



1、Book 4 Module 2 Experiences、教學內容:Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.、課型:Reading and writing教學目標:1、 正確使用下列詞語和詞組:move, send. Germany, France, tower, ancient, king, quee n,Arabic, way, mix, miss, count, count dow n2、 能讀懂描述經歷的文章,理解語篇主題和細節(jié)。3、 能夠簡單的運用現在完成時敘述自己或他人的一次特別的旅行經歷。四、 教學重難點:理解短文細節(jié),并能運用所學的知識描寫自己的經歷

2、。五、 教學準備:課堂整體運用任務型教學模式以及閱讀課“四個階段”教學模式。本課指導學生通過閱讀獲取信息,培養(yǎng)學生閱讀技能。在教學過程中,采用多媒體手段輔助教學,利用 各種圖片和習題任務貫穿整個教學過程。因此,本節(jié)課需準備:PPT 課件、掛圖、錄音機、課堂練習表格、獎品.六、 預習要求:1、根據音標自學本課新單詞;2、查找相關資料,找出你認為本課較重要的語言點和短語。七、 教學過程:教學 步驟 教師活動學生活動設計意圖Step OneWarmi ng-up (5)1.Lead inLook and say :Look at some pictures aboutfamous places in

3、 China andtalk :1Which interesting places inChina have you visited ?2Have you ever see n theGreat Wall ?3Have you ever visited another country ?2. Work in pairsAsk the students to makedialogues with part nersI.Lead inLook and say :Look at some pictures aboutfamous places in China and talk :1Which in

4、teresting places inChina have you visited ?2Have you ever see n the GreatWall ?3Have you ever visited ano thercountry ?Make dialogues with their partners accord ing to activity 4.通過看圖片 回答問題,引 導學生回顧 上節(jié)課的內 容引入這一 課的相關內 容。通過對話練習,也能從說句子中考驗 學生對 Unitl 過去完成時 知識的掌握 程度,還訓練accord ing to activity 4.Where you we

5、ntWhe n you went there Why itwas specialWhere you wentWhe n you went thereWhy it was special了 學 生 的 反應。并在無形中培養(yǎng)學生 大膽說英語 的習慣。Step TwoPre- reading(5 )Showstude nts somepictures about Pyramids,check and teach the newwords.Watch pictures to say out somenew words .引導學生談 論圖片,。在描 述的同時學 習新單詞和 句型,為學生 掃清閱讀障 礙。

6、Step ThreeWhile-readi ng(18)1. Scanning(1)Ask stude nts to sca n thepassagea nd an swer thefollowi ngtwo questi onsquickly .WhohasseenthePyramids ?2. SkimmingAsk students to skim thepassage and answer thequesti ons in Activity2.(Activity 2) How long have theRobinsons been in Egypt?(1) Scan the passa

7、ge and answethe questi onsWho has seen the Pyramids?Skim the passage and answerthe questions answer the inActivity 2: How long have the Robinsonsbee ninEgypt?Why do they live in Cairo?.What have they see n and doneinEgypt?斤 要 求 學 生 快速閱文章,回答問題,幫助學生理解課 文內容。通過學生快 速閱讀,培養(yǎng) 學生獲取主 旨的能力。并 進一步理解 文章的內容, 為進一步學

8、習做好鋪墊。讓學生帶著 任務(問題) 去閱讀課文, Why do they live in Cairo? What have they see n anddoneinEgypt?.What do Mike and Clarefind difficult about Arabic?.What do Mike and Clare finddifficult about Arabic?.Are they looking forward togoinghome?.Are they looking forward togoing home?3.Careful reading.Paragraph 1-2:

9、Ask students to read theParagraph 1-2 and Check thetrue senten ces1Choose the best an swersT: Please read paragraphs1-2 and choose the best answers.2Organize some students tocome to the blackboard andshow out some difficultIanguage points that theyfound in this paragraph.(2)Paragraph3-4:1Let the stu

10、dents say T ”or F” to the sentences afterreadi ng paragraphs3-4.2Organize some students tocome to the blackboard andshow out some difficultIanguage points that theyfound in this paragraph.(3). Paragraph 5:1Let the Ss read Para.5.2Organize some students tocome to the blackboard andshow out some diffi

11、cultIanguage points that theyfound in this paragraph.1Readparagraphs1-2andchoose the best an swers.is 15 years old.A. Mike B. Clare C. Peter(2) When the company sendsMikes father to work in a forei gncoun try, he goes.A. alone B. with his family C. withhis wife2Some students come to theblackboard an

12、d show out somedifficult Ianguage points that theyfound in this paragraph.1Read paragraphs 3-4 and sayT” or F” to the sentences(1) They traveled the Nile Riverby bus.(2) They have lear ned five Ianguages.2Some students come to theblackboard and show out somedifficult Ianguage points that theyfound i

13、n this paragraph .1StudentsreadPara.5andchoose the best an swer:Mike and Clare are happy.A. to go back to the USB. to stay in EgyptC. have friends all over theworld2Find out the difficulty and Ianguage poin ts.去找答案,有助于學生更 加準確地獲 取信息,提高 閱讀效果和 技能。學生通 過分層次閱 讀文章,獲 取具 體 信息,把 知識點和課 文理解在分 段學習得以突破。而小組活動能通過 學

14、生間的自 主、合作學 習,讓學生充 分地實踐運 用語言,并激 發(fā)學生創(chuàng)造 性思維的發(fā)展。Step FourPost- reading (10 )I.Retell. (Activity 3)1Let the students fillin the blanks with the correctform accordi ng to thepassage2Call back the an swersfrom two stude nts the n readthe short passage in thewhole class .1Fill in the blanks with thecorrect

15、form according to thepassage in Activity 3.2Call back the an swers the nread the short passage .復述課文能 使學生加深 對課文 內 容的 理解。1.Get the students to1.Sum up the Ian guage poin ts.引導學生對Step FiveSummary(T)sum up the Ian guage points.T: What have we learnedtoday?Ss:.2. Let the students to choosethe best team

16、in this less on.2.To choose the best groups.這節(jié)課的總結,讓學生做自由發(fā)言,培養(yǎng)學生自主 學習,自主總 結的良好學 習習慣。簡短的評價 使學生的課 堂表現得到 肯定并且可 以激勵學生 的學習興趣, 樹立學習英 語的信心。Step SixHomework(1Write a passage about yourspecial trip .(注意用 現在完成時) )Finish the homework.課后作業(yè)有 助于學生鞏 固已學的知 識,寫作是閱 讀的拓展,讓 學生最終掌 握語言,實踐 運用語言。七、板書設計:(略)達標訓練題一、單項選擇1. Do

17、you kn ow him well?Sure. We_ friends since ten years ago .A. were B. have bee nC. have become D. have made2. Hurry up! The play_ for ten mi nu tes .A. has begu nB. had begu n C. has bee n onD. bega n3. Miss Greenisn rtthe office. She_ to the library.A. has gone B. went C. will go D. has bee n4. My parents_Shandong for ten years.A. have bee n in B. have bee n to C. have gone toD. have bee n5. His un cle _ for more tha n 9 years.A. has come here B. has started to work C. has lived there D. has l


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