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1、Unit 1 課時跟蹤練(三)Learning about Language & Using Language一、全練語言點,基穩(wěn)才能樓高%勿本課語言點針對練習I.單詞拼寫1.The picture indicates ( 表明)that where there is a will, thereis a way.2.The authorities ( 當局)were trying to disclose the truth to the press.3.The rural reforms ( 改革)have achieved good results, and there has be

2、en anoticeable change in the countryside.4.With the cha nee slipping (溜走; 滑動)through your fin gers,it is no use cryingover spilt milk.5.My uncle hired ( 雇用)two people to help him at harvest time last autumn.6.It was beco ming apparent (顯而易見的 )to me thatshe did nt like me.7.She shaved ( 舌刮; 剃 ) off t

3、he top branches of that bush.8.The conductor (歹 U 車員) won great applause after the performanee.9.Every one should be treated with justice (_ 公正).10. I was sent to bed as a punishment (懲罰).n.單句改錯1.It is said that the idea occurred him in a dream.occurred themselves.luggages luggage5. Very soon I foun

4、d some other people to team up and we began to write songs.up 后加 with6.A good many usdont like speaking English in class.many后力口 of7. If you apply to study, you can make it.apply _ 后力口 yourself8. Tiring out, they stopped to have a rest.Tiring Tired川.選詞填空team up with , mark out , slip down,take in,fe

5、el like , back to back , apply for , a good/great many2 . Research indicatethat men findit easier to give up smoking thanwomen.indicateindicates3. As soon as rd got through custom, I felt at home.custom customs4 . The driverremin ded thepasse ngersto take theirluggages with后加 to21.When we first got

6、to Beijing, we bought a map on which was marked_out the3streets that each parade would travel along.2.I had bee n up all ni ght at a party, soI did ntfeel_like doing anything very muchthe next day.3.Let us team_up_with them to make a new ball team.4.You need to stay in Nanjing at least two weeks if

7、you want to take_in allthe tourist places.5.Stand back_to_back and dont talk to each other.6.In the snowstorm, a_good/great_many students are waiting in long lines to sign for the arttest.7.He has applied_fora passport to the UK.8.When she heard the news, the cup in her hand slipped_down onto the fl

8、oor.本單元語言點溫故練習I.將下列句子改為含有名詞性從句的復合句1.En glish is being accepted as an intern ati on al la nguage. It is a fact.Tlt_is_a_fact_that_English_is_being_accepted_as_annternatio_2.It is gen erally con sidered un wise to give a child everythi ng her or she wan ts.Tlt_is_generally_considered_unwise_to_give_a_

9、child_whatever_he_or_she_wa_s.3.It used to be a quiet village, I still remember that time.T Istill_remember_whent used_to_be_a_quietvillage.4.He is said to go abroad and marry an American girl next week.Tlt_is_said_that_he_will_go_abroad_and_marry_an_American_girl_next_wee_5.He should report this ac

10、cident to the police at once. This is my suggestion.TMy suggestion is that he should report this accident to the police at one e.6.Julie became a poet. It may have bee n due to her un cles in flue nee.TThat Julie became a poet may have been due to her uncles influe _7.Whydid he choose Harvard Univer

11、sitytofurther his studies? It is clear toeverybody.TWhyhe_choseHarvard_Uni versity_to_further_his_studies_is_clear_to_everyb_ody.8.When will he return from New York? It depends a great deal on his health.4TWhen hell return from New York depends a great deal on his health._ resp on siblefor this fina

12、n cial problem?TCould_you_tell_me_whether_you,the_chairma n,or_ vice-chairman _is_responsible_for_this_financial_problem?_10. Tell me it. Which city do you need to go to if you want to take part in Mardi Gras?TTell_me_which_city_y ou_n eed_to_go_tof_y ou_wa nt_to_take_part_in_Mardi_Gr as.n.補全句子1.He

13、has barely eno ugh money to_live_ on.他的錢僅夠勉強維持生計。2.By no means would 丄 give_up though I was faced with so much trouble.盡管面對著很多困難,我絕不會放棄。3.John is_said_to_be one of the best teachers in the school.據(jù)說約翰是這個學校最好的老師之一。4.Now it is all about how to_make_a_life here for themselves.現(xiàn)在的一切就是他們如何在這兒適應新生活。5 . Se

14、eing many sufferi ngfrom all kinds of dieseases, heelected_to_become_a_doctor.看到許多人在忍受著各種疾病的痛苦,他決定當醫(yī)生。6.In face of the challenge for the moment, its the most important to_ keep_up a good state ofhealth.面對目前的挑戰(zhàn),最重要的是保持良好的身體狀態(tài)。7.Having bargained with the merchant, he bought the ring.他與那商人討價還價之后買下那枚戒指。

15、8.Before I go shopping, ni makea list of what my kids will ne _ for the coming seas on.我在購物前,我要列一下孩子們下一個季節(jié)需要的東西。9.With a lot of work to do, he got up very early this morning.由于有很多工作要做,他今天很早就起床了。10. The bus broke down, so that_we 一 had_to_walk._公共汽車出現(xiàn)了故障,因此我們不得不步行。二、勤練高考題型,多練自能生巧I.閱讀理解In eighteen sev

16、enty-seven,the American government decided to movethe Nez Perce Indians fromtheir land. The government had set up a reservation for them in Idaho.Chief Joseph did not want to leave the Ian d. It was holy gro un d. It contained the bones of his father9 . Could you tell me it? Whether are you,the chai

17、rman, or vice-chairman5and mother.But, like his father in earlier times, Chief Joseph knew it would be hopelessto stay and defend the land. There were too few Indians to win a war against thewhite men.And so in June of eightee n seve nty-seve n, the Nez Perceleft their home in theWallowa Valley. The

18、y left quickly. They were able to take only a small part of what they own ed, and justa few cattle and Appaloosa horses.When the In dia ns reached the Sn ake River, the water was very deep and ran veryfast with melted snow from the mountains. Chief Joseph and his people made boats from sticks anddri

19、ed animal skins to cross the river. While the Indians were busy, a group of white men came and stolesome of the cattle waiting at the edge of the river.The other chiefs dema nded that Joseph call a meeti ng. Two of the chiefs, WhiteBird and Toohoolhoolzote, spoke for War, but Joseph held differe nt

20、opinion.Some of the young men in White Birds group were very an gry. That ni ght, theyrode into the countryside and killed eleven white persons.During all his years as chief, Joseph had tried to keep the peace. Now he sawthere was no hope. Although he and his young men had taken no part in the killi

21、ngs, he knew that thewhite men would blame all of the In dia ns. Chief Joseph said, “ Iwould have given my own lifeif I could have undone the killingof the white men.”Many Nez Perce fled. Chief Joseph rema in ed, because hiswife was about to havea baby. After she gave birth,he and his family joined

22、the others in White Bird Canyonto the south.Joseph wan ted to lead the people to safety in the flat la nds of Montana. Butthe United States army quickly sent horse soldiers to follow them.They were extremely tired whe n they reached White Bird Canyon. An In dia ncarry ing a white flag walked forward

23、 to meet them. A soldier shot him.With that shot, war betwee n the Nez Perce and the Un ited States bega n.語篇解讀:本文主要介紹內茲佩爾塞部落印第安人被迫離開自己世世代代生長的地方,且在搬遷過程中受到美國白人的欺壓,最后,印第安人首領約瑟夫帶領其人民進行反抗,為了獲得自由而與美國展開斗爭。1. Why did nt Chief Joseph want to leave the land?A He thought the reservation in Idaho wasnt satisfy

24、ing.B He didnt want to be separated from his parents.6C He had special feeling for the land where he was living.D He didnt want to live with the white men.解析: 選 C 細節(jié)理解題。 根據(jù)第一段中的“ Chief Joseph did not want to leave the land. It was holyground. It contained the bones of his father and mother.”可知選 C。2W

25、hich of the following is TRUE?A Before they left their home, the Nez Perce had only a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.B Chief Joseph and his people were unwilling to cross the deep river.C Whenthe Indians reached the Snake River, it was very hard for them to cross it.D While the Indians were waiting

26、 by the river, a group of white men stole some of the cattle.解析:選 C 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第四段第一句話“ When the Indians reached the Snake River, thewater was very deep and ran very fast with melted snow from the mountains. ”可判斷 C 項正確,故選 C。3 From the passage we can infer that _ .A Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeles

27、s to defend the landB white men often killed some IndiansC Chief Joseph was afraid of white menD conflicts often happened between the Indians and the white解析:選 D 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段及第七段可以推斷出,印第安人和白人經(jīng)常發(fā)生 沖突,故選D。4 After someof the young menin White Birds group killed eleven white persons,A Chief Joseph blamed

28、 White BirdB Chief Joseph tried his best to keep peaceC all the Nez Perce fledD the United States army wanted to revenge (報仇 )解析:選 D 推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章倒數(shù)第二段及倒數(shù)第三段可推斷出,在殺死 11 個白人之后,美國軍隊想報仇,故選D。n.語法填空There was a boy who was excellent at his study except for his poor handwriting. One day he madeup _1_ mind to

29、improve it. With the strong will, he kept practicing every day. He made use of oldnewspapers to write on to reduce his familysburden._2_ time went on, he found that little progress was made _3_ he had practiced a lot, which madehim quite upset.7_4_ (disappoint),he turned to his teacher for help. After hearing his story,the teacher _5_ (advise) him to use the best paper rather than the old newspapers. Much to hispuzzle as well


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