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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 - 密 -封 -線 - 班級 姓名 學(xué)號 外貿(mào)英語函電試卷四 考試時間:120分鐘 考試方式:閉卷 . Fill in the blanks with the right word or words (每小題1分,共10分): 1. Payment is to be made sight draft.A. by B. on C. at D. after2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter right away.A. settled B. to settle C. settling D. settl

2、e3. Thank you in advance making your rates available to us immediately. A. to B. from C. for D. with4. Please inform us your insurance rates as soon as possible. A. to B. of C. through D. by 5. This price is of your 5% commission. A. included B. covering C. inclusive D. including6. We will that we w

3、ould like to accept D/P terms for future orders. A. see B. see to C. see to it D. see it to7. Your quotation of bicycles is high to be acceptable. A. so B. too C. as D. such8. “ ” refers to signing a document which has been signed by the counterpart. A. Countersign B. Sign C. Write D. Rewrite7. We a

4、re our Confirmation of Purchase in duplicate. A. enclosed B. enclosing C. to be enclosed D. to enclosing10. We look forward to from you a trial order.A. receiving B. to receive C. receive D. having received. Translate the following sentences into English (每小題2分,共20分):1. 我公司是該地區(qū)電子產(chǎn)品的主要進(jìn)口商之一。我們借此機(jī)會與貴方

5、接洽,希望與貴方建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系。2. 我公司經(jīng)營機(jī)械設(shè)備的進(jìn)出口業(yè)務(wù)已多年,我們的產(chǎn)品在許多國家享有盛譽(yù)。3. 承我國駐北京大使館商務(wù)參贊處介紹,得知你公司的名稱、地址。4. 請務(wù)必于下月初開出信用證,準(zhǔn)許分批裝運和轉(zhuǎn)船。5. 有關(guān)我們的資信情況,請向中國銀行上海分行查詢。6. 能否給我們報英國倫敦成本保險費加運費最低價?7如你方報價具有競爭性且交貨期可接受,我們將很高興向你訂貨。8上述貨物不能供現(xiàn)貨。9如你方價格優(yōu)惠,我們將樂于向你方訂購60箱綠茶。10因為訂單過多,我們只能接受11月船期的訂單。. Translate the following into Chinese(每小題2分,共20分

6、):  1、 As business has been done extensively in your market at this price, we regret that we cannot accept your counter-offer.  2. We agree to your price, but should like to know if you are prepared to grant us a discount of 5% for a quantity of 2,000. 3. We hope the goods will reach

7、you in good time and look forward to receiving your further orders. 4. The above order is urgently needed. We, therefore, request you to forward it by air freight. 5. We thank you for giving us a trial order and promise that your order will be dealt with promptly and carefully.7. Although your

8、price is below our level, we accept, as an exception, your order with a view to initiating business with you.8. Our usual packing is in wooden cases of 112 lbs. net, each containing 16 packets of 7 lbs.9. Shipment is to be made in May 2006 from China port to Singapore with transshipment and partial

9、shipment permitted.10. It is to our mutual advantage to meet each other half way.IV. Fill in each blank with a proper word or phrase (每空1分,共10分)1. Shipping documents consist of , and . 2A(n) is an agreement, enforceable by law, by which two parties mutually agree to carry out a trade reached after e

10、xchanges of correspondences.3. means that the seller fulfills his obligation to load goods into the named carrier at the given place and the time stipulated in the contract.4. Payment is sometimes made by collection through banks under the terms of or .5. Payment by is the favored method of payment

11、used in foreign trade.6. A(n) is a proposal made by the seller to the buyer for the selling of certain goods, while a(n) is a request made by the buyer to the seller for the purchase of certain goods. V. Writing (共兩小題,計20分):1. Address an ENVELOPE with the following particulars (5分):(1) Senders

12、name: Hunan International Trading Corporation(2) Senders address: 29 Huangxing Road, Changsha, Hunan, China(3) Date: December 20, 2007(4) Receivers name: The Pakistan Trading Company(5) Receivers address: 15 Broad Street Karachi, Pakistan 2. Write a letter with the following given particulars in the

13、 Blocked style (15分): 事由:貴方第3456號定單下的100箱桔子罐頭敬啟者:貴方4月19日來函收悉,來函要求我方按發(fā)票金額另加30%給標(biāo)題貨物投保。按慣例,我方一向是按發(fā)票金額加10%投保一切險。但我方愿意按貴方要求對該貨物按發(fā)票金額的130%投保,超出部分的保險費將由貴方負(fù)責(zé)。謹(jǐn)上2009年12月20日VI. Translate the following letter into English in the IDENTED style (共1題,計20分):紐約ABC貿(mào)易公司敬啟者:你方3月21日來函收到,從中我們遺憾地得悉你方認(rèn)為我124號貨定價偏高。你們也許知道,

14、我們的商品在許多國家都深受歡迎。盡管目前供應(yīng)有限,需求卻在增加。如果將我們的商品與其他商品加以比較,相信你方會同意我們的價格是可行的。實際上我們已將價格降至最低,并按此與其他買主大量成交。如果你們同意將訂貨數(shù)量增至5 000 箱,我們愿意將原報價再削減2%。這是我們能做的最大限度,希望你們能接受。如蒙早復(fù),不勝感激。此致 中國北方進(jìn)出口公司天津2009年4月26日 外貿(mào)英語函電測試題參考答案. Fill in the blanks with the right word or words (每小題1分,共10分): 測試點:該題主要考查學(xué)生是否掌握了外貿(mào)函電的專業(yè)術(shù)語、習(xí)慣用法、常用表達(dá)方式等

15、。 評分細(xì)則:每小題1分,共10分。1-5 AACBC 6-10 CBABA. Translate the following sentences into English (每小題2分,共20分): 測試點:該題主要考查學(xué)生是否掌握建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系、報價、訂貨、價格以及付款方式、裝船等外貿(mào)各環(huán)節(jié)的常用句型,能否把中文句式準(zhǔn)確地翻譯成英文句式。評分細(xì)則:每小題2分,共20分。翻譯清楚、準(zhǔn)確且沒有語法、拼寫錯誤的給2分;只把大意翻譯出來且沒有大的語法、拼寫錯誤給1.5分;翻譯不完整且有較嚴(yán)重的語法、拼寫錯誤的給1分或酌情給分。1. We are one of the leading importer

16、s dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.2. We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countri

17、es.3. We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors office of our Embassy in Beijing.4. You are kindly requested to have your L/C issued early next month allowing partial shipment and transshipment.5. For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.6. Would yo

18、u please quote us your lowest price CIF London, Britain?7. We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable.8. The above goods are not available from stock.9. Well be glad to place an order with you for 60 cases of green tea if your pric

19、e is favourable.10. Owing to heavy commitments, we can only accept orders for shipment in November. Translate the following into Chinese(每小題2分,共20分): 測試點:該題主要考查學(xué)生關(guān)于建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系、報價、還盤、訂貨、價格、包裝、裝運以及付款方式等方面的知識,能否看懂函電中的英文常用句型并翻譯成中文。評分細(xì)則:每小題2分,共20分。翻譯清楚、準(zhǔn)確且沒有語法、拼寫錯誤的給2分;只把大意翻譯出來且沒有大的語法、拼寫錯誤給1.5分;翻譯不完整且有較嚴(yán)重的語法、

20、拼寫錯誤的給1分或酌情給分。1. 我們按此價在你方市場已達(dá)成大量交易,因此歉難接受你方還盤。2. 我們同意你方價格,但想知道購買數(shù)量為2000時,你方是否打算給5%的折扣。3. 希望貨物能及時到達(dá)你方,并盼收到你方更多的訂單。4. 我們急需上述訂單之貨,特要求你方空運此貨。5. 感謝你方試訂,我們將保證你方訂單會得到及時、認(rèn)真的處理。7雖然你方價格低于我方報價,但為了啟動我們之間的業(yè)務(wù),我們還是破例接收。8我們通常用木箱裝,每箱112磅,分成16小包,每包重7磅。92006年5月裝運,自中國港口至新加坡,允許分批裝運和轉(zhuǎn)船。10彼此各讓一方對雙方都有好處。IV. Fill in each bl

21、ank with a proper word or phrase (每空1分,共10分) 測試點:該題主要考查了有關(guān)報價、訂貨、合同、價格、裝運以及付款方式等方面的理論知識。評分細(xì)則:每空1分,共10分。沒有拼寫錯誤的給1分;有拼寫錯誤的不給分。1. B/L, insurance policy, commercial invoice 2. contract 3. Shipment 4. D/P, D/A 5. L/C 6.offer, orderV. Writing (共兩小題,計20分):測試點: 該題主要考查學(xué)生是否掌握了外貿(mào)書信、信封的寫作格式及能否用英語就外貿(mào)磋商的某一環(huán)節(jié)進(jìn)行外貿(mào)函電

22、寫作。評分細(xì)則:1、 信封格式正確,沒有語法、拼寫錯誤且美觀的給5分;信封格式正確且沒有大的語法、拼寫錯誤給3-4分;信封格式不完全正確且有較嚴(yán)重的語法、拼寫錯誤的給1-2分或酌情給分;格式錯誤的不給分。2、 書信格式:3分;書信內(nèi)容:12分。格式正確,沒有語法、拼寫錯誤且內(nèi)容完整的給15分;書信格式正確且沒有大的語法、拼寫錯誤給12-14分;書信格式錯誤但書信內(nèi)容基本正確且沒有大的語法、拼寫錯誤的給10-12分;書信格式不完全正確且有較嚴(yán)重的語法、拼寫錯誤的給8-10分或酌情給分;書信格式錯誤且有較嚴(yán)重的語法、拼寫錯誤的給1-5分或酌情給分。1Address an ENVELOPE with

23、 the following particulars (5分): STAMPHunan International Trading Corporation29 Huangxing Road, Changsha, Hunan, P.R.ChinaThe Pakistan Trading Company15 Broad Street, Karachi, Pakistan2. Write a letter with the following given particulars in the Blocked style (15分):Dec. 20, 2007Dear Sirs, Re: Your O

24、rder No. 3456 for 100 Cases Canned OrangeWe have received your letter of April 19, asking us to insure the captioned order for an amount of 30% above the invoice value.Although it is our usual practice to insure shipments against All Risks for the invoice value plus 10%, we are prepared to comply wi

25、th your request for getting coverage for 130% of the invoice value, but the extra premium will be for your account. Yours faithfully,VI. Translate the following letter into English in the IDENTED style (共1題,計20分): 測試點:該題主要考查了學(xué)生英文外貿(mào)函電的書寫格式以及建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系和商討價格等方面的知識。評分細(xì)則:共20分。其中書信格式:5分(格式正確,沒有語法、拼寫錯誤給5分;格式基本正確,沒有嚴(yán)重語法、拼寫錯誤的給2-4分;格式錯誤不給分。)書信內(nèi)容:15分(內(nèi)容表述完整、準(zhǔn)確且沒有語法、拼寫錯誤給15分;內(nèi)容基本正確且沒有嚴(yán)重的語法、拼寫錯誤的給10-12分;內(nèi)容表述欠完整、且有較嚴(yán)重的語法、拼寫錯誤的給5-8分或酌情給分。) China Beifang Imp. & Exp. Corp. Tianjin


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