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1、2013年在職攻讀碩士學(xué)位全國聯(lián)考英語試題Part Dialogue Communication (15 minutes,15 points)Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to c

2、omplete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Speaker A: You are 40 minutes late. You tyre broke again this morning? Speaker B: _. A. Yes. Its a good story. B. Yes. What do you think?C. Sorry. It wont happen again. D. Right. You know me well.2.

3、speaker A: Guess what? Susan published another paper. Its a third in a month.Speaker B: _.A. I wish I had her brain. B. You said it.C. How can I guess that? D. Congratulations.3. Speaker A: Im going home now. Do you want to head out together?Speaker B: _. Im going home in about an hour. A. Thats a g

4、ood idea. B. No way.C. Ok. Thank you. D. No, Thanks.4. Speaker A: Youll never guess what was going on in our school last week.Speaker B: _.A. Go on, surprise me. B. Yes. That must be lovely.C. Yes, I can. D. You are telling me.5. Speaker A: This sofa looks quite comfortable. What do you think about

5、it?Speaker B: _. If I were you, Id buy that one.A. I know little about it. B. I dont think much of it.C. Why dont you buy it? D. You know better.Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversatio

6、n there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6. Woman: I dont know how Shawn feels after I turned down his business proposal.Man: Hes

7、cool with it.Question: What does the man mean?A. Shawn feels hurt. B. Shawn doesnt mind it.C. Shawn is a calm person. D. Shawn knows nothing about it. 7. Man: Would you like to have some ice-cream? Ive got a variety of flavors.Woman: I wish I could, but I just cant. I m on a diet.Question: What do w

8、e learn about the woman?A. She is difficult to please. B. She is particular about flavor.C. She is trying to lose weight. D. She is crazy about ice-cream.8. Woman: I think the author was indicating that he was supporting the lines.Man: He said one thing, but he meant another. You have to read betwee

9、n the lines.Question: What should the woman do to fully understand the author?A. Leave out unimportant parts. B. Read again and again.C. Look for other references. D. Find the hidden meanings.9. Woman: I cant stand him any more, so picky and fussy!Man: What can you say? H e pays for your bread.Quest

10、ion: What does the man mean?A. The woman can make a suggestion.B. The woman has to tolerate her boss.C. The woman needs to pay for her own bread.D. The woman doesnt understand the situation.10. Woman: When can you ever listen to what I have to say?Man: Can you do me a favor an disappear now?Question

11、: What does the man mean?A. He doesnt want to be bothered.B. He doesnt need the womans help.C. He will listen to the woman later.D. He never wants to see the woman again.Part Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sent

12、ence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11. This crime fiction was _very popular but nobody reads it today.A. once B. ever C. never D. always 12. American woman were _t

13、he right to vote until 1920.A. ignored B. refused C. deprived D. denied13. Experts have _ with effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading.A. caught up B. put up C. come up D. kept up 14. We cannot trust Steve any more because he often _his duty.A. cancels B. abandons C. deserts D. negl

14、ects 15. In the early 1980s, though Coke was the leading soft drink, it was losing market _to Pepsi.A. part B. share C. place D. ratio 16. There is no cure for the disease yet, but these drugs can _its development.A. break down B. take down C. slow down D. track down 17. In the desert, even a small

15、cup of water may be a _of life or death.A. business B. matter C. fact D. thing 18. S he had yet become accustomed _ the fact that she was a rich woman.A. for B. with C. about D. to 19. The organization has published a _ digest of environmental statistics for five years.A. regular B. frequent C. rand

16、om D. fixed 20. I want to see the old part of the town where the essence of Beijing is best _.A. observed B. reserved C. preserved D. conserved21. Reporters rushed to the airport after the CNN reported that nine passengers _by a “terrorist” on the plane.A. were holding B. hold C. had held D. were be

17、ing held22. Not long _she registered a new number, she received five calls in one day.A. afterwards B. after C. ago D. since 23. Nice words may win friends, but only ones good personality can hold _.A. it B. those C. that D. them 24. It was _ the chief engineer came _we began the experiment.A. not u

18、ntil ; that B. not until ; then C. until ; that D. until ; when 25. About fifty million Americans are active in _ is called fitness walking.A. that B. which C. what D. something 26. We waited for the decision for the whole afternoon, only _ to return the next day.A. to be told B. were told C. being

19、told D. having been told 27. As a result of the work, he found less time than he _ for his hobbies.A. must have hoped B. had hoped C. should have hoped D. has hoped 28. Some of them were well behaved, _ were insulting.A. and they B. but they C. while others D. as others 29. The journalist feels he h

20、as a responsibility to ensure _ the customers are not misled.A. whether B. so that C. as if D. that30. The matter _, we decided to proceed to the next program on the agenda.A. was settled B. settled C. had been settled D. had settledPart III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions:

21、There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage One It happens to us all

22、, however hard we may try to delay the process-we grow old. Surgery may remove wrinkles (皺紋), skin which has become less firm may be tightened by a surgical operation on the face, and hair dressers may dye grey hair a more youthful color. But we cannot remain young forever.Advances in medicine have

23、made it possible for more people to stay alive longer. However what is important is the quality of life, and people age differently. Some people remain quite well and able to look after themselves when they get old. But others of the same age are not so lucky. They have to go into a nursing home in

24、order to receive adequate care.The worst aspect of ageing is that often the mind becomes less alert. As people grow older, they often experience loss of short-term memory, although they may well be able to recall quite easily events that happened long ago. Later they may suffer from dementia (癡呆), a

25、 disease which gets gradually worse.By no means all elderly people are in this category. Many senior citizens are in possession of all their faculties and see retirement as a time of freedom. Not only that, if they have a generous retirement pension, they are likely to be quite well off, with money

26、to spend on holidays and other luxuries. Because of this, both businesses and government have a new respect for what is known as grey power.By no means, however, does everyone treat OAPs with respect. There are some cultures which are noted for the great respect with which they treat their old peopl

27、e, but many people in other cultures regard the old as having a very low status in society and treat them accordingly. They often consider old people as having one foot in the grave. Someone should remind them that they, too, will be old one day.31. Elderly people who cannot look after themselves go

28、 to _.A. nursing homes B. residences close to hospitals C. community centers D. homes of their children 32. The worst aspect of ageing is _.A. inability to look after oneself B. low retirement pension C. getting more and more forgetful D. inadequate medical care33. What is the reason that businesses

29、 respect the elderly?A. The elderly are wise.B. The elderly have knowledge.C. The elderly are mentally alert.D. The elderly have spending power.34. “OAP”( Para.5 ) most likely means “_”.A. old age program B. old age power C. old age party D. old age pensioner35. According to the author, how people t

30、reat the elderly relates to _.A. their occupations B. their cultural backgroundsC. their education levels D. the amount of their free time Passage Two The swan is mostly silent through its life, unable to sing sweet songs like most other birds, In Ancient times, however, people believed a swan sings

31、 the most beautiful song just before it dies. The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates talked of this 2, 300 years ago. Socrates explained that the swan was singing because it was happy. T he bird was happy because it was going to serve the Greek God Apollo. Swans were holy to Apollo, the god of poetr

32、y and song. The story of the swans last song found a place in the works of other writers, including the early English writers Chaucer and Shakespeare. And the expression “swan song ” has long been a part of the English language. At first, “swan song ” meant the last work of a poet, musician or write

33、r. Now, it means the final effort of any person. Someones swan song usually is also considered that persons finest work.A political expression with a similar meaning is “the last hurrah”. The expression may be used to describe a politicians last campaign, his final attempt to win cheers and votes. T

34、he last hurrah also can mean the last acts of a politician, before his term in office ends. Writer Edwin OConnor made the expression popular in 1956. He wrote a book about the final years in the political life of a long time mayor of Boston. He called his book The Last Hurrah.Some language experts s

35、ay the expression came from a name given to noisy supporters of Andrew Jackson, Americas seventh president. They cheered hurrah so loudly for Andy Jackson during his presidential campaign that they became known as the hurrah boys.Jacksons hurrah boys also played a part in the election to choose the

36、next president. Jacksons choice was his vice president, Martin Van Buren. A newspaper of the time reported that Van Buren was elected president: “by the hurrah boys, and those who knew just enough to shout hurrah for Jackson.” President Jackson really heard his last hurrahs in the campaign of the ma

37、n who would replace him in the White House.36. In ancient times, people believed that a swan sings most beautifully _.A. before death B. when is happy C. for Apollo D. in front of other birds 37. According to Socrates, swans were _.A. holy birds B. happy birdsC. pets of a Greek God D. in front of ot

38、her birds 38. The English expression “swan song”_.A. was first used by Chaucer B. changed its meaning through timeC. means the best song ever created D. refers to a work of Shakespeare 39. Martin Van Buren _.A. was the U.S. president before JacksonB. served as the eighth U.S. president C. is the aut

39、hor of The Last Hurrah D. was a political rival of OConnor40. President Jacksons last hurrah was to _.A. express his gratitude to his supportersB. win the final cheers from his supporters C. defeat another candidate in the election D. help his vice president get electedPassage ThreeThere is no quest

40、ion that academic enterprise has become increasingly global, particularly in the sciences. Nearly three million students now study outside their home countriesa 57% increase in the last decade. Foreign students now dominate many U.S. doctoral programs, accounting for 64% of Ph. Ds in computer scienc

41、e, for example.Faculty members are on the move, too. Half of the worlds top physicists no longer work in their native countries. And major institutions such as New York University are creating branch campuses in the Middle East and Asia. There are now 162satellite campuses worldwide, an increase of

42、43% in just the past three years.At the same time, growing numbers of traditional source countries for students, from South Korea to Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯), are trying to improve both the quantity and quality of their own degrees, engaging in a fierce and expensive race to recruit students and create

43、worldclass research universities of their own. Such competition has led to considerable hand-writing in the West. During a 2008 campaign stop, for instance, then-candidate Barack Obama expressed alarm about the threat that such academic competition poses to U.S. competitiveness. Such concerns are no

44、t limited to the United States. In some countries worries about educational competition and brain drains have led to academic protectionism. India, for instance, places legal and bureaucratic in front of Western universities that want to set up satellite campuses to enroll local students.Perhaps som

45、e of the anxiety over the new global academic enterprise is understandable. Particularly in a period of massive economic uncertainty. But educational protectionism is as big a mistake as trade protectionism is. The globalization of higher education should be embraced. not fearedincluding in the Unit

46、ed States. There is every reason to believe that the worldwide competition for human talent, the race to produce innovative research, the push to extend university campuses to multiple countries, and the rush to train talented graduates who can strengthen economics increasingly knowledge based econo

47、mics will be good for the United States, as well.41. A feature of the globalization of the academic enterprise is that more students _.A. study in foreign countries B. major in computer scienceC. take joint doctoral programs D. return home after studying abroad42. A satellite campus is probably a br

48、anch campus that a university sets up _.A. in developed countries B. in another country C inside another university D. on the Internet43. The word “hand-wringing ”(Para.4) probably means “_”.A. anger B. in another country C. interests D. delight 44. Academic protectionism is characterized by _.A. en

49、larging enrollment of local students B. limiting the growth of Ph. D. programs C. creating more satellite campuses abroadD. restricting satellite campuses of foreign universities 45. In the last paragraph, the author tries to emphasize that _.A. the academic enterprise has become global B. academic

50、competition has led to protectionism C. worries over educational competition are understandable D. educational protectionism cannot be justified Passage Four Who says your job leaves you no time to hit the gym? A detailed new study of U. S. physical activity patterns shows that men who work full-tim

51、e whether their jobs are active or sedentary end up getting more exercise than healthy working age men without a job.The new study comes from researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), As part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2003, some, 1, 800 working-age adul

52、ts were asked questions about their lifestyle and work habits, and, most importantly, they then agreed to wear an accelerometera device to measure their physical activity over the course of several days.Those data from the accelerometers provide a rare opportunity to nail down how much activity the

53、typical American actually does.They show that men or women who work in active jobs do more physical activity on weekdays than men or women working in sedentary jobs. Thats perhaps not surprising, but the NIH researchers suggest that it still matters because of an ongoing shift in the economy toward

54、sedentary work.The more surprising finding is the one that compares full-time workers to people who dont work. The study shows that men with full-time jobs do more physical activity than healthy men without jobs. (“Healthy man, ” in this case, were those men who said their primary reason for being o

55、ut of work was something other than health or disability.) In fact, even sedentary fulltime workers performed more weekday physical activity overall than the healthy non-workers The results looked very different for women. Women in sedentary jobs did less physical activity on weekdays than their hea

56、lthy non-working peers.So what drives the gender (性別)difference? The study looks at the patterns, and unfortunately cant provide too much detail about their causes. There could be many possible answers, including, perhaps, different abilities to pay for leisure time activities, or different attitudes about work and physical activity. It could also be that more non-working women than men are choosing to be


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