



1、學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載1.-Must I fin ish the work now?-No, you_. You can do it in the after noon.A. must ntB. dontC. n eed ntD. cant2. To be a lovely Shan gha in ese, we_be helpful and frie ndly to others.A. shouldB. canC. n eedD. may3. _the eve ning of March 23, he became a member of the army.A. OnB. I nC. OfD. A

2、t4. We can see a lot of old people_morning exercise on our way toschool.A. doesB. doC. doing D. did5. I will go to Shesha n if I_time this weeke nd.A. will have B. has C. hav ing D. have6. We use paper and glue_model pla nes.A. makeB. makes C. to making D. for making7. Owe n is_ in Brita in.A. one o

3、f the best playersB. one of the good playersC. one of the best playerD. one of the better players8. _people died in the world war many years ago.A. Many millio nsB. Millio ns ofC. Million of D. Millio ns9. We get wood_trees and we use wood_ make paper andother thi ngs.A. from; to B. from; for C. to;

4、 for D. for; to10. I wont_ much time flying to Beijing from Shanghai.A. takeB. spe nd C. cost D. pay11. Let me_a look at your new dress.A. haveB. to have C. hav ingD. had12. -Would you like some milk?- Yes, just_ .A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little13. _ go there by sea?A. Why dont to B. Why dontC. W

5、hy not D. Why not you14. The fire exti nguisher is_ the wall_ the back staircase.A. on; atB. in; onC. in; at D. on; in學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載15. Our chairs are made_ wood. The paper is also made_wood.A. of; ofB. of; from C. from; from D. from; of二,用所給單詞的適當形式填空。1._people usually make some mistakes. (care)2.His_made

6、 us very sad. (die)3.I_ like chocolates very much. (real)4.Look, the dog looks very_. (hun ger)5.Big waves in the sea may sink_boats. (fish)三.用所給單詞的適當形式完成句子。1. Thank you for_me the n ews. (tell)2. Eddie ofte n has a bad cold in wi nter,_he? (do)3. He_ away from my hometow n for ten years. (be)4. Mar

7、y_ n ever_to Japa n. (be)5. I d rather_at home. (stay)四選擇和劃線部分最接近的單詞A. fin allyB. rescued C. got ready for D. bright E. over1. There are more tha n 20 milli on people in this tow n.2. Alice has prepared for her performa nee at Christmas.3. Because of his hard study, he got an A in his En glish test

8、at last.4. Who saved your pet dog last week?5. Bill is a smart boy. He can solve a lot of problems by himself.五.按要求改寫句子.1. It s about 30 minutes ride from my home to the Grand Theatre._ is it from your home to the Grand Theatre?2. Danny don t go to see a doctor yesterday bec ause he was busy with hi

9、s work._ Danny go to see a doctor yesterday?3. I ll be five kilogrammes heavier when I am 25 years old._will you be_whe n you are 25 years old?4. Firemen use breathing equipment to protect them from smoke.(對戈 V 線部分提問)_do fireme n use breathi ng equipme nt_ ?學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載5. The fire bur nt a lot of trees

10、last year.(改為否定句 )The fire_ burn_trees last year.六Reading comprehension.A. True or false.Mrs. Brown other was ill in bed tow days ago. So she had to go and look after her.Before she left, she said to her husba nd,“I must tell you where everythi ng is, or youdon t know what to do, but my train is lea

11、ving in half an hour s time and I must gonow.“ Don t worry, ” Mr. Brow n said,“I can look after myself.” In fact, he could not doany thi ng without his wife. But whe n his wife came back the n ext day, she did not have to wash any plates becausehe had his metals in restaura nts.1. Mr. Brown s mother

12、 was ill ibed two days ago.2. Mrs. Brown went to look after her sick mother.3. Before she left, Mrs. Brow n did not tell her husba nd where everythi ng was.4. Mr. Brown had his meals in restaurants.5. Mrs. Brown didn t have to wash any plates because there were no plates to wash.B. Choose the best a

13、n swer.A boy who was clea ning shoes in the street said to a young man pass ing by,“ Let me clean your shoes.” The young man said,“ No, thank you.” You may payonly a pound, sir.” Said the boy. But the yonag refused aga in. Then the boy toldhim that he would clea n his shoes for no thi ng. The young

14、man agreed to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. The man put the other shoe on the boy, but the boy refused to clea n it uni ess he was paid two poundsfor his work. The young man refused to pay any thi ng and went away. But the dirty one looked so bad that he couldn t walk away. H

15、e had to turn back and gave the boy two pounds. In a very short time his shoes shone brightly.1. The boy was a shoes_.A. clea nerB. maker C. repairer D. seller2. At first the young man refused to clea n his shoes, because_ .A. he could n t payB. he had not eno ugh moneyC. he didn t think it necessar

16、yD. he had just cleaned his shoes3. Then the young man agreed to clea n his shoes, because the boy asked forA. two pounds B. one poundC. no thi ngD. few money學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載4. The boy refused to clea n the sec ond shoe, because_A. it was very dirtyB. the young man paid only one poundC. it was difficult to

17、clea nD. he asked to be paid two pounds5. The boy said he would clean the young man s shoes for nothing just in order toA. show his kindn essB. help the young manC. get more money from himD. let every one see/C.Mrs. Black was a poor old woma n and she lived in a small village. Her husba nddied ten y

18、ears ago. But she had a 24-year-old daughter. Her n ame was Alice. Sheworked in New York and lived there. It was far away from her mother s village, andshe was not happy about this. One day Alice said to her mo ther, “I ve found a good job in Bost on, and I can makea lot of money there, so I will go

19、 to work in Bost onnext week. But don t worry, Mum, I ll send you some money every week.”A month later, Mrs. Black was very angry. She decided to go to see her daughter inBost on on a train. Whe n she saw her daughter, she said,“ Alice, why do you n evercall me? ”Alice laughed,“ But mother, ” she sa

20、id, “ Alice, why do you never call me?”“ No, she an swered,“I have n t, but you have got one.”1. Where did Mrs. Black live?2. Did Mrs. Black live with her daughter?3. Why did Alice go to work in Bost on?4. A month later, how did Mrs. Black go to see her daughter in Bost on?5. Had Alice teleph oned h

21、er mother? Why?D. Choose the words and expressi ons and complete the passage.Joh n lives n ext to Tom. He spe nds much_ on his research work and isbusy all the time. He hates to_others whe n he is at work. His frie ndsknow him very well and always_ him on the teleph one if he is free beforethey go t

22、o_ him.Tom works in a middle school and he hopes to do some readi ng at home. But hehas some frie nds and they_chatt ing. Of course it is_for himto stop them. He feels sorry after they leave. So one day, whe n Tom met Joh n infront of his buildi ng, he asked Joh n for some advice. Joh n was very hap

23、py to_Tom.學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載“I always put my hat and gloves on my desk before work ing,” said Joh n. “ Whe學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載the_ is ringin g, I put them on quickly and the n I ope n the door. If a manwants to chat with me, I say,“ Oh,_ . I am going out!D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.We are often war ned by our teachers n ever to w_time, because time lostwill n ever r_ . I thi nk it quite true. What is time l_ ? Nobodyknow, and we cannot see it or tou


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