



1、1、新年好!你也一樣。Happy new year! The same to you.2、你的新自行車看起來很好!謝謝你。Your new bike looks very nice! Thank you.3、你經(jīng)常騎自行車去學(xué)校嗎?是的,我是。Do you usually go to school by bike? Yes, I do.4、你通常怎樣去學(xué)校?我通常乘地鐵去學(xué)校。How do you usually go to school? I usually come to school by subway.5、我一直乘公共汽車去學(xué)校。I always come to school by b

2、us.6、到該上課的時(shí)間了。Its time for class.7.每逢工作日你通常是什么時(shí)候起床?我總是大約六點(diǎn)鐘起床。What time do you usually get up on weekdays? I usually get up at about six oclock.8.早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。The early birds catches the worm.9.李想經(jīng)常騎自行車去學(xué)校。Li Xiang often comes to school by bus.10.瑪利亞有時(shí)乘地鐵回家。Mary sometimes goes home by subway.11.我們經(jīng)常步行去公

3、園。We usually go to the park on foot.12.他們總是坐公共汽車去動(dòng)物園。They always go to the zoo by bus.13.八點(diǎn)上課。Classes begin at eight.14.她上午上四節(jié)課。She has four classes in the morning.15.放學(xué)后韓青通常做什么?他通常踢足球,但是他不打籃球。What does Han Qing usually do after school?He usually plays soccer, but he doesnt play basketball.16.你多久來一次

4、圖書館?一周三次。How often do you come to school? Three times a week.17、我們想要知道美國學(xué)生的學(xué)校生活。Wed like to know about the school life of American students.18、許多學(xué)生通常坐黃色的校車或者步行去學(xué)。 。Many students usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school.19、幾點(diǎn)放學(xué)? 在大約三點(diǎn)鐘。What time is school over ? At about three oclock.20、他們在

5、空閑時(shí)間做什么呢? 他們經(jīng)常打籃球和踢足球What do they usually do in their free time?They often play basketball and soccer.21、我很抱歉我們沒有更多的時(shí)間。Im sorry we have no more time.22.和你談話真高興。Nice talking to you.23.你正在做你的作業(yè)嗎?是的,我正在做作業(yè)。Are you doing your homework?No, Im not.24.你正在看電視嗎?是的,我在。Are you watching TV?Yes, I am.25.我正在制作卡片。

6、I am making cards.26.現(xiàn)在他們正在干什么?他們正唱歌。What are they doing now?They are singing.27.王維和林濤也在跳舞嗎?不,他們沒有。Are Wang Wei and Lin Tao dancing, too?No, they arent.28.打擾一下,我可以借一些英語練習(xí)冊嗎?當(dāng)然可以。Excuse me, may/can/could I borrow some English workbooks?Of course.29.我能借它們多長時(shí)間? 兩周。How long can I keep them? Two weeks.30

7、.你必須按時(shí)歸還它們。當(dāng)然,我將按時(shí)歸還。You must return them on time. Sure,I will.31.打擾一下,我能借一些英語報(bào)紙嗎?對不起,我們沒有任何報(bào)紙了。Excuse me, do you have any English newspapers?Sorry,we dont have any.32.仍然謝謝你!Thank you all the same.33.它是什么顏色?What color is it?34.他正在教室的后面檫黑板。She is cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom.3

8、5.那個(gè)男人沒有正在看電視。他正在玩電腦。The man isnt watching TV. He is playing on the computer.36.這兒有他的幾張照片。Here are some photos of his.37.他正在長城上和一個(gè)姑娘談話。He is talking to a Japanese girl on the Great Wall.38.我也想有一天參觀它。I want to visit it one day.39.今天星期幾?星期三。What day is it today?Wednesday.40.他們正在上什么課? 他們正在上一節(jié)音樂課。What c

9、lass are they having?Theyre having a music class。41.這節(jié)課幾點(diǎn)鐘結(jié)束?在十點(diǎn)四十。What time is the class over?At twenty to eleven。42.下節(jié)課幾點(diǎn)鐘結(jié)束? 在十點(diǎn)五十。What time does the next class begin? At ten fifty.43.他每個(gè)工作日上多少節(jié)課? 五節(jié)。How many lessons does he have every weekday?Five.44.在周三他有什么課?他有英語, 數(shù)學(xué), 音樂, 生物, 政治和語文。What lessons

10、does he have on Wednesday? He has English, math, music, biology, politics and Chinese.45.我認(rèn)為你一定非常喜歡英語。I think you must like English very much.46.你認(rèn)為英語怎么樣?我不喜歡它。它有點(diǎn)難。What do you think of English?I dont like it. Its a little difficult.47.我們互相幫助好嗎?好主意。Can we help each other?Good idea!48.該上課了。咱們一起走吧。Its

11、 time for class. Lets go.49.你最喜歡什么科目?我最喜歡歷史。Which subject do you like best? I like history best.50.你為什么喜歡它?因?yàn)樗热菀子钟腥ぁhy do you like it ? Because its easy and interesting.51.在學(xué)校,我的老師和同班同學(xué)對我都很好。At school, my teachers and classmates are kind to me.52.在上午我上四節(jié)課,在下午我上兩節(jié)課。I have four classes in the mornin

12、g and two classes in the afternoon.53.在學(xué)校,我經(jīng)常和我的同班同學(xué)一起打籃球。At school , I often play basketball with my classmates.54.你能告訴我怪與你的學(xué)校的一些事情嗎?Can you tell me something about your school?55.請注意!Attention,please!56.今天下午五點(diǎn)鐘在操場上一班和二班之間有一場足球賽。There is a soccer game between Class One and Class Two on the playgrou

13、nd at 5:00 thisafternoon.57.從上午九點(diǎn)到下午五點(diǎn)。From 9:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon。58.我可以從中學(xué)到許多。I can learn a lot from it.59.謝謝你們的辛勤工作。Thank you for your hard work.60.歡迎到我的家里來。Welcome to my home .61.你的臥室在哪里?他在二樓。Where is your bedroom?Its on the second floor.62.在你的書房里有什么?有一個(gè)沙發(fā),一張課桌,一些書等等.Whats

14、in your study? There is a sofa, a desk , some books and so on.63.為什么不上樓看一看呢?Why not go upstairs and have a look?64.咱們走!lets go.65.在你的書房里有一些英語書嗎?是的,有。Are there any English books in your study? Yes,there are.66.在你的書房里有一臺電腦嗎?是的,有。/不,沒有Is there a computer in your study?Yes , there is ./No , there isnt.6

15、7.課桌上有什么?Whats on your desk?68.不要把它們放在這里。Dont put them there.69.請把它們收起來放好。Put them away, please.70.你必須保管好你的東西。You must look after your things.71.書架上有如此多的書。There are so many books on the shelves.72.在墻上有一幅畫。There is a picture on the wall.73.教室的前面有什么?在教室的前面有一棵樹。Whats in front of the classroom ? There i

16、s a tree in front of it.74.在教室的前面有兩個(gè)學(xué)生嗎?是的,有。Are there two students in the front of the classroom? Yes, there are.75.在院子的中央有一個(gè)大花園。There is a small garden in the center of the yard.76.在院子的后邊,有一個(gè)漂亮的房子。At the back of the yard, there is a nice room.77.在院子的左邊,有一個(gè)廚房和一個(gè)餐廳。On the left of the yard ,there is

17、a kitchen and a dinging room.78.我們的洗手間在院子的右邊。Our bathroom is on the right of the yard.79.我正在幫助我的父親打掃書房。Im helping my father clean the study.80.我非常愛我的家。I love my home very much.81.有多少飛機(jī)模型? 有三個(gè)。How many model planes are there? There three.82.玻璃杯里有多少水? 僅僅一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)。How much water is there in the glass? On a l

18、ittle.83.你住在什么種類的房子里?帶有兩層樓的小洋房。What kind of home do you live in? Its a townhouse with two floors.84.你們和你的租父母住在一起嗎?不,他們住在鄉(xiāng)下的一個(gè)大農(nóng)房里Do you live with your grandparents? No, they live in a farmhouse in the country.85.在你居住的樓里有幾層呢?有七層。How many floors are there in your building? There are seven.86.你喜歡住在那里嗎?Do you like living there?87.邁克爾正在我們學(xué)校附近尋找一個(gè)公寓房。Michael is looking for an apartment near our school.88.咱們幫幫他。Lets help him.89.你想


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