1、管理學(xué)院2009 - 2010學(xué)年第二學(xué)期期末考試試題(A卷)課程名稱:商務(wù)英語(閱讀)任課教師:考試日期:2010年6月30日考試時(shí)間:L5小時(shí)學(xué)生類別:本科年級(jí)班號(hào):考生姓名:考生學(xué)號(hào):考試方式:閉卷試 題:(注意:答案一律寫在答題紙,否則不計(jì)分)H. The niche consisted of "audio-addicts" people who love to listen to music and appreciate first-rate stereo equipment.I. He sees sales climbing, cash flowing, and
2、 hundreds of happy workers striving to produce top-quality products that delight Icon's customers.ii. Find one word or phrase that means:1. unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in something (in paragraph 3)acted strong and determined in order to get what was wanted (in paragra
3、ph 4)2. test of the suitability of a performer(in paragraph 10)3. vote(in paragraph 12)4. number of copies of a magazine that are sold(in paragraph 13)iii. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.1. When Dave was thinking about how to distribute his products, why didn't he cho
4、ose to distribute through stereo dealers as most manufacturers did?A. Dave did not think the stereo dealers were helpful enough in distributing his products.B. Most manufacturers distributed through stereo dealers and Dave would like to be different from them.C. Dave believed that his products were
5、good enough that he did not need the stereo distributors.D. All of the above.2. Which statement below is FALSE according to information provided in the passage?A. In the U.S. audio components market, there are more manufacturers competing in the high end segment than in the low end and middle range
6、segments, generating approximately $1.5 billion a year.B. In the U.S. audio components market, Japanese manufacturers are mainly competingin the low-end and middle range segments of the market.C. Manufacturers competing in high end segment of the U.S. audio components market are generating about the
7、 same value as those in the low- and midrange segments, though the number of products they produce is only 10% of the latter.D. Manufacturers in the high end segment of the U.S. audio components market can generate value with less units produced is probably because the products are sold at much high
8、er prices than those produced by manufacturers in the middle and low end.Passage FOUR (10%)Managers in Japan used to be shocked by the strange young employees they called new mankind. A new mankind is more direct than the traditional Japanese. He acts almost like a westerner. He does not live for th
9、e company, and will move on if he gets the offer of a better job. He is not keen on overtime, especially if he has a date with a girl. He has his own plans for his free time, and they may not include drinking or playing golf with the boss. All pretty wild stuff a few years back, but these days, mana
10、gers accept that the life of a new mankind has much to offer.1. A survey shows that only a few business managers are in favor of some traditional practices associated with job security and a guaranteed level of pay. These practices include long hours and transferring employees to new posts where the
11、y may be separated from their families. The vast majority of business managers think that efforts should be made to reduce working hours, and that personal freedom should be respected.2. Japan is embarrassed by the international attention given to Japanese working conditions. In 1987 it reduced the
12、number of hours that may be legally worked from 48 per week to 46. Eventually Japan hopes for a 40-hour working week. But enforcement of the law is less than zealous. The labor ministry wants to get the support of employers for a wide-ranging plan that includes a five-day working week, paid holidays
13、 (which would actually be taken) and less overtime. Under this scheme the number of working hours would be lowered to 1,800 hours a year by 1992. Japanese workers at present work more than 2,000 hours a year, and no more than 40%, mainly in big firms, have Saturday off.i. Determine whether the follo
14、wing statements are true (T) or false (F).1. Japanese managers are more used to the young employees9 working and living style.2. The young employees are different from the traditional workers in that they live for themselves.3. The young employees always choose to drink than play golf with the boss
15、in the spare time.4. Many managers prefer the traditional practices like job security and guaranteed level of pay.5. Most managers believe working hours should be reduced and personal freedom respected.6. Japan is indifferent to the international attention to its working conditions.7. In 1987, Japan
16、 reduced two legal working hours per week.8. The law on working hour reduction is carried out enthusiastically.9. The new scheme would lower the working hours to 2,000 per year by 1992.10. About 60% of Japanese workers only have Sunday off.IL Vocabulary (10%)ev. appear, show up1. c v. cause differen
17、t parts to function together efficientlyr v. be like, be similar to2. c adj. causing disagreements, disputesc n. trustworthiness, dependability, accountability3. a v.see what is going to happen and act accordinglyd v.show and explain how sth works4. s adj. lower in rank or positionc vide eviden
18、ce for the truth or the correctness of sth5. d n.feeling that sb or sth is not good enough to deserve one'srespectIII. Explain the following sentences in your own words. The underlined parts MUST be replaced with other expressions. (20%)Most organizations have structures that have emerged over t
19、ime rather than resulting from deliberate attempts to design the ideal organization.1. The matrix structure is a hybrid that attempts to combine the benefits of the other two types of design while avoiding theis drawbacks.2. The channels through which the advertising of a product or service is carri
20、ed to prospective customers are advertising media.3. If an employee has repeatedly experienced unmet promises from a manager, the manager's communication effectiveness can be eroded.IV. Answer the following questions briefly according to the texts. (20%)What are the disadvantages that may stem f
21、rom the specialization of a functional structure?1. What are the four categories most business ethical questions fall into? Give an example to illustrate one of them.2. Give a specific example to illustrate a type of promotional advertising.peril leased lavished marred restiveopprobriummockerylitiga
22、tionstanchpinched diminishfrustrationdividebureaucratrationing inflationvetoeligible discriminatedobsessed with/obsessedplayed hardball audition/trialcast ballotcirculationemerge1. coordinateresemble2. controversialcredibility3. anticipatedemonstrate4. subordinateconfirm5. distainI. Explain the foll
23、owing sentences in your own words. The underlined parts MUST be replaced with other expressions. (20%, 5% each)The structures of most organizations are results of gradual development over some time instead of purposely designed perfect models.1. The matrix structure is a mixture of the other two typ
24、es of designs; it tries to include all their advantages but get rid of their disadvantages.2. Advertising media are carriers that bring advertisements of a product of service to potential customers.3. If a manager has broken his promises to an employee again and again, the manager's communicatio
25、n effectiveness will be greatly weakened.IL Answer the following questions briefly according to the texts. (15%, 5% each)Different functions see the world differently. Each function has its own priorities. Over time walls will be set up between functions to make it difficult to achieve co-ordination
26、 and communication.1. In business, most ethical questions fall into one or more of the four categories: societal, stakeholder, internal policy, or personal. The example should illustrate business ethical questions in one of the four categories mentioned above.2. The example can illustrate one of the
27、 following: informative, persuasive, reminder, institutional, advocacy, product, pioneering, or comparative advertising.final bill for the clean-up, which is costing BP about $6m a day, could well exceed $10 billion. Mr. Hayward could yet buckle under the pressure. But, if he can keep his head, he i
28、s arguably the best man to deal with an impossibly difficult situation.3. Mr. Hayward took over BP in 2007 as the back-to-basics candidate. His predecessor, John Browne, was in many ways a remarkable chief executive, a man who sprinkled pixie dust onto the company's black gold while also boostin
29、g its market capitalization ninefold. But Lord Browne focused too much on the soft furnishings and too little on the foundations. He purchased rivals such as Amoco but failed to integrate them properly. He lavished more than $200m on rebranding BP as "Beyond Petroleum” but failed to reorganize
30、the company9s sprawling bureaucracy. His final years were marred by a succession of devastating accidents 一 an explosion at BP's Texas City refinery in 2005 that killed 15 workers and injured 170 others, and an oil spill a year later that dumped 4,800 barrels of oil at Prudhoe Bay, on the coast
31、of Alaska.4. Mr. Hayward set out to replace flash and fluff with nuts and bolts. He promised to focus Tike a laser on safe and reliable operations”. He streamlined the company's management. He played down the Beyond Petroleum rhetoric in favor of a greater emphasis on the company9s core business
32、. "BP makes its money by someone, somewhere, every day putting on boots, overalls, a hard hat and glasses, and going out and turning valves; he argued. "And we'd sort of lost track of that." To be sure, after the spill in the Gulf this back-to-basics strategy leaves him open to so
33、me sharp criticisms. Hasn't the disaster made a mockery of his "focus like a laser" argument? And hasn't he been at the forefront of lobbying fbr more deep-sea drilling? He has tried to convince the Obama administration that one of the keys to America's energy security lies in
34、the oil and gas in the deep waters of the Gulf. Last September he even dispatched one of his lieutenants, David Rainey, to Congress to argue that new technology had made possible the "safe and reliable production” of offshore oil.5. But against all this he has a number of things on his side. On
35、e is that the disasters at Texas City and Prudhoe Bay occurred before he took over. A second is that before the current oil spill he had a solid record of improving safety and reducing injuries in the workplace. A third is that the markets have probably over-reacted to the oil spill: the fact that B
36、P's shares have lost $30 billion in value, three times the likely cost of the clean-up, suggests that they will start to climb back. But the fourth may count for most: that he is an oilman by conviction as well as profession. Mr. Hayward is at his most animated when reminiscing about his hands-o
37、n experience out in the field 一 working as a geologist on a North Sea platform (his first job with BP) or exploring for oil in Yemen or Papua New Guinea. He won widespread support in the company's lower ranks in the wake of the Texas City disaster when he criticized BP fbr “a leadership style th
38、at is too directive and doesn't listen sufficiently well”.6. His immediate challenge is to stanch the flow of oil. But his longer-term problem is to secure the future of deep-sea drilling. BP's business strategy depends on its ability to keep pushing the frontiers of oil exploration: drillin
39、g the world's deepest wells and probing the corners of the Arctic for deposits. The Gulf already accounts for 10% of the company's worldwide oil production, a share that could be higher in the future. Mr. Hayward needs to salt his apologies for the disaster with some tough arguments about th
40、e virtues of offshore drilling. He needs to demonstrate that its risks are no greater than, say, those of long-haul shipping. (More oil is spilled from tankers than from offshore wells.) He needs to persuade a restive public that there is no magic that can provide them with risk-free energy. This wi
41、ll test his political skills just as much as the spill in the Gulf is testing his organizational skills.i. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. Tony Hayward reacted rather inactively and slowly to the crisis.2. Tony Hayward suggests part of the responsibilities should
42、 be shouldered by Transocean, the subcontractor.3. John Browne successfully boosted its market capitalization considerably with the back-to-basics approach.4. Compared with his predecessor, Tony Hayward focuses more on details and BP's core business.5. Tony Hayward made a lot of efforts to convi
43、nce the US government of the merits of deepwater drilling.6. To apologize effectively for the crisis, Tony Hayward must drop the argument in favor of deepwater drilling which is too risky.ii. Find out words used in the passage that mean the following. Numbers in the brackets indicate the paragraphs
44、in which you can find the words.1. danger, hazard (1)2. rented (1)3. blame, criticism (1)4. lawsuit (2)5. wasted, spent exorbitantly (3)6. damaged (3)7. irony, sarcasm (4)8. halt, stop (6)9. hard to control or persuade (6)Passage TWO (15%)President Bush on Health CareToday I've had a really good
45、 discussion about health care and health care problems with three business owners and employees of the small business with Secretary Leavitt and Mark McClellan and Administrator Preston. I heard a common complaint, that health care is costs are too high; that small business owners feel very pinched
46、by these high costs; that they don't like the idea of having to make the decision between providing health care for their employees and not expanding their businesses.1. And the fundamental question, given these frustrations, is what do we do about it as a nation. There is an interesting debate
47、taking place in Congress, and there is a philosophical divide. Some in Congress believe the best solution to solving the frustrations of uninsured and high costs for small businesses is to expand the role of government. I have a different point of view. I believe the best way to deal with the frustr
48、ations of the high cost of health care and uninsured is to change the tax code, is to make health care in the private sector more affordable and more available.2. The debate in Congress is now centering around what's called S-CHIP, which is the Children's Health Care Insurance Program. It wa
49、s a program initially designed to help poor families afford health care for their children. I support that concept. As a matter of fact, the budget I submitted funds health care for poor children. Members of Congress have decided, however, to expand the program to include, in some cases, up to famil
50、ies earning $80,000 a year which would cause people to drop their private insurance in order to be involved with a government insurance plan.3. And when you couple that with the idea that some have suggested of reducing the age at which you can be eligible for Medicare, you*re beginning to get a sen
51、se of a strategy to grow the government's role in the provision of health care. I believe government cannot provide affordable health care. I believe it would cause it would cause the quality of care to diminish. I believe there would be lines and rationing over time. If Congress continues to in
52、sist upon expanding health care through the S-CHIP program which, by the way, would entail a huge tax increase for the American people Fll veto the bill.4. Our proposal is a strategy that says to small business owners and individuals we want you, one, to be in charge of your health care system healt
53、h care decisions; and, two, we believe you're discriminated against in the tax code. If you work for a large company, you get a tax break on your health care. If you work for a small business and/or you're in the individual market, you don't get the same tax break. And that*s unfair and
54、it's not right. And, therefore, I have proposed to the United States Congress that we have a $15,000 deductible for families and a $7,500 deductible for individuals, all aimed at encouraging people to be able to afford insurance and aimed at the encouragement of the development of an individual
55、market.5. I believe strongly that small businesses ought to be afforded the chance to purchase health care across jurisdictional boundaries. Mike owns a small restaurant, he ought to be able to pool risk with restaurants in Texas or California or anywhere else, so he can better afford insurance. I w
56、ant patients making decisions, not bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. I want the system to benefit the individual, the small business owner, not large insurance companies.6. And I really do believe that government involvement in health care will lead to less quality care and rationing over time. And, t
57、herefore, we proposed a plan. I urge the Congress to work with us on making the tax code fair. I know there are different ideas as to whether or not there ought to be a $15,000 deductible or a credit. Tm open-minded, I'm willing to listen. But what Fm not willing to listen to is a direct expansi
58、on of the federal role in providing a massive expansion of the federal role in providing health care for individuals across the country.7. Thank you all for having me. Cliff, thank you; you have a very interesting company here. I'm proud to be with small business owners. I understand the role of
59、 small businesses in our society. We have worked to reduce taxes on small businesses because we want you to grow. And the fact that you are growing across the country collectively is one reason why our economy is so strong. And this economy is doing well. The unemployment rate is 4.5 percent. Small businesses are growing. People are working. Stock market is up. Inflation is down. And we're going to keep it that way. One way you keep it that way is to have good health care po
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