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1、精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼2012-2013 學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期模塊考試英語(yǔ)試卷第I卷(105分)第一部分 聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿分 30 分)第一節(jié)(共 5 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 7.5 分)聽(tīng)下面 5 段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng) 中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽(tīng)完每段對(duì)話后,你都有10 秒鐘的時(shí)間來(lái)回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對(duì)話僅讀一遍。1. When is the plane leaving?A. 2:00B. 3:00C. 5:002. Where did the man work after h

2、e fini shed school?A. I n AmericaB. In En gla ndC. In France3. How does the man mark the important points in the book?A. By un derl ining them in blue.B. By un derl ining them in red.C. By making no tes in the bla nks.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Preparati ons for a party.B. Clea

3、 ning a house.C. Food at the supermarket.5. What is the man going to do tomorrow?A. Meet Dr Joh nson.B. See a den tistC. Send an e-mail第二節(jié)(共 15 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 22.5 分)聽(tīng)下面 5 段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽(tīng)每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白前,你將 有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題,每小題 5 秒鐘;聽(tīng)完后,各小題將給出 5 秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽(tīng)第 6 段材

4、料,回答第 6、7 題。6. Where are the speakers?A. In the man s flat.B. In the woman s flat.C. In the woman s brother s flat.7. What do we know about the woma n?A. She wants to take a rest.精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼B. She wears a white T-shirt.C. She is busy with ano ther no vel.聽(tīng)第 7 段材料,回答第& 9 題。8.

5、 What is the purpose of the survey?A. To do a market research.B. To in troduce a new product.C. To persuade people to get credit cards.9. What is the relationship between the man and the woman?A. Teacher and stude nt.B. Mother and sonC. Boss and worker.聽(tīng)第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 題。10. How long will the ma

6、n s petihylobably last?A. For one hour.B. For two hours.C. For three hours.11. What is the probable relati on ship betwee n the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Workmates.C. Neighbours.12. When will the party be held?A. At 6:00 p.m. on Mon day.B. At 6:00 p.m. on Saturday.C. At 6:30 p.m. on Saturday.聽(tīng)第 9 段材

7、料,回答第 13 至 16 題。13. What does the man say about the trees?A. They can stand the wind.B. They are over 20 years old.C. They are lovely.14. What did the woma n find in the tree?A. The wi ndB. A bird.C. A boy.15. What does the woma n suggest doing?A. Ask ing for help.B. Guid ing the child dow n the tre

8、e.C. Climbing the tree to save the child16. What happe ned in the end?精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼A. The man fell off the tree.B. The child was still stuck in the tree.C. The child left immediately after being saved.聽(tīng)第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 題。17. How many people will have lunch together at the spea

9、ker s home today?A. FourB. FiveC. Six18. Who usually sets the table?A. The speaker s daughter.B. The speaker s husband.C. The speaker dn.s s19. What will the family have during the lun ch?A. Apples.B. Cabbage.C. Beef.20. How does the speaker feel about Sun day lun ch?A. Relaxed.B. Stressed.C. Busy.第

10、二部分英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分 35 分)第一節(jié) 語(yǔ)法和詞匯知識(shí)(共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)21. China is a country_the Third World, _means her economy still n eedsdevelop ing very much.A. bel ongs to, thatB. which is bel onging to, thatC. bel onging to, whichD. bel ong to, which22. -Have you_ completi ng the work give n by your boss

11、?-Not yet, though I have tried to.A. devoted to B. succeeded in C. failed inD. man aged to23. The system has bee n desig ned to give stude nts quick and easy_ to the digitalresources of the library.A. passageB. wayC. approachD. access24. It was in 2008_ a terrible earthquake hit Wen chua n, Sichua n

12、 Provin ce.A. whichB. thatC. whe nD. at which25. Li Ming is a stude nt who is easy_though he has some trouble_his less ons.A. to be got along with, i nB. to get along with, withC. to get along, inD. gett ing along with, with26. He said while_in the coun tryside, he_a lot of hardships and of coursele

13、ar ned a lot.A. worked, got throughB. work ing, went through精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼C. was work ing, experie needD. has worked, experie need27. _ preve nt her from going to the party, he prete nded to be ill_ .A. So as to, by desig nB. In order to, on purposeC. So as to, by aeeide ntD. In or

14、der to, with purpose28. He said it would be at least three more mon ths_ he could recover andretur n to school.A. whe nB. beforeC. sinceD. after29. John is the only one of the students in the class who never_ a mistake evenwhe n it is poin ted out to him.A. admits mak ingB. admitted to makeC. admitt

15、ed maki ngD. admitted hav ing made30. It is a shock that a great nu mber of stude nts_ injured in the earthquake andthe nu mber of them_2,000 already.A. were, have reachedB. were, has reachedC. was, reachesD. was, have reached31. As we all know, it is_ responsibility as well as_ honor for a country

16、to bechosen to host the Olympic Games.A. a, aB. the, theC. a, anD. an, an32. Have you really realized the role computers have_in the daily life?A. madeB. give nC. causedD. played33. -The food here is nice eno ugh.-My friend_me a right place.A. in troducesB. in troducedC. had in troducedD. was in tro

17、duci ng34. Don t wotrrThe problem will_at the meeting tomorrow.A. be dealt withB. be turned upC. be come upD. be set up35. -ohn and I will celebrate our fortieth wedd ing anni versary n ext mon th.-Oh,_ !A. cheer upB. well doneC. go aheadD. con gratulati ons第二節(jié)完形填空(共 20 小題,每小題 1 分,滿分 20 分)It was a c

18、loudy Saturday after noon. A group of birds were hav ing a great time36 food and play ing on the main road. All of a sudde n, a big truck sped through 精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼A 3 thing happe ned. Birds could 38, too. Although this bird had already39_, another bird flew over to her immediatel

19、y, just like a family member, unable to accept the40.Not long after that, another car passed by quickly, 41 the dead bird s body to whirl(旋轉(zhuǎn))with the wi nd. The male bird 42the moveme nt. As if she was stillalive, he 43 flew beside her again. He stared at her as if he was asking, “ 44 are you not ge

20、tting up?”45, she was no Ion ger able to hear him. At the same time, he was tryi ng to lifther up. He, 46, was un able to bear the burde n. Ano ther car soon passed by. Hequickly 47. Once the car had gone, he came dow n aga in.Although other birds told him that it was 48, he n ever gave up. He was t

21、ryinghis best to lift her up to 49 her flying aga in. Ano ther car passed by, and her dead body whirledagain as if she was still 50 and trying to fly. He had used all of his 51_, but he was too weak.The 52, who was taking photos of the scene, said he couldn shoot anymore. He was so 53 that the liv i

22、ng bird was going to be hurt by pass ing cars. So he picked upthe dead bird and left it at the 54 . The living one still stayed at anearby tree as if he was crying with his singing and 55to leave.36. A. pack ing upB. cari ng forC. search ing forD. sett ing down37. A. stra ngeB. no rmalC. funnyD. sad

23、38. A. disagreeB. feelC. flyD. spread39. A. disappeared B. droppedC. diedD. escaped40. A. storyB. truthC. giftD. past41. A. shak ingB. holdi ngC. sendingD. caus ing42. A. stoppedB. disturbedC. no ticedD. feared43. A. worriedlyB. quicklyC. bravelyD. surpris in gly44. A. WhereB. When C.HowD. Why45. A.

24、 Un fortunatelyB. GraduallyC. Fi nallyD. Hon estly46. A. in returnB. of courseC. by accide ntD. on purpose47. A. sat dow nB. looked upC. showed upD. flew off48. A. simpleB. bori ngC. uselessD. importa nt49. A. seeB.keepC. catchD. thi nk50. A. lovelyB. completeC. beautifulD. alive51. A. con fide neeB

25、. en ergyC. spaceD. timeII精誠(chéng)凝聚7=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼第三部分 閱讀理解(共 20 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 40 分)As the father of a stude nt, I have experie need first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the4 grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that whe n he is an adult he willsurely

26、look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had.My son has attention deficit disorder ( 注意力缺損癥) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn. She was able to cha nge her teachi ng methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of theclass. As a result, he got straight As on ma

27、ny subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a teamspirit for them. When she saw that they were no Ion ger liste ning carefully to what she was teach ing, shewould have them close their textboo

28、ks, sta nd up all around the room and throw around a small football.This helped them clear their mi nds and the n focus on the less on aga in. Besides, she was quick to replyto any phone calls or emails from us and got rid of our worries about childre n quickly.thWhe n my son went to the 5 grade thi

29、s year, we happe ned to pass her classroom. When she sawmy son, her face lit up(露出喜色)and she came out and hugged him. She gen erally loves all of thechildre n in her classroom and that love really shows. I can only pray(祈禱) that my son will con ti nueto get teachers just like her for the rest of his

30、 school years.56. With the teacher s help, the writer s son_ .A. became the best stude nt in his classB. was in terested in si nging songsC. quickly finished his 4 grade lessonsD. improved his grades greatly57. Which of the followi ng is NOT true about Miss Gree n?A. She regarded the students as mem

31、bers of a family.B. She had special ways to help stude nts study.C. She was good at teachi ng football and music.D. She usually made a quick reply to pare ntsemails.58. The underlined phrases“focus on ” in Paragraph 2 means_ .A. look forward toB. pay atte ntio n to52. A. ownerB. birdC. killer53. A.

32、hopeful54. A. top55. A. requiredB. surprisedB. cen terB. pretendedC. worriedC. roadsideC. triedD. photographerD. shockedD. carD. refused精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼C. get away fromD. take care of59. We can lear n from the text that_.A. Miss Green was the best teacher at the schoolB. all the stud

33、e nts in the school liked Miss Gree nC. Miss Green didn t teach the writerthsgsoid the 5D. the writer s son had many teachers like Miss Green60. I n the text, the writer mai nly tells us_ .A. what his son studied at schoolB. his son once had a good teacherC. how to be a good and popular teacherD. a

34、teacher who liked play ing with stude ntsBOne day I heard that one of my dear frie nds had lost his mother. This made me sad, for my frie ndwas very close to his mother. He had bee n by her side as she traveled through her long and hard journeywith cancer. At this time, many memories about my loved

35、ones that had passed away came flood ing tome. Fin ally these memories passed, but it was really sad to think that my friend would have to go throughthe pain.Three times I tried to write an email to my friend and three times words failed me. I am a person whois not often lost for words and I decided

36、 to have a sleep. Upon wak ing up I could hardly wait for mycomputer to work, the words I n eeded were there. I was still left with a heavy heart although I had sent anemail.They say that everythi ng in this uni verse is bala need 平衡的)and in deed it is.Three days later, I received his reply letter.

37、I was happy to hear that he d beeto (錄取) Cambridge Uni versity. It served as a gen tle rem in der for me that my frie nd would be okay andthat life would go on.Everyth ing in life is bala need; the lowest feeli ngs cha nge places with the highest feelings. Withoutthe lows, we would never appreciate

38、the highs. No matter how dark the clouds seem to be, the sunshineis always there and just waiting for the opport un ity to shine through.61. Whe n the author lear nt her frie nd had lost his mother, she_.A. gave him some moneyB. wrote an email to himC. went to visit himD. went for a jour ney with hi

39、m62. What good news did the author s friend receive?A. He received the author s email.B. He was told that life would go on.精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼C. He would go to Cambridge Un iversity.D. His life would go back to no rmal aga in63. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Th

40、e author wrote four emails to her friend.B. The mother of the author s friend died from cancer.C. The author s friend is a teacher in Cambridge University.D. The author felt relaxed after sending the email.64. From the text, we can lear n that the author is_.A. sin cere and warm-heartedB. proud and

41、con fide ntC. serious and frie ndlyD. funny and resp on sible65. The author aims to tell us that_ .A. life is not fair to everybodyB. time waits for no manC. every one has good and bad times in lifeD. where there is a will, there is a wayCPets are popular. They rgood listeners, they encourage us to

42、exercise, and they re always on ourside when we argue with others. They can bring people comfort and pleasure.But it is importa nt to keep in mind that pets can carry diseases that can make you sick. Wash ingyour hands ofte n especially after you touch, feed, or clea n up a pet is the best way to ke

43、epyourself healthy and preve nt the spread of disease. Be sure to clea n your fingern ails carefully everytime you wash.You also can protect your health by weari ng gloves while clea ning ani mal cages or cat litter boxes.Avoid washing your pet in the bathtub(浴缸),but if you do, always disi nfect(消毒)

44、the tub immediatelyafterward.Be sure to bring your pet to the hospital for exam in ati ons every two weeks or month and whe neveryour pet is sick or inju red.You can do a few other things to keep yourself and your pet healthy. Only give your pet food that hasbeen planned ahead for them. It s not a g

45、ood idea to share yourfood with your pet. Huma n food (like chocolate) can make ani mals sick. Never feed your pet raw(生的)meat because it can carry germs 細(xì)菌)that cause serious ill ness.And funny as it can be to see your dog or cat drinking from the toilet, don精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼pets do

46、this. It s bad for your pet s health! Give them clean, fresh water to drink at all times.Never give milk to cats. The only milk an animal should drink is from its mother. Cow s milk is not forpets, especially for cats, asmakes them sick.Finally, some animals aren t pets. on t taken a wild or abandon

47、ed(被拋棄的) ani mal as a petbecause it may have diseases that could make you or your family sick. In stead, tur n to an ani mal rescuegroup that is trained in help ing sick or aba ndoned an imals.66. The first paragraph mainly tells us that pets can_ .A. be great frie ndsB. bring us pleasureC. help us

48、keep healthyD. do harm to us67. To keep healthy, the author may be aga inst_.A. washi ng your fingern ails after touch ing your petB. wearing gloves when cleaning your pet s cageC. washi ng your pet in the bathtubD. bringing your pet for exam in ati ons regularly68. The underlined word “ it ” in Par

49、a.7 refers to_ .A. the cowB. the mother cat C. cow s milk D. mother cat s milk69. Which is the RIGHT way to feed your pet?A. Shari ng your chocolate with your dog.B. Lett ing your dog drink from the toilet.C. Feeding your little cat with raw meat.D. Giving your cat cooked fish.70. Accord ing to the

50、text, whe n you meet an aba ndoned dog, you should_.A. call an ani mal rescue groupB. bring it back to your homeC. give it first aid (急救)in timeD. help to find its ownerDNow I know that we black people are much more likely to have high blood pressure and diabetes糖尿?。﹖han white people. And they often

51、 lead to heart attacks and other un treated diseases. Forexample, black people are three to four times morelikely than white people to have high blood pressure and twice as likely as the white populati on to die ofa stroke (中風(fēng)).New research has found out the surprisingly high levels of salt in many

52、of black people s favoritemealsstIopped putting extra salt in my food at the table long ago and I try to cut dow n on the salt I use incook ing. The recomme nded daily level of salt for adults is 6 grams. It is easy to see that if you avoid精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼processed 加工過(guò)的)foods and use

53、 salt in your cookhg within the limit, you won t exceed the dailylevel.The research showed how much salt there is in some foods that we buy from restaurants andtakeaways. An average salad with rice and peas has 6.2 grams of salt. This is more salt tha n you aresupposed to eat for the whole day.A res

54、earcher talked about the importance of home cooking rather than take-outs. At home, hepointed out, not only can you hold control of the salt shaker, but also you can create tasty food which islow on salt. The researcher later provided curry goat and rice and peas. They were low on salt, butcompletel

55、y delicious.I do not suppose Jamaica ns are going to stop buying takeaways soon. But if you suffer from highblood pressure, it is probably better not to buy them often.71. The underlined word“ they ” in Paragraph 1 refers to_ .A. white peopleB. black peopleC. un treated diseasesD. high blood pressur

56、e and diabetes72. What has the new research found out accord ing to Paragraph 2?A. Black people take in too much salt.B. Black people s meals are very special.C. Processed foods have too much salt in them.D. 6 grams of salt per day is eno ugh for an adult.73. What would the writer probably suggest b

57、lack people do?A. Order no salad in a restaura nt.B. Take in no salt for several days.C. Stop cook ing their favorite meals. D. Eat less takeaways.74. The researcher provided curry goat and rice and peas in order to_ .A. tha nk those who came to his home for his researchB. let people know that eati

58、ng less salt makes one healthierC. show that tasty food with less salt can be made at homeD. prove the less salt the food has the more delicious it is75. What would be the best title for this passage?A. Watch the salt.B. Take care, black people.C. Say no to takeaways.D. Say no to high blood pressure

59、.第II卷(共45分)第四部分書(shū)面表達(dá)(共兩節(jié),滿分 45 分)第一節(jié) 閱讀表達(dá)( (共 5 小題;每小題 3 分,滿分 15 分) )精誠(chéng)凝聚=A_A=成就夢(mèng)想 鑼點(diǎn)亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼 Every Ianguage has its own special words and expressions. And a story can be told about eachof them. Hot is a simple, easily un derstood word. So are most of the expressi ons made with the word hot.B

60、ut not always, as we shall see.(2) The words hot potato, for example, give you no idea at all to the meaning of the expressi on, hotpotato. The potato is popular and many America ns like baked potatoes. Imagi ne trying to carry a hotpotato in your han d. It would be difficult, eve n pain ful, to do so.


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