)上(船、飛機(jī)、車)上 advadv. .在國外在國外urgeurgeurgenturgenturgencyurgencyimmediatelyimmediatelyimme

6、diateimmediateboardboardaboardaboardabroadabroad.重要短語識記重要短語識記1.1. ones attention (to) ones attention (to)吸引某人的注意吸引某人的注意2.2. hand hand近在手邊;在附近近在手邊;在附近3.3. end end直立;豎著;連續(xù)地直立;豎著;連續(xù)地4.4. sb. sb. sth. sth.催促某人做某事催促某人做某事5.on 5.on 上船(飛機(jī)或車)上船(飛機(jī)或車)6.all of a 6.all of a 突然地;意外地突然地;意外地7.live 7.live 度過;經(jīng)受住度過;

7、經(jīng)受住8.as 8.as (=as if=as if)似乎,好像)似乎,好像9.9. to do sth. to do sth.發(fā)誓做某事發(fā)誓做某事drawdrawatatononurgeurgeto doto doboardboardsuddensuddenthroughthroughthoughthoughswearswear10.a danger 10.a danger 對對是危險是危險11.be 11.be to death to death被嚇?biāo)辣粐標(biāo)?2.draw 12.draw 臨近臨近13.call 13.call 需要需要14.14. arrival arrival一到達(dá)一到

8、達(dá)15.15. (sb.) down (sb.) down(使某人)平靜;(使某(使某人)平靜;(使某 人)鎮(zhèn)靜人)鎮(zhèn)靜totoscared/frightenedscared/frightenednearnearforforupon/onupon/oncalmcalm.經(jīng)典句式再現(xiàn)經(jīng)典句式再現(xiàn)1. 1. ( (我們看著它從山上升騰起來我們看著它從山上升騰起來如此遠(yuǎn)的如此遠(yuǎn)的 距離使我們看不出是哪座山距離使我們看不出是哪座山),but we later ),but we later learnt that it was Mount Vesuvius. learnt that it was Mou

9、nt Vesuvius.2. 2. ( (這樣的景象喚起了我叔叔心中的這樣的景象喚起了我叔叔心中的 探索欲望探索欲望) and see it from closer at hand.) and see it from closer at hand.3. 3. ( (一次初衷為尋求知識的旅行一次初衷為尋求知識的旅行) now called for ) now called for courage. courage.We watched it rising from a mountainatWe watched it rising from a mountainatsuch a distance

10、we couldnt tell whichsuch a distance we couldnt tell whichoneoneThe sight of it awoke the scientist in myThe sight of it awoke the scientist in myuncle to gouncle to goWhat started out as a trip for knowledgeWhat started out as a trip for knowledge4.He had to wait for a good wind, 4.He had to wait f

11、or a good wind, ( (此風(fēng)向與我叔叔來時的相此風(fēng)向與我叔叔來時的相 反反).).5.You can pick out the important bits, 5.You can pick out the important bits, ( (因為寫信是一回事,寫歷因為寫信是一回事,寫歷 史是另一回事史是另一回事),.),.6. 6. ( (壞天氣馬上就要來了壞天氣馬上就要來了).).blowingblowingthe other way than the one that carriedthe other way than the one that carriedmy uncl

12、e right inmy uncle right inforforit is one thing to write a letter,anotherit is one thing to write a letter,anotherto write historyto write historyThere is some dirty weather knockingThere is some dirty weather knockingaboutabout7.The hurricane7.The hurricane,with its power to sink with its power to

13、 sink ships and to destroy strong walls ships and to destroy strong walls, ( (一路一路 風(fēng)馳電掣來到小船前風(fēng)馳電掣來到小船前).).8.8. ( (突如其來的沉默突如其來的沉默) ) made Jukes feel uncomfortable. made Jukes feel uncomfortable.hadhadfound this little ship in its pathfound this little ship in its pathThe unexpected silenceThe unexpect

14、ed silence導(dǎo)練互動導(dǎo)練互動重點(diǎn)單詞重點(diǎn)單詞1.rise1.rise We watched it We watched it from a mountain. from a mountain. ( (回歸課本回歸課本P P7676) )觀察思考觀察思考 The sun rose and bathed the earth in its The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow. glow. 太陽升起,燦爛的陽光照遍了大地。太陽升起,燦爛的陽光照遍了大地。risingrising He rose from clerk to vice He

15、rose from clerk to vicepresident president because he was capable. because he was capable. 因為他有能力,所以從店員晉升為副總裁。因為他有能力,所以從店員晉升為副總裁。 The industry has felt the effects of The industry has felt the effects of recent price rises. recent price rises. 這一行業(yè)已經(jīng)感覺到了最新提價的影響。這一行業(yè)已經(jīng)感覺到了最新提價的影響。歸納拓展歸納拓展riserise詞性:詞

16、性: & & 意思:意思:(1 1)rise to ones feetrise to ones feet站起來站起來rise from the tablerise from the table(吃完飯)離開餐桌(吃完飯)離開餐桌rise (up) against.rise (up) against.起來反抗起來反抗(2 2)on the riseon the rise(物價等)在上漲,在增加(物價等)在上漲,在增加give rise togive rise to使發(fā)生使發(fā)生get a riseget a rise獲得加薪獲得加薪/ /晉升晉升vi.vi.n.n.上升上升; ;升

17、起;起床;上升起;起床;上漲;站起來;增加,增長漲;站起來;增加,增長; ;加薪;小山加薪;小山拓展辨析拓展辨析rise,raise,ariserise,raise,arise(1)rise(1)rise不及物動詞,說明主語自身移向較高的位不及物動詞,說明主語自身移向較高的位置。置。(2 2)raiseraise舉起,抬起,提高,及物動詞。舉起,抬起,提高,及物動詞。(3 3)arisearise發(fā)生,出現(xiàn),呈現(xiàn),引起,不及物動發(fā)生,出現(xiàn),呈現(xiàn),引起,不及物動詞,相當(dāng)于詞,相當(dāng)于appear,occur,appear,occur,主語通常為主語通常為difficulty,difficulty,

18、problem,argumentproblem,argument等。等。能力轉(zhuǎn)化能力轉(zhuǎn)化用用rise,raise,ariserise,raise,arise的適當(dāng)形式填空的適當(dāng)形式填空(1 1)The bus fares were The bus fares were again again yesterday.yesterday.(2 2)The sun has The sun has above the mountains. above the mountains.(3 3)Most of the accidents can Most of the accidents can out of

19、 out of carelessness.carelessness.raisedraisedrisenrisenarisearise(4 4) from the table,he made a from the table,he made a suggestion that we suggestion that we some money for some money for those who suffered a great loss in the those who suffered a great loss in the terrible earthquake. terrible ea

20、rthquake. A.Upon rising;raised A.Upon rising;raised B.On raising;raised B.On raising;raised C.Upon rising;raise C.Upon rising;raise D.On rising;rise D.On rising;rise 解析解析 on/upon doingon/upon doing表示一表示一就,就,riserise為不為不 及物動詞,此處指及物動詞,此處指“站起站起”,又因,又因suggestionsuggestion 后的同位語從句應(yīng)用虛擬語氣后的同位語從句應(yīng)用虛擬語氣“shou

21、ld+should+動詞原動詞原 形形”,shouldshould可省略,故選可省略,故選C C。C2.spot2.spot . .;in other parts there were darkin other parts there were dark of dirt and ash. of dirt and ash. (回歸課本(回歸課本P P7676)觀察思考觀察思考 A bullet struck his head and he was A bullet struck his head and he was killed on the spot. killed on the spot.

22、 一顆子彈擊中他的頭部,他當(dāng)場死亡。一顆子彈擊中他的頭部,他當(dāng)場死亡。 I easily spotted him in the crowd because I easily spotted him in the crowd because he was very tall. he was very tall. 因為他個子非常高,我在人群中很容易就認(rèn)出因為他個子非常高,我在人群中很容易就認(rèn)出 了他。了他。spotsspots歸納拓展歸納拓展spotspot詞性:詞性: & & 意思:意思:a scenic/beauty spota scenic/beauty spot風(fēng)景勝地風(fēng)景

23、勝地a historic spota historic spot古跡古跡a hot spota hot spot易出事的地點(diǎn)易出事的地點(diǎn)on/upon the spoton/upon the spot馬上,立刻;當(dāng)場;在現(xiàn)場馬上,立刻;當(dāng)場;在現(xiàn)場in a spotin a spot處于困境處于困境put sb.on the spotput sb.on the spot使某人尷尬使某人尷尬in spotsin spots時時時時; ;在某幾點(diǎn)上在某幾點(diǎn)上off the spotoff the spot不準(zhǔn)確,離題不準(zhǔn)確,離題n.n.vt.vt.斑點(diǎn);污漬;地點(diǎn)斑點(diǎn);污漬;地點(diǎn); ;現(xiàn)現(xiàn)場;認(rèn)出

24、,看出;讓步場;認(rèn)出,看出;讓步spot coverage of an international spot coverage of an international conferenceconference國際會議的現(xiàn)場采訪國際會議的現(xiàn)場采訪spot sb.as the winnerspot sb.as the winner在比賽前認(rèn)為某人會獲勝在比賽前認(rèn)為某人會獲勝spot ones famespot ones fame玷污某人的名譽(yù)玷污某人的名譽(yù)be spotted withbe spotted with滿是滿是斑點(diǎn)斑點(diǎn)night sky spotted with starsnight

25、sky spotted with stars繁星點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的夜空繁星點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的夜空能力轉(zhuǎn)化能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1 1)她穿著一條黑底白點(diǎn)的裙子。)她穿著一條黑底白點(diǎn)的裙子。 She was wearing a black skirtShe was wearing a black skirt . .(2 2)他當(dāng)場就回答了那個問題。)他當(dāng)場就回答了那個問題。 He answered the question He answered the question . .(3 3)我終于在人群中看見了我的朋友。)我終于在人群中看見了我的朋友。 I finally I finally in the crowd. in the

26、 crowd.with whitewith whitespotsspotson the spoton the spotspotted my friendspotted my friend3.sight3.sight The The of it awoke the scientist in my of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go. ( uncle to go. (回歸課本回歸課本P P7676) )觀察思考觀察思考 If you ever catch sight of the man,call If you ever catch sight

27、of the man,call the police right away. the police right away. 如果你看見這個人,馬上給警察打電話。如果你看見這個人,馬上給警察打電話。 At the sight of the policeman coming,the At the sight of the policeman coming,the people gathered ran away. people gathered ran away. 那些圍攏在一起的人一看見警察來了就跑開了。那些圍攏在一起的人一看見警察來了就跑開了。sightsight歸納拓展歸納拓展sightsi

28、ght詞性:詞性: 意思:意思:catch sight ofcatch sight of發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)現(xiàn); ;突然看見突然看見lose sight oflose sight of不再看見不再看見;忘記;忽略;忘記;忽略lose ones sightlose ones sight失明失明out of sightout of sight在視野之外在視野之外in sightin sight在視野之內(nèi)在視野之內(nèi)in ones sightin ones sight在某人看來在某人看來at first sightat first sight乍一看乍一看at the sight ofat the sight of一

29、看見一看見out of sight,out of mindout of sight,out of mind眼不見,心不煩眼不見,心不煩n.n.視力;看見;情景;景視力;看見;情景;景象;視野;象;視野;pl.pl.風(fēng)景;可笑的人;望遠(yuǎn)鏡風(fēng)景;可笑的人;望遠(yuǎn)鏡能力轉(zhuǎn)化能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1 1)雖然已經(jīng)看不到火車了,但他仍然站在那里。)雖然已經(jīng)看不到火車了,但他仍然站在那里。 He stood there even after the train was He stood there even after the train was . .(2 2)掛在大海上空的彩虹構(gòu)成一幅壯麗的景象。)掛在大海上空的彩

30、虹構(gòu)成一幅壯麗的景象。 The rainbow over the sea wasThe rainbow over the sea was . .(3 3)The practice of hanging clothes across The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common the street is a common in many parts in many parts of the city. of the city. A.look B.sign C.sight D.appearance A.look B.s

31、ign C.sight D.appearance 解析解析 sightsight風(fēng)景;風(fēng)景;looklook表情;表情;signsign跡象,現(xiàn)跡象,現(xiàn) 象;象;appearanceappearance出現(xiàn),顯露。出現(xiàn),顯露。Cout of sightout of sighta gloriousa glorioussightsight4.urge4.urge He paused for a moment wondering whether He paused for a moment wondering whether to turn back as the captain to turn b

32、ack as the captain him. him. ( (回歸課本回歸課本P P7676) )觀察思考觀察思考 This course of action was urged upon us This course of action was urged upon us by all parties. by all parties. 這個行動方針是各方力促我們作出的。這個行動方針是各方力促我們作出的。 I felt a sudden urge to scream.I felt a sudden urge to scream. 我突然很想大聲喊叫。我突然很想大聲喊叫。urgedurged歸

33、納拓展歸納拓展urgeurge詞性:詞性: & & 意思:意思:(1 1)urge sb.to do sth.urge sb.to do sth.催促催促/ /慫恿某人做某事慫恿某人做某事urge sth.on/upon sb.urge sth.on/upon sb.向某人極力陳述某事向某人極力陳述某事urge againsturge against極力反對極力反對urge o doing sth.urge o doing sth.催促某人做某事催促某人做某事urge that sb.should do sth.urge that sb.should d

34、o sth.力勸力勸/ /要求某人做要求某人做某事某事It is/was urged that sb.should do sth.It is/was urged that sb.should do sth.主張主張某人應(yīng)做某事某人應(yīng)做某事(2 2)an/the urge to do sth.an/the urge to do sth.想做想做的強(qiáng)烈欲望的強(qiáng)烈欲望v.v.n.n.催促;力勸;強(qiáng)烈要催促;力勸;強(qiáng)烈要求;沖動;強(qiáng)烈的欲望求;沖動;強(qiáng)烈的欲望能力轉(zhuǎn)化能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1 1)他要求有關(guān)的人員都積極參加這項工作。)他要求有關(guān)的人員都積極參加這項工作。 He He an an active pa

35、rt in the work. active part in the work.(2 2)他們要求圖書館假期也開放。)他們要求圖書館假期也開放。 They urged that the libraryThey urged that the library during the vacation. during the vacation.(3 3)他向我強(qiáng)調(diào)必須有毅力。)他向我強(qiáng)調(diào)必須有毅力。 He He the need of perseverance. the need of perseverance.(4 4)我突然想到鄉(xiāng)下去一趟。)我突然想到鄉(xiāng)下去一趟。 I I to go to the

36、 to go to the countryside. countryside.urged all concerned people to takeurged all concerned people to takebe kept openbe kept openurged upon meurged upon mehave a sudden urgehave a sudden urge重點(diǎn)短語與句型重點(diǎn)短語與句型5.at hand5.at hand .and see it from closer .and see it from closer . . (回歸課本(回歸課本P P7676)觀察思考

37、觀察思考 I want you to be at hand during my I want you to be at hand during my interview with the police. interview with the police.在我與警察談話在我與警察談話 時,我要你在附近。時,我要你在附近。 Final examination is at hand.Final examination is at hand. 期末考試快到了。期末考試快到了。at handat hand歸納拓展歸納拓展at handat hand(1 1)by handby hand手工的手工的ha

38、nd overhand over移交;交出移交;交出hand inhand in上交上交hand sth.to sb.hand sth.to sb.將某物傳遞給某人將某物傳遞給某人hand outhand out分發(fā)分發(fā)hand downhand down傳下來傳下來in handin hand在手中(持有);在手頭(隨時可用)在手中(持有);在手頭(隨時可用)(2 2)表示)表示“即將到來即將到來”的短語:的短語:sth.be uponsth.be upon某事即將來臨某事即將來臨(just) around the corner(just) around the corner即將來臨即將來臨

39、draw neardraw near臨近,走近臨近,走近on the wayon the way在途中,接近在途中,接近在附近;在手頭;即將到來的在附近;在手頭;即將到來的能力轉(zhuǎn)化能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1 1)援助近在咫尺。)援助近在咫尺。 Help was Help was . .(2 2)這些技術(shù)以往都是父子相傳。)這些技術(shù)以往都是父子相傳。 These skills used to be These skills used to be from from father to son. father to son.(3 3)請把這些書發(fā)給大家好嗎?)請把這些書發(fā)給大家好嗎? Could you Cou

40、ld you ,please?,please?at handat handhanded downhanded downhand these books outhand these books out6.knock about/around6.knock about/around Theres some dirty weather Theres some dirty weather . . (回歸課本(回歸課本P P7979)觀察思考觀察思考 The ship has been knocked about by the The ship has been knocked about by the

41、 storms. storms. 那只船曾飽受風(fēng)暴的摧殘。那只船曾飽受風(fēng)暴的摧殘。 He knocked about in Europe for a few He knocked about in Europe for a few months. months. 他在歐洲漫游了幾個月。他在歐洲漫游了幾個月。knockingknockingaboutabout歸納拓展歸納拓展knock about/aroundknock about/aroundknock sb./sth.aboutknock sb./sth.about反復(fù)打擊或粗暴對待反復(fù)打擊或粗暴對待knock about with sb.

42、/togetherknock about with sb./together某人做伴某人做伴/ /互相互相在一起在一起knock upknock up(敲門)叫醒(敲門)叫醒knock sb./sth.downknock sb./sth.down把某人把某人/ /某物撞倒某物撞倒knock into sb.knock into sb.撞在某人身上撞在某人身上knock sth.overknock sth.over把某物撞翻把某物撞翻/ /撞倒撞倒knock offknock off把把敲掉;停工;下班;減價敲掉;停工;下班;減價knock at/onknock at/on敲(窗、門等)敲(窗、

43、門等)knock against.knock against.撞在撞在上上; ;和和沖突沖突碰撞;游逛,漫游(不及物碰撞;游逛,漫游(不及物動詞短語);毆打,擊打(及物動詞短語)動詞短語);毆打,擊打(及物動詞短語)能力轉(zhuǎn)化能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1 1)他雖然還十分年輕,但是已經(jīng)去過全國許多)他雖然還十分年輕,但是已經(jīng)去過全國許多 地方。地方。 He is very young,but hesHe is very young,but hes the country a great deal. the country a great deal.(2 2)讓我們停下工作喝杯茶吧!)讓我們停下工作喝杯茶吧! L

44、ets Lets work and have a cup of work and have a cup of tea! tea!(3 3)幾個月前,羅斯的父親被車撞倒了。)幾個月前,羅斯的父親被車撞倒了。 Several months ago,Roses father was Several months ago,Roses father was by a car. by a car.knocked aboutknocked aboutknock offknock offknocked over/downknocked over/down7.live through7.live through

45、 Will she Will she this? ( this? (回歸課本回歸課本P P7979) )觀察思考觀察思考 The patient will not live through the The patient will not live through the night. night. 那病人將無法活過今晚。那病人將無法活過今晚。 He has lived through two wars and three He has lived through two wars and three revolutions. revolutions. 他經(jīng)歷過兩次戰(zhàn)爭和三次革命。他經(jīng)歷過兩次

46、戰(zhàn)爭和三次革命。live throughlive through 歸納拓展歸納拓展 live throughlive through(1 1)live onlive on依靠依靠;以;以為生為生 live bylive by靠靠生活生活 live up to.live up to.按按行事;不辜負(fù)行事;不辜負(fù) live forlive for為為而活;渴望而活;渴望 live withlive with忍受,忍耐;與忍受,忍耐;與一起生活一起生活(2 2)look throughlook through瀏覽瀏覽 go throughgo through通過,穿過;經(jīng)受;瀏覽通過,穿過;經(jīng)受;瀏

47、覽 pass throughpass through經(jīng)過,路過經(jīng)過,路過 get throughget through做完;通過(考試);看完;接做完;通過(考試);看完;接 受;接通電話受;接通電話活過;經(jīng)歷(困難、危險)而未死活過;經(jīng)歷(困難、危險)而未死(不能用于被動語態(tài))(不能用于被動語態(tài)) 能力轉(zhuǎn)化能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1 1)現(xiàn)在我們每月的收入,除了維持生活還有富)現(xiàn)在我們每月的收入,除了維持生活還有富 余。余。 Now our monthly income is more than enough Now our monthly income is more than enough . .(2

48、 2)在倫敦期間,他度過了一段艱難的時期。)在倫敦期間,他度過了一段艱難的時期。 When in London,he When in London,he . .to live onto live onlived through a hard timelived through a hard time(3 3)Hardly could he Hardly could he this amount of this amount of work in such a short time. work in such a short time. A.get through B.get off A.get

49、 through B.get off C.get into D.get down C.get into D.get down 解析解析 句意為:在這么短的時間內(nèi)他幾乎不能句意為:在這么短的時間內(nèi)他幾乎不能 做完這些工作。做完這些工作。A A項為項為“做完;通過做完;通過”;B B項為項為 “ “動身,起飛;下班;下車動身,起飛;下班;下車”;C C項為項為“進(jìn)入;進(jìn)入; 染上(習(xí)慣);陷入染上(習(xí)慣);陷入”;D D項為項為“使沮喪;記使沮喪;記 下下”。A8.8. ,my uncle hugged Pompy ,my uncle hugged Pompy and and tried to g

50、ive him courage. tried to give him courage.剛一到達(dá),我剛一到達(dá),我 叔叔就擁抱了龐皮,試圖給他勇氣。叔叔就擁抱了龐皮,試圖給他勇氣。典例體驗典例體驗 home I was greeted by my home I was greeted by my parents. parents. 我一到家父母就問候我。我一到家父母就問候我。 from you,I shall let her from you,I shall let her know. know. 一收到你的來信,我就會告訴她。一收到你的來信,我就會告訴她。Upon arrivalUpon arr

51、ivalOn (my) arrivalOn (my) arrivalUpon hearingUpon hearing 歸納拓展歸納拓展 upon/on+n./doing.upon/on+n./doing.表示表示“一一就就”。 英語中表示英語中表示“一一就就”意思的連詞或介詞意思的連詞或介詞 短語還有:短語還有:(1 1)as soon as+as soon as+從句從句 the moment/the minute+the moment/the minute+從句從句 immediately/directly/instantly+immediately/directly/instantly+

52、從句從句 no sooner had+.+thanno sooner had+.+thanclauseclause hardly/scarcely had+.+when+ hardly/scarcely had+.+when+從句從句(2 2)at the hearing of./at the sight at the hearing of./at the sight of./at the thought of. of./at the thought of.一聽到一聽到/ /看到看到/ /想想 到到就就 能力轉(zhuǎn)化能力轉(zhuǎn)化 句型轉(zhuǎn)換句型轉(zhuǎn)換 On hearing the news,he rush

53、ed out.On hearing the news,he rushed out.(1 1) ,he rushed ,he rushed out. out.(2 2) heard the news,he rushed out.heard the news,he rushed out.(3 3) when he when he rushed out. rushed out.AtAt the hearing ofthe hearing of thethe newsnewsThe moment/The minute/As soon asThe moment/The minute/As soon as

54、heheHardlyHardlyhadhad hehe heardheard thethe newsnews考題回扣考題回扣【例例1 1】Im sure that your letter will get Im sure that your letter will get attention.They know youre waiting attention.They know youre waiting for the reply. ( for the reply. (全國全國高考高考) ) A.continued B.immediate A.continued B.immediate C.

55、careful D.general C.careful D.general 解析解析 句意為:我肯定你的信會馬上引起注句意為:我肯定你的信會馬上引起注 意,他們知道你在等著回復(fù)。意,他們知道你在等著回復(fù)。immediate“immediate“立刻立刻 的的”符合語境。符合語境。continuedcontinued連續(xù)的,反復(fù)的;連續(xù)的,反復(fù)的; carefulcareful小心的;小心的;generalgeneral一般的,均不合題意。一般的,均不合題意。 課文原文課文原文 Helped by two slaves he stood up,and Helped by two slaves h

56、e stood up,and fell down dead. fell down dead.Bimmediatelyimmediately【例例2 2】He told us whether He told us whether a picnic was a picnic was still under discussion. ( still under discussion. (四川高考四川高考) ) A.to have B.having C.have D.had A.to have B.having C.have D.had 解析解析 whetherwhether可與不定式搭配,意為可與不定

57、式搭配,意為“是否去是否去 做某事做某事”。句意為:他告訴我們是否去野餐還。句意為:他告訴我們是否去野餐還 在討論中。在討論中。 課文原文課文原文 He paused for a moment wonderingHe paused for a moment wondering back as the captain urged him. back as the captain urged him.Awhetherwhetherto turnto turn【例例3 3】After the long journey, the three of After the long journey, the

58、 three of them went back home, them went back home, . (. (北京高考北京高考) ) A.hungry and tiredly A.hungry and tiredly B.hungry and tired B.hungry and tired C.hungrily and tiredly C.hungrily and tiredly D.hungrily and tired D.hungrily and tired 解析解析 本題句意為:長途旅行后他們?nèi)嘶丶冶绢}句意為:長途旅行后他們?nèi)嘶丶?了了, ,又累又餓。由句式結(jié)構(gòu)看又累又餓。由

59、句式結(jié)構(gòu)看, ,空格處應(yīng)作為狀空格處應(yīng)作為狀 語使用語使用, ,四個選項中均使用了并列連詞四個選項中均使用了并列連詞and,and,故故 andand前后的詞類應(yīng)該一致前后的詞類應(yīng)該一致, ,且英語中形容詞或形且英語中形容詞或形 容詞短語可作為狀語使用容詞短語可作為狀語使用, ,表示主語的狀態(tài)表示主語的狀態(tài), ,故故 應(yīng)選擇應(yīng)選擇B B項。項。B 課文原文課文原文 “ “The troubles not over yetThe troubles not over yet,”said said Captain MacWhirr, Captain MacWhirr, . .half aloudha

60、lf aloud【例例4 4】The moment I got home, I found I The moment I got home, I found I my jacket on the playground. ( my jacket on the playground. (陜西高考陜西高考) ) A.had left B.left A.had left B.left C.have left D.was leaving C.have left D.was leaving 解析解析 foundfound為一般過去時態(tài)為一般過去時態(tài), ,而而leaveleave發(fā)生在發(fā)生在 findfind之前之前, ,故故leaveleave須用


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