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1、深圳市 2010 小升初英語模擬試題深圳市 , 英語 , 試題 , 模擬2010 小升初英語模擬考試試題一、找反義詞或?qū)?yīng)詞。 ( 5 分)( C )1.hotA. father( A )2.mother B. boy( E ) 3. winterC. cold( B ) 4. girlD. dear( D ) 5. cheapE. summer二、用所給單詞的適當形式填空。 ( 5 分)1. Pass _me_ ( I ) the knife, please.2. Please give _me(we) the scissors.3. Can I use your_ (you) bike?4

2、. _There(it)are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday5. Are _this(this) your stamps?三、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示, 把句子所缺單詞補充完整。 ( 10 分)1. The months of winter usually are N Dand 2. Shanghai is in the e of China.3. Teachers Day is on the t _imesof Setember .4. The ball is 200 yuan. It is d .5. This plane f to Guangzhou every day.6

3、. Beijing is a lcity.7. The box is h . I cant carry it.四、選擇填空。 ( 10 分)8. B) 1. Im very glad you.A. see B. to see C. seeing D. to seeing(C ) 2. More and more people in the world enjoy now.A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swims(C ) 3 This new pencil-case is only Jimmy.A. in B. on C. for D. at(C ) 4.

4、Are there trees behind the house?A. a B. the C. much D. any9. C) 5. The game is funny that many of them like it.A. such B. so C. very D. quite(D ) 6. One of his friends his daughter sometimes.A. visiting B. is visiting C. visitor D. visits( A) 7. This machine is very easy to use.can learn to use it

5、in a very short time.A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Few people( C) 8. Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem. So it be very difficult.A. may B. must C. can D. need( A) 9. - Hi, Mike. Can you help me?- OK. .A. Youll help me B. Im going C. Im coming D. Im leaving( C) 10. -

6、What can I do for you, madam?- Id like two .A. bottle of milk B. bottles of milks C. bottles of milk D. bottle of milks五、從下列方框中選詞填空, 每個詞或詞組只能用一次。 ( 10 分)the same hobby, for, with, spend, from, go around, live in, lessons, subject, to1. How do you your weekends?2. - Can you go and get any fruits me?-

7、 All right.3. - Are you different countries?- Yes, we are.4. - Touch your feet your hands, please.- OK.5. I like travelling. Id like to China.6. She likes watching cartoons, too. We have .7. - What do you like?- I like Maths.8. Wang Bing is writing an e-mail his friend.9. Im from the USA. I New York

8、.10. - What do you have this morning?- We have Chinese, Maths, PE and English.六、填詞完成下列對話。 ( 10 分)1. A: What is the cat doing?8: It sleeping.( 睡覺 )A: Do you like it?B: Yes, .2. A: When you go to bed?8: I go to bed 9:00.A: What you?B: I go 9:30.3. A: Have you any ink?8: Yes, .A: May I it?B: Of course.

9、 Here you are.七、閱讀理解, 根據(jù)短文回答問題。 ( 10 分)Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near hishome, so he goes there on foot and comes back home on time( 按時 ). Buttoday he is late. His mother asks him, Why are you late today?I am in the headmasters office( 校長辦公室 ).Why do you go to the head

10、masters office?Because my teacher asks us a question in the class. Nobody can answer it, but I can.Its good to answer the teachers question.But the question is, Who puts ink on my chair?1. Is Toms home far from his school?2. How does he go to school?3. Does Tom often come back home late?4. Only Tom

11、can answer the question, cant he?5. Is it good for Tom to do it?八、書面表達。 ( 10 分)以你自己的寵物或你熟悉的小動物為題按下面的要求寫一篇英語作文。要求: 1.意思連貫,詞句通順,標點正確,書寫規(guī)范。2. 不少于 50 個單詞。深圳市外國語學校小升初的英語試題2009-11-11基礎(chǔ)知識大比拼詞匯( Vocabulary )、按要求變換下列單詞。( 10 分)1. swim (現(xiàn)在分詞) 3. say (第三人稱單數(shù)) 5. it (同音詞) s7. wear (同音詞) 2. one (復數(shù)) 4. see (過去時)6

12、. leave (反義詞) 8. right (同音詞) 9. Thursday (上一天)10. I would (縮寫)I I. 根據(jù)所給的詞的正確形式填空1. This is my ( two ) day in Shanghai.2. He ( has) lunch now.3. December is the ( 12 ) month of a year.4. I usually get up at 6 : 30 and then brush my ( tooth )。5. They are (woman ) (teacher)。III. 選擇適當?shù)倪x項替換句中劃線部分,使其意思不變。

13、1. Thank you .A. You re welcome B. ThanksC. Thats OK2. This is a full bag .A. one is fullB. is a full oneC. box is full3. Good morning , boys and girls .A. classB. boysC. girls4. Is this pen broken ? No , it s OK.A. rightB. niceC. all right5. Is everyone here today ?A. Everyone is here today . B. We

14、 are all here today . C. Are we all here today二) 交際用語( Daily English )I. 從 II 欄中找出與 I 欄相對應(yīng)的答語。(I1. What s wrong?2. Are you tired?3. Do you have a cold?4. You should go to see the doctor.5. How often do you have a cough?10 分)IIA. Good idea.B. Sometimes.C. I m not feeling very well.D. Yes, a little.E.

15、 No, I don t.2010 年小升初的 10 最有效的英語學習方法2009-11-171、 “預習 聽講 復習 ”三環(huán)學習法有經(jīng)驗的學生總是在上每節(jié)課之前提前把老師要講的內(nèi)容認真看一遍,并做好預習記錄,標明哪些地方不懂或一知半解、自己認為的重點、難點; 在上課的時候,聽老師講課就不會太費力了, 同時也能夠清楚的知道自己哪些地方預習的不足, 自己哪些地方重點、 難點抓得不夠,在下次預習的時候更能抓住脈絡(luò),形成好的方法; 上完課并不代表這節(jié)課的學習結(jié)束了,還要及時復習, 強化記憶。 在做作業(yè)的時候,最好先把今天學習的內(nèi)容再完整地看一遍,這樣,做起作業(yè)來,錯誤率會很低。2、 “放電影 ” 法

16、課間是一次切換,是緊張的學習和短暫的休息的切換。如何利用好這短短的十分鐘?聰明的學生總是在頭腦里將老師所講的內(nèi)容過濾一遍, 就像放電影一樣將剛才課堂上所講的內(nèi)容復習一次。這種做法既能及時強化記憶,又不是很累,在很輕松中就鞏固了知識。3、游戲法在課間休息時,有的學生只知道打斗玩耍,而用英語課本中的英文歌曲、chant、或是“l(fā)et s make t sac我也不失是一種好的游戲方法,既能愉悅身心,又在玩中鞏固了知識,可謂一舉兩得。4、談話法在學生回家的路上, 幾個人一起回家, 可以用學過的英語交談, 如談?wù)撘幌绿鞖狻?家人、服裝、顏色、動物等等,可以加深記憶,并能對學過的知識活學活用。5、考試法

17、課堂小測、 單元小測、 學期小測都是檢查學生掌握知識的主要方法, 尤其是目標性的階段小測很重要,教師也可以讓學生自己出考卷,互相出、互相答、互相評判,充分調(diào)動學生的積極性。6、總結(jié)歸納法及時將單詞歸類記憶,效果很好,如將單詞歸類為:顏色、動物、植物、天氣、家庭成員、職業(yè)、人體器官、玩具、交通工具或按音標歸類、或按詞性歸類等等。這樣記起來效果會很好。7、 “偷看 ” 他人筆記法為什么要偷看呢 ? “書非借不能讀也” ,關(guān)鍵要看學習的態(tài)度。這種學習方法只適用于學習上進心強, 具有競爭意識的優(yōu)秀生。 這樣的學生對于上課所記的筆記十分重視, 及時歸納整理, 還喜歡對別人的筆記進行檢查, 看看哪些地方自

18、己記得不全, 如果別人還不如自己記得全,那就很高興了。8、朗讀法在英語學習中,朗讀十分重要,尤其是晨讀。大聲朗讀,既實現(xiàn)了口、眼、腦的并用,又強化了記憶,效果十分明顯。9、聽寫法對于學過的單詞,及時進行聽寫,便于學生掌握,每次聽寫不要太多, 10 個或是 20 個即可。10、聽錄音法小學生學習英語, 學校都發(fā)給了錄音磁帶, 可是真正在家聽錄音機的卻少而又少, 教室可組織集中聽、 分組聽、 個人聽等多種形式, 只有經(jīng)常聽標準的發(fā)音, 學生的發(fā)音才比較準確,朗讀技巧才能不斷提高,聽力測試才不會丟分。提高英語運用能力 小升初英語面試成竹在胸2009-10-302009 年的春天,對于小學六年級的學生而言,是緊張而又收獲的春天。小學六年級的 學員即將面對各大中學的各種考驗, 如何在小升初英語面試中獲勝, 并脫穎而出。 除了需要學生掌握扎實的英語功底之外,更需要學生具備其他方面的能力:首先、 面對小升初英語面試, 學生一定要提高自身的英語表達和運用能力, 展現(xiàn)自我的風采。在小升初英語考試中, 基本上都有自我介紹這一環(huán)節(jié), 而這也是考官了解考生最直接的方式, 一個好的自我介紹就可以讓考官對學生印象深刻, 就可以讓學生增色不少。 而這一切的前提都需要學生具備良好語言表達能


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