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1、2015屆高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)課件人教新課標(biāo)必修1-選修8學(xué)案.單詞速記A識記單詞1_ (adj.)心煩意亂的;不安的;不適的 (vt.) 使不安;使心煩2_ (vt.) 不理睬;忽視3_ (vt. & vi.) (使)平靜;(使)鎮(zhèn)定 (adj.) 平靜的;鎮(zhèn)靜的;沉著的4_ (adj.) 松的;松開的5_ (adv.) 在戶外;在野外6_ (vi. & vt.) 捆扎;包裝;打行李 (n.) 小包;包裹7_ (n.) 十幾歲的青少年8_ (adj.) 感激的;表示謝意的9_ (n. & vt.) 不喜歡;厭惡B聯(lián)想串記10_ (vt.)(使)擔(dān)憂;涉及;關(guān)系到(n.)擔(dān)

2、心;關(guān)注;(利害)關(guān)系_ (adj.)擔(dān)心的;憂慮的_ (prep.)關(guān)于;涉及11_ (adj.)整個的;完全的;全部的_ (adv.)完全地;全然地;整個地12_ (v.)定居;安排_ (n.)定居點;解決13_ (v.)遭受;忍受;經(jīng)歷_ (n.)折磨;苦難14_ (v.)痊愈;恢復(fù);重新獲得_ (n.)恢復(fù);復(fù)蘇15_ (vi.)不同意_(反義詞)同意_ (n.)同意;協(xié)議答案:1.upset2.ignore3.calm4.loose5.outdoors6pack7.teenager8.grateful9.dislike10.concern;concerned;concerning11

3、.entire;entirely12.settle;settlement13.suffer;suffering14.recover;recovery15.disagree;agree;agreement.短語互譯1合計 _2(使)平靜下來;(使)鎮(zhèn)定下來 _3關(guān)心;掛念 _4一連串的;一系列;一套 _5面對面地 _6遭受;患病 _7將(東西)裝箱打包 _8go through _9set down _10on purpose _11get/be tired of _12get along with _13fall in love _14join in _答案:1.add up2.calm (.

4、) down3.be concerned about4a series of5.face to face6.suffer from7.pack (sth.) up8經(jīng)歷;經(jīng)受9.記下;放下;登記10.故意地11.對厭煩12.與相處;進展13.相愛;愛上14.參加;加入.典句憶析A完成句子1狀語從句的省略(while分詞結(jié)構(gòu))_ (遛狗時), you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.2強調(diào)句(it is. that.)I wonder if _ I haven't been able to be outdoors f

5、or so long _ (正是因為) I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.3There are a time when.I can well remember that _ (有段時光) a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.4It was the first time that._ (那是一年半以來第一次) I'd seen the night

6、face to face.5find形式賓語it形容詞不定式Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still _ (發(fā)現(xiàn)很難與他們成為好朋友)B典句仿寫1當(dāng)在“天宮”一號(Tiangong­1)中生活時,宇航員幾乎可以做任何事情。_2正是在倫敦舉行了第30屆奧運會。_3有段時光他癡迷于(addicted)玩電腦游戲。_4那是他第一次出現(xiàn)在中央電視臺的舞臺上。_5我發(fā)現(xiàn)要表達(dá)他想說的話幾乎是不可能的。_答案:A.1.While walking the dog2.it's because;that3there was a time

7、when4.It was the first time in a year and a half that5.find it hard to make good friends with themB1.While living in the Tiangong­1, the astronauts could do almost everything.2It was in London that the 30th Olympic Games were held.3There was a time when he was addicted to playing the computer g

8、ames.4It was the first time that he had appeared on the stage of CCTV.5I find it almost impossible to express what he wanted to say.要點串記運用所學(xué)語言基礎(chǔ)知識,補充完整下面短文,并背誦之。1_ that Nancy _ to China (第一次回中國) for the Spring Festival after her further study abroad. When Nancy knew that the passengers waiting at Gu

9、angzhou railway station became very 2._(煩躁), she 3._ (很擔(dān)心) the safety of the passengers in such bad weather. Facing the difficulties, she hoped that the passengers could 4._ themselves _ (使冷靜下來), stay in their working places and 5._ (渡過)the difficulties together. She spent a special Spring Festival

10、in Guangzhou, 6._ (參加) 7._ (一系列的)holiday activities, 8._ (例如) going to the flower streets, having New Year dinner and lighting fireworks. She 9._ (愛上) Guangzhou and 10._ (記下)what she saw and heard in her diary.答案:1.It was the first time;had returned2.upset3.was very concerned about4.calm;down5.go th

11、rough6.taking part in7a series of8.such as9.fell in love with10.set down.單詞拼寫1He is such a clever man that he always holds everything in his _ (能力)2_ (青少年) up to 16 years old have some right of the adult.3Don't worry. You will be _ (痊愈) in a few weeks.4The boy _ (不喜歡) apples, which is bad for hi

12、s health.5I think that it is hard for him to _ (解決) the problem by himself.6They _ (不同意) to my proposal at the beginning, but I persuaded them finally.7My friends and I meet so often as to _ (交換;交流) stories about our love interests.8Don't wear long, _ (寬松的) clothes when you are doing exercise.9I

13、 would be very _ (感激的) for information about entry to your college.10He can live _ (在戶外) in temperate to cool climates, but he enjoys being with its family inside as well.答案:1.power2.Teenagers3.recovered4.dislikes5.settle6.disagreed7.swap8.loose9.grateful10.outdoors.完成句子1_ _ _ _ _ _ (我們首先關(guān)心的) is the

14、 car's safety performance, when we purchase a car. (concern)2_ _ _ _ (在歐洲旅行時), he found many interesting things and experienced different cultures.(狀語從句的省略形式)3That was the last time that he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (與父親面對面地談話)(face to face)4_ _ _ _ (厭倦了) staying indoors for days, we are longing to go out

15、 and relax ourselves.(tired)5_ _ _ (為了) make more money, he decided to move to Shanghai and work there.(order)答案:1.What we are concerned about first2.While traveling in Europe3.had talked with his father face to face4.Having got tired of5.In order to.作文練筆先將下面幾個句子翻譯成英語,然后連成一篇小短文。1志愿者李華第一次離開父母來到了西藏。2在

16、安頓下來之后,他發(fā)現(xiàn)那兒和他所了解的完全不一樣。3他在日常生活中經(jīng)歷了許多痛苦,健康也受到了損害。父母非常擔(dān)心他。4他積極地和當(dāng)?shù)厝艘黄馂楹⒆觽兊慕逃聵I(yè)而努力。5他發(fā)現(xiàn)和那兒的孩子相處得十分愉快。6他融入了新的環(huán)境。_答案:That was the first time that Li Hua, a volunteer, had left his parents to go to Tibet. The moment he settled down, he found it completely disagreed with what he had known of. Having gone

17、through much trouble in the daily life, he suffered from bad health. As a result, his parents were very concerned about him. Later, he actively joined the local people in educating the children and found it pleasant to get along with the children there. Gradually, he settled in the new environment.方

18、法與思考一輪復(fù)習(xí)解密“夯實基礎(chǔ),強化基礎(chǔ)知識”是英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)的重點,也是高考英語復(fù)習(xí)最重要的目的。一、注重詞匯的復(fù)習(xí)同學(xué)們要掌握詞匯基本的用法。復(fù)習(xí)時要注意總結(jié)詞匯的音、形、義、用;而且要擴大詞匯學(xué)習(xí)的深度和廣度;要做到詞不離句,避免孤立的去死記硬背單詞。要根據(jù)讀音記憶單詞,同時應(yīng)盡量將單詞,特別是形容詞、動詞和介詞放在詞組中去記憶,因為我們只要根據(jù)句法就能造出很好的句子或看懂句子的結(jié)構(gòu)和意思。如beat/hit/strike sb. in/on the 部位,prefer doing A to ding B等。再如復(fù)習(xí)suggest馬上想到suggest doing結(jié)構(gòu),suggest that sb. (should) do sth.結(jié)構(gòu),


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